Chapter 28 - Putting the Pieces Together

  he next day, just after dinner, Danny met with Chris, Alonso, Anthony and Matt in a secluded corner of the common hall.

  "Where is Doug and Briza?" Danny asked, looking around.

  Anthony simply shrugged, denying any knowledge.

  "Haven't seen them," commented Matt, pushing up his glasses.

  "Last I heard, they were following Calador," Chris added.

  "I told you we couldn't trust that Elf girl," chimed in Alonso.

  Danny had called this meeting hoping that some helpful information had been discovered. He had news of his own and he wanted to begin a detailed search into the origin of the object he'd found within Sir Syndil's classroom. However, it wasn't like Doug to be late, especially with Briza in his company.

  Danny had picked this quiet spot next to the fireplace to meet for Briza's benefit, since females weren't allowed to venture into the boys' side of the barracks and vice versa. Looking around, he noticed that few remained in the common hall. Some had already wandered off to bed, tired from the long day of training. He was sure they wouldn't be overheard.

  "We will just have to continue without them," Danny said after a long pause. "One of us will fill them in later."

  "You said you found something in Sir Syndil's classroom," said Chris in a questioning tone.

  "I?" However, his voice cut off as he saw Calador enter the common hall with Doug and Briza in tow, pushing them forward, stern hands on their shoulders.

  Matt let out a shallow gasp. "That's not good," he said, putting Danny's inner thoughts into words.

  Forced forward with Calador behind them, Doug and Briza radiated utter failure. Their eyes said it all. They had been caught.

  Calador stopped them just before the rounded table that Danny and his friends had claimed for their own. "Is there a reason these two have been following me around for the past couple of days? Do not get me wrong, Squire Hollinger is quite skilled in the art of stealth, as are most Elves, however, I could hear Squire Garrett's breathing from nearly a mile away."

  Doug's gaze drooped even further as the details of his capture became evident.


  "I had to be sure we could trust you," said Danny.

  "You cannot trust me," said Calador, releasing Briza and Doug, allowing them to take their seats at the table.

  "Sorry," Doug said glumly as he sat down.

  "My apologies," added Briza with a slight bow.

  "I am a stranger to you," continued Calador, crossing his arms. "I have given you no reason to trust me, nor any reason not to trust me. That is a decision you must make on your own. However, having two inexperienced squires risk themselves against a superior opponent is not the best strategy." The tall Elf paused for a moment. Then, leaning forward and placing both hands on the table, he said, "Please tell me that you have not been trying to follow Sir Syndil around as well."

  All of those seated dropped their gaze, admitting their guilt.

  "Foolish," scolded Calador. "Sir Syndil is as skilled as I. He could have easily discovered you, just as I have, assuming that he has not done so already. Tell me, who was it that you assigned to that detail?"

  "I appointed Squire Chris and Squire Anthony," Danny said, looking at the two in question.

  "Squire Greene is a capable fighter," admitted Calador, "but he is not built for stealth. And that one's footsteps are like a beating drum," he added, pointing at Anthony. "You will have to assume that Sir Syndil knew he was being followed, and I will assume then that you have already told your friends about our discussion, Squire Firoth," he said, taking his hands from the table, straightening his back, and folding his arms across his chest once again. "How much have you told them?"


  "Your trust in your friends is admirable, Squire Firoth, but dangerous. I once considered Sir Syndil a friend as well."

  "I trust them with my life."

  "Indeed you do," said Calador with a subtle smile. "Well, then, Squire Hollinger and Squire Garrett, please tell your friends about the conspicuous activities I have been involved in over the past few days."

  Briza spoke up first. "He visits with Sir Bartlett Firebeard often, entering the forge for hours at a time."

  "An old friend," added Calador, motioning for Briza to continue.

  "He tends to frequent the library and a small cavern on the southeast end of the island," continued Briza.

  "The library has a substantial collection of books written in Braille; I am unable to read texts scribed in the traditional way due to my handicap. The cave, of course, is my desired place of training, as you all know, assuming Squire Firoth did, in fact, tell you everything." Pausing, Calador waited for a moment before adding, "And your conclusion is, Squire Hollinger?"

  Looking rather uncomfortable, Briza met Danny's gaze as if she was seeking his permission to continue.

  Danny nodded, encouraging her to do so.

  "Your movements were not suspicious," said Briza. "I can find no reason to condemn you."

  "That doesn't necessarily mean that you aren't guilty of something," said Matt with a squint, adjusting his glasses. "You said that you knew you were being followed. How do we know that you were simply not doing anything suspicious in order to appear trustworthy?"

  "You do not know," said Calador, matter-of-factly. "However, I am aware that you and Squire Martinez have been visiting the library of late, more specifically, the archives. I am assuming this has been in response to what I discussed with Squire Firoth. If you would be so kind as to discuss what you found, it may shed some light on my trustworthiness."

  "How could you know that?" Matt asked.

  "I may be blind, Squire, but I am not without my senses."

  Matt hesitated, he glanced at Danny with a questioning expression.

  "It will do no harm for Calador to hear your findings as well," said Danny. "Especially since he already appears to know," he added with a hint of sarcasm.

  With Danny's assurance, Matt reached into his robes and produced a rolled-up piece of yellow parchment. After fiddling with his glasses with one hand and spreading the paper out in front of him with the other, he skimmed the scribbled black text. After a moment, he said, "What we found in the archives matches Calador's description of what happened about seventy seven years ago. A third-year squire, Calador Varackice Con Dillion, challenged Squire Syndil Sartak Tribolari, the captain of Dragon Army. During the duel, Squire Dillion's Bonded was shattered and his eyesight lost.

  "It was ruled an accident, allowing Squire Tribolari to continue his training and eventually become Sir Syndil, a Knight of the Light, while Calador devoted his life to serving the Light despite his losses." Rolling the single piece of parchment up and secreting it back into the fold of his robes, Matt added, "The archives were quite vague."

  "Is it not amazing how the single most defining moment of one's life can be summed up with but a few words," said Calador, his head tilted up as if he was staring at something unknown on the ceiling. "To those that penned the archives, it was simply a small matter of record. However, to me, it is the ending and the beginning of two separate lives."

  "If I was you, I would've gotten revenge on him long ago," said Alonso.

  Calador's head snapped downward, as if to meet the eyes of Alonso directly. "You misunderstand me, Squire Martinez, it is not revenge I seek. I have made my peace with what happened long ago." Then, after turning his blunted gaze on everyone in turn, as if he could see, he continued. "All of you must understand that Sir Syndil has taken a great deal of interest in your friend, Danny. His focus knows no bounds, and he will not stop until he has gotten what he wants. His attention is dangerous and I know this first hand; I was once the center of his interest. Whatever it is he wants from your friend, Sir Syndil will stop at nothing to gain it.

  "'Tis not a grudge I hold against him. I carry no hatred in my heart for Sir Syndil. I simply refuse to allow a similar tragedy to befall
Squire Firoth. It is my duty, as your caretaker, to look after you any way I see fit."

  Danny was taken aback by Calador's openness. His words had been calm, without fierce emotion, yet there was sincerity in them as well.

  "We've found nothing condemning in Sir Syndil's movements, Calador," explained Chris in light of the sustained silence.

  "Nor would you, Squire Greene, as I said in the beginning, he has been aware of your intrusions, of that you can be certain."

  "Then why wouldn't he just come forward and confront us like you have?" Anthony asked.

  "?Because that would ruin his advantage."

  "What advantage?"

  Calador cleared his throat. "If Sir Syndil knows you are following him, he will continue to make his movements inconspicuous. He will allow you to see what he wants you to see."

  "I see," said Anthony, as if lost in thought.

  "Duh," antagonized Alonso.

  "Shut up!" Anthony said, his voice growing into a growl.

  "Why don't you make me," said Alonso in a similar tone.

  "Perhaps, we should settle this in a duel," said Anthony, his hand inching toward the rounded head of the hilt upon his back.

  "That's enough, you two!" Chris intervened, before the argument could go any further. "We're all tired," he explained, "and we've just learned that our time has been wasted. However, fighting among ourselves isn't going to solve anything."

  "What will you do now?" Calador asked Danny.

  Danny still had one piece of information that might prove helpful, the object he'd discovered in Sir Syndil's classroom. However, he didn't trust Calador completely and he was reluctant to tell the Elf everything until he'd exhausted all of his other resources.

  "I don't know," said Danny after a moment, not necessarily a lie, "but we will let you know when we've decided."

  "You still do not trust me," said Calador, as if reading Danny's thoughts.

  "No, I don't," said Danny honestly. "I trust those I see around me because they're my friends. They're squires, like me. If I need your help, I'll come to you."

  "You play a dangerous game, Mageknight," said Calador, causing Danny to shift in his seat. It was the first-time anyone had referred to him as the prophesied warrior. "I shall allow you to keep your secret, for the time being, but know this? should it serve in your best interest and protect you from Sir Syndil's ambitions, I will reveal your true identity to the King of the Light." With that said, Calador bowed with a flexible elegance and added, "I wish you all a gentle night of respite, the evening bells is nearly upon us," he departed.

  "I'm sorry, we messed up," said Doug again, once he was sure Calador was out of earshot.

  "You and Briza have nothing to be sorry for," said Danny. "Calador is obviously skilled at what he does."

  "Shall I attempt to follow him on my own?" Briza asked.


  "What about following Sir Syndil?" Anthony asked.

  "It would seem that would be a waste of time as well," Chris said in Danny's stead.

  Doug scooted closer, "So, what do we do now?"

  Danny looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping, especially Calador. "I found something in Sir Syndil's classroom," he began, once he was satisfied that his words could be heard by no one else.

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