Inquiry concerning Virtue and Merit (Shaftesbury), 625
Inquiry into the Cause and Effects of the Variolae Vaccine (Jenner), 596
Inquisition, 693, 721, 737, 783;
Montesquieu and, 343, 356;
Voltaire on, 371, 377, 486, 735
insanity, treatment of, 597–98, 701, 786
Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin), 727–28
Institut et Musée Voltaire, Geneva, 392* 472*
Institutions de physique (Du Châtelet), 379
Instruction chrétienne (Vernes), 480
intendants, 253, 255, 271
Introduction à la connoissance de l’esprit humain (Vauvenargues), 338–39
Inverness county, Scotland, 112
interior decoration, 214, 281, 304–5, 505
inventions, see technological advances
inverse squares, law of, 522
Ireland, 82, 103–7, 132, 163, 216, 358;
anti-Catholic laws in, 105–6, 495;
Parliament of, see Parliament, Irish;
population of, 59, 106–7, 343
iron, 49–50, 51, 577
ironwork, 308, 404
Irving, Sir Henry (1838–1905), 672
Isidore of Seville, Saint (c.560–636), 499
Israel in Egypt (Handel), 238, 244
Issy, France, 270, 272
Italy, War of Austrian Succession in, 278, 454, 455, 457
Ivan VI, Czar of Russia (r. 1740–41), 451
Ivry, battle of (1590), 40
Jacobite rebellions, 157;
the Fifteen (1715), 91, 92–93;
the Forty-five (1745), 54, 82, 107, 109–12, 221, 224–25, 456
Jacobites, English, 93, 99, 103, 162, 225, 294;
fail to revolt, 92, 110, 111
Jacobites, Scottish, 95, 107, 109, 112
Jacobsen, Theodore (fl. 1739), architect, 69
Jacquard loom, 262
Jacqueries, 252
Jacques le fataliste et son maître (Diderot), 376, 658–59, 664, 678–79
Jägerndorf, margraviate of, 451
J’ai-vus, 18, 34–35
Jamaica, West Indies, 200, 264
James I, King of England (r. 1603–25) and Scotland (r. 1567–1625, as James VI), 89, 107, 110, 156
James II, King of England, Scotland and Ireland (r. 1685–88), 89, 92, 164
“James III” of England, see Stuart, James Francis Edward
James VI of Scotland, see James I, King of England
Jameson, Robert (1774–1854), 557
Jansenists, 3, 21, 256–57, 270, 300, 609, 617, 643;
and fall of Jesuits, 737, 768–72;
Louis XIV’s persecution of, 8, 17, 256, 765, 768;
Montesquieu and, 343, 356;
in the parlements, 256, 370, 638, 718, 727, 737, 743, 768–72;
and Prades affair, 638;
in retreat, 784;
and Voltaire, 39, 370, 718, 743
Japan, 281, 304, 350
Jardin du Roi (present Jardin des Plantes), Paris, 295, 532, 562, 565, 575;
under Buff on, 569, 570
Jaucourt, Chevalier Louis de (1704–79), 641, 646
Jeanne d’Arc (Joan of Arc; 1412–31), 361, 376–77, 483
Jefferson, Thomas (1743–1826), 479, 530, 649
Jélyotte, Pierre de (1713–87), 280
Jenkins, Robert (fl. 1731–38), 101–2
Jenkins’ Ear, War of (1739–41), 101–3, 200, 558
Jennens, Charles (1700–73), 238
Jenner, Edward (1749–1823), 507, 590, 596
Jephtha (Handel), 238, 241, 243, 244
Jerome, Saint (340?–420), 708
Jesty, Benjamin (fl. 1774–89), 596
Jesuits, 256, 765–72;
and China, 503–6 passim;
conflict with Jansenists, 17, 35, 256, 300, 343, 727, 737, 765, 768 f.;
dissolution of Society, 773;
and education in France, 256, 286–87, 498, 691, 765–67, 769–70;
fall of (in France), 284, 286, 644, 759, 765–72, 784;
Frederick II welcomes them, 772–73;
and Louis XV, 256, 269, 272, 283–84, 641, 759, 767, 769, 770–71;
in Paraguay, 351;
and the philosophes, 766–67, 770–71;
in Poland and Russia, 773;
Mme. de Pompadour denounced by, 283–84;
in Portugal, 721, 767;
in Tibet, 560;
oppose toleration for French Protestants, 17
“Jesus, Lover of My Soul” (Charles Wesley), 133
Jeu de l’amour et du hasard, Le (Marivaux), 330
Jewish Contributions to Civilization (Roth), 541*
Jewish Encyclopedia, The, 541*
Jews in England, 65, 119, 241
Joan of Arc, see Jeanne d’Arc Jodin, Mlle., 672
Johann Adolf, Duke of Saxe-Weissenfels, 227
Johann, Meister (fl. 1343), 433
John III (Jan) Sobieski, King of Poland (r. 1674–96), 109, 328
John V, King of Portugal (r. 1689–1750), 508
John Bull, The History of (Arbuthnot), 169
John Frederick, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach, 94
Johnson, Dr. Samuel (1709–84), 51, 60, 79, 162, 164, 178, 192, 213;
Bolingbroke’s influence on, 101;
and Chesterfield, 82, 87, 162;
description of by Warburton, 124;
his dictionary, 82, 181, 292, 635;
on Gray, 183;
on Pope, 164, 169, 176;
on prison conditions, 73, 74;
on religious enthusiasm, 117;
on Switzerland, 473;
other observations and opinions, 67, 71, 127–28, 495
joint-stock companies, 56
Jommelli, Niccoló (1714–74), 660
Jonson, Ben (1573?–1637), 588
Jordan, C. E. (1700–45), 449, 450
Jore, Rouen printer (fl. 1733), 366, 371
Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1705–11), 435, 436
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1765–90), 436, 452, 453, 504, 600;
and philosophes, 776, 784
Joseph Andrews (Fielding), 192, 194–95
Journal (Gray), 182
Journal (Wesley), 130, 131–32, 134, 137
Journal des savants, Le, 498, 620, 627
Journal de Trévaux, 356, 375, 498, 605*, 627, 637–39, 649, 757–59, 767
Journal de Verdun, 29
Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon (Fielding), 199
Juan Fernández Islands, 558
Judas Maccabaeus, see Maccabaeus, Judas
Judas Maccabaeus (Handel), 241, 244
Judea, 357
Juilly, France, 341
Julian the Apostate (Flavius Claudius Julianus), Emperor of Rome (r. 361–63), 355, 357, 445, 486, 692, 739
Jülich, duchy of, 436, 451
Julius II (Giuliano della Rovere), Pope (r. 1503–13), 485
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 246
Junker, 397
Jupiter (planet), 545;
satellites of, 511, 548
Jura Mts., 254, 471
Jurieu, Pierre (1637–1713), 731*
Jussieu, Adrien de (1797–1853), 565
Jussieu, Antoine de (1686–1758), 565, 569
Jussieu, Antoine Laurent de (1748–1836), 565
Jussieu, Bernard de (1699–1777), 562, 565, 569
Jussieu, Joseph de (1704–79), 565
Justinian I the Great, Eastern Roman Emperor (r. 527–65), 4
Kamchatka, 557, 558
Kamel, George Joseph (1661–1706), 563
Karnes, Lord, see Home, Henry
Kändler, Johann Joachim (1706–75), 404
Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804), 127, 146, 335, 401, 438, 690, 779, 784;
categorical imperative of, 718;
as critic of reason, 160, 584, 607;
Hume’s influence on, 160, 713;
and Laplacian hypothesis, 547
Karamzin, Nikolai (1766–
1826), 474–75
Karl Alexander of Lorraine, Prince, see Charles Alexander
Karlsruhe, 406
Karlsruhe, University of, 566
Katte, Johann Hermann von (d. 1730), 440, 441–42
Kaunitz, Count Wenzel Anton von (1711–94), 285
Kay, John (1704–79), 48, 51, 52
Kayserling, Count Hermann (fl. 1740), 420
Keats, John (1795–1821), 169, 179, 338
Keeper of the Seals, French (1727–37), see Chauvelin
Keiser, Reinhard (1674–1739), 228, 237–38, 242, 244, 409–10
Keith, Lieutenant (fl. 1730), 440, 441
Kendal, Ehrengard Melusina von der Schulenburg, Duchess of (1667–1743), 82, 89–90, 94, 104
Kensington Gardens, 70
Kensington Palace, 215
Kent, Henry Grey, 1st Duke of (1664–1740), 78
Kent, William (1684–1748), 78, 215, 222, 231
Kepler, Johann (1571–1630), 518, 540, 633
Kesselsdorf, Saxony, battle of (1745), 457
Kew Palace, 169, 540;
gardens of, 78
Khevenhüller, Count Ludwig Andreas von (1683–1744), 454
Kielmannsegge, Charlotte Sophia von, see Darlington, Countess of
Kilian, Georg (1683–1745), 404
kinetic theory of gases, 516–17
King, Gregory (fl. 1696), English statistician, 46
King’s Band, 225
Kingscliffle, Northamptonshire, England, 128
“King’s Friends,” 101
Kingston, Elizabeth, Duchess of, nee Chudleigh (1720–88), 72
Kingston, Sir Evelyn Pierrepont, 5th Earl and 1st Duke of (1665?–1726), 205, 212
Kingston, Sir Evelyn Pierrepont, 2d Duke of (1711–73), 569
Kingston, Mary, Countess of, nee Feilding (1668–1693?), 205
“king’s touch,” 494, 594
Kircher, Athanasius (1601–80), 503, 592
Kirk, Scottish, see Scotland, Kirk of
Kit-Cat Club, 205
Klein Matterhorn, 561
Kleist, E. G. von (fl. 1745), clergyman-physicist, 519
Kleist, Ewald Christian von (1715–59), poet and soldier, 400–401
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb (1724–1803), 193, 398, 401, 477
Kneller, Sir Godfrey (1646–1723), 209–10, 222
Knights Templar, 4
Knobelsdorff, Georg Wenzeslaus von (1699–1753), architect and painter, 404, 406
Knowles, Admiral Sir Charles (d. 1777), 202
Knox, John (1505–72), 110
Knutzen, Martin (1713–51), 402
Knoller, Martin (1725–1804), 406
Koenig, Samuel (1712–57), 466–67
Kölreuter, Josef Gottlieb (1733–1806), 566
Königsberg, University of, 402
Königsegg-Rothenfels, Count Lothar von (1673–1751), 272
Königsmarck, Countess Maria Aurora von (1668?–1728), 277
Königsmarck, Count Philipp von (1662–1694?), 89
Koran, 502
Kratzenstein, Gottlieb (fl. 1744), 519
Kuhnau, Johann (1660–1722), 415
Kunersdorf, battle of (1759), 401
Kunie (Isle of Pines), 559
Kurland, duchy of, 277, 327
La Barre, Chevalier Jean François Lefebre de (1747–66), 718, 734–36, 737, 751, 772
Labat de Grandcour our, 472
La Bletterie, Abbé Jean Philippe René de (1698–1772), 751
labor: agricultural (England), 45–48, 98, 103;
child, 53;
English urban, 47, 48, 50, 52–54, 98;
French urban, 261–63, 666, 781;
hostile to machines, 50, 51, 262;
Locke’s views on, 155, 707;
religion among, 129, 133, 135, 137, 781
labor, division of, 48, 49, 53, 262, 647
La Bourdonnais, Bertrand François Mahé de (1699–1753), 264–65
Labrador, 559
La Brède, domain of, 340–41, 344, 359
La Bruyère, Jean de (1645–96), 84
Lacaille, Nicolas Louis de (1713–62), 542, 545
Lacépède, B. G. Étienne de la Ville, Comte de (1756–1825), 570
La Chalotais, Louis René de Caradeuc de (1701–85), 691, 770, 772, 773–74
Laclos, Choderlos de, see Choderlos de Laclos, Pierre
La Condamine, Charles de (1701–74), 361, 552, 560
Lacroix, Paul (1806–84), French scholar, 22, 253
La Fayette, Marie Madeleine Pioche de la Vergne, Comtesse de (1634–93), 300, 331
Lafayette, Yves Roch Gilbert de Motier, Marquis de (1757–1834), 370, 594
La Fare, Marquis de (fl. 1710), 5
La Ferté, Duchesse de, 289
La Flèche, France, Jesuit college at, 149
La Fontaine, Jean de (1621–95), 312, 327, 657
La Force, Henri Jacques Nompar de Caumont, Duc de (1675–1726), 14
Lagrange, Joseph Louis (1736–1813), 349, 507, 510–15, 514, 515, 536, 589
La Grenée, Jean Louis François (1724–1805), 667
La Harpe, Jean François de (1739–1803), 384, 757
laissez faire, 54, 139, 155, 262, 641, 708
Lake Country, England, 182
Lalande, Joseph Jérôme Le François de (1732–1807), 248, 536, 545
Lalande Prize, 545
Lally, Thomas Arthur de, Baron de Tollendal (1702–66), 736
Lally-Tollendal, Trophime Gérard de (1751–1830), 736
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste de Monet, Chevalier de (1744–1829), 507, 536, 580, 581, 583, 653
Lamarck, 536
Lamballe, Marie Thérèse Louise de Savoie-Carignan, Princess de (1749–92), 594
Lambert, Anne Thérèse de Courcelles, Marquise de (c.1647–1733), 23–24, 344
Lambert, Johann Heinrich (1728–77), 518
La Mettrie, Julien Offroy de (1709–51), 116, 369, 572, 600, 605, 617–22, 638;
Diderot and, 619, 625;
Voltaire and, 465, 619, 621–22, 741
Lamothe-Langon, 782
Lam our, Jean (1698–1771), 308, 404
La Muette, Château, 26
Lancret, Nicolas (1690–1743), 25, 28
Land’s End, England, 110
Langres, France, 623, 624, 675, 700
Languedoc, 259
Lansdowne, 1st Marquis of, see Shelburne, Earl of
Lanson, Gustave (1857–1934), 671
Laokoon (Lessing), 633
Laon, France, 75, 254, 493
La Pérouse, Jean François de Galaup, Comte de (1741–1788?), 560
La Peyronie, François de (1678–1747), 598, 599
Laplace, Pierre Simon (1749–1827), 507, 517, 544, 546–49, 583, 589;
his cosmic-dynamics system, 537, 546–48;
and metric system, 512, 549
Laplace equations, 548
Lapland, 357, 448;
scientific expeditions to, 514, 544, 545, 552, 562
La Popelinière, Alexandre Joseph de (1692–1762), 266, 295, 322, 324, 611
Laporte, Abbé Joseph de (1713–79), 694
La Quadra, Spanish chief minister, 102
Larcher, Pierre Henri (1726–1812), 488
Largillière, Nicolas de (1656–1746), 25
La Rochefoucauld, Duc François de (1613–80), 84, 149, 301, 340, 459, 688
La Rochelle, France, 18
Las Casas, Bartolomé de (1474–1566), 777
La Strada, soprano, see Strada del Pò
Latitudinarianism, 118, 124
La Tour, Maurice Quentin de (1704–88), 311, 319, 320–22, 404, 667;
and Mme. de Pompadour, 281, 282, 315, 321–22
La Tournelle, Marie Anne de Nesle de, see Châteauroux, Duchesse de
La Trémouille, Duc de, 289
Latvia, 277
Launay de Staal, Mme. de, see Staal de Launay, Mme. de
Lauraguais, Duchesse de, see Nesle, Adélaïde de
Lausanne, 473, 475, 476, 478, 482, 600, 719
Lauzun, Antoine Nompar de Caumont, Duc de (1633–1723), 291
La Valette, Antoine de (fl. 1755), 768–69
La Vallière, Louise de La Baume Le Blanc, Duchesse de (1644–1710), 274
Lavaysse, Gaubert (fl. 1761), 728–30
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent de (1743–94), 508, 517, 531–36, 583, 594;
execution of, 512, 532, 536;
proposes social reforms, 534–35;
work in chemistry, 507, 524, 526, 528, 589, 592
Lavoisier, Marie Paulze (d. 1836), 532, 536
Law, John (1671–1729), financier, 10–16, 18, 265;
“System” of (Mississippi Bubble), 11–16, 19, 33, 35, 37, 57, 58, 93, 323, 330, 342
Law, William (1686–1761), mystic, 127–28, 130
law: courts and procedures, 72, 196, 198, 252, 267–68 (see also parlements);
Mosaic, 742, 745;
“natural,” 100, 348–49, 714;
philosophy of, 347–60, 401;
reform of, 270, 447, 778, 786;
schools, 71, 400, 403, 498
least action, principle of, 466, 514
Leblanc, Nicolas (1742–1806), 584
Le Blon, Jacques (1667–1741), 311
Le Breton, André François (fl. 1750), 634, 639, 648
Le Brun, A. L. (fl. 1717), political satirist, 35
Le Brun, Charles (1619–90), 25, 322, 464
Lecky, William Edward Hartpole (1838–1903), historian, 103, 781
Le Comte, Louis (1656–1729), 503–4
Lecouvreur, Adrienne (1692–1730), 39, 41, 277, 326–29;
Voltaire’s poem about, 329, 361
Leeds, Yorkshire, England, 51, 526
Leek, Staffordshire, England, 52
Lefèvre de Genonville (fl. 1717), friend of Voltaire, 35
Legendre, Adrien Marie (1752–1833), 511, 513
Legouvé, Ernest (1807–1903), 328*
Le Grand, Marc Antoine (1673–1728), 326
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von (1646–1716), 94, 584, 633, 637;
his antisensationism, influence of, 401, 583, 690, 747;
atheists’ view of, 616, 705;
and Berlin Academy, 448, 466;
Bolingbroke on, 123;
on China, 504;
his law of continuity, 573, 578;
his monadism, 379, 539;
and Newton, 507, 508–9;
his optimism ridiculed by Voltaire, 721, 723–26;
his theodicy, 172, 718
Leicester House, London, 90
Leiden, 378, 562, 618, 621
Leiden, University of, 477, 519–20, 562, 601, 618, 695
Leiden jars, 519–20, 521, 522
Leipzig, 400, 466;
Lutheranism in, 415, 416;
music in, 234, 409, 411, 415 f.; see also Leipziger Messe
Leipzig, University of, 400, 416, 424, 519*
Leipziger Messe, 397–98
Leith, Scotland, 112
Lekain (Cain), Henri Louis (1728–78), 482