H. P. LOVECRAFT _Official Editor_ E. EDWARD ERICSON _Official Publisher_

  Issued bi-monthly by the United Amateur Press Association.

  Subscription Price, 50 cents per year.

  Published at Elroy, Wisconsin.

  Entered as second-class mail matter at the post office at Elroy, Wis.

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  Members who criticised the present editor for severity during thechairmanship of the critical department are invited to take a vicariousrevenge this month, observing the uncensored remarks of the presentjuvenile chairman concerning our pathetic ignorance. Of us Master Galpinsays: "when the author approaches involved or technical subjects, heshows clearly the unfortunate circumstance that he has never profited byan advanced education." This certainly should purge us of all suspicionof conducting THE UNITED AMATEUR on too Olympian a level, although thecritic qualifies his dictum by conceding that we realise our own crudityand are striving in our old age to acquire at least the rudiments of anelementary education. In the course of a few years we hope to guaranteeour readers an official organ practically free from the grosser errorsof spelling and grammar: meanwhile, _vivat Galpinius parvulus_!

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  Myrta Alice Little, Eugene B. Kuntz, Leo G. Schussman, Margaret Richard,Daisy Crump Whitehead, Clara L. Bell, John O. Baldwin, and the Editor.

  The Tryout. October 1921. Uniform size. Contributions by H. P.Lovecraft, Margaret Richard, Beth Cheney Nichols, Arthur Goodenough, K.Leyson Brown, Horace L. Lawson, John Milton Samples, Washington VanDusen, Leo G. Schussman, Lilian Middleton, Anita Roberta Kirksey, andthe Editor.

  THE UNITED AMATEUR. March 1921. Official Organ of the United AmateurPress Association. 14 Pages and cover. 7x10. Contributions by WinifredVirginia Jackson, Lilian Middleton, Frank Belknap Long, Jr., J. E. Hoag,Anna H. Crofts, Eleanor Beryl North, Ward Phillips, and the Editor,H. P. Lovecraft.

  THE UNITED AMATEUR. May 1921. 8 pages. 7x10. Contributions by LilianMiddleton, Alfred Galpin, Jr., Eugene B. Kuntz, Margaret Mahon, WinifredVirginia Jackson, and Adam Harold Brown.

  THE UNITED AMATEUR. July 1921. 6 pages. 7x10. Contributions by LilianMiddleton and Myrta Alice Little.

  The United Co-Operative. April 1921. 16 pages. 6x9. Contributions byLilian Middleton, Elizabeth Berkeley and Lewis Theobald, Jr., W. EdwinGibson, John C. Pryor, H. P. Lovecraft, Samuel Loveman, Eugene B. Kuntz.Published under the auspices of the U. A. P. A. by the followingmembers: Anne Tillery Renshaw, Rev. John Clinton Pryor, W. Edwin Gibson,H. P. Lovecraft.

  The Woodbee. October 1921. 16 pages and cover. 5x7. Contributions byBess Ballou, Alma B. Sanger, Norma Helena Marie Sanger, Leo Fritter,Edna M. Haughton, Peggy Hepner Fritter, Henriette Ziegfeld, and thePresident, Ida C. Haughton. Official Organ of the Woodbee Press Club,Columbus, Ohio.

  Ziegfeld's Follies. September 1921. 1 page. 51/2x81/2. Contributions by theEditor, Arthur F. Ziegfeld.

  Ziegfeld's Follies. October 1921. 4 pages. Uniform size. Contributionsby Ida C. Haughton, Leo Fritter, and the Editor, Arthur F. Ziegfeld.



  Providence, R. I., December 29, 1921.

  On Hand, July 1, 1921 $4.00


  Sonia H. Greene $50.00 From Treasury, up to Dec. 29, 1921 41.60 H. P. Lovecraft 15.40 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fritter 6.00 Howard R. Conover 5.00 Woodbee Press Club 5.00 Theodore D. Gottlieb 1.00 Ida C. Haughton 1.00 ------- Total Receipts $129.00


  To E. E. Ericson, for May U. A. $24.00 To E. E. Ericson, for July U. A. 18.00 To E. E. Ericson, for Sept. U. A. 36.00 To E. E. Ericson, for Nov. U. A. 36.00 ------- Total Expenditures $114.00

  Balance on Hand, December 29, 1921 $15.00

  H. P. LOVECRAFT, Custodian.