Page 9 of Determined to Obey

  "Do you like having your pussy eaten?"

  "Si, Felipe. I want to come while she eats my pussy and you play with my cock. Please, Felipe. Don't make me beg."

  Felipe chuckles. "Hold your leg up for me." He moves one of his hands onto Kid's hot, fat erection and wraps his fingers around the velvety steel.

  "Yeah," Kid moans and thrusts his cock in and out of Felipe's fist. "Fuck me jusslikethat. Ooooooooh."

  Celia backs away from Kid's wet hole to admire her work; her boy is opening up so nicely. "No," she says, taking Felipe's hand off Kid's cock. She directs his fingers toward the boy's asshole and presses his thick index finger inside.

  "Oh, God!" Kid shouts. Whether he realizes it or not, he's fucking himself on Felipe's finger and making the most wanton sounds Celia has ever heard.

  "I can't take it anymore," Felipe surprises himself by saying. He speaks between open-mouthed kisses. "Let me fuck your pussy. I'll make you feel so good--we both will. God! You're tight. Mmm...and hot. I have to have you, you understand? Say yes." He teases Kid's lips with the tip of his tongue, hungry for more delicious pining.

  "Mmmscared," Kid confesses. "You're so big," he groans. "'Sgonna hurt."

  Celia slides her own index finger into Kid alongside Felipe, and the younger man spreads his legs as wide as he can manage. He fucks the air and his engorged cock slaps his belly with every thrust. "You can take it, baby. I promise."

  "Will you...will you stop if I can't?" Kid pants as he rides the fingers in his pussy. Celia leans forward, mouth full of saliva, and rewets her and Felipe's fingers so she can slide another one inside. Kid freezes, but accepts the added stretch with a lascivious, decadent sound Celia will remember always.

  "Does this hurt?" Celia asks. Kid shakes his head, eyes closed, mouth open, and toes curled inside his knee socks. "Trust us."

  Kid nods. "'Kay."

  Felipe doesn't waste a second. He gingerly slides their fingers out of Kid's hole, hooks the boy's legs with his arms and stands up. "Down on your knees, beautiful boy--face down on the bed." He kisses the younger man tenderly, helping him achieve his desired position while at the same time assuaging his inherent fear. Celia goes for the lube without having to be asked. She wants this as much as he does.

  56. Kid

  Felipe doesn't give him much time to adjust--simply throws Kid's dress up onto his back, spreads his ass cheeks, and sticks his tongue straight up his asshole. "Mmmm," he groans, and it makes Kid's insides vibrate.

  Kid can't even speak. He's got a fucking tongue in his ass and it is not idle. A choked sound escapes him as he scrambles to hold on to something; he grips the comforter like it's the only thing keeping him tethered to the earth. Felipe flicks and sucks, bites and nibbles, and strokes and prods his keenly sensitive hole until Kid has no idea if he's moving his hips to get away or get Felipe's tongue deeper inside him.

  Felipe pulls away abruptly and groans. Kid can feel his stare on his asshole and he instinctually clenches. "You trying to hide your pussy from me, boy? It isn't going to work." He swipes his tongue over Kid's hole. "You should see yourself--pretty dress pulled up--pussy opening and closing with every breath you take." He shifts one hand onto his lower back and the other between his legs. "And this delicious little cock, so hard, leaking all the way down to your pretty white socks."

  "Felipe," Kid gasps. He can feel his asshole flutter and his cock throb at the same time. If the older man doesn't stop talking, Kid's going to come before they get started.

  Suddenly, Celia's hands are in his hair and pulling him up so she can sit on the bed in front of him. Kid groans and doesn't ask before his hands grip Celia's now naked hips to yank her down so he can get one of her hard nipples in his mouth. "Si, bebe. Un muchacho tan bueno."

  "Nnngh," Kid pines. He loves the taste of Celia's tits...and the feel of Felipe's hand massaging his cock and balls.

  "I love your pussy, boy. Can't wait to stretch it out with my dick. Would you like that?"

  Kid can't fight it. He wants this. He wants to be fucked and owned. He wants Felipe's big goddamn cock inside him and he wants to fuck Celia's pussy while he takes it. "Uh huh," he says around a mouthful of tit.

  Felipe rubs his dick over his hole through the rough fabric of his pants and Kid arches his back so he can push back against it. "Look at you, such a whore for this cock, aren't you?" Kid nods his head and wriggles encouragingly. He's rewarded by the sound of Felipe undoing his pants and the hard, hot press of solid cock wedged in his crack.

  "Ohhhhhhhhhgodyeahfuckit! Fuck my ass."

  "Language," Felipe admonishes. It has to be a reflex by now.

  Celia giggles, and Kid can feel himself blush up to his roots; his ears are hot. "You're a greedy boy."

  Refusing to play the part of blushing virgin--even if he is--Kid musters his bravado. "Thought you like how greedy I am," he pants. "'Sides...if I'm gonna do it, might as well enjoy it."

  Celia smiles and urges him on top of her. "Fuck me," she demands simply.

  "You too?" Felipe chuckles and lies down on Kid's back to kiss Celia. Kid watches them both with building interest as Felipe nudges his asshole with the blunt head of his uncircumcised cock.

  "He's a bad influence." She bites down on Felipe's bottom lip and sucks it gently before returning her mouth to Kid's.

  "Ah...ohgod...oh, oh, oh." Kid can't decipher pleasure from pain as he's stretched open in miniscule degrees. His asshole burns, but his dick won't stop leaking and his hips won't stop rocking back and forth.

  "Fuck me," Celia repeats, and this time, Kid complies instantly. He shoves into Celia's pussy until his balls smack her ass and he fucks. No rhythm, no strategy, only rut.

  "Oh, God. wet...sofuckinwet."

  "That's it, baby, take what you need and spread your pretty pussy for our master." Kid doesn't think; he does. He spreads his knees until his hips ache, so the older man can see all his intimate parts.

  Felipe's cock pushes forward with firm pressure until something inside Kid gives way and the whole massive length of the older man's dick slides into him down to the balls. Kid shouts around the nipple in his mouth and stops thrusting. "Hurts, Felipe. Oh, God. Can you take it out, just for a little bit."

  "Shhh," Felipe croons. "It'll pass, baby boy. Your pussy's never taken a dick before; let it get used to me."

  Kid tries to do as Felipe says and stay still. Instead, he finds himself clenching and unclenching his muscles. With Felipe inside him and Celia beneath him, Kid can't keep his hips from making tiny movements. "Please," he begs, unsure of which of his lover's he's pleading with.

  "Besame," Celia whispers and slides her pussy up and down Kid's erection.

  "Celia." Kid rests his head on her chest and palms one of her breasts. "It's too much. I'll come." She pays him no heed and drags him into a heated kiss.

  "That's it, boy. Move your tight little pussy for me. Fuck yourself on your master's big dick and show me what a good boy you are." Little by little, Kid obeys until the combination of lube and Celia's pussy make him forget all about the pain and think only of his pleasure.

  "I can feel you in my stomach. So big...can't believe it's all in my ass."

  "Where? You know what I want to hear, boy."

  Kid throws himself into the abyss. "Fuck my pussy harder, Felipe. I want to feel you come inside me." Felipe starts to slam forward on every thrust. "Big. Fucking. Cock. In. My. Pussy." His own balls tighten sharply and he panics. "I'm gonna come! Felipe, stop don't want to..." He unloads into Celia's pussy with a sharp cry.

  "Mother of God. I can feel you, boy. I can feel you coming inside my Celia." And then Felipe is coming inside him and the whole world is blurry at the edges. He holds tight to Celia and tries to focus on keeping himself open and loose as Felipe rides out his orgasm. Once it passes, the older man pulls out without preamble. He pushes a finger into Kid's fucked loose hole. "So beautiful."

  "My turn," Celia pants. She pushes Kid's head down betwe
en her spread legs and practically forces his mouth onto her. It isn't the first time he's tasted his own come while going down on Celia, so he slides his tongue into her slippery folds, scooping up his own seed on his way to suck her clit the way she likes.

  Under his mouth, Felipe worms his fingers into Celia's twat--three of them--so she's stretched taut. Together, they pleasure her pussy until she comes so hard Kid's own seed comes rushing back out. Kid swallows. Felipe licks his fingers clean.

  Spent, sweaty, and freshly bashful--Kid pants against Celia's thigh while Felipe kisses his neck and Celia's wide open leg. "You taste amazing," Felipe says into his ear, and the elation Kid feels is proof he is accepting his cage.

  57. Celia/Kid

  Tonight is the night. Either Caleb will reject Felipe's request to have Kitten perform sexual acts with Kid in front of their guests--a clear indication he's in love with the girl--or he'll go through with it and Felipe will have to add Caleb to his list of collateral damage. Celia has a good feeling about how things will turn out.

  "Do I really have to do this, Celia?" Kid stares at himself in the mirror with a grimace. He's naked but for a loin cloth. "This thing barely covers my junk, and the back!" He turns to view his bare buttocks. "Thongs are for chicks!"

  Celia giggles from the bed. "You're gorgeous; you shouldn't be embarrassed. And yes, you must do this."

  They will help Caleb get his revenge. Rafiq will undoubtedly die bloody. Felipe will get a new arms distribution pipeline and business partner to launder his heroin money through oil mining investments. Kid will be free of his enemies. Kitten will get her man, and Celia...well, she'll be bored again. It's fortuitous that Felipe's illicit activities provide so many opportunities for her to shine. Speaking of opportunities to shine--she makes her way over to Kid, who is still obsessing over his role and his nudity.

  "Are you frightened?" she asks. Taking up the jar of flavored oil, she sets about her task of preparing Kid.

  Kid expels the air in his lungs slowly. "I dunno. A little. I guess. I just..." He tugs at the front of his loin cloth several times before he accepts it isn't going to get any longer. "That girl and me have history. What if she doesn't wanna do stuff with me, and Caleb forces her? I'm not like that. And what if she does want to and Caleb gets pissed? I know what he's capable of, Celia. You didn't see what he did!" He shuts his eyes tight to ward off the vision of Caleb holding Tiny's head. He's trembling.

  Celia wraps her arms around Kid. He bends his body to rest his head on top of hers. "The past is powerful, I know, but do not let it dictate your future. Caleb has, and it's brought him nothing but suffering. He'll suffer unspeakably by the time our night is through, but will never have anything to fear again."

  Several minutes pass before Kid is emotionally stable enough to stand tall. Felipe and Celia have asked him to do this, and for whatever reason, he doesn't want to let them down. He nods slowly, and as Celia resumes her ministrations, he speculates on his choices and how they've led him here. After his parents died, he'd made a slew of self-destructive choices. Hell, even before then, if he were honest. He'd been willful toward his parents and the weight of that guilt rested heavy on his shoulders after they passed.

  Unable to please his parents, Kid tried his best to be an obedient son to his uncle, a man who had never wanted children. The guilt Kid suffered at the time, coupled with his crushing loneliness, had made it easy to drop out of school at fifteen, learn to ride a Harley, and follow Tiny. Shortly after, Kid discovered soft drugs, something Tiny encouraged, going so far as to push him toward dealing for easy cash. From there, Kid's decision to join the Night Devil's on their monthly runs into Mexico had been a foregone conclusion.

  Kid supposes he has always tried to please someone: his parents, his uncle, and now Celia and Felipe. His parents loved him unconditionally, but it is a love he's lost. His uncle had felt responsible for him, but Kid had understood his uncle's love was reserved for his lifestyle. If Kid had been too young to ride a motorcycle, Tiny would have dumped him with his grandparents--complete strangers who never approved of his father. With Celia and Felipe, Kid knows he is wanted, if for no other reason than they won't let him leave. Somehow, they've given him the structure and affection he's been missing in his life and Kid knows exactly how to please them, because they never leave him to wonder. His world has become simple: obey or be punished. Kid decides simplicity offers its own peace.

  Pulled abruptly from his thoughts, Kid grunts as Celia rubs oil over his cock and balls. He is sore from a tryst they had earlier, but he continues to eagerly anticipate release. Which, of course, has been Celia's intention all along. Little bitch. Kid smirks. At least he can still mouth off in his head.

  Yes, there are times when Kid feels like a traitor for not holding on to his anger, but he always lets it go. Felipe can behave like a civilized man and Kid has come to think of him fondly, but he also knows Felipe can turn. Kid can never overlook the fact he's been brought to Felipe's home as a prisoner. The dungeon is his. Celia is his. The rules are his. There is no point in being angry, when the only person to suffer is him. For all the crappy choices Kid has made, letting his anger go feels right.

  Celia reaches between Kid's thighs to playfully pluck the strap to his thong. Kid hates the outfit, but doesn't protest further. Just as he doesn't struggle against the clamps adorning his nipples. After all, Celia is wearing something similar.

  Celia stands and circles Kid until she looks up at him. She smiles. "So beautiful." She traces Kid's bottom lip with her fingertip and he licks it.

  "It tastes like honey," he says.

  Celia's smile broadens. "I want you to taste sweet."

  Kid chuckles and it sounds exactly like he feels--bewitched. "Yes, Celia."

  Celia's smile falters. "Tonight will be hard." She runs her hands along Kid's arms.

  "It always is, Celia." Kid tries his best to be comforting. It's the least he can do.

  She pulls on his arm until he goes down to his knees before she wraps him in a hug. "No one will hurt you," Celia says softly. "I promise." Celia's English has improved significantly since Kid arrived. He feels grateful to Felipe for suggesting Celia and Kid practice English and Spanish together. Kid is damn near fluent--getting spanked by a ruler is one hell of a motivator.

  Kid makes a feeble attempt at smiling. Celia is in no position to make promises, but the gesture is sweet nonetheless. "Gracias, Celia."

  "De nada, Kid." They kiss for long minutes.

  58. Celia

  Things do not go exactly to plan, but the evening is a resounding success nonetheless. Rafiq, detained in Pakistan by his military obligations, is unable to attend Felipe's soiree.

  Caleb does allow Kitten to go through with receiving and performing oral sex with Kid in front of their guests, but is so overcome by jealousy that he promptly takes her upstairs afterward and divests her of her virginity. Felipe, Celia, and Kid watch the video later that evening--Caleb thought he'd destroyed all the cameras, but failed to check the bed's frame--and they find the footage to be exceedingly titillating.

  "I told you he wouldn't go through with it. Even the hardest hearts can be penetrated by Cupid's bow."

  Felipe playfully rolls his eyes for Kid's benefit and the boy laughs. "Very poetic, my dear, but Rafiq is still alive."

  "Yes," Celia says very seriously, "but I have high hopes for a resolution."

  59. Felipe

  For two blissful days and nights, Felipe's mansion is a pleasure palace. Caleb and Kitten scarcely leave their room, and Felipe, Celia, and Kid cannot get enough of watching them. Their voyeurism invariably leads to wildly erotic lovemaking. Two days and two nights--and then it happens.

  It's the middle of the night when Felipe hears Reynaldo's sharp knock on the door; he never uses the keypad unless Celia is in danger. He succinctly informs Felipe that Rafiq and his men are waiting in the entryway.

  "Tell Rafiq I am in the process of concluding some business and that you'll
escort him to my study after you've helped them get settled. I want Rafiq in the guesthouse, not inside. Place his men in different wings. How many are they?"

  "Rafiq, two guards, and..." Reynaldo pauses, avoiding Kid's inquisitive eyes, "a slave."

  Felipe nods, grateful for Reynaldo's tact. There is no need for Kid to ever see his former lover or what has become of her. Celia has no sympathy for women who side with vile men, and Kid has no need to know that either. "Understood. Go." The moment the door closes, he addresses Celia, who is already pulling on clothing. "Lock him in the panic room and warn Caleb his master is here. I'll keep them occupied in the study."

  "Felipe!" Kid cries out. He catches hold of the older man's wrist as he's attempting to get out of bed. "I can help! I don't need to be locked away in some panic room like a fucking child." He's out of bed and toe-to-toe with Felipe in an instant. He lords his two inches of height advantage over the other man.

  On any other night, Felipe might enjoy Kid's newfound aggressiveness, but not tonight. One well-placed punch to the younger man's solar plexus and he's gasping for oxygen at Felipe's feet. "Language, boy! You can't kill a man with a cap gun." He steps over Kid's hunched body and retrieves his suit from the closet. "Do as you're told." He would prefer Rafiq did not have the satisfaction of having caught him unaware.

  60. Celia

  "Abra la puerta!" Celia growls outside Caleb's door. She doesn't like that Felipe is alone, even if her presence would do little to quell hostilities should they arise. She is many things, but an expert killer is not one of them.

  The door opens and Celia bursts into the room and is greeted by Caleb and a knife trained on her throat. Kitten is on the floor crying by the side of the bed. There is a gun in her hand.

  "What's going on?" Caleb snarls in her ear.

  "I came to warn you. Rafiq and his men are here. They're downstairs with Felipe. They want to see you." Celia is sure to hold on to Caleb's forearm to keep pressure off of her throat.

  "Caleb, let her go," Kitten sobs. "She came to warn us."

  "We don't know, Kitten. She could be here to separate us."