Page 2 of RaineonMe

  Brit got her hand between them right before his lips could touch hers. She gripped his lower face, her fingers covering his mouth, her palm curling around his jaw.


  His eyelids narrowed as he studied her eyes. She couldn’t look away from his beautiful, brown gaze. His mouth moved under her fingers. A hot, wet tongue traced the inner curve of her fingers. It was such a soft lick that it shocked and tickled a little. She jerked her hand away.

  He grinned. “What? Was I that damn bad? If I’d known I’d pick you up, I wouldn’t have gotten shitfaced. Give me a rematch and I’ll make it all up to you if I let you down.”

  “I…” She swallowed. “I didn’t spend the night with you. You and I, we’ve never had sex. Whatever you’re thinking, think again. I’m Brit Sheril and I’m a physical therapist Dale Hass sent.”

  His grin turned into a frown. “Dale?”

  “Yes. Do you want to let me go now?”

  A black eyebrow arched as his gaze left hers. She watched him lower his attention to her body. She looked down and wanted to curse. She wore jeans with a black tank top. Since she’d ended up on her side when he’d yanked her down onto his bed it had pulled her shirt a little until the swell of her breasts were displayed nicely, thanks to her black pushup bra. Even the lacy center of her bra peeked from her shirt. Her focus lifted to watch a smile curve those lush lips of his.

  She upgraded his looks instantly. With that grin he looked rugged and handsome. His mouth gave him a mean look until it curved upward.

  “No. I don’t want to let you go. I want to strip you down and fuck you. That would be the best physical therapy you could give me.”

  His words took her aback for a heartbeat or two as she stared into his eyes. “That’s not my job.”

  “It could be. I could work you.” His dark gaze lowered to her breasts again. “I could work you over and over.”

  “Stop that,” she snapped. “Let go. I’m here to check on you. Dale said he heard you were hurt and I saw the swollen knee. Get the hell off me, Mr. Wind. I’m not some barfly you brought home. I’m a professional therapist who is here to assess your injuries, ordered to be here by my boss.”

  He took a deep breath, his chest close enough that when he did, his skin touched the swell of her breasts and made her aware of his warmth. She swallowed. Her body responded to him and it pissed her off. He had no right to talk to her that way and he sure shouldn’t have yanked her into his bed.

  “So you want me to pay you?” He frowned.

  “Don’t even. If you say what I’m afraid you’re going to, just don’t. I’m not a sex therapist. I don’t fuck men for money but I’ve had a few jerks offer me that. I’ll kick your ass.”

  A deep chuckle came from him. “You’ll kick my ass? Baby, if you haven’t noticed, I have you pinned down. What are you going to do? You look like you couldn’t fight a strong wind.”

  “My name is Brit Sheril, not ‘baby’, Mr. Wind. Get the hell off me because I’m not amused.”

  “I could amuse you.”

  “You could get your whiskey-soaked ass off me.”

  His grin died and he grimaced while moving his face back a little. “Sorry. Do I smell bad?”

  She hesitated. “Let me up. I’m here to assess your injuries. Is it just the knee?”

  He blinked before he rolled back. Relief washed through her as she sat up slowly, inching away from him to rise to her feet. She turned around, instantly regretting it.

  River Wind stretched out on his back watching her…with the sheet gone. Her focus flew down his body, unable to look away as she stared wide-eyed at him. She hadn’t expected to see that.

  He chuckled. “I’m really happy to see you.”

  Her gaze jerked away from the impressive hard-on. His thick cock had been circumcised and at that moment he seemed to be very turned on. The guy shaved his lower area. She couldn’t miss that since his legs were spread enough to reveal everything to her. The guy had balls all right—shaved, heavy ones.

  “I see that. Can you cover up, please? Morning wood isn’t something I want to see.”

  “You said you wanted to assess me and you wanted to know where I hurt. There it is. That’s where I’m aching.” He scanned her body again as he lifted his arms, bending them behind his head to use his forearms for a pillow. “If you’d drop those jeans and climb on me, you could fix my pain real fast.”

  The sad part is, she thought, I’m tempted. The last guy she’d taken home had been a dud. Her memory skipped back five months to the wedding of a dear friend. Weddings were depressing when someone was thirty-five, single, and had no prospects. One of the groom’s friends had been blond, cute, and flirtatious. He’d also been a rotten lay, looked better in clothes than out of them, and hadn’t been a tenth as tempting as the guy stretched out on the bed in front of her.

  “There are condoms in the drawer built into the wall behind you.”

  She turned her head to glance at the drawers and a closet that were a little to the side of the door. She looked back at him. Damn, he is fine looking. As much as her libido was tempted, he had to be a saddle tramp, obviously used to getting his way with women and she’d seen his home. Hooking up with this guy would be a big mistake and she could lose her job. Not even fifteen minutes of the stud muffin on the bed would be worth that. She wasn’t blowing the only employment she could find. With her past, no one but Dale would hire her.

  “Where else do you hurt? I saw the knee. I’m definitely not helping you out with your…” She glanced at his erection. “So, are you hurt anywhere else?”

  “My cock. My love stick. The joy toy. You can say it, baby.”

  “The name is Brit and if you keep it up, you can call me Miss Sheril.”

  “I can keep it up.” He chuckled. “It’s keeping it down that is the problem when someone as nice-looking as you is standing at the foot of my bed.”

  “You’re a pig.”

  “Want to get dirty with me?” The insult amused him. “Oink, oink.”

  Sighing, she crossed her arms over her chest. “Look, Mr. Wind, I came here because Dale is worried about you. I’m not here for any other reason. He thought you were injured. If you don’t want me to help you out with that knee or any other injures you’ve sustained then I’m out of here.”

  “The only way you can help me out is by taking your clothes off.”

  “I tried but some people are just too stupid to take what is offered. Have a nice day and keep the ice on the knee. If you change your mind, give Dale a call. He’ll send out someone else to help you.” She turned and walked out of his room.


  She stopped, slowly turning around as he sat up. His beautiful brown eyes locked with hers. “I’ll behave and I am in pain. My shoulder is screwed up too.”

  She took a step toward him, her gaze scanning his naked body and cringed at how much she wanted him. He had the best body she’d ever seen and that generous hard-on was definitely the biggest she’d ever seen. Brit was losing her mind. If she had a brain she’d flee. The sexy guy was trouble.

  He smiled as she walked back into his room. She turned toward the closet and jerked it open to stare at his clothes. He owned a lot of jeans, a few jeans jackets, and enough flannel to make a few sets of sheets for his big bed.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “Some shorts.”

  “You want to get out of your jeans?” He chuckled. “You don’t need any clothes.”

  She bit back a curse, reaching down to the drawers.

  “The condoms are on the top to the left. Just lift the briefs.”

  She jerked open the drawer on the top and grabbed a pair of navy boxer briefs. She slammed the door shut, turned, and hit his chest with the underwear. He grabbed at them, a large, tan hand closing over the small piece of material.

  “Put those on if you want me to stay. I refuse to continue this conversation with you naked. Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to

  His looked at his exposed lap. A grin curved his lips as his gaze met hers. He shrugged. “Tell it to him. He’s just aiming for what he really wants.”

  Rolling her eyes, Brit crossed her arms over her chest again and stared at him. “Don’t tell me you named it.”

  “All men do. I bet you named your girls.”

  She glanced down at her cleavage and then met his gaze again. “I did.”

  “What names did you give them?”

  She smiled at him, sliding her hands up her waist to cup each breast. “This one,” she squeezed it, “is Off. And this one…” she squeezed the other one, “is Limits. Put that together and you get what they are telling you.” Her hands dropped. “Now get your cute ass up and put on some clothes.”

  He grinned. “I love feisty.”

  “Then you’re really going to love me. Now get your ass up, put something on, and stop giving me a hard time.” She wanted to groan the second the words were out of her mouth. Her gaze jerked down his body to that rock-hard erection. “No pun intended,” she added quickly before she spun away. “I’m going to go retrieve my bag from the car. When I get back, I want something covering you from your bellybutton to your thighs.”

  He chuckled as she walked away. She had reached the door when he called out, “You could cover me from my bellybutton to my thighs.”

  She smiled. He was persistent in a cute kind of way. She turned and stared down the hallway at him. “Do you want me to make you hot, cowboy?”

  “I sure do.”

  She winked. “Then I’ll be right back.” She’d give him hot all right. The cream she used to rub into sore muscles would heat him right up.

  Chapter Two

  “Damn it, that’s not what I had in mind.” River Wind gave her a dirty look, trying to inch away from her.

  She grinned. “Man up, cowboy. You got hurt how?”

  He glared. “Keep away from me with that shit. I don’t like those creams. I know what they do.”

  “It’s just a little white tube. It will help with the swelling and pain. It’s just a little ole cream that is going to help you. You rode a bull, right? Most of Dale’s friends are rodeo idiots.”

  His dark gaze narrowed and his lips weren’t smiling anymore. “Idiots?”

  “You heard me.” She regarded him with a smirk. “How smart is it to climb onto a wild beast that is big enough to kill your ass if it gets you under it?”

  “It’s a sport.”

  “It’s insane. Now lie down. I’m a trained professional and I’m certified to give you massages and I’m going to rub this into your knee. Dale told me your history and it’s in your file. I’m sure you’ve had rubdowns before with some of the injuries you’ve sustained.”

  “Yeah. I’ve had them in the past and that’s why you’re not getting near me with that crap.” He backed up into the corner of his bedroom with nowhere else to go. “So put it down.”

  A blonde eyebrow lifted. “Do you need a pacifier to suck on?”

  Amusement lit his dark-brown eyes as they lowered to her chest. “The only nipple I want to suck is either Off or Limits.”

  She smiled. “Dream on. Now stop hiding in the corner. Don’t make me come after you. If you think you’re the only difficult patient I’ve ever had, think again. Have you met Dale’s friends?”

  “Met them hell, I was raised with them.” He continued to frown. “I don’t want that stuff put on me. It is all cool at first and then it starts to burn. Don’t you have any pills I could take?”

  “Well, that explains why you’re ornery the way they are. No, I don’t have pills and the cream works faster. It’s just a little burning sensation at first but then it will help you. I’m good.”

  He smiled. “I bet you are.”

  Sighing, she tilted her head, staring at him. “Don’t be such a baby and stop with the sexual shit. Do you really want to piss off the woman who is going to put her hands on you where you’re hurt? Now quit being such a pussy and man up. Get out of the corner or at least stick your thumb in your mouth so you have the whole two-year-old thing going on for you.”

  He took a deep breath, that broad chest of his expanding. “Your bedside manner sucks.”

  She grinned. “You just wish I sucked.”

  She couldn’t believe she’d said that. Her grin died as she fought back a groan. Her attention managed not to dip to the front of his boxer briefs. She saw his eyes widen a little before they crinkled from his grin.

  “That would motivate me to let you put that crap on me.”

  She ran her tongue over her lip. She wasn’t above playing a little with the guy. She moved back from the bed into the hallway. Slowly, she lowered to her knees. She saw his eyes widen. She lifted her left hand, wiggling her finger at him.

  “Come here.”

  His darkened gaze stared at her but he moved. He had to wiggle to get out of the tiny space he’d put himself into. Men never ceased to amaze her with the stupid shit they would do when they were horny. She licked her lips again, wetting them, as the man inched closer to stand in front of her, passion sparking his features.

  “You’ll do that if I let you rub the cream on my knee?”

  “I have a life so I don’t have all day to coax you out of the corner like some skittish kitten. Drop them, cowboy.”

  He grabbed the front of his briefs, jerking them down without hesitation, letting hard, aroused flesh spring free. He really did have a big cock. It was thick, hard, and red-tipped from need. It had to be the best one she’d ever seen, not that she’d seen enough to be a judge. She couldn’t believe she had literally stooped to this level.

  “Hands to yourself,” she warned.

  His eyebrows lifted. “Why?”

  “Put your hands behind your back and don’t touch me while I do this. I don’t want to choke. You’re pretty big.”

  While she spoke, she uncapped the tube. His attention focused on her face, not her hands. He put his arms behind his back, causing his chest to arch out a little. Brit lowered her gaze. Damn, the man does have an impressive body, she thought.

  “Spread your legs wider.”

  He hesitated before doing it. She didn’t go for his cock. She went for his inner thigh first. She ran her tongue along the sensitive skin, higher until her cheek brushed his cock. River sucked in air. Her lips turned to his hip, nibbling there. She’d lost her mind, she knew, but the guy was really tempting her to do something out of the ordinary. She’d never touched a stranger before and she had never thought she would either.

  Pulling back, she gripped his briefs, which were trapped at his knees. She tugged and moved a little, pulling them down further to free up the swollen knee. Once she worked in the medicated cream, allowed it time to numb him a little, she could massage the sore area. Just getting it on him though had to be tackled first.

  “Legs together. Let’s get these out of the way.”

  He moved. Her gaze traveled down his leg, fixing on his swollen knee when she curved a little around his limb while she pushed the material to his ankles with one hand. She released it to grab for a glove in her front pocket, donning it quickly, a pro at putting one on fast.

  “Lift the left leg.”

  As he did it she squeezed a good amount of the cream into her gloved palm and wrapped it around his injured knee, massaging it into his skin gently just as he realized what she’d done. He cursed loudly when the medicated cream started to work, trying to get away. He fell back on the bed to land hard on his ass.

  Getting to her feet, Brit grinned at him. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” She tore off the glove, careful not to touch the cream smeared on it.

  Dark eyes watched her. “It’s burning like a mother. You’re not going to blow me, are you? You just wanted to trick me into putting that shit on me.”

  He sounded disappointed. Most guys would get angry over being tricked but not this one. It made her like him a hell of a lot. She knew the burning sensation he experienced fa
ded as she watched his features relax as the cream soothed his injured knee and numbed it.

  Her eyes lowered to the hard flesh sticking straight up. For five months she’d been alone. Five long, battery-operated months. He was so incredibly good-looking and his body was perfection. What were the chances, really, of ever coming across a guy who looked this good again? He was obviously a decent guy since he wasn’t raging at her over being duped.

  “Fuck it,” she sighed. She reached for her shirt. “If you ever tell Dale, I’ll kill your ass. He’ll fire me. Got it? This never happened.” She tore her shirt over her head. “Never. I’m a figment of your imagination.”

  He sat up. “I can live with that.”

  “I don’t do strangers.” She dropped her shirt to the floor, kicked off her slip-on shoes. “You better at least be worth me risking my job and hating myself tomorrow because I’m going to.”

  He climbed off the bed. He stood at least six foot one, she guessed as he looked down at her. “I promise you won’t hate yourself. Not after what I’m going to do to you.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard guys brag before. That’s all it was.”

  He backed away from her, bent and yanked open the drawer to shove his folded briefs out of the way. She watched him yank out a box of condoms as she unzipped her jeans and tore them down her hips.

  “You’ve never fucked me.” His gaze held hers. “I know what the hell I’m doing.”

  Her eyes ran up and down him. A guy like him could have a lot of women and she figured he had. He probably knew a whole lot about sex. She hoped so since she’d decided to do something totally insane. She shoved off her panties last, standing naked at the door of his room. Her gaze rose to his.

  “Okay, I’m not the experienced one. What do you want to do to me?”

  He removed a condom and threw the box at the top of the bed. He never looked away from her eyes as he used his teeth to rip open the foil. She didn’t look down but she saw his shoulders move as his hands rolled on the condom. In the next instant he reached for her.

  She gasped when she went airborne. The guy had grabbed her and flung her none too gently on top of the bed, where she landed on her back. Staring up at him in surprise, she hoped she hadn’t made a mistake by trusting the big guy. Her attention lowered to his condom-covered cock. He happened to be big everywhere and he could hurt her.