Cicely's journey to London was strange enough to her, who never beforehad travelled farther than fifty miles from her home, and but once as achild spent a month in a town when visiting an aunt at Lincoln. She wentin ease, it is true, for Commissioner Legh did not love hard travelling,and for this reason they started late and halted early, either at somegood inn, if in those days any such places could be called good, orperhaps in a monastery where he claimed of the best that the frightenedmonks had to offer. Indeed, as she observed, his treatment of these poorfolk was cruel, for he blustered and threatened and inquired, accusingthem of crimes that they had not committed, and finally, although he hadno mission to them at the time, extracted great gifts, saying that ifthese were not forthcoming he would make a note and return later. Alsohe got hold of tale-bearers, and wrote down all their scandalous andlying stories told against those whose bread they ate.

  Thus, long before they saw Charing Cross, Cicely came to hate thisproud, avaricious and overbearing man, who hid a savage nature under acloak of virtue, and whilst serving his own ends, mouthed great wordsabout God and the King. Still, she who was schooled in adversity,learned to hide her heart, fearing to make an enemy of one who couldruin her, and forced Emlyn, much against her will, to do the same.Moreover, there were worse things than that since, being beautiful, someof his companions talked to her in a way she could not misunderstand,till at length Thomas Bolle, coming on one of them, thrashed him as hehad never been thrashed before, after which there was trouble that wasonly appeased by a gift.

  Yet on the whole things went well. No one molested the King's Visitoror those with him, the autumn weather held fine, the baby boy kept hishealth, and the country through which they passed was new to her andfull of interest.

  At last one evening they rode from Barnet into the great city, which shethought a most marvellous place, who had never seen such a multitude ofhouses or of men running to and fro about their business up and down thenarrow streets that at night were lit with lamps. Now there had been agreat discussion where they were to lodge, Dr. Legh saying that he knewof a house suitable to them. But Emlyn would not hear of this place,where she was sure they would be robbed, for the wealth that theycarried secretly in jewels bore heavily on her mind. Remembering acousin of her mother's of the name of Smith, a goldsmith, who tillwithin a year or two before was alive and dwelling in Cheapside, shesaid that they would seek him out.

  Thither then they rode, guided by one of the Visitor's clerks, not hewhom Bolle had beaten, but another, and at last, after some search,found a dingy house in a court and over it a sign on which were paintedthree balls and the name of Jacob Smith. Emlyn dismounted and, the doorbeing open, entered, to be greeted by an old, white-bearded man withhorn spectacles thrust up over his forehead and dark eyes like her own,since the same gypsy blood ran strong in both of them.

  What passed between them Cicely did not hear, but presently the old mancame out with Emlyn, and looked her and Bolle up and down sharply for along while as though to take their measures. At length he said that heunderstood from his cousin, whom he now saw for the first time forover thirty years, that the two of them and their man desired lodgings,which, as he had empty rooms, he would be pleased to give them if theywould pay the price.

  Cicely asked how much this might be, and on his naming a sum, ten silvershillings a week for the three of them and their horses, that wouldbe stabled close by, told Emlyn to pay him a pound on account. This hetook, biting the gold to see that it was good, but bidding them in toinspect the rooms before he pouched it. They did so, and finding themclean and commodious if somewhat dark, closed the bargain with him,after which they dismissed the clerk to take their address to Dr. Legh,who had promised to advise them so soon as he could put their businessforward.

  When he was gone and Thomas Bolle, conducted by Smith's apprentice,had led off the three horses and the packbeast, the old man changed hismanner, and conducting them into a parlour at the back of his shop, senthis housekeeper, a middle-aged woman with a pleasant face, to make readyfood for them while he produced cordials from squat Dutch bottles whichhe made them drink. Indeed he was all kindness to them, being, as heexplained, rejoiced to see one of his own blood, for he had no relationsliving, his wife and their two children having died in one of the Londonsicknesses. Also he was Blossholme born, though he had left that placefifty years before, and had known Cicely's grandfather and played withher father when he was a boy. So he plied them with question afterquestion, some of which they thought it was not to answer, for he was amerry and talkative old man.

  "Aha!" he said, "you would prove me before you trust me, and who canblame you in this naughty world? But perhaps I know more about you allthan you think, since in this trade my business is to learn many things.For instance, I have heard that there was a great trying of witches downat Blossholme lately, whereat a certain Abbot came off worst, also thatthe famous Carfax jewels had been lost, which vexed the said holy Abbot.They were jewels indeed, or so I have heard, for among them were twopink pearls worth a king's ransom--or so I have heard. Great pity thatthey should be lost, since my Lady there would own them otherwise, andmuch should I have liked, who am a little man in that trade, to set myold eyes upon them. Well, well, perhaps I shall, perhaps I shall yet,for that which is lost is sometimes found again. Now here comes yourdinner; eat, eat, we'll talk afterwards."

  This was the first of many pleasant meals which they shared with theirhost, Jacob Smith. Soon Emlyn found from inquiries that she made amonghis neighbours without seeming to do so, that this cousin of hers borean excellent name and was trusted by all.

  "Then why should we not trust him also?" asked Cicely, "who must findfriends and put faith in some one."

  "Even with the jewels, Mistress?"

  "Even with the jewels, for such things are his business, and they wouldbe safer in his strong chest than tacked into our garments, where thethought of them haunts me night and day."

  "Let us wait a while," said Emlyn, "for once they were in that box howdo we know if we should get them out again?"

  On the morrow of this talk the Visitor Legh came to see them, and had nocheerful tale to tell. According to him the Lord Cromwell declaredthat as the Abbot of Blossholme claimed these Shefton estates, theKing stood, or would soon stand, in the shoes of the said Abbot ofBlossholme, and therefore the King claimed them and could not surrenderthem. Moreover, money was so wanted at Court just then, and hereLegh looked hard at them, "that there could be no talk of parting withanything of value except in return for a consideration," and he lookedat them harder still.

  "And how can my Lady give that," broke in Emlyn sharply, for she fearedlest Cicely should commit herself. "To-day she is but a homeless pauper,save for a few pounds in gold, and even if she should come to herown again, as your Worship knows, her first year's profits are allpromised."

  "Ah!" said the Doctor sadly, "doubtless the case is hard. Only," headded, with cunning emphasis, "a tale has just reached me that theLady Harflete has wealth hidden away which came to her from her mother;trinkets of value and such things."

  Now Cicely coloured, for the man's little eyes pierced her likegintlets, and her powers of deceit were very small. But this was not sowith Emlyn, who, as she said, could play thief to catch a thief.

  "Listen, Sir," she said, with a secret air, "you have heard true. Therewere some things of value--why should we hide it from you, our goodfriend? But, alas! that greedy rogue, the Abbot of Blossholme, has them.He has stripped my poor Lady as bare as a fowl for roasting. Get themback from him, Sir, and on her behalf I say she'll give you half ofthem, will you not, my Lady?"

  "Surely," said Cicely. "The Doctor, to whom we owe so much, will be mostwelcome to the half of any movables of mine that he can recover fromthe Abbot Maldon," and she paused, for the fib stuck in her throat.Moreover, she knew herself to be the colour of a peony.

  Happily the Commissioner did not notice her blushes, o
r if he did, heput them down to grief and anger.

  "The Abbot Maldon," he grumbled, "always the Abbot Maldon. Oh! what awicked thief must be that high-stomached Spaniard who does not scruplefirst to make orphans and then to rob them? A black-hearted traitor,too. Do you know that at this moment he stirs up rebellion in the north?Well, I'll see him on the rack before I have done. Have you a list ofthose movables, Madam?"

  Cicely said no, and Emlyn added that one should be made from memory.

  "Good; I'll see you again to-morrow or the next day, and meanwhile fearnot, I'll be as active in your business as a cat after a sparrow. Oh, myrat of a Spanish Abbot, you wait till I get my claws into your fat back.Farewell, my Lady Harflete, farewell. Mistress Stower, I must awayto deal with other priests almost as wicked," and he departed, stillmuttering objurgations on the Abbot.

  "Now, I think the time has come to trust Jacob Smith," said Emlyn, whenthe door closed behind him, "for he may be honest, whereas this Doctoris certainly a villain; also, the man has heard something and suspectsus. Ah! there you are, Cousin Smith, come in, if you please, since wedesire to talk with you for a minute. Come in, and be so good as to lockthe door behind you."

  Five minutes later all the jewels, whereof not one was wanting, lay onthe table before old Jacob, who stared at them with round eyes.

  "The Carfax gems," he muttered, "the Carfax gems of which I have sooften heard; those that the old Crusader brought from the East, havingsacked them from a Sultan; from the East, where they talk of them still.A sultan's wealth, unless, indeed, they came straight from the NewJerusalem and were an angel's gauds. And do you say that you two womenhave carried these priceless things tacked in your cloaks, which, asI have seen, you throw down here and there and leave behind you? Oh,fools, fools, even among women incomparable fools! Fellow-travellerswith Dr. Legh also, who would rob a baby of its bauble."

  "Fools or no," exclaimed Emlyn tartly, "we have got them safe enoughafter they have run some risks, as I pray that you may keep them, CousinSmith."

  Old Jacob threw a cloth over the gems, and slowly transferred them tohis pocket.

  "This is an upper floor," he explained, "and the door is locked, yetsome one might put a ladder up to the window. Were I in the street Ishould know by the glitter in the light that there were precious thingshere. Stay, they are not safe in my pocket even for an hour," and goingto the wall he did something to a panel in the wainscot causing it toopen and reveal a space behind it where lay sundry wrapped-up parcels,among which he placed, not all, but a portion of the gems. Then he wentto other panels that opened likewise, showing more parcels, and in theholes behind these he distributed the rest of the treasure.

  "There, foolish women," he said, "since you have trusted me, I willtrust you. You have seen my big strong-boxes in my office, and doubtlessthought I keep all my little wares there. Well, so does every thiefin London, for they have searched them twice and gained some store ofpewter; I remember that some of it was discovered again in the King'shousehold. But behind these panels all is safe, though no woman wouldever have thought of a device so simple and so sure."

  For a moment Emlyn could find no answer, perhaps because of herindignation, but Cicely asked sweetly--

  "Do you ever have fires in London, Master Smith? It seems to me that Ihave heard of such things, and then--in a hurry, you know----"

  Smith thrust up his horned spectacles and looked at her in mildastonishment.

  "To think," he said, "that I should live to learn wisdom out of themouth of babes and sucklers----"

  "Sucklings," suggested Cicely.

  "Sucklers or sucklings, it means the same thing--women," he repliedtestily; then added, with a chuckle, "Well, well, my Lady, you areright. You have caught out Jacob at his own game. I never thought offire, though it is true we had one next door last year, when I ran outwith my bed and forgot all about the gold and stones. I'll have newhiding-places made in the masonry of the cellar, where no fire wouldhurt. Ah! you women would never have thought of that, who carry treasuresewn up in a nightshift."

  Now Emlyn could bear it no longer.

  "And how would you have us carry it, Cousin Smith?" she askedindignantly. "Tied about our necks, or hanging from our heels? Well doI remember my mother telling me that you were always a simple youth, andthat your saint must have been a very strong one who brought you safe toLondon and showed you how to earn a living there, or else that you hadmarried a woman of excellent intelligence--though it is plain now shehas long been dead. Well, well," she added, with a laugh, "cling to yourman's vanities, you son of a woman, and since you are so clever, giveus of your wisdom, for we need it. But first let me tell you that I haverescued those very jewels from a fire, and by hiding them in masonry ina vault."

  "It is the fashion of the female to wrangle when she has the worst ofthe case," said Jacob, with a twinkle in his eye. "So, daughter of man,set out your trouble. Perchance the wisdom that I have inherited frommy mothers straight back to Eve may help that which your mothers lacked.Now, have you done with jests. I listen, if it pleases you to tell me."

  So, having first invoked the curse of Heaven on him if ever he shouldbreathe a word, Emlyn, with the help of Cicely, repeated the wholematter from the beginning, and the candles were lighted ere ever hertale was done. All this while Jacob Smith sat opposite to them, sayinglittle, save now and again to ask a shrewd question. At length, whenthey had finished, he exclaimed--

  "Truly women are fools!"

  "We have heard that before, Master Smith," replied Cicely; "but thistime--why?"

  "Not to have unbosomed to me before, which would have saved you a weekof time, although, as it happens, I knew more of your story than youchose to tell, and therefore the days have not been altogether wasted.Well, to be brief, this Dr. Legh is a ravenous rogue."

  "O Solomon, to have discovered that!" exclaimed Emlyn.

  "One whose only aim is to line his nest with your feathers, some ofwhich you have promised him, as, indeed, you were right to do. Now hehas got wind of these jewels, which is not wonderful, seeing thatsuch things cannot be hid. If you buried them in a coffin, six footunderground, still they would shine through the solid earth and declarethemselves. This is his plan--to strip you of everything ere his master,Cromwell, gets a hold of you; and if you go to him empty-handed, whatchance has your suit with Vicar-General Cromwell, the hungriest shark ofall--save one?"

  "We understand," said Emlyn; "but what is your plan, Cousin Smith?"

  "Mine? I don't know that I have one. Still, here is that which might do.Though I seem so small and humble, I am remembered at Court--when moneyis wanted, and just now much money is wanted, for soon they will be inarms in Yorkshire--and therefore I am much remembered. Now, if you careto give Dr. Legh the go-by and leave your cause to me, perhaps I mightserve you as cheaply as another."

  "At what charge?" blurted out Emlyn.

  The old man turned on her indignantly, asking--

  "Cousin, how have I defrauded you or your mistress, that you shouldinsult me to my face? Go to! you do not trust me. Go to, with yourjewels, and seek some other helper!" and he went to the panelling asthough to collect them again.

  "Nay, nay, Master Smith," said Cicely, catching him by the arm; "benot angry with Emlyn. Remember that of late we have learned in a hardschool, with Abbot Maldon and Dr. Legh for masters. At least I trustyou, so forsake me not, who have no other to whom to turn in all mytroubles, which are many," and as she spoke the great tears that hadgathered in her blue eyes fell upon the child's face, and woke him, sothat she must turn aside to quiet him, which she was glad to do.

  "Grieve not," said the kind-hearted old man, in distress; "'tis I shouldgrieve, whose brutal words have made you weep. Moreover, Emlyn is right;even foolish women should not trust the first Jack with whom they takea lodging. Still, since you swear that you do in your kindness, I'll tryto show myself not all unworthy, my Lady Harflete. Now, what is it youwant from the King? Justice on the Abbot? That you'll get for nothing,if his
Grace can give it, for this same Abbot stirs up rebellion againsthim. No need, therefore, to set out his past misdeeds. A clean titleto your large inheritance, which the Abbot claims? That will be moredifficult, since the King claims through him. At best, money must bepaid for it. A declaration that your marriage is good and your boy bornin lawful wedlock? Not so hard, but will cost something. The annulmentof the sentence of witchcraft on you both? Easy, for the Abbot passedit. Is there aught more?"

  "Yes, Master Smith; the good nuns who befriended me--I would save theirhouse and lands to them. Those jewels are pledged to do it, if it can bedone."

  "A matter of money, Lady--a mere matter of money. You will have to buythe property, that is all. Now, let us see what it will cost, iffortune goes with me," and he took pen and paper and began to write downfigures.

  Finally he rose, sighing and shaking his head. "Two thousand pounds," hegroaned; "a vast sum, but I can't lessen it by a shilling--there are somany to be bought. Yes; L1000 in gifts and L1000 as loan to his Majesty,who does not repay."

  "Two thousand pounds!" exclaimed Cicely in dismay; "oh! how shall I findso much, whose first year's rents are already pledged?"

  "Know you the worth of those jewels?" asked Jacob, looking at her.

  "Nay; the half of that, perhaps."

  "Let us say double that, and then right cheap."

  "Well, if so," replied Cicely, with a gasp, "where shall we sell them?Who has so much money?"

  "I'll try to find it, or what is needful. Now, Cousin Emlyn," he addedsarcastically, "you see where my profit lies. I buy the gems at halftheir value, and the rest I keep."

  "In your own words: go to!" said Emlyn, "and keep your gibes until wehave more leisure."

  The old man thought a while, and said--

  "It grows late, but the evening is pleasant, and I think I need someair. That crack-brained, red-haired fellow of yours will watch you whileI am gone, and for mercy's sake be careful with those candles. Nay, nay;you must have no fire, you must go cold. After what you said to me, Ican think of naught but fire. It is for this night only. By to-morrowevening I'll prepare a place where Abbot Maldon himself might situnscorched in the midst of hell. But till then make out with clothes.I have some furs in pledge that I will send up to you. It is your ownfault, and in my youth we did not need a fire on an autumn day. No more,no more," and he was gone, nor did they see him again that night.

  On the following morning, as they sat at their breakfast, Jacob Smithappeared, and began to talk of many things, such as the badness of theweather--for it rained--the toughness of the ham, which he said was notto be compared to those they cured at Blossholme in his youth, and thelikeness of the baby boy to his mother.

  "Indeed, no," broke in Cicely, who felt that he was playing with them;"he is his father's self; there is no look of me in him."

  "Oh!" answered Jacob; "well, I'll give my judgment when I see thefather. By the way, let me read that note again which the cloaked manbrought to Emlyn."

  Cicely gave it to him, and he studied it carefully; then said, in anindifferent voice--

  "The other day I saw a list of Christian captives said to have beenrecovered from the Turks by the Emperor Charles at Tunis, and amongthem was one 'Huflit,' described as an English senor, and his servant. Iwonder now----"

  Cicely sprang upon him.

  "Oh! cruel wretch," she said, "to have known this so long and not tohave told me!"

  "Peace, Lady," he said, retreating before her; "I only learned it ateleven of the clock last night, when you were fast asleep. Yesterday isnot this same day, and therefore 'tis the other day, is it not?"

  "Surely you might have woke me. But, swift, where is he now?"

  "How can I know? Not here, at least. But the writing said----"

  "Well, what did the writing say?"

  "I am trying to think--my memory fails me at times; perhaps you willfind the same thing when you have my years, should it please Heaven----"

  "Oh! that it might please Heaven to make you speak! What said thewriting?"

  "Ah! I have it now. It said, in a note appended amidst other news,for--did I tell you this was a letter from his Grace's ambassador inSpain? and, oh! his is the vilest scrawl to read. Nay, hurry me not--itsaid that this 'Sir Huflit'--the ambassador has put a query againsthis name--and his servant--yes, yes, I am sure it said his servanttoo--well, that they both of them, being angry at the treatment they hadmet with from the infidel Turks--no, I forgot to add there were threeof them, one a priest, who did otherwise. Well, as I said, being angry,they stopped there to serve with the Spaniards against the Turks tillthe end of that campaign. There, that is all."

  "How little is your all!" exclaimed Cicely. "Yet, 'tis something. Oh!why should a married man stop across the seas to be revenged on poorignorant Turks?"

  "Why should he not?" interrupted Emlyn, "when he deems himself awidower, as does your lord?"

  "Yes, I forgot; he thinks me dead, who doubtless himself will be dead,if he is not so already, seeing that those wicked, murderous Turks willkill him," and she began to weep.

  "I should have added," said Jacob hastily, "that in a second letter, oflater date, the ambassador declares that the Emperor's war against theTurks is finished for this season, and that the Englishmen who were withhim fought with great honour and were all escaped unharmed, though thistime he gives no names."

  "All escaped! If my husband were dead, who could not die meanly orwithout fame, how could he say that they were all escaped? Nay, nay; helives, though who knows if he will return? Perchance he will wander offelsewhere, or stay and wed again."

  "Impossible," said old Jacob, bowing to her; "having called youwife--impossible."

  "Impossible," echoed Emlyn, "having such a score to settle with yonderMaldon! A man may forget his love, especially if he deems her buried.But as he stayed foreign to fight the Turk, who wronged him, so he'llcome home to fight the Abbot, who ruined him and slew his bride."

  There followed a silence, which the goldsmith, who felt it somewhatpainful, hastened to break, saying--

  "Yes, doubtless he will come home; for aught we know he may be herealready. But meanwhile we also have our score against this Abbot, a badone, though think not for his sake that all Abbots are bad, for I haveknown some who might be counted angels upon earth, and, having gone tomartyrdom, doubtless to-day are angels in heaven. Now, my Lady, I willtell you what I have done, hoping that it will please you better thanit does me. Last night I saw the Lord Cromwell, with whom I have manydealings, at his house in Austin Friars, and told him the case, ofwhich, as I thought, that false villain Legh had said nothing to him,purposing to pick the plums out of the pudding ere he handed on the suetto his master. He read your deeds and hunted up some petition from theAbbot, with which he compared them; then made a note of my demands andasked straight out--How much?

  "I told him L1000 on loan to the King, which would not be asked for backagain, the said loan to be discharged by the grant to me--that is, toyou--of all the Abbey lands, in addition to your own, when the saidAbbey lands are sequestered, as they will be shortly. To this heagreed, on behalf of his Grace, who needs money much, but inquired as tohimself. I replied L500 for him and his jackals, including Dr. Legh, ofwhich no account would be asked. He told me it was not enough, for afterthe jackals had their pickings nothing would be left for him but thebones; I, who asked so much, must offer more, and he made as though todismiss me. At the door I turned and said I had a wonderful pink pearlthat he, who loved jewels, might like to see--a pink pearl worth manyabbeys. He said, 'Show it;' and, oh! he gloated over it like a maid overher first love-letter. 'If there were two of these, now!' he whispered.

  "'Two, my Lord!' I answered; 'there's no fellow to that pearl in thewhole world,' though it is true that as I said the words, the setting ofits twin, that was pinned to my inner shirt, pricked me sorely, as ifin anger. Then I took it up again, and for the second time began to bowmyself out.

  "'Jacob,' he said, 'you are an old friend, and
I'll stretch my duty foryou. Leave the pearl--his Grace needs that L1000 so sorely that I mustkeep it against my will,' and he put out his hand to take it, only tofind that I had covered it with my own.

  "'First the writing, then its price, my Lord. Here is a memorandum of itset out fair, to save you trouble, if it pleases you to sign.'

  "He read it through, then, taking a pen, scored out the clause asregards acquittal of the witchcraft, which, he said, must be looked intoby the King in person or by his officers, but all the rest he signed,undertaking to hand over the proper deeds under the great seal and royalhand upon payment of L1000. Being able to do no better, I said thatwould serve, and left him your pearl, he promising, on his part, to movehis Majesty to receive you, which I doubt not he will do quickly for thesake of the L1000. Have I done well?"

  "Indeed, yes," exclaimed Cicely. "Who else could have done half sowell----?"

  As the words left her lips there came a loud knocking at the door ofthe house, and Jacob ran down to open it. Presently he returned with amessenger in a splendid coat, who bowed to Cicely and asked if she werethe Lady Harflete. On her replying that such was her name, he said thathe bore to her the command of his Grace the King to attend upon him atthree o'clock of that afternoon at his Palace of Whitehall, togetherwith Emlyn Stower and Thomas Bolle, there to make answer to his Majestyconcerning a certain charge of witchcraft that had been laid against herand them, which summons she would neglect at her peril.

  "Sir, I will be there," answered Cicely; "but tell me, do I come as aprisoner?"

  "Nay," replied the herald, "since Master Jacob Smith, in whom his Gracehas trust, has consented to be answerable for you."

  "And for the L1000," muttered Jacob, as, with many salutations, heshowed the royal messenger to the door, not neglecting to thrust a goldpiece into his hand that he waved behind him in farewell.