And entrails144 feed the sacrificing fire, Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky.

  Remaineth nought but to inter our brethren

  And with loud 'larums147 welcome them to Rome.

  TITUS Let it be so, and let Andronicus

  Make this his latest149 farewell to their souls.

  Flourish. Then sound trumpets, and lay the coffins in the tomb

  In peace and honour rest you here, my sons:

  Rome's readiest champions, repose you here in rest,

  Secure from worldly chances and mishaps.

  Here lurks no treason, here no envy153 swells, Here grow no damned grudges, here are no storms,

  No noise, but silence and eternal sleep:

  In peace and honour rest you here, my sons.

  Enter Lavinia

  LAVINIA In peace and honour live Lord Titus long: My noble lord and father, live in fame!158

  Lo, at this tomb my tributary159 tears I render for my brethren's obsequies,160


  And at thy feet I kneel with tears of joy

  Shed on the earth for thy return to Rome.

  O, bless me here with thy victorious hand,

  Whose fortune Rome's best citizens applaud.

  TITUS Kind Rome, that hast thus lovingly reserved The cordial166 of mine age to glad my heart.

  Lavinia, live, outlive thy father's days

  Lavinia rises

  And fame's eternal date, for virtue's praise.168

  [Enter Marcus, below]

  MARCUS Long live Lord Titus, my beloved brother, Gracious triumpher in the eyes of Rome!

  TITUS Thanks, gentle171 tribune, noble brother Marcus.

  MARCUS And welcome, nephews, from successful wars, You that survive and you that sleep in fame.

  Fair lords, your fortunes are alike in all,174

  That in your country's service drew your swords:

  But safer triumph176 is this funeral pomp That hath aspired to Solon's happiness177

  And triumphs over chance in honour's bed.178

  Titus Andronicus, the people of Rome,

  Whose friend in justice thou hast ever been,

  Send thee by me, their tribune and their trust,181

  This palliament182 of white and spotless hue, And name thee in election for the empire

  With these our late-deceased emperor's sons:

  Offers a robe

  Be candidatus185 then and put it on, And help to set a head on headless Rome.

  TITUS A better head her glorious body fits187

  Than his that shakes for age and feebleness.

  What, should I don this robe and trouble you?

  Be chosen with proclamations today,

  Tomorrow yield up rule, resign my life

  And set abroad192 new business for you all?

  Rome, I have been thy soldier forty years,

  And led my country's strength successfully,

  And buried one and twenty valiant sons,

  Knighted in field, slain manfully in arms

  In right and service197 of their noble country: Give me a staff of honour for mine age,

  But not a sceptre to control the world.

  Upright he held it, lords, that held it last.

  MARCUS Titus, thou shalt obtain and ask201 the empery.

  SATURNINUS Proud and ambitious tribune, canst thou tell?

  TITUS Patience, Prince Saturninus--

  SATURNINUS Romans, do me right.

  Patricians, draw your swords and sheathe them not

  Till Saturninus be Rome's emperor.

  Andronicus, would206 thou wert shipped to hell, Rather than rob me of the people's hearts.

  LUCIUS Proud Saturnine, interrupter of the good That noble-minded Titus means to thee.

  TITUS Content thee, prince, I will restore to thee The people's hearts, and wean them from themselves.211

  BASSIANUS Andronicus, I do not flatter thee, But honour thee, and will do till I die:

  My faction if thou strengthen with thy friends,

  I will most thankful be, and thanks to men

  Of noble minds is honourable meed.216

  TITUS People of Rome, and noble tribunes here, I ask your voices and your suffrages,218

  Will you bestow them friendly on Andronicus?

  TRIBUNES To gratify the good Andronicus

  And gratulate221 his safe return to Rome, The people will accept whom he admits.222

  TITUS Tribunes, I thank you, and this suit223 I make, That you create224 our emperor's eldest son, Lord Saturnine, whose virtues will, I hope,

  Reflect on Rome as Titan's226 rays on earth, And ripen justice in this commonweal:

  Then if you will elect by my advice,

  Crown him and say, 'Long live our emperor!'

  MARCUS With voices and applause of every sort, Patricians and plebeians, we create

  Lord Saturninus Rome's great emperor,

  And say, 'Long live our Emperor Saturnine!'

  A long flourish till they come down

  SATURNINUS Titus Andronicus, for thy favours done To us in our election this day,

  I give thee thanks in part of thy deserts,236

  And will with deeds requite thy gentleness:237

  And, for an onset,238 Titus, to advance Thy name and honourable family,

  Lavinia will I make my emperess,

  Rome's royal mistress, mistress of my heart,

  And in the sacred Pantheon242 her espouse: Tell me, Andronicus, doth this motion243 please thee?

  TITUS It doth, my worthy lord, and in this match I hold me highly honoured of245 your grace, And here in sight of Rome to Saturnine,

  King and commander of our commonweal,

  The wide world's emperor, do I consecrate

  My sword, my chariot and my prisoners,

  Presents well worthy Rome's imperial lord:

  Titus' sword, chariot (?) and prisoners are given to Saturninus

  Receive them then, the tribute that I owe,

  Mine honour's ensigns252 humbled at thy feet.

  SATURNINUS Thanks, noble Titus, father of my life.

  How proud I am of thee and of thy gifts,

  Rome shall record, and when I do forget

  The least of these unspeakable256 deserts, Romans forget your fealty257 to me.

  To Tamora

  TITUS Now, madam, are you prisoner to an emperor, To him that for your honour and your state,259

  Will use260 you nobly and your followers.


  SATURNINUS A goodly lady, trust me, of the hue261

  That I would choose, were I to choose anew.--

  To Tamora

  Clear up, fair queen, that cloudy countenance:

  Though chance of war hath wrought this change of cheer,264

  Thou com'st not to be made a scorn in Rome:

  Princely shall be thy usage every way.

  Rest267 on my word, and let not discontent Daunt all your hopes: madam, he comforts268 you Can make you greater than the queen of Goths.--

  Lavinia, you are not displeased with this?

  LAVINIA Not I, my lord, sith271 true nobility Warrants272 these words in princely courtesy.

  SATURNINUS Thanks, sweet Lavinia.-- Romans, let us go.

  Ransomless here we set our prisoners free:

  Sound music; prisoners released

  Proclaim our honours, lords, with trump and drum.

  BASSIANUS Lord Titus, by your leave, this maid is mine.

  Seizes Lavinia

  TITUS How, sir? Are you in earnest then, my lord?

  BASSIANUS Ay, noble Titus, and resolved withal278

  To do myself this reason279 and this right.

  MARCUS 'Suum cuique'280 is our Roman justice: This prince in justice seizeth but his own.

  LUCIUS And that he will, and shall, if Lucius live.

  TITUS Traitors, avaunt!283 Where is the emperor's guard?--

  Treason, my lord: Lavinia is surprised!284

urprised? By whom?

  BASSIANUS By him that justly may

  Bear his betrothed from all the world away.

  MUTIUS Brothers, help to convey her hence away, And with my sword I'll keep this door safe.

  [Exeunt Bassianus, Lavinia, Marcus, Martius, Quintus]

  TITUS Follow, my lord, and I'll soon bring her back.

  [Exeunt Saturninus and Goths]

  MUTIUS My lord, you pass not here.

  TITUS What, villain boy, barr'st me my way in Rome?

  He kills him

  MUTIUS Help, Lucius, help!293

  LUCIUS My lord, you are unjust, and, more than so: In wrongful quarrel295 you have slain your son.

  TITUS Nor296 thou, nor he, are any sons of mine: My sons would never so dishonour me.

  Traitor, restore Lavinia to the emperor.

  LUCIUS Dead, if you will, but not to be his wife That is another's lawful promised love.


  Enter aloft the Emperor with Tamora and her two sons, and Aaron the Moor

  SATURNINUS No, Titus, no, the emperor needs her not, Nor her, nor thee, nor any of thy stock.

  I'll trust by leisure303 him that mocks me once, Thee never, nor thy traitorous haughty sons,

  Confederates all thus to dishonour me.

  Was none in Rome to make a stale306

  But Saturnine? Full well, Andronicus,

  Agree these deeds with that proud brag of thine,

  That said'st I begged the empire at thy hands.

  TITUS O, monstrous! What reproachful words are these?

  SATURNINUS But go thy ways, go give that changing piece311

  To him that flourished312 for her with his sword.

  A valiant son-in-law thou shalt enjoy,

  One fit to bandy314 with thy lawless sons, To ruffle315 in the commonwealth of Rome.

  TITUS These words are razors to my wounded heart.

  SATURNINUS And therefore, lovely Tamora, Queen of Goths, That like the stately Phoebe318 'mongst her nymphs Dost overshine the gallant'st319 dames of Rome, If thou be pleased with this my sudden choice,

  Behold, I choose thee, Tamora, for my bride,

  And will create thee emperess of Rome,

  Speak, queen of Goths, dost thou applaud my choice?

  And here I swear by all the Roman gods,

  Sith priest and holy water are so near

  And tapers326 burn so bright and everything In readiness for Hymenaeus327 stand, I will not resalute the streets of Rome,

  Or climb my palace, till from forth this place

  I lead espoused my bride along with me.

  TAMORA And here in sight of heaven to Rome I swear, If Saturnine advance the Queen of Goths,

  She will a handmaid be to his desires,

  A loving nurse, a mother to his youth.

  SATURNINUS Ascend, fair queen, Pantheon335. Lords, accompany Your noble emperor and his lovely bride,

  Sent by the heavens for Prince Saturnine,

  Whose wisdom hath her fortune conquered:338

  There shall we consummate our spousal rites.

  Exeunt all. [Titus remains]

  TITUS I am not bid340 to wait upon this bride.

  Titus, when wert thou wont341 to walk alone, Dishonoured thus, and challenged342 of wrongs?

  Enter Marcus and Titus' sons [Lucius, Quintus and Martius]

  MARCUS O Titus, see! O, see what thou hast done!

  In a bad quarrel slain a virtuous son.

  TITUS No, foolish tribune, no. No son of mine, Nor thou, nor these, confed'rates in the deed

  That hath dishonoured all our family:

  Unworthy brother, and unworthy sons.

  LUCIUS But let us give him burial as becomes:349

  Give Mutius burial with our brethren.

  TITUS Traitors, away! He rests not in this tomb.

  This monument five hundred years hath stood,

  Which I have sumptuously re-edified:353

  Here none but soldiers and Rome's servitors354

  Repose in fame -- none basely slain in brawls.

  Bury him where you can, he comes not here.

  MARCUS My lord, this is impiety in you:

  My nephew Mutius' deeds do plead for him,

  He must be buried with his bretheren.359

  TITUS' TWO SONS360 And shall, or him we will accompany.

  TITUS 'And shall'? What villain was it that spake that word?

  TITUS' SON He that would vouch362 it in any place but here.

  TITUS What, would you bury him in my despite?363

  MARCUS No, noble Titus, but entreat of thee To pardon Mutius and to bury him.

  TITUS Marcus, even thou hast struck upon my crest,366

  And with these boys mine honour thou hast wounded.

  My foes I do repute368 you every one, So trouble me no more, but get you gone.

  FIRST SON He is not himself, let us withdraw.

  SECOND SON Not I, till Mutius' bones be buried.

  The brother [Marcus] and the sons kneel

  MARCUS Brother, for in that name doth nature plead--

  SECOND SON Father, and in that name doth nature speak--

  TITUS Speak thou no more, if all the rest will speed.374

  MARCUS Renowned Titus, more than half my soul--

  LUCIUS Dear father, soul and substance of us all--

  MARCUS Suffer377 thy brother Marcus to inter His noble nephew here in virtue's nest,

  That died in honour and Lavinia's cause.

  Thou art a Roman, be not barbarous.

  The Greeks upon advice381 did bury Ajax That slew himself, and wise Laertes' son

  Did graciously plead for his funerals:

  Let not young Mutius then, that was thy joy,

  Be barred his entrance here.

  TITUS Rise, Marcus, rise.

  The dismall'st387 day is this that e'er I saw: To be dishonoured by my sons in Rome!

  Well, bury him, and bury me the next.

  They put him in the tomb

  LUCIUS There lie thy bones, sweet Mutius, with thy friends, Till we with trophies391 do adorn thy tomb.

  MARCUS and TITUS' SONS No man shed tears for noble Mutius: He lives in fame that died in virtue's cause.

  Exeunt. [Titus and Marcus remain]

  MARCUS My lord, to step out of these sudden dumps,394

  How comes it that the subtle395 Queen of Goths Is of a sudden thus advanced in Rome?

  TITUS I know not, Marcus, but I know it is397 --

  Whether by device398 or no -- the heavens can tell.

  Is she not then beholding399 to the man That brought her for this high good turn so far?

  MARCUS Yes, and will nobly him remunerate.

  Flourish. Enter the Emperor, Tamora and her two sons with the Moor at one door. Enter at the other door Bassianus and Lavinia with others [Titus' three sons]

  SATURNINUS So, Bassianus, you have played your prize:402

  God give you joy, sir, of your gallant bride.

  BASSIANUS And you of yours, my lord. I say no more, Nor wish no less, and so I take my leave.

  SATURNINUS Traitor, if Rome have law or we have power, Thou and thy faction shall repent this rape.407

  BASSIANUS 'Rape' call you it, my lord, to seize my own, My true-betrothed love and now my wife?

  But let the laws of Rome determine all:

  Meanwhile I am possessed of that411 is mine.

  SATURNINUS 'Tis good412, sir: you are very short with us.

  But if we live we'll be as sharp413 with you.

  BASSIANUS My lord, what I have done, as best I may, Answer415 I must, and shall do with my life.

  Only thus much I give your grace to know:

  By all the duties that I owe to Rome,

  This noble gentleman, Lord Titus here,

  Is in opinion419 and in honour wronged, That in the rescue of Lavinia

  With his own hand did slay his youngest son

  In zeal to you, and highly moved to wrath

  To be controll
ed in that he frankly423 gave: Receive him then to favour, Saturnine,

  That hath expressed himself in all his deeds

  A father and a friend to thee and Rome.

  TITUS Prince Bassianus, leave to plead427 my deeds: 'Tis thou and those428 that have dishonoured me.


  Rome and the righteous heavens be my judge

  How I have loved and honoured Saturnine!

  To Saturninus

  TAMORA My worthy lord, if ever Tamora

  Were gracious in those princely eyes of thine,

  Then hear me speak indifferently433 for all, And at my suit, sweet, pardon what is past.

  SATURNINUS What, madam, be dishonoured openly, And basely put it up436 without revenge?

  TAMORA Not so, my lord. The gods of Rome forfend437

  I should be author to dishonour438 you.

  But on mine honour dare I undertake439

  For good Lord Titus' innocence in all,

  Whose fury not dissembled speaks his griefs:441

  Then at my suit look graciously on him.

  Lose not so noble a friend on vain suppose,443

  Nor with sour looks afflict his gentle heart.--

  Aside to Saturninus

  My lord, be ruled by me, be won at last,

  Dissemble446 all your griefs and discontents.

  You are but newly planted in your throne:

  Lest then the people, and patricians too,

  Upon a just survey449 take Titus' part, And so supplant you for ingratitude,

  Which Rome reputes to be a heinous sin,

  Yield at entreats -- and then let me alone:452

  I'll find a day to massacre them all,

  And raze454 their faction and their family, The cruel father and his traitorous sons

  To whom I sued456 for my dear son's life, And make them know what 'tis to let a queen

  Kneel in the streets and beg for grace in vain.--


  Come, come, sweet emperor.-- Come, Andronicus--

  Take up460 this good old man, and cheer the heart That dies in tempest of thy angry frown.

  SATURNINUS Rise, Titus, rise: my empress hath prevailed.


  TITUS I thank your majesty and her, my lord: These words, these looks, infuse new life in me.

  TAMORA Titus, I am incorporate in465 Rome, A Roman now adopted happily,466

  And must advise the emperor for his good.

  This day all quarrels die, Andronicus:

  And let it be mine honour, good my lord,

  That I have reconciled your friends and you.--

  For471 you, Prince Bassianus, I have passed My word and promise to the emperor,

  That you will be more mild and tractable.--

  And fear not, lords, and you, Lavinia:

  By my advice, all humbled on your knees,

  You shall ask pardon of his majesty.