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  Transcriber's Note:

  Italic text has been marked by _underscores_, whilst bold text appears as =bold=. The following table of contents has been added for convenience:

  United Amateur Press Association: Exponent of Amateur Journalism 4

  The United Amateur, January 1915 Department of Public Criticism 7

  The United Amateur, March 1915 Department of Public Criticism 10 March 14

  The United Amateur, May 1915 Department of Public Criticism 15

  The United Amateur, September 1915 Department of Public Criticism 21 Little Journeys to the Homes of Prominent Amateurs 31

  The United Amateur, February 1916 The Teuton's Battle-Song 33

  The United Amateur, April 1916 Department of Public Criticism 35

  The United Amateur, June 1916 Department of Public Criticism 42 The Poetry of the Month: Content 49

  The United Amateur, August 1916 Department of Public Criticism 50

  The United Amateur, September 1916 Department of Public Criticism 54

  The United Amateur, November 1916 The Alchemist 61

  The United Amateur, March 1917 Department of Public Criticism 65

  The United Amateur, May 1917 Department of Public Criticism 71

  The United Amateur, July 1917 Ode for July Fourth, 1917 80 Department of Public Criticism 81 News Notes: To M. W. M. 84

  The United Amateur, November 1917 A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson 84 Department of Public Criticism 87 Reports of Officers: President's Message 90

  The United Amateur, January 1918 Reports of Officers: President's Message 91

  The United Amateur, March 1918 Reports of Officers: President's Message 92

  The United Amateur, May 1918 Sunset 92 Department of Public Criticism 93 Reports of Officers: President's Message 98

  The United Amateur, June 1918 Astrophobos 99

  The United Amateur, July 1918 At the Root 100 Reports of Officers: President's Message 101

  The United Amateur, November 1918 Department of Literature: The Literature of Rome 102 To Alan Seeger 106

  The United Amateur, January 1919 Theodore Roosevelt 107

  The United Amateur, March 1919 A Note on Howard P. Lovecraft's Verse 108 Official Reports: Department of Public Criticism 109

  The United Amateur, May 1919 Helene Hoffman Cole--Litterateur 113

  The United Amateur, July 1919 Americanism 114

  The United Amateur, November 1919 The White Ship 115 To Mistress Sophia Simple, Queen of the Cinema 118

  The United Amateur, January 1920 Literary Composition 119

  The United Amateur, May 1920 For What Does the United Stand? 123

  The United Amateur, September 1920 Poetry and the Gods 124

  The United Amateur, November 1920 Nyarlathotep 128 Editorial 129 Official Organ Fund 130

  The United Amateur, January 1921 Official Organ Fund 130

  The United Amateur, March 1921 Winifred Virginia Jackson: A "Different" Poetess 130 Ex Oblivione 134 Official Organ Fund 134

  The United Amateur, September 1921 The United Amateur 135 Editorial 136

  The United Amateur, November 1921 The United Amateur 138 Official Organ Fund 138

  The United Amateur, January 1922 The United Amateur 139 Editorial 139

  The United Amateur, March 1922 Official Organ Fund 140

  The United Amateur, May 1922 Official Organ Fund 140 At the Home of Poe 140



  HOWARD P. LOVECRAFT First Vice-President U. A. P. A.]