Page 18 of The Gods of Mars



  As Carthoris, Xodar, Tars Tarkas, and I stood gazing at the magnificentvessel which meant so much to all of us, we saw a second and then athird top the summit of the hills and glide gracefully after theirsister.

  Now a score of one-man air scouts were launching from the upper decksof the nearer vessel, and in a moment more were speeding in long, swiftdives to the ground about us.

  In another instant we were surrounded by armed sailors, and an officerhad stepped forward to address us, when his eyes fell upon Carthoris.With an exclamation of surprised pleasure he sprang forward, and,placing his hands upon the boy's shoulder, called him by name.

  "Carthoris, my Prince," he cried, "Kaor! Kaor! Hor Vastus greets theson of Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium, and of her husband, JohnCarter. Where have you been, O my Prince? All Helium has been plungedin sorrow. Terrible have been the calamities that have befallen yourgreat-grandsire's mighty nation since the fatal day that saw you leaveour midst."

  "Grieve not, my good Hor Vastus," cried Carthoris, "since I bring notback myself alone to cheer my mother's heart and the hearts of mybeloved people, but also one whom all Barsoom loved best--her greatestwarrior and her saviour--John Carter, Prince of Helium!"

  Hor Vastus turned in the direction indicated by Carthoris, and as hiseyes fell upon me he was like to have collapsed from sheer surprise.

  "John Carter!" he exclaimed, and then a sudden troubled look came intohis eyes. "My Prince," he started, "where hast thou--" and then hestopped, but I knew the question that his lips dared not frame. Theloyal fellow would not be the one to force from mine a confession ofthe terrible truth that I had returned from the bosom of the Iss, theRiver of Mystery, back from the shore of the Lost Sea of Korus, and theValley Dor.

  "Ah, my Prince," he continued, as though no thought had interrupted hisgreeting, "that you are back is sufficient, and let Hor Vastus' swordhave the high honour of being first at thy feet." With these words thenoble fellow unbuckled his scabbard and flung his sword upon the groundbefore me.

  Could you know the customs and the character of red Martians you wouldappreciate the depth of meaning that that simple act conveyed to me andto all about us who witnessed it. The thing was equivalent to saying,"My sword, my body, my life, my soul are yours to do with as you wish.Until death and after death I look to you alone for authority for myevery act. Be you right or wrong, your word shall be my only truth.Whoso raises his hand against you must answer to my sword."

  It is the oath of fealty that men occasionally pay to a Jeddak whosehigh character and chivalrous acts have inspired the enthusiastic loveof his followers. Never had I known this high tribute paid to a lessermortal. There was but one response possible. I stooped and lifted thesword from the ground, raised the hilt to my lips, and then, steppingto Hor Vastus, I buckled the weapon upon him with my own hands.

  "Hor Vastus," I said, placing my hand upon his shoulder, "you know bestthe promptings of your own heart. That I shall need your sword I havelittle doubt, but accept from John Carter upon his sacred honour theassurance that he will never call upon you to draw this sword otherthan in the cause of truth, justice, and righteousness."

  "That I knew, my Prince," he replied, "ere ever I threw my belovedblade at thy feet."

  As we spoke other fliers came and went between the ground and thebattleship, and presently a larger boat was launched from above, onecapable of carrying a dozen persons, perhaps, and dropped lightly nearus. As she touched, an officer sprang from her deck to the ground,and, advancing to Hor Vastus, saluted.

  "Kantos Kan desires that this party whom we have rescued be broughtimmediately to the deck of the _Xavarian_," he said.

  As we approached the little craft I looked about for the members of myparty and for the first time noticed that Thuvia was not among them.Questioning elicited the fact that none had seen her since Carthorishad sent her thoat galloping madly toward the hills, in the hope ofcarrying her out of harm's way.

  Immediately Hor Vastus dispatched a dozen air scouts in as manydirections to search for her. It could not be possible that she hadgone far since we had last seen her. We others stepped to the deck ofthe craft that had been sent to fetch us, and a moment later were uponthe _Xavarian_.

  The first man to greet me was Kantos Kan himself. My old friend hadwon to the highest place in the navy of Helium, but he was still to methe same brave comrade who had shared with me the privations of aWarhoon dungeon, the terrible atrocities of the Great Games, and laterthe dangers of our search for Dejah Thoris within the hostile city ofZodanga.

  Then I had been an unknown wanderer upon a strange planet, and he asimple padwar in the navy of Helium. To-day he commanded all Helium'sgreat terrors of the skies, and I was a Prince of the House of TardosMors, Jeddak of Helium.

  He did not ask me where I had been. Like Hor Vastus, he too dreadedthe truth and would not be the one to wrest a statement from me. Thatit must come some time he well knew, but until it came he seemedsatisfied to but know that I was with him once more. He greetedCarthoris and Tars Tarkas with the keenest delight, but he askedneither where he had been. He could scarcely keep his hands off theboy.

  "You do not know, John Carter," he said to me, "how we of Helium lovethis son of yours. It is as though all the great love we bore hisnoble father and his poor mother had been centred in him. When itbecame known that he was lost, ten million people wept."

  "What mean you, Kantos Kan," I whispered, "by 'his poor mother'?" forthe words had seemed to carry a sinister meaning which I could notfathom.

  He drew me to one side.

  "For a year," he said, "Ever since Carthoris disappeared, Dejah Thorishas grieved and mourned for her lost boy. The blow of years ago, whenyou did not return from the atmosphere plant, was lessened to someextent by the duties of motherhood, for your son broke his white shellthat very night."

  "That she suffered terribly then, all Helium knew, for did not allHelium suffer with her the loss of her lord! But with the boy gonethere was nothing left, and after expedition upon expedition returnedwith the same hopeless tale of no clue as to his whereabouts, ourbeloved Princess drooped lower and lower, until all who saw her feltthat it could be but a matter of days ere she went to join her lovedones within the precincts of the Valley Dor.

  "As a last resort, Mors Kajak, her father, and Tardos Mors, hergrandfather, took command of two mighty expeditions, and a month agosailed away to explore every inch of ground in the northern hemisphereof Barsoom. For two weeks no word has come back from them, but rumourswere rife that they had met with a terrible disaster and that all weredead.

  "About this time Zat Arrras renewed his importunities for her hand inmarriage. He has been for ever after her since you disappeared. Shehated him and feared him, but with both her father and grandfathergone, Zat Arrras was very powerful, for he is still Jed of Zodanga, towhich position, you will remember, Tardos Mors appointed him after youhad refused the honour.

  "He had a secret audience with her six days ago. What took place noneknows, but the next day Dejah Thoris had disappeared, and with her hadgone a dozen of her household guard and body servants, including Solathe green woman--Tars Tarkas' daughter, you recall. No word left theyof their intentions, but it is always thus with those who go upon thevoluntary pilgrimage from which none returns. We cannot think aughtthan that Dejah Thoris has sought the icy bosom of Iss, and that herdevoted servants have chosen to accompany her.

  "Zat Arrras was at Helium when she disappeared. He commands this fleetwhich has been searching for her since. No trace of her have we found,and I fear that it be a futile quest."

  While we talked, Hor Vastus' fliers were returning to the _Xavarian_.Not one, however, had discovered a trace of Thuvia. I was muchdepressed over the news of Dejah Thoris' disappearance, and now therewas added the further burden of apprehension concerning the fate ofthis girl whom I believed to be the daughter of some proud Barsoomianhouse, and it ha
d been my intention to make every effort to return herto her people.

  I was about to ask Kantos Kan to prosecute a further search for herwhen a flier from the flagship of the fleet arrived at the _Xavarian_with an officer bearing a message to Kantos Kan from Arrras.

  My friend read the dispatch and then turned to me.

  "Zat Arrras commands me to bring our 'prisoners' before him. There isnaught else to do. He is supreme in Helium, yet it would be far morein keeping with chivalry and good taste were he to come hither andgreet the saviour of Barsoom with the honours that are his due."

  "You know full well, my friend," I said, smiling, "that Zat Arrras hasgood cause to hate me. Nothing would please him better than tohumiliate me and then to kill me. Now that he has so excellent anexcuse, let us go and see if he has the courage to take advantage ofit."

  Summoning Carthoris, Tars Tarkas, and Xodar, we entered the small flierwith Kantos Kan and Zat Arrras' officer, and in a moment were steppingto the deck of Zat Arrras' flagship.

  As we approached the Jed of Zodanga no sign of greeting or recognitioncrossed his face; not even to Carthoris did he vouchsafe a friendlyword. His attitude was cold, haughty, and uncompromising.

  "Kaor, Zat Arrras," I said in greeting, but he did not respond.

  "Why were these prisoners not disarmed?" he asked to Kantos Kan.

  "They are not prisoners, Zat Arrras," replied the officer.

  "Two of them are of Helium's noblest family. Tars Tarkas, Jeddak ofThark, is Tardos Mors' best beloved ally. The other is a friend andcompanion of the Prince of Helium--that is enough for me to know."

  "It is not enough for me, however," retorted Zat Arrras. "More must Ihear from those who have taken the pilgrimage than their names. Wherehave you been, John Carter?"

  "I have just come from the Valley Dor and the Land of the First Born,Zat Arrras," I replied.

  "Ah!" he exclaimed in evident pleasure, "you do not deny it, then? Youhave returned from the bosom of Iss?"

  "I have come back from a land of false hope, from a valley of tortureand death; with my companions I have escaped from the hideous clutchesof lying fiends. I have come back to the Barsoom that I saved from apainless death to again save her, but this time from death in its mostfrightful form."

  "Cease, blasphemer!" cried Zat Arrras. "Hope not to save thy cowardlycarcass by inventing horrid lies to--" But he got no further. One doesnot call John Carter "coward" and "liar" thus lightly, and Zat Arrrasshould have known it. Before a hand could be raised to stop me, I wasat his side and one hand grasped his throat.

  "Come I from heaven or hell, Zat Arrras, you will find me still the sameJohn Carter that I have always been; nor did ever man call me suchnames and live--without apologizing." And with that I commenced to bendhim back across my knee and tighten my grip upon his throat.

  "Seize him!" cried Zat Arrras, and a dozen officers sprang forward toassist him.

  Kantos Kan came close and whispered to me.

  "Desist, I beg of you. It will but involve us all, for I cannot seethese men lay hands upon you without aiding you. My officers and menwill join me and we shall have a mutiny then that may lead to therevolution. For the sake of Tardos Mors and Helium, desist."

  At his words I released Zat Arrras and, turning my back upon him, walkedtoward the ship's rail.

  "Come, Kantos Kan," I said, "the Prince of Helium would return to the_Xavarian_."

  None interfered. Zat Arrras stood white and trembling amidst hisofficers. Some there were who looked upon him with scorn and drewtoward me, while one, a man long in the service and confidence ofTardos Mors, spoke to me in a low tone as I passed him.

  "You may count my metal among your fighting-men, John Carter," he said.

  I thanked him and passed on. In silence we embarked, and shortly afterstepped once more upon the deck of the _Xavarian_. Fifteen minutes laterwe received orders from the flagship to proceed toward Helium.

  Our journey thither was uneventful. Carthoris and I were wrapped inthe gloomiest of thoughts. Kantos Kan was sombre in contemplation ofthe further calamity that might fall upon Helium should Zat Arrrasattempt to follow the age-old precedent that allotted a terrible deathto fugitives from the Valley Dor. Tars Tarkas grieved for the loss ofhis daughter. Xodar alone was care-free--a fugitive and outlaw, hecould be no worse off in Helium than elsewhere.

  "Let us hope that we may at least go out with good red blood upon ourblades," he said. It was a simple wish and one most likely to begratified.

  Among the officers of the _Xavarian_ I thought I could discern divisioninto factions ere we had reached Helium. There were those who gatheredabout Carthoris and myself whenever the opportunity presented, whileabout an equal number held aloof from us. They offered us only themost courteous treatment, but were evidently bound by theirsuperstitious belief in the doctrine of Dor and Iss and Korus. I couldnot blame them, for I knew how strong a hold a creed, howeverridiculous it may be, may gain upon an otherwise intelligent people.

  By returning from Dor we had committed a sacrilege; by recounting ouradventures there, and stating the facts as they existed we had outragedthe religion of their fathers. We were blasphemers--lying heretics.Even those who still clung to us from personal love and loyalty I thinkdid so in the face of the fact that at heart they questioned ourveracity--it is very hard to accept a new religion for an old, nomatter how alluring the promises of the new may be; but to reject theold as a tissue of falsehoods without being offered anything in itsstead is indeed a most difficult thing to ask of any people.

  Kantos Kan would not talk of our experiences among the therns and theFirst Born.

  "It is enough," he said, "that I jeopardize my life here and hereafterby countenancing you at all--do not ask me to add still further to mysins by listening to what I have always been taught was the rankestheresy."

  I knew that sooner or later the time must come when our friends andenemies would be forced to declare themselves openly. When we reachedHelium there must be an accounting, and if Tardos Mors had not returnedI feared that the enmity of Zat Arrras might weigh heavily against us,for he represented the government of Helium. To take sides against himwere equivalent to treason. The majority of the troops would doubtlessfollow the lead of their officers, and I knew that many of the highestand most powerful men of both land and air forces would cleave to JohnCarter in the face of god, man, or devil.

  On the other hand, the majority of the populace unquestionably woulddemand that we pay the penalty of our sacrilege. The outlook seemeddark from whatever angle I viewed it, but my mind was so torn withanguish at the thought of Dejah Thoris that I realize now that I gavethe terrible question of Helium's plight but scant attention at thattime.

  There was always before me, day and night, a horrible nightmare of thefrightful scenes through which I knew my Princess might even then bepassing--the horrid plant men--the ferocious white apes. At times Iwould cover my face with my hands in a vain effort to shut out thefearful thing from my mind.

  It was in the forenoon that we arrived above the mile-high scarlettower which marks greater Helium from her twin city. As we descendedin great circles toward the navy docks a mighty multitude could be seensurging in the streets beneath. Helium had been notified byradio-aerogram of our approach.

  From the deck of the _Xavarian_ we four, Carthoris, Tars Tarkas, Xodar,and I, were transferred to a lesser flier to be transported to quarterswithin the Temple of Reward. It is here that Martian justice is metedto benefactor and malefactor. Here the hero is decorated. Here thefelon is condemned. We were taken into the temple from the landingstage upon the roof, so that we did not pass among the people at all,as is customary. Always before I had seen prisoners of note, orreturned wanderers of eminence, paraded from the Gate of Jeddaks to theTemple of Reward up the broad Avenue of Ancestors through dense crowdsof jeering or cheering citizens.

  I knew that Zat Arrras dared not trust the people near to us, for hefeared that their love for
Carthoris and myself might break into ademonstration which would wipe out their superstitious horror of thecrime we were to be charged with. What his plans were I could onlyguess, but that they were sinister was evidenced by the fact that onlyhis most trusted servitors accompanied us upon the flier to the Templeof Reward.

  We were lodged in a room upon the south side of the temple, overlookingthe Avenue of Ancestors down which we could see the full length to theGate of Jeddaks, five miles away. The people in the temple plaza andin the streets for a distance of a full mile were standing as closepacked as it was possible for them to get. They were veryorderly--there were neither scoffs nor plaudits, and when they saw usat the window above them there were many who buried their faces intheir arms and wept.

  Late in the afternoon a messenger arrived from Zat Arrras to inform usthat we would be tried by an impartial body of nobles in the great hallof the temple at the 1st zode* on the following day, or about 8:40 A.M.Earth time.

  *Wherever Captain Carter has used Martian measurements of time,distance, weight, and the like I have translated them into as nearlytheir equivalent in earthly values as is possible. His notes containmany Martian tables, and a great volume of scientific data, but sincethe International Astronomic Society is at present engaged inclassifying, investigating, and verifying this vast fund of remarkableand valuable information, I have felt that it will add nothing to theinterest of Captain Carter's story or to the sum total of humanknowledge to maintain a strict adherence to the original manuscript inthese matters, while it might readily confuse the reader and detractfrom the interest of the history. For those who may be interested,however, I will explain that the Martian day is a trifle over 24 hours37 minutes duration (Earth time). This the Martians divide into tenequal parts, commencing the day at about 6 A.M. Earth time. The zodesare divided into fifty shorter periods, each of which in turn iscomposed of 200 brief periods of time, about equivalent to the earthlysecond. The Barsoomian Table of Time as here given is but a part ofthe full table appearing in Captain Carter's notes.


  200 tals . . . . . . . . . 1 xat 50 xats . . . . . . . . . 1 zode 10 zodes . . . . . . . . 1 revolution of Mars upon its axis.