smiled at him and Robb chuckled. “From what we’ve heard about your lord father, you’re nothing like him.” Robb said.

  “That’s because my father never tries to make any friends.” He replied. It was the truth, he thought. His father had all the qualities to be a great leader but his personality hindered his ascension. As such the burden fell down to him to make friends and allies while his father brooded on Dragonstone. He looked behind him and waved Edric over to them. “Allow me to introduce to you, my younger cousin and squire, Edric Storm.”

  “Storm,” He heard Arya mutter. “So he’s like Jon!” She realized while her sister tried to hush her.

  “Jon?” He repeated. Neither his uncle nor father had ever told him about Lord Stark having another son. He then realized what Arya had meant and figured that this Jon was Lord Stark’s bastard. He shook the thoughts out when he noticed Edric looking at him then nodded for him to greet them.

  “Uh, hello,” Edric greeted while bowing to them.

  “Hello,” They all greeted back. Robb then looked over at him. “Your squire?” Robb asked.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “I earned my knighthood a while ago though you don’t need to refer to me as Ser Leonidas.”

  “He hates titles,” Edric pointed out. “He also doesn’t like being a lord.”

  Leon rolled his eyes and messed with Edric’s hair. “What did I tell you about telling people that?”

  “Nothing,” Edric replied and stuck his tongue out at him.

  Robb and his siblings laughed at them as they began to argue with each other. “You two act more like brothers than cousins,” Robb chuckled.

  “If you want him, you can take him.” He said while pinning Edric in his arms. “Am I going to have to make Robar give you some more training lessons?”

  Edric pouted at him and folded his arms. “You’re no fun,” He muttered and Leon set him back on the ground.

  “Go find someone else to bother,” He muttered.

  “But I thought you enjoyed my company?” Edric asked while smirking.

  “Please,” He scoffed and messed with Edric’s hair before focusing his attention back onto Robb. “So, mind showing us inside?”

  “Gladly,” Robb replied. “I just hope that you two won’t cause any fights when we’re inside.”

  “Leon only causes fights when he’s drunk,” Edric said as Robb lead them inside.

  “Stop making stuff up,” He shot back. “Since when have I ever gotten drunk?” He then looked towards Robb. “Maybe you can introduce me to Jon later.”

  “I’m sure you’ll meet him at the feast,” Robb replied.

  A few hours later, Leon sat at one of the tables in the great hall with Robar and Edric far away from where the royal family would be sitting. He was in no mood today to deal with his cousins.

  The doors to the great hall then opened and he watched as Lord Stark entered, leading the queen inside. Lady Stark and his uncle then entered followed by the children. He watched as the youngest went over to visit someone at one of the tables. He realized that the boy the young one was talking to was Jon. He had all the Stark-like features, dark brown hair and grey eyes. He chuckled as he watched Jon urge the young one to continue onwards.

  The children had then been followed up by Robb who escorted his cousin, Myrcella. Arya then came next, paired up with his other cousin, Tommen. Then there was the crown prince escorting Sansa. He had to admit that Sansa looked very beautiful as she was escorted to the dais. Lastly there was the Kingslayer and the Imp. He frowned as he watched them enter the Great Hall.

  After the last of the lords had entered and had been seated, toasts were made and then the feast had begun. Leon decided to go introduce himself to Jon and left Edric with Robar and his men.

  “You must be Jon,” He greeted as he sat down beside him while watching him drink.

  Jon looked at him, surprised before replying to him. “I am, my lord.”

  “No need for formalities here,” He waved off.

  “Shouldn’t you be seated with the rest of the royal family?” Jon asked as he took another drink.

  “I am in no mood to deal with my cousins at the moment, so I decided to sit with my men.” He replied while he poured himself some wine. “And you, why are you not seated with your brothers?”

  He noticed Jon hesitate to answer. “Lady Stark thought it would insult the royal family to seat a bastard among them.”

  He nodded as he took a sip from his cup and looked over at where they were seated. “If you want, you could always join me and my men over at our table. I’m sure you will get along well with my cousin. He is a bastard like you.”

  “Thank you, my lord.” Jon replied. “But I think I will be fine here.”

  “Suit yourself,” He shrugged and stood up before heading back over to his table.

  “Enjoy your chat?” Robar asked as he sat back down with them.

  “It was interesting,” He replied. “I told him that he would get along with Edric, due to their statuses.”

  “He looks like the type who hates being called a bastard,” Robar pointed out.

  “He’ll have to get used to it.” He muttered.

  The feast had soon ended and Leon made his way to his chambers after the queen had left with his cousins. His head ached from drinking too much and he collapsed into his bed as soon as he entered his room.

  About the Author

  Joseph Estes is from Roswell, Georgia, and has a BFA degree for Creative Writing for entertainment.

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