Page 23 of Highland Rake

  "Be easy with him," Cameron said, scowling at Dougald. "He is my niece's husband, after all."

  His blood pounding, Dougald was so angry, he couldn't tell if the Cameron was jesting, or being serious. "You canna believe I had anything to do with Alana's crossing into the MacNeill lands," Dougald shouted. "I hadna anything to do with any of it. And if someone among your own kin fears for her safety, you could be putting her in grave danger!" He jerked his arms hard, trying to pull himself free of the men, but it was of no use. He had thought to be with her tonight, sleeping, loving her, keeping her safe. He suspected he wasn't going to be anywhere near her tonight and that made his blood sizzle with outrage.

  "Cameron, have your men release me at once," Dougald ordered. He didn't want to leave her alone. Cameron would still keep his men as guards for her chambers, or at least he thought her uncle would, but what about Dougald's men? Had they been arrested as well?

  Cameron didn't speak another word, but inclined his head to his men, giving them the silent order. They hauled Dougald out of Cameron's solar, roughly, because he wasn't making it easy for them.

  The laird had to have planned this all along. When? When they could not speak with Odara? Pelly? When he could not confirm that Dougald and his kin had nothing to do with Alana's leaving the castle? Had he planned this on the journey here? He'd had ample time to make arrangements while Dougald spoke to his cousin or with Alana. After they had arrived at the castle? He didn't think so. He'd been with Cameron since they arrived here.

  "Cameron!" Dougald shouted again, trying to wrench himself free.

  "MacNeill willna have the lass to bed this eve," one of the men said.

  "Never fear, we will keep Lady Alana safe, MacNeill," another said.

  But he couldn't help worrying about Alana and fought for his freedom. What if Cameron had decided the only way he could get Alana away from the MacNeill was to pretend to agree to accepting Dougald's marriage to Alana, and in truth, he had fully intended to turn her over to Hoel after all?

  Everyone had begun setting up pallets in the great hall to sleep and so the corridor the men took Dougald down was deserted except for a servant or two who witnessed his predicament. Once he got free—and he would get himself out of this, somehow—he had half a mind to take Alana back with him to Craigly Castle or even with him to Malcolm's castle and her uncle would never see her again.

  The only thing that did not make any sense was the men were careful not to injure him, despite the way he fought them, which made him think Cameron truly did not believe Dougald was guilty of any crime. Mayhap only his brother, James's pawn. That did not lessen Dougald's worry concerning the lass and what Cameron intended to do with her. Or that she might not be protected well enough without him there.

  When they reached the dark, dank dungeon, he was shoved into a cell, minus his sword, but they left him with his dirk. He wondered what was going on. Anyone with half a thought in his head would know not to leave a prisoner armed.

  The men quickly locked him in, and then left him alone without another word. His eyes adjusting to the dark, he saw two more men each sitting on pallets in another cell. One—a blond, and the other, as dark-haired as Dougald. "God's knees, Gunnolf? Is that you? Niall, you, too?"

  Niall snorted and folded his arms. "This wasna what I had in mind when I wished to have an adventure."

  Gunnolf shook his head. "You should have known Dougald would get us thrown into a cell like this. This is part of the adventure when you go places with him."

  "I am no' the only one who manages such a feat," Dougald said darkly.

  "'Twas no' over a lass was it?" Gunnolf asked, cheerfully, a teasing lightness to his words.

  "I am no' certain what Cameron has in mind. His men left me with my sgian dubh," Dougald said, not answering his question. Gunnolf had to know better.

  "Same with us," Niall said. "I thought they were careless."

  "I dinna believe so," Dougald said. "No man in his right mind would leave prisoners well-armed with their daggers."

  "They attempted no' to injure us," Gunnolf said, "though I split one mon's lip."

  Dougald smiled at that. "He is lucky you didna get his nose. What of our other men? The lads?"

  "They were relieved before Cameron's men came for us. They were to sleep in the barracks with Cameron's men. The lads were taken to a special chamber to sleep, with honeyed milk and slices of bread and cheese. The lads thought they were in heaven," Niall said. "After they were led away and our other men exchanged with relief guards who were all Cameron men, they came for us."

  Frustrated, but unable to do anything at the moment, Dougald sat on the pallet.

  Gunnolf lay back down on his. "They didna take our clothes away, either."

  "Aye." Dougald looked over at Niall. "You may have to remove yours."

  Niall frowned at him. "Why?"

  "The dungeon is too cold for me to do it. Besides, 'tis part of the adventure, and Gunnolf and I have already done so before. Someone has to entice the lassies to come and rescue us," Dougald said with a slight shrug of one shoulder.

  Gunnolf chuckled.

  "You didna do such a thing before," Niall said.

  "Nay, we had no choice in the matter. We were stripped naked in the bailey in front of the men and women. 'Tis supposed to degrade us, but in fact by doing so, it enticed a lass to free us." Then being angered again, Dougald rose from the pallet and paced across the cold stone floor. "I canna believe the Cameron did this to us."

  "Canna the likes of you shut up and go to sleep?" someone groused at a cell in the darkest part of the dungeon.

  Dougald looked at Gunnolf, who smiled back at him. It was tempting to talk all night long just to make it inconvenient for whoever was locked away, who had no doubt done something that had warranted it.

  "Who are you?" Dougald asked.

  "Firth and Alpin. Who are you?" the man asked, sounding surly.

  "Dougald MacNeill."

  "A MacNeill," he said in a huff.

  "What are you in here for?"

  "Stealing from you."

  "Really. Well since I have married the Cameron's niece, mayhap I can find a place where you could hang, rather than languish in the dungeon."

  "Hey, Firth, ask him why he is in the dungeon with us if he just married Lady Alana."

  "Yeah, why?" Firth asked.

  "To hear your confession. Now that I have heard it, I will advise Cameron on what to do with you."

  The men said naught after that. Niall grinned at Dougald. "So what do you think Cameron is up to?"

  "Mayhap he has a plan," Gunnolf said.

  Dougald glanced at his friend. "I suspect so. But what would that be?"

  Gunnolf shrugged and closed his eyes. "It doesna matter as long as you are coming up with a plan for us."

  "I am," Dougald said, and resumed pacing.


  "What do you mean that Hoel MacDonald was admiring Seana's…" Alana paused, seeing Seana blushing furiously. "You mean he sees ghosts? That he saw you even, Connell?"

  "How would I know that?" Connell growled, his eyes narrowed. "He was only looking at Seana's…attributes."

  "Mayhap he was watching his men seated at a lower table across the great hall," Alana reasoned.

  "Nay," Connell said.

  "Aye," Seana said. "That was just what he was doing."

  "Did you walk around the head table?" Alana asked, still concerned her brother was correct in his assumption. She wasn't sure how it would change things, but she was certain it would. "You said you didna overhear anything spoken there that was important to us."

  "Nay, and if Hoel MacDonald could have seen me, he would have been watching me, but he never once looked in my direction. Nor at Connell either," Seana said.

  "That's because he was busy shoving food into his mouth." Connell turned and headed for the door. "Fine. Believe her, but I know I am right." He vanished through the door.

  Seana made a scowly face at the doo
r. "Connell is wrong. I even leaned around Hoel when Connell told me the man had been watching me, just to see if he reacted. And he didn't. He took another drink of his ale and went back to eating."

  "Did Connell tell you that Hoel had seen you before you moved near MacDonald? Or after you were near enough he could hear you speak? Though, I suppose some might be able to see you and not hear your spoken words. I wouldna know for certain."

  "Connell told me before we crossed the great hall to the high table. He practically dragged me to get close to Hoel, and then he said, 'See now if he reacts in any way.'"

  "Then if Hoel could see you and could hear you, he might have pretended no' to see or hear you."

  Seana pondered that, then ignored the comment as she might have to admit Connell could be correct in his assumption. "I am tired. May I sleep with your maids? Well, your borrowed maids?"


  "Good eve then." Seana disappeared through the door to the ladies' chamber.

  Alana glanced at the door and took a deep breath. She imagined her uncle was still speaking with Dougald, but she was too tired to stay awake another moment. And she wondered what had become of Turi's daughter, Brighid. She should have been there in the inner bailey to greet her first. She wasna sleeping in the maid's chamber. Where was she? That had Alana worrying that her illness had… She couldn't think of it.

  She headed for the door and opened it. Only her uncle's men guarded it now. Gunnolf and Niall and the lads must have retired for the night. None of the MacNeill men had remained either. But she thought the show of force too much anyway. Three men remained and all waited for her to speak.

  "Brighid, where is she?"

  "She has gone to see her sister." Her uncles's advisor, Turi, hurried down the corridor, speaking as he moved toward her. "She hasna seen her in a fortnight, forgive me, my lady. She didna think you would mind."

  "Of course not." Brighid had always been loyal to Alana, and the woman loved her married sister dearly. She had two nieces and a nephew she adored as well. "Is she feeling better?"

  "Aye. The herbs you gave her settled whatever ailed her. She is fine."

  Alana frowned at him. "Are my uncle and husband still talking?" She was afraid mayhap they were doing a bit of drinking.

  "They are still talking. It might be quite a while before he retires. You might as well get your rest until then."

  Alana let out her breath. It was only her second night of married bliss, and she hoped the night before had not been her first and last. "'Til the morrow then," she said and returned to her chamber as Turi closed her door.

  Alana crossed the room, removed the brooch from her brat and laid the wool cloak over the bench. She pulled off her léine, then climbed onto the mattress. She yanked the furs over her and closed her eyes, willing Dougald to hurry up and come to bed with her.

  But she wondered—did Hoel also see the dead? If so, was that the reason his da wanted him to wed Alana? Because they knew she could also? Then he wouldn't think she was mad and she wouldn't think that of him?

  Or was Connell mistaken and it just seemed as though Hoel was looking at Seana and then not looking at her—in an avoidance kind of way?

  Alana must have drifted off finally because a hand on her bare shoulder brought her instantly awake. Or at least she thought it was as she opened her eyes and couldn't see anything in the dark. She swallowed a scream, remembering that Dougald was her husband and that he must have come to bed with her sometime after she'd fallen asleep.

  Until Connell dispelled that notion and whispered, "Shh, Alana, 'tis only me."

  She must not have been fully awake after all, as she couldn't seem to clear her mind and figure out what was going on. She glanced in the direction Dougald would have to be sleeping, but still, it was too dark for her to see anything.

  "What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice low and irritated. She was not only alarmed that her brother was in the chamber when her husband had to be sleeping beside her, though he must not have wanted to wake her so he wasn't touching her, but she was naked.

  "Dougald has no' come to your bed," her brother said.

  She glanced in the direction Dougald should be and frowned. If her brother was going to tell her that her husband was dallying with another maid, she would kill Connell. Well, if he wasn't already dead. Then she'd kill Dougald. And he wasn't already dead, but he'd wish he was as soon as she got hold of him.

  Then again what if something untoward had happened to her husband what with the MacDonalds still being here? But what if it was just that Dougald had drunk too much and was sleeping it off somewhere else? Too many scenarios were flitting through her mind all at once.

  "Where is he?" she asked, her voice hushed, certain guards were still posted outside the room, though because of the thick walls and heavy doors, they probably couldn't hear her speaking anyway.


  She frowned at her brother. Could a ghost see in the dark?

  "Our uncle has gone to sleep, but went to bed some hours earlier. I have looked for Dougald everywhere, and I canna find him."

  "Why were you looking for him?" She started to pull her covers aside, then paused. "Can you see in the dark?"


  "Oh. Leave and allow me to dress then."

  "I was looking for him because I thought some of his men were to watch you at all times."

  She stared in her brother's direction. "I…I noticed. I thought mayhap he believed it safe enough not to have any of his men posted."

  "Nay. He wouldna. He believes that someone from our own clan was possibly in collusion with someone that might wish you harmed…or…something. Not sure what. But Dougald doesna fully trust our people. He believes that someone from here also knew this and was the one who planned to have you leave—using Odara as the reason."

  "You…you dinna think that whoever had our da murdered was one of our own people, do you?"

  "I think it was too long ago to make a connection."

  "What about with you? Your death?"

  Connell didn't say anything.

  "All right, well, leave, Connell, and I will dress."

  "I will turn my back. I am no' leaving you." Connell was so sincere, she felt he truly believed he could protect her.

  "Oh, all right. Since you can see and I canna, hand me my léine, will you?"

  He did, and then she began to dress. "Where do you think Dougald is?"

  "The dungeon."

  Alana paused. "You are jesting, aye?"

  Chapter 24

  Cameron thought someone would make a move soon. Someone who thought to protect Alana and sent her away from Braniff Castle would come to free Dougald so he could shelter her. Or someone would attempt to get to Alana.

  One or the other. He knew he couldn't convince Dougald or his men to agree to his scheme. Not willingly. So he'd done the only thing he could think of to protect his niece. Locked Dougald and his cousin and boyhood companion, Gunnolf, away and continued to provide a safeguard for Alana. Then see who made a move after that.

  Turi was pacing across Cameron's solar, wringing his hands, acting like an old hen worried about her chicks.

  "Sit, Turi. You are wearing me out, and I am weary enough." Cameron wanted to get this over with quickly. He was tired and wanted to sleep. But he had to learn who was behind what had happened to Alana.

  He thought whoever was responsible would make a move, and he hoped he would because he didn't know what he would do in the morning. Alana would be upset her husband never came to see her that night. She might even suspect he'd been with another woman. And Cameron didn't want her to think that. Dougald's men would become restless if they should learn Dougald, Niall, and Gunnolf were not about to greet them when they broke their fast. Hell, his own advisor, Turi, was about ready to have a stroke over locking Dougald away.

  "The MacNeill willna be pleased with what you have done. They might even take Lady Alana back to Craigly Castle once they have a chance," Turi warn

  Cameron shook his head. "We have a deal. He married my niece and he will stay with us and earn his place among our people. Mayhap take over someday when I am too feeble to lead our clan."

  "The plan was not to place the man in the dungeon. Per your order, I have no' told our men why you have done this, but some are thinking 'tis where the MacNeills belong. 'Tis no' a good way to mend walls between our clans. 'Tis no' a good way to begin your niece's marriage."

  "You didna come up with a better plan, Turi. Do you have another idea?"

  Turi shook his head.

  "All right, then. We wait."

  But no one had made a move yet. And Cameron feared no one would as if everyone knew this was just a ruse to catch the culprit or culprits at their game.


  "How am I going to get past the guards at my chamber door?" Alana asked her brother, motioning at her guarded doorway. "They willna allow me to leave my chamber to go traipsing about the keep."

  "I know of another way out."

  She arched a brow.

  "Through the ladies' chamber."

  "A secret passageway? Oh, Connell, dinna tell me you would sneak into Brighid's and the other ladies' chamber to see my maids." Before he could answer, she waved her hand in the direction she'd heard his voice. "Forget it. I dinna want to know." She let out her breath in exasperation. "I canna see. How will you show me the way?"

  "Light a candle. I will guide you."

  "The maids might wake."

  "It canna be helped if you canna see in the dark like I can."

  She fumbled to light a candle, muttering to herself about Connell and her maids and his rakish ways. Two of her maids had left shortly before he died. She was told it was because they wished to marry someone in another clan. Had they? Or had there been another reason? One to do with her brother's dallying with them? Had Brighid fallen under her brother's charismatic spell as well? Brighid had assured her she hadn't. But it was hard to tell what the maid was thinking from time to time.

  As quietly as she could, Alana opened the door to the ladies' chamber and waited to ensure no one stirred. When she stepped into the room, she noted her brother was looking at the sleeping ladies, and she wanted to poke him and remind him of his business in here. Then he spied Seana sleeping next to another lady and smiled.