The "report" delivered by Antonio was of a character to have causedserious apprehension to the cibolero--fear, in fact, had he been the manto have such a feeling. It had the effect of still further increasinghis caution, and his mind was now bent with all its energies upon thecraft of taking care of himself.

  Had he contemplated an open fight, even with the two strong men who wereseeking him, he would have been less uneasy about the result; but heknew that, strong as they were, these ruffians would not attack himwithout some advantage. They would make every effort to surprise himasleep, or otherwise take him unawares. Against their wiles he had nowto guard himself.

  He rode slowly back to the ravine, his thoughts all the while busiedabout the yellow hunter and his companion.

  "They must know of the cave," so ran his reflections. "Their followingmy trail yesterday is an evidence that they suspected something in thedirection of the ravine. They had no doubt heard of late affairs beforegetting so far. Some _hatero_ on the outer plains has told them all,very like; well, what then? They have hastened on to the mission. Ha!the Padre Joaquin took the boy over to the Presidio. I see--I see--thePadre is the `patron' of these two ruffians. They have told himsomething, else why should he be off to the Presidio so early? Newsfrom them--and then Roblado starting directly after to seek them!Clear--clear--they have discovered my hiding-place!"

  After a pause:--

  "What if they have reached the ravine in my absence? Let me see. Yes,they've had time enough to get round; that is, if they started soonafter Roblado's interview. The boy thinks they did. By Heaven! it'snot too soon for me to be on the alert."

  As this thought passed through the cibolero's mind, he reined up hishorse; and, lowering his head, glanced along the neck of the animal intothe darkness before him. He had now arrived at the mouth of the canon,and nearly on the same track by which he had ridden out of it; but themoon was under thick clouds, and the gloom of the ravine was no longerrelieved by her light.

  "It would be their trick," reflected he, "to get inside the canon, atits narrow part, and wait for me to come out of the cave. They wouldwaylay me pretty handy there. Now suppose they _are_ up the canon atthis moment!"

  For a moment he paused and dwelt upon this hypothesis. He proceededagain.

  "Well, let them; I'll ride on. Cibolo can beat the rocks a shot's rangeahead of me. If they're ambushed there without him finding them,they'll be sharper fellows than I take them to be; and I don't considerthem flats, either, the scoundrels! If he start them, I can soon gallopback out of their reach. Here! Cibolo!"

  The dog, that had stopped a few paces in front, now came running back,and looked up in his master's face. The latter gave him a sign,uttering the simple word "Anda!"

  At the word the animal sprang off, and commenced quartering the groundfor a couple of hundred yards in advance.

  Following him, the horseman moved forward.

  In this way he approached the point where the two walls convergingnarrowed the canon to a space of little more than a hundred yards.Along the bases of the cliffs, on both sides, lay large loose rocks,that would have given cover to men in ambush, and even horses might havebeen concealed behind them.

  "This," thought Carlos, "would be the place chosen for their cowardlyattack. They might hit me from either side with half an aim. ButCibolo makes no sign.--Ha!"

  The last exclamation was uttered in a short sharp tone. It had beencalled forth by a low yelp from the dog. The animal had struck thetrail where the yellow hunter and his companion had crossed to themiddle of the ravine. The moon had again emerged from the clouds, andCarlos could see the dog dashing swiftly along the pebbles and up theravine towards the mouth of the cavern!

  His master would have called him back, for he was leaving the looserocks unsearched, and, without that being done, Carlos felt that itwould be perilous to proceed farther; but the swiftness with which thedog had gone forward showed that he was on a fresh trail; and it nowoccurred to the cibolero that his enemies might be within the caveitself!

  The thought had hardly crossed his mind when the dog uttered severalsuccessive yelps! Although he had got out of sight, his master knewthat he was at that moment approaching the mouth of the cave, andrunning upon a fresh scent.

  Carlos drew up his horse and listened. He dare proceed no farther. Hedared not recall the dog. His voice would have been heard if any onewere near. He reflected that he could do no better than wait till thedog should return, or by his attack give some sign of what he was after.It might, after all, be the grizzly bear, or some other animal, he waspursuing.

  The cibolero sat upon his horse in perfect silence--not unpreparedthough for any sudden attack. His true rifle lay across his thighs, andhe had already looked to its flint and priming. He listened to everysound, while his eyes pierced the dark recesses of the ravine before andaround him.

  For only a few moments this uncertainty lasted, and then back down thechasm came a noise that caused the listener to start in his saddle. Itresembled the worrying of dogs, and for a moment Carlos fancied thatCibolo had made his attack upon a bear! Only a moment did this illusionlast, for his quick ear soon detected the voices of more dogs than one;and in the fierce confusion he distinguished the deep-toned bark of a_bloodhound_!

  The whole situation became clear to him at once. His enemies had beenawaiting him in the cave--for from it he was certain that the soundsproceeded.

  His first instinct was to wheel his horse and gallop out of the canon.He waited a moment, however, and listened.

  The worrying noise continued, but, amid the roar find barking of thedogs, Carlos could distinguish the voices of men, uttered in low hurriedtones, as if addressing the dogs and also one another.

  All at once the conflict appeared to cease, for the animals becamesilent, except the hound, who at intervals gave out his deep loud bray.In a moment more he, too, was silent.

  Carlos knew by this silence that Cibolo had either been killed upon thespot, or, having been attacked by men, had sheered off. In either caseit would be of no use waiting his return. If alive, he knew that thedog would follow and overtake him. Without further delay, therefore, heturned his horse's head, and galloped back down the ravine.