Page 7 of Determined to Obey

  "Filthy little mouths, both of you. She never used to say things like that before you came, boy." Felipe smiles and keeps pounding his lovers into blissful submission as Celia asks Felipe's forgiveness. Felipe's hands cup Celia's breasts to pull her backward onto his chest, and Kid's pained moans roar to life. The older man shuts his eyes to better hear them, and Kid does nothing to keep them tempered. "Would you like that, boy? If I simply took what I wanted and deflowered your pussy? I bet you'd come without a hand on your little cock."

  "Shit! I can't...stop...ohgod...Felipe, please," Kid sighs in defeat.

  45. Felipe

  Felipe punches his hips forward in shallow thrusts and nearly loses his control with every sharp clench of Celia's muscles and Kid's needy whimpers when their cocks grind and pulse together in her velvety grip.

  "Can you feel me, boy? I can feel you. It makes me think about coming so you can feel every throb as I fill up our Celia's tight little ass. Would that make you lose it, baby boy? Make you come in her pussy so I can feel your cock against mine?"

  "Ah, ah ah, ah...fuck...goddamnitFelipe. Pleeeeeease!" Kid's hips stutter sharply. Felipe can feel the boy's balls tightening, ready to push out his load.

  "Don't you dare!" Felipe says through clenched teeth.

  46. Kid

  Kid rebels against the vision of his own cock pushing against Felipe's as they flood Celia with come. Every thrust brings it back. He nearly screams when Celia hastily lifts off. Kid fixates on the sight of her bright pink lips quivering, and her vacuous little hole contracting around the ghost of his cock. Felipe's fingers fill her void, sliding inside to keep her coming. Kid can't tear his eyes away, not from Celia's juices sliding toward her asshole, not from Felipe's balls slamming against her, and not from the semen running back out.

  Kid can no longer control himself. He curses them. He bucks wildly, pulling on the satin ropes that hold him spread out on the bed. His hard cock is red and leaking precum onto his stomach. "Please! Just touch my fucking dick. I'll come. Please. Please!"

  47. Celia

  Celia and Felipe laugh pitilessly as they fall to one side of the bed. Celia reaches out and lazily pinches one of Kid's nipples to make him hiss. "Shhh," she sings. "You know better than that."

  "I'm sorry, Celia." Her young lover attempts to sound contrite, but his scowl gives him away. He's been starved for love and affection so long, and now that he receives it on such a regular basis, he's become a very greedy boy. Celia doesn't mind though; she adores her despoiled lover.

  "Mmm," Celia purrs beneath Felipe's fingers. "What do you think, Felipe? Should we let him come?"

  Felipe's laughter disrupts the bed. "He's nearly as spoiled as you are." He meets Kid's glare with a wink. "Besides, he's our slave. He doesn't want this," he mocks. "He only suffers our touch, mine especially. It's better if we give him respite from our lecherous activities." He does nothing to disguise his self-righteous satisfaction toward Kid's leaking cock and pitiful, angry expression.

  Celia shakes her head and scolds Felipe playfully with her eyes. "As you say, master. But...shouldn't we at least give him a chance to come? He did hold himself back for me."

  "I did," Kid keens. His accent is improving.

  48. Felipe

  Felipe smiles and dips his fingers behind Celia; he brings them up shiny with their mingled fluids. He looks at Kid pointedly. "Open for me," he says seriously. The boy's wrists are tied, but his legs have been left free. He surpasses the older man's expectations when he plants his feet on the bed and lets his knees drop on either side of his long, gently muscled body. Any day before this one, the boy's face would be hot with degradation, but he cannot blush today. All of the blood in his young lover's body is throbbing in his cock, and Felipe knows a hard dick has no shame. "Good boy," he says gently and leans forward to whisper in his ear over Celia's shoulder, "but I meant your mouth."

  49. Kid

  Kid attempts to close his wantonly spread legs. Celia's smooth thigh pins his to the bed. They are both staring at him, and Kid can't help but feel like an ant under a magnifying glass. Felipe's smile is wicked, and Kid gasps when the older man slides his slimy fingers into Kid's mouth. They taste bitter with spunk and sweet with lube. He gags on Felipe's fingers, glad when they are withdrawn. He's about to remark on his displeasure when those same fingers, now glazed in his saliva, press against his exposed hole. Kid instinctively clenches, and he realizes he's been had as Felipe uses the opportunity to push a single fingertip past the first ring of muscle. Kid's eyes roll back into his head and he moans. "Ohhhhhhhhhhgodyeah."

  50. Felipe

  Felipe hisses hard through his teeth. Mary, Mother of God in heaven, Kid's moans would force a devout priest to sin. "Your pussy is so tight, boy. You're going to have to relax or I can't make it feel good."

  "Feelsssgood right there," Kid slurs. "Mmph." Celia starts licking into his mouth and he sticks out his tongue so she can suck it. Felipe's cock tries to fill at the sight, but can't.

  "Where is my finger, boy?"

  "My pussy," Kid groans. "Felipe, jussdoit," he mumbles around Celia's invading tongue.

  "You want more? Beg me." Felipe's voice is rough and husky with renewed lust.

  "Please," Kid pleads with gusto.

  "Please what, sweet boy? What do you want me to do?" Felipe croons.

  " pussy...I wanna come. Please." He lifts his free leg, opening himself. Felipe thrusts his thick finger all the way up the boy's ass. "Ohgodohfuckohhhhh."

  "You won't come yet, will you?" Felipe growls.

  "No," Kid squeaks.

  "Tell me why." Felipe slides his finger in and out of the younger man's ass in a slow sawing motion that has Kid moving his sweaty hips up and down. He wants to lean forward and lick up the precum sliding down his blood red shaft, but Celia beats him to it--the greedy little minx.

  "I'm your slave!" Kid shouts. His cock bounces gently against his own stomach with every wave of arousal.

  "Yes. You are." Felipe slides a second finger into his young lover's snug hole.

  51. Kid

  Kid pants, swallows beyond the dryness in his mouth. Felipe's fingers feel like a claim, a brand being burned into him. He keeps his eyes fixed on his master and showcases his pleasure.

  Celia's mouth closes over Kid's cock and Felipe pounds his hole so hard Kid's body is confused about what to do with the sensations coursing through him. Celia sucks once, twice, and Kid moans his pleasure to the ceiling as he unloads eight days' worth of come into her gluttonous mouth.

  They all sleep in the same bed that night. Kid begrudgingly takes the middle.


  52. Felipe/Kid

  He grins impishly at the sight of Kid's bowed head as he takes a sip of wine. Lacking the ability to disguise his distress, the younger man has been staring into his lap for the past several minutes. He places his own bronze hand on Kid's blond head and takes a moment to appreciate the contrast. "No tienes hambre, muchacho?" he asks softly.

  Kid blinks rapidly and shakes his head to clear his wayward thoughts. He looks up toward Felipe, perturbed by his master's genial expression. "I'll eat if you want me to, but no, I'm not very hungry." He gently leans into Felipe's hand.

  The older man sighs and brings Kid's head down onto his thigh. Felipe is adept at sensing when his young lover needs reassurance. "Life has put you through a lot, hasn't it?" Kid nods, moves his knees closer to the legs of Felipe's chair. "Celia," he says and Kid's shoulders tense. Felipe moves his hand from Kid's hair onto his nape. "She makes you happy...and you're worried she doesn't feel the same. If she did, she wouldn't take other that what you're thinking, boy?" He massages the ridged muscles beneath his fingers.

  "I'm just your slave."

  "Hmm...true, I suppose. But you are not just anything, boy."

  Unsure of his own intentions, Kid places a shaky hand on Felipe's knee. The older man has a gift for dragging all of Kid's insecurities out into the light where he
can manipulate them as he pleases. Kid hates it; he loves it; he wants it to stop; he wants to beg for it to go on forever. Right now, the older man has him craving delicious praise. "What am I then?" he asks timidly.

  "You're my beautiful boy." He puts his arm around the younger man and curls his body toward him until Kid crawls between Felipe's legs and wraps his arms around the older man's waist. Dark, strong fingers plow through corn silk hair. "You belong to me, to Celia--only you and no one else." Kid whimpers. "She adores her good do I." Felipe makes a hard fist; Kid whimpers louder. "You make such lovely noises, be it pain, pleasure--it doesn't matter. One cry and we want you. I go to bed at night dreaming of the day I'll bury myself inside you. Some nights, I can almost hear your debauched pleas in my ears." Felipe rolls his hips, scraping his covered erection across Kid's smoothly shaven cheek. Felipe likes to play in the gray area between what Kid thinks he can handle and what he can actually endure. A cock to the face through two layers of clothing is different than a naked erection.

  Kid gasps. He shivers. "Fuck-toy," he whispers. "S'that all?" Two months ago, this would have freaked him right-the-hell-out, but a lot has happened in that span and he simply isn't the same person. He's a slave, a possession, a stripped-bare human being; he is his body, his desires, and his need--and nothing more.

  "It doesn't have to be."

  "What does that even mean?" Kid huffs.

  Felipe chuckles. "If you see yourself as a slave, that is what you are. You could just as easily be our companion and confidant."

  Kid's brows furrow. What would it mean to accept Felipe's words as truth? Could he really let this become his life, being a sex slave in a three-way relationship with a guy who can have people killed with a hand gesture and a woman who likes to dress him up like a pony, or a wrestler, or an Aztec? Does he prefer that scenario to the one where he's a nineteen-year-old high school drop out with no friends, family, money, or marketable skills? He closes his eyes and squeezes Felipe until his anxiety wanes. "I know why you let her sleep with other people."

  "Do you?" Felipe keeps petting Kid. Dinner is only half-eaten, and despite the waste of a perfectly delicious game hen, he's happy to get this rare and intimate moment with Kid. Frankly, he's also put out by Celia's determined seduction of his new potential business partner. Felipe appreciates her commitment to him and their future, but these are dangerous times and he worries for her safety; Celia can be too brave. "Tell me, why do I allow her to sleep with other people?"

  "She told does it to get back at you...for...before."

  Felipe laughs morosely. "Did she? Well, believe it or not, I was not always the refined man I am today. What else did she say?" Felipe already knows. He's seen the tapes.

  "That she's waiting for you to stop her--that you never do."

  "Why don't I stop her?"

  "I don't know," Kid whispers.

  "It's simple, boy," Felipe sighs. "I have no inclination to tame Celia's wild spirit. She wants to push me into becoming her father, wants me to control her by force, because she needs someone to rebel against. If there is anything I want to break her of, it's that. I want her to come to the realization she is mine of her own free will and that I am hers in equal measure. The further she wanders, the stronger our bond. Celia is mine; I simply don't make her admit it."

  Kid scoffs. "Yeah, real simple. Sounds kinda stupid to me. You guys are so obvious. Why don't you say what you need to say and be done?" He looks up toward Felipe in time to see the other man throw his head back and laugh. Kid's chest unexpectedly expands with pride.

  Felipe's laughter slowly melts away before he sets his glittering green eyes on Kid's upturned face. "I keeps us young." He runs his thumb across the younger man's lip and is thoroughly pleased when his boy nips him instead of recoiling from the touch. "Please forgive us for passing messages through you, but anything coming from your lips is bound to sound best." They smile at one another for long seconds. "Go take your shower and meet me in my room. I'd like for you to sleep in the bed, but you may sleep on the floor if you like. I had Celia make it up for you before she retired for the evening."

  Kid's face twists with uncertainty. "Take a myself? You never let me do that, 'cept for that one time and I had to wear that thing on my junk for eight days." He is not going to volunteer to wear that thing--it sucked, and no, thank you.

  "Would you rather I bathe you?" Mischief is thick in his tone.

  "Nope!" Kid scurries out from under the table and Felipe's splayed legs. Kid covers his ever-present erection with his hands and offers the older man a titillating view of his naked, pert backside as he walks toward the playroom showers at a brisk clip. He can hear Felipe's laughter in his ears as he goes. It makes him blush and grin.

  53. Celia

  Kid's hot length pushes at the back of her throat. She moans and sucks him deeper inside, choking herself on his engorged cock, reveling in the abandoned cries of her beautiful slave.

  He holds tight to the ring dangling from the ceiling and keeps his bare feet on the floor through sheer force of will. He doesn't brace for the paddle. He lets his body absorb the dull thud--accept the pain Felipe doles out.

  "Gracias, Felipe," Kid groans. "Oh, Celia. Please...ohgod...don't suck so hard. It hurts."

  Celia pulls her mouth off Kid's cock with a loud pop and smiles with triumph at the long ropes of spit and slick clinging to the tip of her boy's flushed manhood. "You don't like it?" she pouts deviously. "Do you want me to stop gagging on your dick, baby boy? I was hoping you'd come all in my mouth. You don't want to?"

  "I do! I do, Celia. I'm sorry. Please suck it again." He cries out in pain as Felipe's paddle comes crashing down on his backside.

  "No. You upset me." She stands and wipes her chin, sure to suck her fingers clean. Kid's expression is pained, so sexy. "If you want your little boy cock sucked, you'll have to ask Master. Maybe he'll let you come in his mouth." Behind Kid's shoulder, Felipe grins and shakes his head before he brings the paddle crashing down on Kid's ass.

  Felipe is fully dressed, shirt damp with sweat from exertion; Celia doesn't know which of her men is more handsome, more devout, and it thrills her to her soul she doesn't have to choose. Felipe pauses to press his body along Kid's back, making the boy hiss. "Would that please you--coming down your master's throat?"

  "Please," Kid pleads.

  Celia's body is tight with anticipation. "Si, por favor!" Felipe isn't the only one who has been patiently waiting for Kid to finally say yes. Just the thought of the older man on his knees with Kid's dick fucking his face makes her pussy swell with need. Kid wants to say yes, she can see it in his eyes and the way his hips fuck the air. She doesn't resist the urge to spread her legs and finger her pussy in front of them.

  Kid closes his eyes on a pained moan and dips his chin toward his chest. "Okay."

  "No," Felipe says, "beg me, like a good little boy." Celia fingers herself faster as Felipe unbuckles his belt to unzip and fish out his thick, incredibly hard length to stroke the crack of Kid's ass.

  Kid startles. "Not my ass!" He squirms, but continues to hold tight to the ring over his head all on his own. He swallows several times, panting. "," he says in a rush. "Please?"

  Felipe throws his head back and laughs. It makes Celia's heart feel like it's going to burst from joy. "Come on, boy. You can do a little better," Felipe croons.

  Kid smiles, tries to hide it, and can't. "F-Felipe," he tries again, "will you please suck my cock? I...I want you to...taste it...swallow my come...the way you make me."

  Celia has to put a hand on Kid's shoulder to brace her as she comes. Felipe's arm comes out from behind Kid to hold her close. She pushes her tongue into Kid's mouth and savors his submission until her orgasm passes and she can stand without assistance.

  "Good boy," Felipe praises.

  Celia takes up the paddle as Felipe circles Kid's dangling, stretched body and settles on the flo
or, his own cock in hand.

  "Oh, God," Kid says. He shivers and Celia lets the paddle drive his hips forward, where Felipe is waiting to receive his reward for being a patient man.

  Both men groan with pleasure the moment Kid's cock is sucked inside Felipe's mouth. Much to Celia's surprise, Kid's eyes are glued to Felipe's, watching his pink flesh disappear into the older man's willing, rapacious mouth. "Mmm...mmm...mmm." Kid fucks his master's mouth in time with his moans and Celia's paddle.

  Celia beats her boy at an angle so she can watch the entire spectacle. Her own wetness runs down her naked thighs as she watches Felipe suck Kid's cock and stroke himself to orgasm. Her master looses a keening whimper of his own just before he paints Kid's left foot with come.

  "I'm coming!" Kid warns and thrusts hard into Felipe's mouth, where his master is waiting to swallow every drop.

  After several seconds, Felipe pulls away and says through panting breaths, "You're delicious, baby boy, just as I imagined." He kisses Kid's softening cock. "Let go."

  Kid releases the ring and collapses into their waiting arms.


  "Celia?" Kid inquires once they're alone in Celia's bed; she's already accustomed to his warm weight on her chest at night and hopes he'll never get his own room.

  "Yes, Kid?"

  "Will we ever be free?"

  Celia hugs him tight. "I don't want to be free."

  Kid nods. "You love him."

  "I do." Celia kisses and strokes his hair just the way he likes.

  Kid sighs. "He loves you too." Her young lover's fingers tap anxiously against her belly. He clears his throat. "Do you think you'll me?"

  Celia tilts his chin up. She smiles, kisses his lips. "I do," she whispers. She watches his eyes as he processes this information; he wants to ask if she's implying she loves him already, or is open to loving him in the future. She witnesses the moment he loses his courage.