Page 14 of RaineonMe

  Brit stumbled when she turned and grabbed for the counter to hold her trembling body up. “I have to call the district attorney’s office. They have to take them down. They have to―”


  She closed her mouth and reached up to wipe at the tears that ran down her face. She still couldn’t face him. She didn’t want to see the look in his eyes if he’d seen those tapes. She’d watched them once, had to, and they’d made her sick to her stomach, literally. She’d held a trash basket and lost her breakfast watching the evidence they had against Kyle for his trial.

  “Talk to me, baby.”

  “It’s not what you think,” she whispered. “I swear.”

  “Tell me what happened.”

  She didn’t hear anger in his voice or disgust. He just sounded a little sad. She wiped at more tears, straightened her shoulders, and it took every ounce of courage to turn her head and look over her shoulder to stare at him. She noticed his features were a little pale and his mouth was still set in a grim line. His beautiful dark eyes met hers and they watched each other.

  “When my father died, Kyle knew I’d never go back to him. He’d killed my father with those rumors he’d made up as sure as if he’d reached in my dad’s chest and torn out his heart. I hated him and he knew it.” She fought down a sob. “He grabbed me when I left a grocery store. He had two men with him and they held me while he gave me a shot. I fought but then I felt lightheaded until I passed out.”

  River crossed his arms over his chest and nodded. “Okay.”

  “I don’t remember anything really but bits and pieces. He hired a nurse to keep me drugged.” More hot tears slid down her face. “One day the nurse had some family emergency, I think her husband was in a car accident, and she forgot to give me a shot. I could think clear enough to actually escape since the drug has dissipated. Kyle caught me sneaking out the back door of the kitchen. I grabbed a knife and stabbed him. He nearly died. I left him bleeding on the floor, ran out the back door, and I made it to the house next to ours—Kyle’s,” she corrected. “I had them call the police. They came, I told them what had happened, and they believed me since I had needle marks all over me. They launched an investigation while I was in the hospital. They found enough evidence to back what I was saying. The nurse had been lied to. All the doctors’ reports and the prescriptions for the drugs Kyle had her giving me were forged.”

  Rage was an easy emotion to read on River’s face as he stepped closer to her. Brit turned to face him, leaning her hip against the counter, and held out a shaky hand to stop him.


  “Let me finish, River.”

  He froze and then nodded. His hands fisted at his sides again but he stayed back. “Okay.”

  “They found tapes. Kyle did things to me in front of his friends. In front of groups of them.” She fought down another sob. “I don’t remember. I am so grateful that I don’t.” She shook her head. “I was too drugged and some of the drugs he used cause memory loss. But, judging by the tapes, he never let anyone else touch me, he was super possessive, but he was sick enough to want to put me on display for them in some twisted attempt to have them envy what he had.”

  “That fucking bastard is dead,” River snarled.

  “I had no idea what he’d done to me,” she whispered. “I saw the tapes and…oh God, River.”

  He took a step toward her. “It’s okay.”

  She frantically shook her head. “No, it’s not. They used those tapes to show how vile he was, how drugged he kept me, and he was sentenced to eight years in prison but they’ve only made him serve four since he’s out now. I testified against him to the judge. The nurse testified against him. The nurse said I’d get out of bed sometimes and try to leave the house. He’d shown her faked doctors’ reports that I was bipolar, had suicidal tendencies, and was aggressively violent without the drugs. He convinced her I’d hurt myself and everyone around me if they didn’t keep me completely docile and make sure I didn’t escape. Everyone at the district attorney’s office swore those tapes would be destroyed. You’re telling me anyone can see them? See what he did to me?”

  “I’m on it,” a deep voice stated from the doorway, startling Brit.

  She jerked her head and watched Drake spin around and walk away. Her gaze drifted back to River.

  “Drake will make sure those videos are removed and someone is going to be in deep shit for those tapes being leaked.”

  Mute, Brit stared at the man who probably thought a lot less of her now. Those tapes were horrific. Kyle had done degrading things to her and she hadn’t even fought back, too out of it to realize what was happening to her. River would never look at her the same way and it shattered her inside.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered. “Let me hold you. You’re shaking. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just wanted to know the truth. If I’d known it was going to upset you this much I wouldn’t have said a word.” He took a step closer.

  “This changes everything between us, doesn’t it? That’s why I didn’t want to tell you. I didn’t want you to know.”

  “Damn it,” he growled. “No. This doesn’t change a damn thing.” He moved forward, closing the distance, and pulled her into his arms. He held her tightly against his chest. “It’s all okay, Brit.”

  “It’s not.”

  A hand rubbed her back. “I can handle you yelling at me easier than tears. Damn, Brit, don’t cry. You’re going to shred me to pieces. I can’t take seeing you in this much pain. The only thing that’s changed is, instead of just kicking your ex’s ass, now I want to kill him with my bare hands.”

  Her arms wound around River’s waist, holding tightly to him, and she relaxed against his tall frame. “I was afraid to tell you. I didn’t want your pity or for you to feel disgusted.”

  He sighed. “Women sure get stupid ideas sometimes.”

  She laughed. “Sometimes.”

  His arms tightened. “Shit.”

  “What?” She lifted her head.

  His eyes looked grim. “No wonder you reacted so damn badly when Ryder saw us having sex.”

  Her gaze dropped to his chest. “Yeah. Kyle had a thing for having people watch him.”

  “I’m nothing like him. I don’t want anyone to see you naked but me.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “It’s going to be okay. So that’s what Kyle went to prison for?”

  “Yes. He tried to make it sound as if I were a drug addict and a boozer but the nurse had kept all the paperwork he had given her. They traced it all back to doctors who had never heard of me or Kyle. He’d forged everything, even the prescriptions for the drugs he used to keep me a prisoner. He had a damn good attorney who had a lot of the charges tossed but they were able to prove enough to get prison time. He cut a deal for eight years in order to keep most of the nasty details out of the papers and save his father the embarrassment of a public trial. I agreed to the lesser charges because I didn’t want everyone to see those tapes.”

  “I really hate your ex-husband.” One arm unwound from her waist to reach up and cup her face. “Nothing has changed between us.” He didn’t look away. “I am so sorry that happened but you’re an amazing woman, you’re strong, and we’re not going to allow that bastard to win in any way, shape, or form.”

  Hot tears spilled down her cheeks.

  River wiped them away with his thumb. “Did you hear me about how I can’t stand to see you cry? I want to kiss them away.” His face lowered and he kissed her forehead. “And you know if I put my mouth on you we won’t be eating those sandwiches you just made. I’ll take you to bed to kiss you all over.”

  The smile came easy. “Eat first, then sex. Is that our new motto?”

  He chuckled, brushing his lips over hers, and then straightened up. “It should be. I’m all for it.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Brit couldn’t ignore the nervousness she experienced when River closed his bedroom door later that night. Dra
ke had decided to stay a few days, hang out, and be on hand in case Kyle showed up. She paused at the bed, turned, and met River’s dark gaze. Her fingers locked together in front of her.

  “I should have warned you that my brother is a shark about poker too.”

  She smiled. “It was only pennies or I’d have had to take out a loan.”

  He chuckled, crossing the room, stalking toward her with a grin. “We could never beat him.”

  “I’m not that good at playing.”

  “No one is, against Drake.” He stopped just feet from her. “Ready to get naked with me?”

  She decided to be honest. “I’m a little nervous.”

  “Why?” Surprise etched his handsome features.

  “You saw those tapes and I’m afraid that it’s going to make you―” She gasped when River’s hand snaked out, grabbed her arm, and he jerked her hard against his body.

  “I didn’t watch all of that tape and it was just one. Nothing is different between us.”

  “I’m not a victim. I’m a survivor.” Her chin rose as she stared up at him. “I went to counseling.”

  “I’m glad you got help dealing with that shit. I don’t think of you any differently and there’s no reason to be nervous, Brit. Nothing has changed between us. I still want to strip you bare, fuck you until you scream my name, and I think you’re the sexiest damn woman I’ve ever met.”

  Warmth spread through her body. “I think you’re the sexist man I’ve ever met.”

  “I knew you couldn’t resist me when I woke up to find you standing in my bedroom.”

  The laugh bubbled up. “I still can’t believe I let that happen.”

  His hand released her arm to slide down and he gripped her ass with both hands, molding her to his hips when he spread his thighs enough to level them out in height. “I’m irresistible.”

  “And not conceited at all.” She chuckled.

  “Not me.” He brushed his lips over hers. “I’m just a simple country boy.”

  “With hidden chains in your bed canopy and a ton of sex books on your shelf.”

  He turned his head and nibbled on the side of her throat. “It’s boring living on a ranch sometimes.” His tongue teased her earlobe and his hot breath tickled her. “I wanted to know as much about women as I did about horses.”

  “I think you studied enough to ace any test.” Her fingers slid into his long hair, loving the feel of the silky tresses. “You know how to turn me inside out.”

  “It’s only fair since that’s the effect you have on me.” River lifted his head, stared into her eyes, and then released her as he backed away. “Get out of your clothes.”

  She didn’t hesitate. They stripped quickly, tossing their clothes on the floor, and then their gazes met again. River’s traveled slowly down the length of her and she fixed her attention on his hard cock, pointed right at her. River moved closer.

  “Ever sixty-nine?”

  She hesitated. “No. I know what it means though.”

  He got on his bed, rolled onto his back, and stretched out. His muscles flexed when he did, making Brit appreciate every gorgeous, sexy inch of pure male beauty laid out before her. He reached for her.

  “Want to try it? I admit, I want your mouth around me as much as I want my mouth on you. I need to be on the bottom though and my knee is acting up a little. The swelling went down and I’d like to keep it that way. I want my hands free instead of bracing my body off yours so I don’t crush you.”

  She moved forward, climbing onto his big bed with him. She would try anything with River. He’d shown her so much pleasure and he promised to give her more. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips, eager to start.

  He helped her ease her body over his, facing away, and scoot into position. He adjusted her knees over his shoulders as they lined up. Brit’s attention focused on the hard flesh jutting up between River’s partly spread thighs. She wet her lips again, one hand bracing on the bed while the fingers of her other hand curled around the base of his shaft.

  He spread her thighs wider and she glanced over her shoulder, seeing him yank a pillow down under his head to tilt his face higher so she could feel his hot breath fanning her sensitive, bared skin. He gripped her inner thighs, backing her up just a little more before his thumbs spread her sex apart to give him freer access.

  Her mouth parted as she faced forward again, lowering her head enough that her hair fell over River’s thighs. Her tongue swirled around the slightly reddened crown of his cock. River groaned in response.

  “I love your damn mouth.”

  Instead of answering, she took his cock inside, sucking on him lightly, teasing him. He groaned again loudly and then the flat of his tongue pressed against her clit. She froze at the sensation that rocketed right to the pleasure center of her brain. She realized at that moment that it would be tough to concentrate on him when he was touching her.

  I can do this, she thought. She tried to block out the feeling of River’s tongue when he started to move it back and forth, causing a delicious amount of awareness as her clit swelled with need.

  Her mouth worked River’s hard shaft, sucking and licking, taking him deeper when she bobbed her head up and down. She noticed the faster she moved on him, the more aggressively his mouth tormented her. He sealed his lips around the stiff nub and sucked hard. She moaned loudly at the jolt of rapture tearing through her and clamped her lips tighter around his erection.

  She was going to come and she knew it. She tore her mouth away, afraid she’d bite him. Panting, head hung low, her body vibrated with sensation. River stopped a second later. His breathing had become labored as well.

  “You okay?”

  The ache between her thighs hurt, her need to come that strong. “I’m going to come. Don’t stop.”

  “I’m about to go too, Brit. Damn, your mouth makes me ache.”

  “Me first, then you.” She turned her head. “I won’t risk my teeth near you when I do.”

  “Got it.” He chuckled. “Newbie.”

  “Shut up and suck on me again. That feels amazing.”

  “I know. No need to tell me how good it is.” He lifted his head, wrapping his full lips around her sex again, and his tongue pressed tightly against her throbbing clit. Brit tensed, held completely still, and released River entirely to claw at his bedding when his tongue quickly slid up and down again, rasping against her.

  “Yes,” she panted and then cried out loudly as ecstasy sent her to climax. Her muscles twitched hard, another cry coming from her when two of River’s fingers suddenly stretched her pussy when he entered her fast and hard, fucking her with them. The climax drew out and she thought she couldn’t take the intense frenzy of the added sensation but then he stilled when she stopped twitching from the aftermath of coming.

  “My turn. I’m dying.”

  He released her thighs and his hips arched, lifting his cock closer to her lips. She opened up and took him deep into her mouth. The hard flesh had no give, showing her how close he was to his own release. His hands gripped her calves and his hips rocked gently, not forcing her to take more but meeting her up and down motion as she sucked on him.

  The hold on her tensed, the only warning she got, a second before River came hard. His body shook under hers as the taste of him flooded her mouth. She swallowed over and over, milking him gently, loving every second of knowing how she could affect him. His hands loosened and he pulled his hips hard against the bed, almost totally leaving her mouth.

  “Stop! You’re going to kill me.”

  She chuckled and eased him fully out of her mouth. “I know the feeling.”

  “Smart ass.” He laughed and then did something totally unexpected.

  Brit gasped when he rolled them, totally surprising her as her back hit the bed. River turned around, caging her under his body while he settled down on top of her nose to nose now. He grinned while he nudged her thighs apart enough to fit his hips. He didn’t allow his chest to crush her down but s
he found herself definitely pinned.

  “We’ll have to keep doing that one until you feel secure enough to come with me in your mouth.”

  “I see.” Her arms wrapped around his shoulders. “I liked that.”

  “Give me about five minutes to recover and I’ll show you something else you’re going to like.”

  Brit stared into his beautiful eyes and realized how deeply she loved him. She hadn’t meant to allow it to happen but there was no denying the way her heart pounded a bit faster when she looked at him, the soft, warm feelings she experienced when they touched, which far surpassed just physical response to the great sex they shared. He’d touched more than her body. He’d crept right into her heart and now he owned it.

  River smiled. “What are you thinking?”

  “Nothing worth sharing,” she lied.

  “Really? You have this dazed but slightly frightened look.” He shifted his weight a little, slid down her body a few inches, and got more comfortable. “You’re safe with me. I’d never hurt you.”

  She wished that were true but when they parted, it was going to break her heart. “I know.”

  “Do you?” His fingers played with her hair. He adjusted his elbows and braced his weight, giving his hands more freedom. “You don’t look so convinced. I swear I’d never hit you or do anything shitty.”

  That drew a smile from her. “You mean like sabotage my engine?”

  “That wasn’t me. It was my evil twin.” Amusement twinkled in his dark gaze. “I have one, you know. You’ve met the bastard.”

  “I caught you with grease on your hands and you admitted it quite blatantly.”

  “Oh yeah.” River winked. “It was worth a shot that you might believe that one.”

  “You’re bad, blaming your poor brother.”

  All humor left his face. “I’d never hurt you, Brit. I’d never hit you or force you to do anything you don’t want, well, besides stay here, but that’s because I want to make sure you’re safe.”