Providence, R. I., June 23, 1922.

  On Hand, April 25, 1922 None

  _Receipts Since April 25_

  From Treasury, up to June 23 $28.00 Alfred Galpin, Jr. 6.00 Woodbee Press Club 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fritter 2.00 ------ Total Receipts $41.00


  To E. E. Ericson, for May U. A. $24.00

  Balance on Hand, June 23, 1922 $17.00

  H. P. LOVECRAFT, Custodian.

  At the Home of Poe

  _A Poem in Prose_

  To H. P. Lovecraft


  The home of Poe! It is like a fairy dwelling, a gnomic palace built ofthe aether of dreams. It is tiny and delicate and lovely, and repletewith memories of sere leaves in November and of lilies in April. It is acastle of vanished hopes, of dimly-remembered dreams, of sad memoriesolder than the deluge. The dead years circle slowly and solemnly aroundits low white walls, and clothe it in a mystic veil of unseen tears. Andmany marvellous stories could this quaint little old house tell, manyweird and cryptic stories of him of the Raven hair, and high, pallidbrow, and sad, sweet face, and melancholy mien; and of the belovedVirginia, that sweet child of a thousand magic visions, child of thelonesome, pale-gray latter years, child of the soft and happy South. Andhow the dreamer of the spheres must have loved this strange littlehouse. Every night the hollow boards of its porch must have echoed tohis footfall, and every morn the great rising sun must have sent itsrays through the little window, and bathed the lovely tresses of thedream-child in mystical yellow. And perhaps there was laughter withinthe walls of that house--laughter and merriment and singing. But we knowthat the Evil One came at last, the grim humourless spectre who lovesnot beauty, and is not of this world. And we know that the house ofyouth and of love became a house of death, and that memories bitter asthe tears of a beautiful woman assailed the dreamer within. And at lasthe himself left that house of mourning and sought solace among thestars. But the house remains a vision out of a magical book; a thingseen darkly as in a looking-glass; but lovely beyond the dreams ofmortals, and ineffably sad.

  Transcriber's Notes:

  Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note. Significantamendments, author's corrections and further notes have been recordedbelow. American and British forms of typography, in addition to variant,dialect and archaic spellings, have been retained except where obviouserrors exist.

  Author's Corrections:

  p. 14, see p. 30 for details: 'long' corrected to _longer_.

  p. 49, see p. 60 for details: 'sublime' corrected to _sublimer_; 'star's' corrected to _stars_; 'father's' corrected to _fathers_; 'hollow'd' corrected to _hallow'd_.

  Transcriber's Amendments:

  p. 7, 'insanity' amended to _inanity_: 'triteness and inanity'; 'permissable' amended to _permissible_: 'permissible clause'; 'breath' amended to _breadth_: 'present moderate breadth'.

  p. 8, 'woud' amended to _would_: 'would do much'; 'editorials' amended to _editorial_: 'Mr Stokes' editorial'; 'istincts' amended to _instincts_: 'in our instincts'; 'amateurs' amended to _amateur_: 'in amateur circles'.

  p. 9, 'from' amended to _form_: 'Credentials form the'.

  p. 11, 'scacely' amended to _scarcely_: 'but scarcely equal'; 'colums' amended to _columns_: 'Coyote's editorial columns'.

  p. 12, 'Sappo' amended to _Sappho_: '"To Sappho", by Olive G. Owen'.

  p. 13, 'Morrish' amended to _Moorish_: 'old Moorish Spain'.

  p. 14, 'Houghton' amended to _Haughton_: 'Edna Mitchell Haughton's'.

  p. 15, 'DERARTMENT' amended to _DEPARTMENT_: 'DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC'; 'witheld' amended to _withheld_: 'merely withheld from'.

  p. 16, added _is_: 'no praise is needed'; 'Niagra' amended to _Niagara_: 'Visit to Niagara'; 'wormth' amended to _warmth_: 'and genuine warmth'; 'Weeks' amended to _Week_: 'History of an Eight-Week-Old'.

  p. 17, 'advantage' amended to _advantages_: 'advantages ... are many'.

  p. 18, 'pronounciation' amended to _pronunciation_: 'New York pronunciation'; 'Mrs.' amended to _Mr._, referring to Ricardo Santiago.

  p. 19, 'phenomerally' amended to _phenomenally_: 'phenomenally pure'; 'Hennesey' amended to _Hennessey_: 'James J. Hennessey'.

  p. 20, 'bestrown' amended to _bestrewn_: 'is bestrewn with slang'.

  p. 25, 'away' amended to _way_: 'giving way to'.

  p. 29, 'techique' amended to _technique_: 'plot and technique'.

  p. 33, 'Heindall's' amended to _Heimdall's_.

  p. 34, 'Heindall' amended to _Heimdall_; 'Sehrimner' amended to _Sehrimnir_: 'the boar Sehrimnir'.

  p. 35, 'Jordon' amended to _Jordan_ (3 instances); 'inconsistancy ... is' amended to _inconsistency ... it_: 'inconsistency, but it seems'; 'a' amended to _of_: 'rank as a poet is of very high tone'.

  p. 36, 'beautful' amended to _beautiful_: 'delicately beautiful'; 'posessive' amended to _possessive_: 'possessive case'; 'ungramatical' amended to _ungrammatical_: 'by the ungrammatical'; 'Harington' amended to _Harrington_: 'William T. Harrington'; 'abnorman pschology' amended to _abnormal psychology_; 'letre' amended to _metre_: 'tuneful metre'; 'Chrismas' amended to _Christmas_: 'Christmas number'; 'Jordon' amended to _Jordan_: 'Winifred V. Jordan's'.

  p. 37, 'propertly' amended to _properly_: 'be properly welcomed'; 'throught' amended to _through_: 'recording thought through'.

  p. 38, 'Buterfly' amended to _Butterfly_: 'To a Butterfly'; 'Jordon' amended to _Jordan_: 'Winifred V. Jordan'; 'con-conception' amended to _conception_: 'his conception of'.

  p. 39, 'classoical' amended to _classical_: 'more classical myths'; added _by_: 'also by Mr. Cole'; 'beautful' amended to _beautiful_: 'many beautiful passages'; 'physhological' amended to _psychological_: 'a psychological as'; 'dignnity' amended to _dignity_: 'humility and dignity'; 'gramatical' amended to _grammatical_: 'of grammatical or'.

  p. 40, 'Emile' amended to _Emilie_: 'Emilie C. Holladay'; 'ocasional' amended to _occasional_: 'the occasional metrical'; 'Jordon' amended to _Jordan_: 'Winifred V. Jordan'; 'Willam' amended to _William_: 'William de Ryee'; 'technicly' amended to _technically_: 'are technically no'; 'Canvass' amended to _Canvas_: 'the Canvas Wall'; 'but is' amended to _is but_: 'novel is but a'.

  p. 41, 'mosiac' amended to _mosaic_: 'skillful mosaic of'; 'unaquainted' amended to _unacquainted_: 'totally unacquainted'; 'embarassed' amended to _embarrassed_: 'a little embarrassed'.

  p. 42, 'staza' amended to _stanza_: 'first stanza might'.

  p. 43, 'pharse' amended to _phrase_: 'the awkward phrase'; 'ryhthm' amended to _rhythm_: 'swinging dactylic rhythm'; 'uder' amended to _under_: 'coat under the wayside'.

  p. 44, 'develope' amended to _develop_: 'all develop naturally'; 'Macauly' amended to _Macauley_: 'George W. Macauley'.

  p. 45, 'pratically' amended to _practically_: 'for practically all'; 'amatuer' amended to _amateur_: 'professionalized amateur'; 'happly' amended to _happily_: 'happily extinct tribe'.

  p. 47, 'apearance' amended to _appearance_: 'the appearance of'; 'incongrous' amended to _incongruous_: 'a rather incongruous'.

  p. 48, 'reminiscense' amended to _reminiscence_: 'pensive reminiscence'; 'Haaughton' amended to _Haughton_: 'Ida C. Haughton'.

  p. 50, 'unamimous' amended to _unanimous_: 'absolutely unanimous vote'; 'sustined' amended to _sustained_: 'and sustained his'.

  p. 52, 'Kliner' amended to _Kleiner_
: 'the Kleiner type'; 'Henrietta' amended to _Henriette_: 'Henriette and Florenz'; 'thoughfulness' amended to _thoughtfulness_: 'for thoughtfulness'.

  p. 53, 'essays-writers' amended to _essay-writers_.

  p. 54, 'prosed' amended to _proposed_: 'the proposed alteration'.

  p. 57, 'Statess' amended to _States_: 'the United States'.

  p. 59, 'Mathew' amended to _Matthew_: 'by Matthew Hilson'.

  p. 61, 'ancesters' amended to _ancestors_: 'of my ancestors'.

  p. 63, 'ancesters' amended to _ancestors_: 'ancestors had met'; 'told' amended to _tolled_: 'clock ... tolled off'.

  p. 64, 'Godfry' amended to _Godfrey_: 'son of Godfrey'; 'particularily' amended to _particularly_: 'most particularly'; 'gastly' amended to _ghastly_: 'ghastly radiance'.

  p. 66, 'rhym' amended to _rhyme_: 'nobility of the rhyme'; 'bouyant' amended to _buoyant_: 'joy and buoyant'; 'tireomely' amended to _tiresomely_: 'tiresomely commonplace'; 'savour' amended to _savours_: 'savours too much'.

  p. 67, 'solesisms' amended to _solecisms_: 'such solecisms as'; 'avoid' amended to _avoided_: 'should be avoided'.

  p. 68, 'awkard' amended to _awkward_: 'not wholly awkward'; 'copmlete' amended to _complete_: 'more complete'; repeated line removed: 'sentiment, deriving much force from the'; 'poplarly' amended to _popularly_: 'are popularly supposed'; added _a_: 'it is a comfort'.

  p. 69, repeated line removed: 'ology. In the third line of the third stanza'; 'hypocricy' amended to _hypocrisy_: 'The hypocrisy of'.

  p. 70, 'occuring' amended to _occurring_: 'A rhyme occurring'; 'colum' amended to _column_: 'editorial column of'; 'techinque' amended to _technique_: 'old-school technique'.

  p. 71, 'unsual' amended to _unusual_: 'rather unusual'; repeated text 'of' removed: 'pen of of Mrs. W. V. Jordan'.

  p. 72, 'accentuaton' amended to _accentuation_: 'accentuation of the'; 'hsould' amended to _should_: 'word should be'; 'citic' amended to _critic_: 'the present critic'.

  p. 73, 'denizon' amended to _denizen_: 'or =denizen= is'; 'year' amended to _years_: 'eighty-six years ago'; 'contents ... is' amended to _contents ... are_; 'McGavach' amended to _McGavack_ (2 instances).

  p. 74, added _is_: '"Education in Trinidad" is another'.

  p. 77, 'revails' amended to _reveals_: 'but scansion reveals'; 'Gallenne' amended to _Gallienne_: 'Richard Le Gallienne'.

  p. 78, 'vesy' amended to _very_: 'a very pleasing'; 'gartifyingly' amended to _gratifyingly_: 'metre is gratifyingly'; 'hypocracy' amended to _hypocrisy_: 'anti-prohibition hypocrisy'; 'earsest' amended to _earnest_: 'are more earnest'.

  p. 79, 'propertly' amended to _properly_: 'cannot properly be rhymed'.

  p. 81, 'posses ... conspicious' amended to _possess ... conspicuous_: 'possess both deep fervour and conspicuous merit'; 'McGavach' amended to _McGavack_ (3 instances).

  p. 82, 'Parke's' amended to _Mr. Parks'_: 'Mr. Parks' brief sketches'; 'McGavach' amended to _McGavack_ (2 instances); 'irresistly' amended to _irresistibly_: 'irresistibly delight'; 'metriacl' amended to _metrical_: 'metrical effort'.

  p. 84, 'ocurrences' amended to _occurrences_: 'obscure occurrences of'.

  p. 85, 'Authour' amended to _Author_: 'Author of the'.

  p. 88, 'Ecstacy' amended to _Ecstasy_: '"Ecstasy," a poem'; 'imporant' amended to _important_: 'number of important'.

  p. 90, 'rtaes' amended to _rates_: 'at reasonable rates'.

  p. 91, 'cooperateion' amended to _co-operation_: 'closer co-operation'; 'Asociation' amended to _Association_: 'out of the Association'.

  p. 92, 'productons' amended to _productions_: 'literary productions'.

  p. 93, 'twilght ... unpanted' amended to _twilight ... unpainted_: 'through the twilight, some grey, unpainted'; 'pronounciation' amended to _pronunciation_: 'pronunciation of'.

  p. 94, 'dsplaying' amended to _displaying_: 'displaying an enviable'; 'Medum' amended to _Medium_: 'Medium of Education'; 'it' amended to _in_: 'picturesque in atmosphere'.

  p. 95, 'wth' amended to _with_: 'compared with many'; 'Reiseberg' amended to _Rieseberg_: 'Harry E. Rieseberg'.

  p. 98, 'adminstrative' amended to _administrative_.

  p. 99, 'Lindquqist' amended to _Lindquist_.

  p. 100, 'insuffcient' amended to _insufficient_: 'is insufficient to'.

  p. 103, 'it' amended to _is_: 'and it is a source'.

  p. 104, 'rhetorican' amended to _rhetorician_: 'as a rhetorician'.

  p. 105, 'Namantius' amended to _Namatianus_.

  p. 106, 'corect' amended to _correct_: 'most correct age'.

  p. 109, 'similiarly' amended to _similarly_: 'the similarly spelled'.

  p. 110, 'psuedo-anecdotes' amended to _pseudo-anecdotes_; 'gratfying' amended to _gratifying_: 'great and gratifying'.

  p. 112, 'persual' amended to _perusal_: 'perusal of standard'.

  p. 113, 'demonstrate' amended to _demonstrates_: 'A glance ... demonstrates'; 'econium' amended to _encomium_: 'evoke encomium with'.

  p. 119, 'gorss' amended to _gross_: 'gross violations of'; repeated text 'and verb' removed: 'noun and verb and verb'; 'ues' amended to _use_: 'Ambiguous use of pronouns'.

  p. 122, 'versimilitude' amended to _verisimilitude_; 'qualiy' amended to _quality_: 'prosaic quality'.

  p. 126, 'Deinos' amended to _Deimos_: 'Deimos and Phobos'.

  Further Notes:

  p. 16, 'Dempsey' and p. 43, 'Dempesy', conflicted spelling: 'Caryl Wilson Demp[se/es]y'.

  p. 41, 'Frazer' and p. 51, 'Frazier', conflicted spelling: 'John W. Fraz[i]er'.

  p. 73, 'Acyion', possible misprint of _Alcyon_ or _Alcyone_: 'Edwin Gibson's "Sonnet to Acyion"'.

  p. 93, 'Dionondawa', possible misprint of _Dionondehowa_: 'To the Falls of Dionondawa'.

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