Page 11 of The Gods of Mars



  The confession of love which the girl's fright had wrung from hertouched me deeply; but it humiliated me as well, since I felt that insome thoughtless word or act I had given her reason to believe that Ireciprocated her affection.

  Never have I been much of a ladies' man, being more concerned withfighting and kindred arts which have ever seemed to me more befitting aman than mooning over a scented glove four sizes too small for him, orkissing a dead flower that has begun to smell like a cabbage. So I wasquite at a loss as to what to do or say. A thousand times rather facethe wild hordes of the dead sea bottoms than meet the eyes of thisbeautiful young girl and tell her the thing that I must tell her.

  But there was nothing else to be done, and so I did it. Very clumsilytoo, I fear.

  Gently I unclasped her hands from about my neck, and still holding themin mine I told her the story of my love for Dejah Thoris. That of allthe women of two worlds that I had known and admired during my longlife she alone had I loved.

  The tale did not seem to please her. Like a tigress she sprang,panting, to her feet. Her beautiful face was distorted in anexpression of horrible malevolence. Her eyes fairly blazed into mine.

  "Dog," she hissed. "Dog of a blasphemer! Think you that Phaidor,daughter of Matai Shang, supplicates? She commands. What to her isyour puny outer world passion for the vile creature you chose in yourother life?

  "Phaidor has glorified you with her love, and you have spurned her.Ten thousand unthinkably atrocious deaths could not atone for theaffront that you have put upon me. The thing that you call DejahThoris shall die the most horrible of them all. You have sealed thewarrant for her doom.

  "And you! You shall be the meanest slave in the service of the goddessyou have attempted to humiliate. Tortures and ignominies shall beheaped upon you until you grovel at my feet asking the boon of death.

  "In my gracious generosity I shall at length grant your prayer, andfrom the high balcony of the Golden Cliffs I shall watch the greatwhite apes tear you asunder."

  She had it all fixed up. The whole lovely programme from start tofinish. It amazed me to think that one so divinely beautiful could atthe same time be so fiendishly vindictive. It occurred to me, however,that she had overlooked one little factor in her revenge, and so,without any intent to add to her discomfiture, but rather to permit herto rearrange her plans along more practical lines, I pointed to thenearest port-hole.

  Evidently she had entirely forgotten her surroundings and her presentcircumstances, for a single glance at the dark, swirling waters withoutsent her crumpled upon a low bench, where with her face buried in herarms she sobbed more like a very unhappy little girl than a proud andall-powerful goddess.

  Down, down we continued to sink until the heavy glass of the port-holesbecame noticeably warm from the heat of the water without. Evidentlywe were very far beneath the surface crust of Mars.

  Presently our downward motion ceased, and I could hear the propellersswirling through the water at our stern and forcing us ahead at highspeed. It was very dark down there, but the light from our port-holes,and the reflection from what must have been a powerful searchlight onthe submarine's nose showed that we were forging through a narrowpassage, rock-lined, and tube-like.

  After a few minutes the propellers ceased their whirring. We came to afull stop, and then commenced to rise swiftly toward the surface. Soonthe light from without increased and we came to a stop.

  Xodar entered the cabin with his men.

  "Come," he said, and we followed him through the hatchway which hadbeen opened by one of the seamen.

  We found ourselves in a small subterranean vault, in the centre ofwhich was the pool in which lay our submarine, floating as we had firstseen her with only her black back showing.

  Around the edge of the pool was a level platform, and then the walls ofthe cave rose perpendicularly for a few feet to arch toward the centreof the low roof. The walls about the ledge were pierced with a numberof entrances to dimly lighted passageways.

  Toward one of these our captors led us, and after a short walk haltedbefore a steel cage which lay at the bottom of a shaft rising above usas far as one could see.

  The cage proved to be one of the common types of elevator cars that Ihad seen in other parts of Barsoom. They are operated by means ofenormous magnets which are suspended at the top of the shaft. By anelectrical device the volume of magnetism generated is regulated andthe speed of the car varied.

  In long stretches they move at a sickening speed, especially on theupward trip, since the small force of gravity inherent to Mars resultsin very little opposition to the powerful force above.

  Scarcely had the door of the car closed behind us than we were slowingup to stop at the landing above, so rapid was our ascent of the longshaft.

  When we emerged from the little building which houses the upperterminus of the elevator, we found ourselves in the midst of averitable fairyland of beauty. The combined languages of Earth menhold no words to convey to the mind the gorgeous beauties of the scene.

  One may speak of scarlet sward and ivory-stemmed trees decked withbrilliant purple blooms; of winding walks paved with crushed rubies,with emerald, with turquoise, even with diamonds themselves; of amagnificent temple of burnished gold, hand-wrought with marvellousdesigns; but where are the words to describe the glorious colours thatare unknown to earthly eyes? where the mind or the imagination that cangrasp the gorgeous scintillations of unheard-of rays as they emanatefrom the thousand nameless jewels of Barsoom?

  Even my eyes, for long years accustomed to the barbaric splendours of aMartian Jeddak's court, were amazed at the glory of the scene.

  Phaidor's eyes were wide in amazement.

  "The Temple of Issus," she whispered, half to herself.

  Xodar watched us with his grim smile, partly of amusement and partlymalicious gloating.

  The gardens swarmed with brilliantly trapped black men and women.Among them moved red and white females serving their every want. Theplaces of the outer world and the temples of the therns had been robbedof their princesses and goddesses that the blacks might have theirslaves.

  Through this scene we moved toward the temple. At the main entrance wewere halted by a cordon of armed guards. Xodar spoke a few words to anofficer who came forward to question us. Together they entered thetemple, where they remained for some time.

  When they returned it was to announce that Issus desired to look uponthe daughter of Matai Shang, and the strange creature from anotherworld who had been a Prince of Helium.

  Slowly we moved through endless corridors of unthinkable beauty;through magnificent apartments, and noble halls. At length we werehalted in a spacious chamber in the centre of the temple. One of theofficers who had accompanied us advanced to a large door in the furtherend of the chamber. Here he must have made some sort of signal forimmediately the door opened and another richly trapped courtier emerged.

  We were then led up to the door, where we were directed to get down onour hands and knees with our backs toward the room we were to enter.The doors were swung open and after being cautioned not to turn ourheads under penalty of instant death we were commanded to back into thepresence of Issus.

  Never have I been in so humiliating a position in my life, and only mylove for Dejah Thoris and the hope which still clung to me that I mightagain see her kept me from rising to face the goddess of the First Bornand go down to my death like a gentleman, facing my foes and with theirblood mingling with mine.

  After we had crawled in this disgusting fashion for a matter of acouple of hundred feet we were halted by our escort.

  "Let them rise," said a voice behind us; a thin, wavering voice, yetone that had evidently been accustomed to command for many years.

  "Rise," said our escort, "but do not face toward Issus."

  "The woman pleases me," said the thin, wavering voice again after a fewmoments of silence. "She sh
all serve me the allotted time. The manyou may return to the Isle of Shador which lies against the northernshore of the Sea of Omean. Let the woman turn and look upon Issus,knowing that those of the lower orders who gaze upon the holy vision ofher radiant face survive the blinding glory but a single year."

  I watched Phaidor from the corner of my eye. She paled to a ghastlyhue. Slowly, very slowly she turned, as though drawn by some invisibleyet irresistible force. She was standing quite close to me, so closethat her bare arm touched mine as she finally faced Issus, Goddess ofLife Eternal.

  I could not see the girl's face as her eyes rested for the first timeon the Supreme Deity of Mars, but felt the shudder that ran through herin the trembling flesh of the arm that touched mine.

  "It must be dazzling loveliness indeed," thought I, "to cause suchemotion in the breast of so radiant a beauty as Phaidor, daughter ofMatai Shang."

  "Let the woman remain. Remove the man. Go." Thus spoke Issus, andthe heavy hand of the officer fell upon my shoulder. In accordancewith his instructions I dropped to my hands and knees once more andcrawled from the Presence. It had been my first audience with deity,but I am free to confess that I was not greatly impressed--other thanwith the ridiculous figure I cut scrambling about on my marrow bones.

  Once without the chamber the doors closed behind us and I was bid torise. Xodar joined me and together we slowly retraced our steps towardthe gardens.

  "You spared my life when you easily might have taken it," he said afterwe had proceeded some little way in silence, "and I would aid you if Imight. I can help to make your life here more bearable, but your fateis inevitable. You may never hope to return to the outer world."

  "What will be my fate?" I asked.

  "That will depend largely upon Issus. So long as she does not send foryou and reveal her face to you, you may live on for years in as mild aform of bondage as I can arrange for you."

  "Why should she send for me?" I asked.

  "The men of the lower orders she often uses for various purposes ofamusement. Such a fighter as you, for example, would render fine sportin the monthly rites of the temple. There are men pitted against men,and against beasts for the edification of Issus and the replenishmentof her larder."

  "She eats human flesh?" I asked. Not in horror, however, for since myrecently acquired knowledge of the Holy Therns I was prepared foranything in this still less accessible heaven, where all was evidentlydictated by a single omnipotence; where ages of narrow fanaticism andself-worship had eradicated all the broader humanitarian instincts thatthe race might once have possessed.

  They were a people drunk with power and success, looking upon the otherinhabitants of Mars as we look upon the beasts of the field and theforest. Why then should they not eat of the flesh of the lower orderswhose lives and characters they no more understood than do we theinmost thoughts and sensibilities of the cattle we slaughter for ourearthly tables.

  "She eats only the flesh of the best bred of the Holy Therns and thered Barsoomians. The flesh of the others goes to our boards. Theanimals are eaten by the slaves. She also eats other dainties."

  I did not understand then that there lay any special significance inhis reference to other dainties. I thought the limit of ghoulishnessalready had been reached in the recitation of Issus' menu. I still hadmuch to learn as to the depths of cruelty and bestiality to whichomnipotence may drag its possessor.

  We had about reached the last of the many chambers and corridors whichled to the gardens when an officer overtook us.

  "Issus would look again upon this man," he said. "The girl has toldher that he is of wondrous beauty and of such prowess that alone heslew seven of the First Born, and with his bare hands took Xodarcaptive, binding him with his own harness."

  Xodar looked uncomfortable. Evidently he did not relish the thoughtthat Issus had learned of his inglorious defeat.

  Without a word he turned and we followed the officer once again to theclosed doors before the audience chamber of Issus, Goddess of LifeEternal.

  Here the ceremony of entrance was repeated. Again Issus bid me rise.For several minutes all was silent as the tomb. The eyes of deity wereappraising me.

  Presently the thin wavering voice broke the stillness, repeating in asingsong drone the words which for countless ages had sealed the doomof numberless victims.

  "Let the man turn and look upon Issus, knowing that those of the lowerorders who gaze upon the holy vision of her radiant face survive theblinding glory but a single year."

  I turned as I had been bid, expecting such a treat as only therevealment of divine glory to mortal eyes might produce. What I sawwas a solid phalanx of armed men between myself and a dais supporting agreat bench of carved sorapus wood. On this bench, or throne, squatteda female black. She was evidently very old. Not a hair remained uponher wrinkled skull. With the exception of two yellow fangs she wasentirely toothless. On either side of her thin, hawk-like nose hereyes burned from the depths of horribly sunken sockets. The skin ofher face was seamed and creased with a million deepcut furrows. Herbody was as wrinkled as her face, and as repulsive.

  Emaciated arms and legs attached to a torso which seemed to be mostlydistorted abdomen completed the "holy vision of her radiant beauty."

  Surrounding her were a number of female slaves, among them Phaidor,white and trembling.

  "This is the man who slew seven of the First Born and, bare-handed,bound Dator Xodar with his own harness?" asked Issus.

  "Most glorious vision of divine loveliness, it is," replied the officerwho stood at my side.

  "Produce Dator Xodar," she commanded.

  Xodar was brought from the adjoining room.

  Issus glared at him, a baleful light in her hideous eyes.

  "And such as you are a Dator of the First Born?" she squealed. "Forthe disgrace you have brought upon the Immortal Race you shall bedegraded to a rank below the lowest. No longer be you a Dator, but forevermore a slave of slaves, to fetch and carry for the lower ordersthat serve in the gardens of Issus. Remove his harness. Cowards andslaves wear no trappings."

  Xodar stood stiffly erect. Not a muscle twitched, nor a tremor shookhis giant frame as a soldier of the guard roughly stripped his gorgeoustrappings from him.

  "Begone," screamed the infuriated little old woman. "Begone, butinstead of the light of the gardens of Issus let you serve as a slaveof this slave who conquered you in the prison on the Isle of Shador inthe Sea of Omean. Take him away out of the sight of my divine eyes."

  Slowly and with high held head the proud Xodar turned and stalked fromthe chamber. Issus rose and turned to leave the room by another exit.

  Turning to me, she said: "You shall be returned to Shador for thepresent. Later Issus will see the manner of your fighting. Go." Thenshe disappeared, followed by her retinue. Only Phaidor lagged behind,and as I started to follow my guard toward the gardens, the girl camerunning after me.

  "Oh, do not leave me in this terrible place," she begged. "Forgive thethings I said to you, my Prince. I did not mean them. Only take meaway with you. Let me share your imprisonment on Shador." Her wordswere an almost incoherent volley of thoughts, so rapidly she spoke."You did not understand the honour that I did you. Among the thernsthere is no marriage or giving in marriage, as among the lower ordersof the outer world. We might have lived together for ever in love andhappiness. We have both looked upon Issus and in a year we die. Letus live that year at least together in what measure of joy remains forthe doomed."

  "If it was difficult for me to understand you, Phaidor," I replied,"can you not understand that possibly it is equally difficult for youto understand the motives, the customs and the social laws that guideme? I do not wish to hurt you, nor to seem to undervalue the honourwhich you have done me, but the thing you desire may not be.Regardless of the foolish belief of the peoples of the outer world, orof Holy Thern, or ebon First Born, I am not dead. While I live myheart beats for but one woman--the incomparable D
ejah Thoris, Princessof Helium. When death overtakes me my heart shall have ceased to beat;but what comes after that I know not. And in that I am as wise asMatai Shang, Master of Life and Death upon Barsoom; or Issus, Goddessof Life Eternal."

  Phaidor stood looking at me intently for a moment. No anger showed inher eyes this time, only a pathetic expression of hopeless sorrow.

  "I do not understand," she said, and turning walked slowly in thedirection of the door through which Issus and her retinue had passed.A moment later she had passed from my sight.