Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts, 25, 306, 310, 311, 312, 314, 317, 319, 321;
Salon exhibitions of, 310–11, 314, 319, 320, 321, 666–68
Académie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 19, 500
Académie Royale des Sciences, 19, 402, 539, 555, 578;
d’Alembert and, 515, 516, 544;
awards astronomy prizes, 509, 538–39;
Clairaut and, 539, 544, 545, 552;
electrical researches reported to, 518, 521, 522;
Euler and, 375, 539;
expeditions, surveys sponsored by, 545, 552, 584;
Lagrange and, 511, 536;
Laplace and, 546;
last meeting of, 536;
Lavoisier and, 532, 534, 536, 594;
Maupertuis and, 514, 552;
meteorological work of, 551;
Priestley offered refuge by, 530;
Réaumur and, 550, 577, 761;
Voltaire enters contest of, 375
academies (learned societies), 498, 507
Academy of St. Petersburg, see St. Petersburg, Imperial Academy of
Academy of Sciences, Berlin, see Berlin Academy of Sciences
Acis and Galatea (Gay), 231
acoustics, 509
Acta eruditorum, Leipzig, 466
Act for the Encouragement of the Arts of Designing, Engraving, Etching, etc. (“Hogarth’s Act,” 1735), 220
acting, Diderot’s views on, 671–72
Act of Union, see Union, Act of
actors, Voltaire’s campaign for, 326, 640
Adam, François Balthasar Gaspard (1710–61), 309
Adam, Lambert Sigismund (1700–59), 309
Adam, Jacob Sigisbert (1670–1747), 309
Adam, Nicolas Sébastien (1705–78), 309
Adam, Père (fl. 1765), French Jesuit, 772
Adams, John (1735–1826), 2d President of U.S., 530
Addison, Joseph (1672–1719), 78, 154, 162, 178, 183, 184, 205;
Chesterfield on, 86;
Montesquieu and, 341;
and opera, 226, 230;
and Pope, 166, 168, 175;
Voltaire on, 165
Adélaïde (Voltaire), 365
Adélaïde de France, Madame (1732–1800), dau. of Louis XV, 311
Admiralty Court, England, 72
Admont Monastery, Austria, 433
Adolphus Frederick, King of Sweden (r. 1751–71), 564
Adriana Lecouvreur (Cilèa), 328*
Adrienne Lecouvreur (Scribe-Legouvé), 328*
Adventures of Gil Blas de Santillane, The, see Gil Blas
Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, The (Smollett), 201–2
Adventures of Roderick Random, The (Smollett), 67, 199, 200–201
Aeneid (Virgil), 38, 40, 365, 509
Aepinus (Franz Ulrich Hoch; 1724–1802), 522
Aerometricae elementa (C. von Wolff), 551
Aeschylus (525–456 B.C.), 500
Aesthetic (Baumgarten), 404
Africa, 67–68, 560
Age of Louis XIV, The (Voltaire), see Siècle de Louis XIV, Le
agricultural revolution, 47, 49
agriculture, 59;
Diderot and, 634, 647, 666;
in England, 45–48;
in France, 260;
in Germany, 397;
in Ireland, 106;
science and, 551, 566, 568, 584
Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius (63–12 B.C.), Roman general, 449
Agrippina (Handel), 229, 232
Aguesseau, Henri François d’ (1668–1751), 270, 634
Ahlden, castle of, 89
Aiguillon, Anne Charlotte de Crussol de Florensac, Duchesse d’, 301, 371
Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805–82), 70
air pollution, 26, 49, 76, 261
Aislabie, John (1670–1742), 59
Aix, bishop of (1774), 782
Aix-en-Provence, Academy of, 498
Aix-en-Provence, Parlement of, 770
Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of (1748), 242, 307, 695;
terms of, 112, 265, 278, 457;
criticized by French public, 630
Akenside, Mark (1721–70), 99, 180
Alacoque, Saint Marguerite Marie (1647–90), 766
Alari, Abbé (fl. 1721), 294
Alaska, 558, 559, 560
Alberoni, Giulio, Cardinal (1664–1752), 18, 32
Albigenses, massacre of, 486, 488, 608, 737
alchemy, 524
Alcina (Handel), 236
Alciphron, or The Minute Philosopher (Berkeley), 121, 124
Aldington, Richard, 445*
Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’ (1717–83), 515–16, 621;
birth and early life, 23, 299, 515;
and Julie de Lespinasse, 493, 652, 781
AS ACADEMICIAN: see Académie Royale des Sciences;
French Academy
AS ENCYCLOPEDIST: 369, 499, 631, 634;
author of “Discours,” 635–37, 719;
distressed by ban, 639;
“Geneva” article published, causes furor, 479, 480–81, 482, 489, 641–42, 681–82, 719–20;
resigns, returns, 641–43, 697, 720;
Voltaire thinks him chief editor, 719, 752
AS SCIENTIST: 507, 508;
contributions to astronomy, 537, 538, 544–45;
on Franklin, 522;
Frederick II a patron of, 283, 516;
and Laplace, 544, 546;
as mathematician and physicist, 511, 515–16;
as musicologist, 296, 516;
wind-motion formulations of, 516, 551
AS PHILOSOPHE: 283, 605–6, 692;
and antiphilosophes, 497, 641, 761, 783;
a cosmopolitan, 779;
on education, 766;
and Jesuits, 641, 759, 767, 768, 771, 772;
and La Tour, 322;
on morality, 776, 777;
in the salons, 159, 301, 302, 681, 695, 781, 782, 784;
and Voltaire’s drive against l’infâme, 730, 735, 738, 740, 744, 783;
see also Rêve d’Alembert, Le (Diderot)
d’Alembert’s principle, 515–16
Alessandro (Handel), 233
Aleutian Islands, 558
Alexander III (Orlando Bandinelli), Pope (r. 1159–81), 485
Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia), Pope (r. 1492–1503), 731
“Alexander’s Feast” (Dryden), 236
Alexander the Great, King of Macedon (r. 336–323 B.C.), 168, 195, 233, 485
Algarotti, Conte Francesco (1712–64), 211–13, 374, 399, 449
algebra, 509, 510, 544
Algebra (Saunderson), 509
alienists, 583
Alix, convent of, 256
Allegiance, Oath of (England), 118
Allemands Royaux, 780
Allen, Ralph (1694–1764), 216
All Souls’ College, Oxford, 121
Almagest (Ptolemy), 547
Almira (Handel), 228
Alpen, Die (Haller), 477
Alps, 476, 477, 561
Alsace, 273, 276, 455, 456
Alsted, Johann Heinrich (1588–1638), 499
Altenburg Abbey, Austria, 433
altruism, Voltaire’s view of, 777; see also egoism, universal
Alva, Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, Duke of (1508–82), 509
Alzire (Voltaire), 377–78
Amadigi di Gaula (Handel), 231
Amazon River, 560
Amelia (Fielding), 198
America, 506;
English colonies in, see American colonies, British;
exploration of, 558–60
French possessions in, 11, 13–14, 264;
rivalry for control of, 101, 264;
Russia in, 558;
and Seven Years’ War, 115, 560;
Spanish colonies in, 57, 58, 67–68, 101–2, 558, 768
American colonies, British, 49, 73, 98, 264;
Methodism in, 133, 135;
protest taxation without represent
ation, 529;
revolt of, see American Revolution;
see also Boston;
New England;
American Revolution, 73, 135, 522;
aided by French gunpowder, 532
Ami du peuple, L’ (Marat), 535
Amiens, 305, 322
Amiens, bishop of (1765), 734
Amsterdam, 10, 59, 550, 601, 783;
publishing in, 324, 476, 497
Amusements sérieux et comiques (Dufresny), 341
Anabaptists, 119
Analogy of Religion … to the Constitution and Course of Nature (Butler), 121, 725–27
Analysis of Beauty (Hogarth treatise), 223
Analyst, The (Berkeley), 508
anatomy, 507, 583, 586–88, 599, 602, 634, 645
Ancients and Moderns, 443
Anecdotes (Hogarth), 219
anemometers, 550–51
anesthesia, 599–600
Angers, 768
Angers, Academy of, 498
Anglican Church, 107, 117–18, 123–28, 224, 567;
appointment of bishops of, 95, 459;
and deists, 123–28, 608;
in Ireland, 103, 105, 106;
and Jacobite revolts, 92, 111;
and Methodism, 135–36, 137;
and Oath of Supremacy, 118, 127;
political and class orientation of, 90, 117, 119;
restrictions against nonconformists, 62, 65, 247;
Voltaire’s views on, 119, 128–29, 246, 247, 738
Angoumois, 261
“animal magnetism,” 594
animism, in medicine, 592
Annandale, Marquis of (fl. 1745), 147
Anne, Princess (1709–59), dau. of George II, 235
Anne, Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland, later Great Britain (r. 1702–14), 65, 66, 90, 92, 99;
death of, 89, 231;
and Handel, 231
Annecy, bishop of (1766), 735
Année littéraire, L’, 497, 498, 640, 670, 760–61
Annet, Peter (1693–1769), 120, 495
Annotations regarding Venesection (Wolstein), 593
Anquetil-Duperron, Abraham Hyacinthe (1731–1805), 502–3
Anson, George, Baron Anson (1697–1762), 558, 559, 591
Antarctic Circle, 559
Anthony of Egypt, Saint (251–356?), 122
anthropology, 570
Antibes, France, 109
Antilles, 264, 768
Anti-Machiavel, L’ (Frederick the Great), 446, 449–50, 711
Antiochus IV Epiphanes, King of Syria (r. 175–164 B.C.), 241
antiphilosophes, 497, 641, 670, 759–65
Antiquité dévoilée, L’ (Boulanger), 692–93
Antiquité expliquée et représentée en figures, L’ (Montfaucon), 501
Antonines, the, 355
Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius, see Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Antoninus Pius, Emperor of Rome (r. 138–161), 347, 450, 686
Antroche, Comte d’ (1745), 278
Antwerp, 214, 509
Apologie de la religion chrétienne contre l’auteur du Christianisme dévoilé (Bergier), 756
Apologie de Louis XIV (Caveyrac), 731*
Apostles’ Creed, 370
Apostolic Succession, 136, 756
Apostolicum (papal bull), 771
Appenzell, 473, 474
Appius and Virginia (Dennis), 166
Aquinas, Saint Thomas (1225–74), 735, 737
Arabia, 294, 349, 560
Arabian Nights, Galland’s translation of, 341, 502
Arabs, 484, 486
Arbuthnot, John (1667–1735), 99, 169, 175, 592
archaeology, 215
Archimedes (287?–212 B.C.), 569
architecture: Austria, 432–33;
England, 80, 165, 215–16;
France, 24, 307–8;
Germany, 398–99, 403–4, 405–7
Archives Nationales, Paris, 307
Arctic Circle, 552
Argens, Jean Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d’ (1704–71), 504
Argenson, Marc Pierre de Voyer, Comte d’ (1695–1764), 628, 630, 631, 635
Argenson, Marquis Marc René de Voyer d’ (1652–1721), 23, 267
Argenson, René Louis de Voyer, Marquis d’ (1694–1757), 260, 273, 278–79, 285, 287, 344, 628, 660;
and Encyclopédie, 639;
on French anticlericalism, 609–10;
and Mme. de Pompadour, 279, 284;
predicts Revolution, 279, 291–92, 610;
and Voltaire, 382, 383, 385
Argental, Charles Augustin de Ferriol, Comte d’, 327, 329, 371, 388;
Mme. du Châtelet complains to, 378, 379;
Voltaire correspondence with, 466, 720, 730
Argentina 559
Argyll, Archibald Campbell, 3d Duke of (1682–1761), 92
Argyll family, 107
Arianism, 108, 120, 439
Arianna (Porpora), 236
Arianna in Creta (Handel), 236
Ariodante (Handel), 236
Ariosti, Attilio (1660?–1740), 233
Ariosto, Lodovico (1474–1533), 374, 376
aristocracy, see nobility
Aristophanes (c.450–385 B.C.), 762
Aristotle (384–322 B.C.), 144, 287, 342, 359*, 534, 775;
Diderot likened to, 668, 671, 679
Arkansas River, 13
Arlequin poli par l’amour (Marivaux), 330
Arminianism, 117–18, 133–34
Arminius, Jacobus (1560–1609), 118
Arnall, William, 171
Arnaud, Baculard d’, see Baculard d’Arnaud, François de
Arne, Thomas Augustine (1710–78), 224, 239
Arnstadt, 413, 418
Arouet, Armand (1684–1745), 3, 383
Arouet, Catherine, see Mignot, Catherine Arouet
Arouet, François (1651–1722), father of Voltaire, 3–5
passim, 34, 37, 246, 383
Arouet, François Marie, see Voltaire
Arouet, Marie Marquerite Daumard (d. 1702), 3
Ars poetica (Horace), 165
Artaserse (Porpora), 236
Art de jouir, L’ (La Mettrie), 621
Artémire (Voltaire), 38
Art poétique, L’ (Boileau), 165, 246
Asam, Cosmas Damian (1686–1739), 404, 405
Asam, Egid Quirin (1692–1750), 405
Asia Minor, 560
Asiento, 68, 102
Association (Scottish Jacobite group), 109
Astarto (Bononcini), 232
Astianatte (Bononcini), 233
astrology, 593
Astronomical Society, 542
astronomic latitude, definition of, 552*
astronomy, 507–11
passim, 524, 537–49, 559, 583, 585, 640
Astruc, Jean (1684–1766), 300, 501, 590, 771
Atalanta (Handel), 236
atheism, 22, 108–9, 127, 546, 606, 643, 644, 692;
attacked, 124, 495, 577, 756, 758;
Diderot and, 337, 625, 626, 629*, 630, 656, 657;
Frederick II and, 439, 459;
Hume and, 159, 161, 678, 696;
La Mettrie on, 620;
Père Meslier’s exposition of, 611–17;
spread of in France, 781–83;
Voltaire writes against, 717, 747–48, 752; see also Bayle, Pierre; Holbach, Baron d’
Atheist and the Sage, The (Voltaire), 745, 747–48
Atholl family, 107
atomic hypotheses, 539
Atticus, Titus Pomponius (109 B.C. – 32 B.C.), 748
Aubert, Jean (d. 1741), 307–8
Aubusson, 305
Audenaarde, 94, 278
Audran, Claude (fl. 1708), 26
Auenbrugger, Leopold (1722–1809), 593, 601
Aufklärung (German Enlightenment), 401, 428
Augsburg, free city of, 397, 404
Augsburg Confession (1530), 424
sp; Augusta of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Princess of Wales (d. 1772), 243
Augustan Age in English literature, 77–78, 169, 177
Augustine, Saint (354–430), 515, 745
Augustinians, 432
Augustus (Caius Julius Caesar Octavianus), Emperor of Rome (r. 27 B.C. – A.D. 14), 38, 743
Augustus II the Strong, King of Poland (r. 1697–1704, 1709–33), Elector of Saxony as Frederick Augustus I (r. 1694–1733), 277, 362, 399, 403, 404, 410
Augustus III, King of Poland (r. 1734–63), Elector of Saxony as Frederick Augustus II (r. 1733–63), 399, 436;
and Bach, 416–17, 420, 426;
in War of Austrian Succession, 453, 455–57 passim
aurora borealis, 519, 551
Austen, Jane (1775–1817), 192
Australia (New Holland), 559, 560
Austria, 431–36, 450–57;
army of, 436, 438, 449;
arts in, 431, 432–35;
Council of State, 436;
England, negotiations and alliance with, 31, 111, 272, 455;
France, alliance with (1756), 115, 285, 767;
population of, 59, 431–32;
Protestant exodus from, 74, 432;
Turkey, wars with, 435;
in War of Austrian Succession, 271–72, 276, 278, 436, 451–57;
in War of Polish Succession, 271, 435;
in War of Spanish Succession, 398;
Zurich, trade with, 476
Austrian Netherlands, see Netherlands, Austrian
Austrian Succession, War of the, 109, 264–65, 271–72, 275–78, 293, 316, 451–57)
alliances in, 82, 276, 453, 455, 456;
campaign in Alsace and Lorraine, 276;
in Austrian Netherlands, 276, 277–78, 384–85, 456–57;
in Bavaria, 338, 454, 455;
in Bohemia, 272, 276, 338, 453–56, 457;
in Saxony, 457;
in Silesia, 436, 451–52, 456;
truces and treaties of, 278, 453–54, 456, 457;
see also Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of
Auteuil, 322
Autun, 367
Auvergne, 259
Auxerre, Academy of, 498
Auxerre, bishop of, see Caylus, Gabriel de
Avare, L’ (Moliere), 670
Aved, Jacques André (1702–66), 312, 318
Avellaneda, Alonso Fernández de (fl. 1614), 28
Avignon, 93
Avis au peuple sur la santé (Tissot), 601
Babeuf, François Émile, called Gracchus Babeuf (1760–97), 617
Babouc, ou le Monde comme il va (Voltaire), 385–86
Babuti, Mlle., see Greuze, Mme.
Bach, Ambrosius (or Johann Ambrosius), of Eisenach (1645–95), father of J. S. Bach, 412
Bach, Anna Magdalena Wülcken (d. 1760), 415, 417
Bach, Elisabeth Lammerhirt (d. 1694), 412
Bach, Johann Christoph, of Ohrdruf (1671–1721), brother of J. S. Bach, 412, 413
Bach, Johann Ernst, of Arnstadt (d. 1739), cousin of J. S. Bach, 413
Bach, Johann Ernest, of Weimar (1722–77), 409
Bach, Johann Jakob, of Stockholm (1682–1722?), brother of J. S. Bach, 412