Marie Leszczyńska (1703–68), Queen of Louis XV of France, 256, 273–75, 276, 288, 297, 308, 312, 314, 384, 764;
and her father’s manifesto, 389;
secures Fréron’s pardon, 761;
and Helvétius, 680, 681;
pleads for Jesuits, 770;
her marriage, 269, 273–74, 293;
and Mme. de Pompadour, 281, 284;
her portraits, 311, 322;
and Voltaire, 40, 41, 362, 365, 386, 389, 497, 751
Marigny, Abel Poisson, Marquis de (1727–81), 282, 307, 319
Mariotte, Edme (1620?–84), 584
Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de (1688–1763), 24, 189, 330–31 332, 344, 388, 695;
and Law’s System, 323, 330;
and Mme. de Tencin, 280, 299, 300, 330
Mark, county of, 437
Marlborough, John Churchill, Duke of (1650–1722), 77, 93, 94, 114, 435;
amassed wealth in office, 97;
Bolingbroke on, 369;
Chesterfield on, 83;
death of, 91, 232;
impeachment and restoration, 91
Marlborough, Sarah Jennings Churchill, Duchess of (1660–1744), 77, 82, 91, 114, 245, 362
Marlborough, 2d Duchess of (dau. of 1st Duke), see Godolphin, Henrietta, Countess of
Marly, Château de, 18, 308–9, 521
Marmontel, Jean François (1723–99), 283, 300, 301, 642, 680, 695;
on Mme. Danis, 393;
on Diderot’s table talk, 678;
and Fréron, 783;
on Helvétius, 681, 691;
on d’Holbach’s dinners, 696;
on Morellet, 693;
lampoons Palissot, 764;
on Vauvenargues, 340;
and Voltaire, 325, 384, 473
Marquesas Islands, 559
Marseilles, 258, 262, 305, 670, 768;
importance as seaport, 264, 398;
painters’ academy at, 310
Marseilles, bishop of, see Belsunce de Castelmoron
Martin, Henri (1810–83), French historian, 270, 780
Martine, George (1702–41), 593
Marx, Karl (1818–83), 698, 707, 713
Mary I, Queen of England (r. 1553–58), 387
Maryland, 73
Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots (r. 1542–87), 109, 110
Maskelyne, Nevil (1732–1811), 552–53, 556
Massacre of St. Bartholomew, see St. Bartholomew, Massacre of
Massey, Edward (fl. 1772), 595
Massillon, Jean Baptiste (1663–1742), bishop of Clermont, 21, 32, 258, 301, 751
materialism, 127, 356, 445, 583, 645;
of Diderot, 369, 609, 624, 651–53;
evaluated, 713–14;
of Hobbes, 116, 125, 609;
of d’Holbach, 701, 710, 713;
Hume and, 143;
of La Mettrie, 116, 369, 572, 617, 621;
of Locke, 713;
of Meslier, 614, 617;
Pompignan’s attack on, 763;
refuted by Berkeley and Bergier, 713, 756;
rejected by Buff on, 572;
its suppression demanded, 495
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Newton), 548*; see also Principia Mathematica
mathematics, 401, 507, 508–14, 634;
applied to astronomy, 537, 544–49;
and physics, 523;
losing popularity, 575–76
Mather, Cotton (1663–1728), 565
Matignon, Hôtel, Paris, 24
Mattheson, Johann (1681–1764), 227–28, 407–8, 409–10, 411, 413, 414
Mattielli, Lorenzo (c. 1682–1748), 405
Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau de (1698–1759), 248, 283, 442, 477, 498, 510, 514–15;
in Berlin, 465 f., 514–15, 719;
at Cleves, 449;
death of, 469;
evolutionary theory of, 578, 651;
heads Lapland expedition, 449, 514, 544, 545, 552;
at battle of Mollwitz, 514;
propounds principle of least action, 466, 514;
resigns presidency of Berlin Academy, 516;
and Voltaire: early relationship, 365, 371, 374, 449;
dispute and enmity, 465–69, 515, 578, 719
Maurepas, Jean Frédéric Phélypeaux, Comte de (1701–81), 279, 381–82, 782
Maurepas, Mme. de, 276
Maurice of Saxony, see Saxe, Comte de
Mauritius, island of, 264
Maury, Abbé Jean Siffrein (1746–1817), 782
Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria (r. 1670–1726), 398
Maximilian III Joseph, Elector of Bavaria (r. 1745–77), 456
Maxwell, James Clerk (1831–79), 522
Mayer, Johann Tobias (1723–62), 538
Mazamet, France, 732, 733
Meaux, Mme. de, 676
Mécanique analytique (Lagrange), 511–12, 513, 515
Mécanique céleste (Laplace), 547–48
mechanics (physics), 508–10
passim, 511–12, 515–17, 544, 546–48
mechanism (philosophy), 618–21, 651, 652, 713–14
Medici, Prince Ferdinand de’ (1663–1713), 228
Medici, Prince Giovan Gastone de’, see Giovan Gastone
medicine, 59, 210, 486, 586–602, 618
Médicis, Marie de, see Marie de Médicis
Mediterranean Sea, 102, 455
Meissen porcelain, 214, 399, 404
Meissonier, Juste Aurèle (1695?–1750), 304
Meister, Henri, 678
Melk Abbey, Austria, 432
Memnon the Philosopher (Voltaire), 386–87
Mémoire et carte minéralogique (Guettard), 555
Mémoires de la Chine (Le Comte), 503–4
Mémoires et aventures d’un homme de qualité (Prévost), 332–33
Mémoire pour rendre la paix perpétuelle (Saint-Pierre), 335
Mémoires pour servir à l’ histoire de la vie … de Diderot (Vandeul), 627
Mémoires pour servir à l’ histoire des insectes (Réaumur), 577
Mémoires secrets sur les régnes de Louis XIV et Louis XV (Duclos), 337*
Mémoires sur différents sujets de mathématique (Diderot), 627
Mémoire sur la découverte du magnétisme animal (Mesmer), 594
Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Cleland), 64
Mémorandum pour Abraham Chaumeix, 643
Mencius (Meng-tse; 372?–289? B.C.), Chinese philosopher, 504
Mendelssohn, Felix (1809–47), 421, 423, 428, 430
Mendelssohn, Moses (1729–86), 498
Mendip, Somersetshire, England, 556
Mendoza, Juan Gonzales de (1540?–1617), 503
Menin, 276
Mennecy-Villeroi, 306
mental illness, see insanity
mercantilism, 155
Mercer’s Hospital, Dublin, 239, 240
Mercure de France, Le, 484, 498
Mereworth Castle, 215
meridian, definition of, 552*
Merope (Maffei), 381
Mérope (Voltaire), 378, 381
Meslier, Jean (1678–1733), 262, 611–17, 741, 782
Mesmer, Franz Anton (1734–1815), 593–94
Messiah (Handel), 69, 238–40, 244–45, 412
Messier, Charles (1730–1817), 542
Messina, 590
metallurgy, 577
Metamorphoses (Ovid), 205
Metastasio (Pietro Trapassi; 1698–1782), 234, 410, 434–35
Méthode d’une nomenclature chimique (Lavoisier et al.), 534
metalwork, 306–7, 309
métayers, 259
meteorology, 481, 550–52, 561
Methodism, 49, 62, 96, 128–37, 403;
founding of, 116, 128, 130;
its hostility to art, 137, 214;
and slavery, 68, 135
Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem (Bodin), 359*
metric system, 263, 512, 532, 549, 552
Metz, 276, 310
, Academy of, 498
Metz, Parlement of, 771
Mexico, 560
Mézières, 513
Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475–1564), 314, 405, 410
Michelet, Jules (1798–1874), 17, 269, 489, 679
Micromégas (Voltaire), 246, 387
microscopes, 561, 576, 581, 586
middle class (also merchants), British: in art and opera, 205;
its influence in public life, 55–56, 68, 107, 247, 368;
in literature, 183, 184, 190, 191, 199, 204, 205;
mansions of, 216;
Voltaire and, 247
middle class, French, see bourgeoisie
Middleton, Conyers (1683–1750), 120, 121–23, 125, 247, 334
Midwifery (Smellie), 597
Mignard, Pierre (1610–95), 309
Mignot, Catherine Arouet (1691?–1726), 391
Milan, 410, 435, 453, 539
Milky Way, 543
Mill, James (1773–1836), 126
Millar, Andrew (1707–68), publisher, 157
Mille et une Nuits, Les (Galland), 341, 502
Miller, Philip (fl. 1721), 566
Milton, John (1608–74), 95, 179, 182–83, 214, 239, 675;
Chesterfield on, 87;
is read in Germany, 477;
Pope and, 172, 176;
Voltaire on, 246
Mimeure, Marquise de, 5
mineralogy, 532, 555
mining, 49, 53, 261, 584
minnesingers, 476
Mirabaud, M. (d. 1760), Academician, 699
Mirabeau (the Elder), Victor Riqueti, Marquis de (1715–89), 267, 293, 312, 591, 647
Mirepoix, bishop of, see Boyer, Jean François
Mirepoix, Duchesse de, nee Beauvau (b. 1717), 301
Mirepoix, Maréchal Duc de (1702–57), 301
Miscellanies (Fielding), 195
Miscellanies (Pope), 210
Misérables, Les (Hugo), 30
missionaries, 633;
in America, 264, 558, 560;
in China, 503–6 passim;
in Tibet, 560
Mississippi River, 560
Mississippi Bubble, see Law, John
Mississippi Company, see Compagnie des Indes
Mississippi Valley (basin), 11, 13–14, 264
Missouri River, 560
Miss Sara Sampson (Lessing), 184
Mitchell, John (1724–93), 555–56
Mitridate Eupatore (A. Scarlatti), 228
Modena, University of, 576, 587
Moderate party, Scottish clergy, 184
Modern Husband (Fielding), 193
Moeurs, Les (Toussaint), 777
Mogul dynasty, 264
Mohammedanism, 644;
Montesquieu on, 341–43
passim, 349, 350, 355;
tolerance toward, 119, 459
Mohocks, 61
Moïsade, La, 3
Moisnel, friend of La Barre, 734
Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin; 1622–73), 28, 29, 281, 326, 327, 670, 766;
the bourgeois gentilhomme of, 514, 669–70;
and Lully, 295;
his masculine comedy superseded, 330;
Voltaire and, 365, 464
Moll, Balthasar (1717–85), 433
Moll Flanders (Defoe), 188, 222
Mollwitz, Silesia, battle of (1741), 452, 514
Molyneux, Samuel (1689–1728), 539
Molyneux, William (1656–98), 627
monadism, 379
monarchy: d’Argenson on, 279;
accepted by Encyclopédie, 646;
Helvétius on, 688;
d’Holbach on, 709–10, 711;
Hume on, 154;
Montesquieu on, 342, 346–47, 351–53, 355
monarchy, benevolent or enlightened, see despotism, enlightened
Monbijou, Schloss, Berlin, 406
Monboddo, James Burnett, Lord (1714–99), 579
Mondain, Le (Voltaire), 378
Monge, Gaspard (1746–1818), 513–14
Monmouth, England, 136
monopolies (patents), 11, 50, 57, 104, 113, 262
Monrion, 473
Mons, Hainaut, 275
Montagu, Edward, 1st Earl of Sandwich (1625–72), 205
Montagu, Edward Wortley, husband of Lady Mary, see Wortley Montagu, Edward
Montagu, Edward Wortley (1713–16), son of Lady Mary, 206, 208, 211, 595
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley (1689–1762), 80, 193, 205–15, 403;
and Algarotti, 211–13;
on Austria, 432, 434;
on Clarissa, 191;
in Constantinople, 209, 595;
death of, 213;
on Dresden, 399;
on France, 12, 260;
on George 1, 90;
inoculation campaign of, 95, 209, 210, 595, 596;
in Italy, 212–13;
letters published, 213;
and Pope, 169, 170, 171, 207–10;
on women, 63, 65, 209
Montagu (later Wortley), Sidney (d. 1727), 205, 210
Montagu House, London, 70
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de (1533–92), 16, 100, 159, 340, 353, 503;
Diderot and, 624, 629, 630;
and the Enlightenment, 609;
skepticism of, 3, 247, 629;
style of, 323, 575;
Voltaire and, 3, 247
moon, 510, 511, 538, 540, 545, 548–49
Montauban, 730, 763
Montauban, Academy of, 498
Montbard, France, 569, 575
Monterey, California, 560
Montespan, Françoise Athénaïs de Rochecouart, Marquise de (1641–1707), 301
Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de (1689–1755), 33, 156, 309, 340–60, 474, 498, 569, 609, 624, 637, 693, 779;
admitted to Academy, 344;
on China, 505;
on climate as a determinant of national character, 154, 349–51, 356–58;
England, his visit to and admiration for, 71, 89, 116, 163, 248, 344, 353, 358;
and Helvétius, 348, 356, 680;
and Hume, 154, 158;
and the Jesuits, 343, 345, 350, 351, 356;
on Parisian life, 263, 290–91, 493;
at the Paris salons, 24, 82, 280, 294, 300, 301, 344, 359;
his philosophy of history, 345–47;
his political views, 342, 347–60;
and Mme. de Pompadour, 280, 283, 321;
his religious heresies, 17, 342–43, 354–56, 506;
his scientific interests, 341, 508;
separation of powers advocated by, 352–53, 358, 368;
and Voltaire, 344, 347, 353, 356“58, 359, 360, 368, 376, 471
Montesson, Duchesse de, 782
Montfaucon, Dom Bernard de (1655–1741), 501
Montfleury, 23
Montjeu, Château de, 367, 371
Montmorency, France, 551
Montpellier, France, 203, 257, 308
Montpellier, University of, 498, 592
Montpensier, Mlle, de (fl. 1756), 601
Montrose, Scotland, 92, 93
Monuments de la monarchie française, Les (Montfaucon), 501
Moraea, “Lisa” (Sarah Elizabeth), wife of Linnaeus, 562–63
moral code, see ethics
Morale universelle (d’Holbach), 705
morals: English, 63–69, 81, 87, 188–93 passim;
French, 6–8, 19–23, 31–33, 83, 274, 287–92, 331, 337–38, 368, 480, 610;
German, 403;
Scandinavian, 476;
Swiss, 476, 480
Moravia, 402, 452, 454
Moravian Brethren (Unitas Fratrum), 74, 130–31, 132, 402–3
Moreau, Jacob Nicolas (fl. 1757), 761, 763, 764
Morellet, André (1727–1819), 248, 681, 693, 740, 767;
and the Encyclopédie, 642, 693;
and d’Holbach, 693, 695, 696, 699;
satirizes antiphilosophes, 763, 764
Moreri, Louis (1643–80), 499
bsp; Morgagni, Giovanni Battista (1682–1771), 586
Morgan Library, New York, 659
Morland, Samuel (1625–95), 52
Morley, John (1838–1923), 701*
Moro, Anton Lazzaro (1687–1740), 553
Mort de César, La (Voltaire), 246
Mort de Mademoiselle Lecouvreur, La (Voltaire), 329, 361
Morveau, Guyton de, see Guyton de Morveau, L. B.
Mosaic Law, 742, 745
Moscow, 590
Mosheim, Johann Lorenz von (1694–1755), 122
Moussinot, Abbé (fl. 1737), 375
Moustiers-Ste.-Marie, 305
Moyland, Schloss, 448
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–91), 338, 409, 410, 423
Mühlhausen, Saxony, 413–14
Müller, August Friedrich (fl. 1725), 424
Munggenast, Franz (1724–48), 433
Munggenast, Josef (fl. 1725), 432, 433
Munich, 398–99, 405, 406, 454
Murray, John (1778–1843), 213
Muses galantes, Les (Rousseau), 295
music: in Austria, 409, 434–35;
in England, 183, 224–26, 230–45;
in France, 28, 295–98, 421;
in Germany, 226–29, 397–99
passim, 407–30;
in Hungary, 431;
Italian, 228–37
passim, 295, 297, 398, 409–10, 419–22
passim, 427, 434–35;
theory of, 296, 509, 516
Musikalischer Patriot (Mattheson), 409–10
Musschenbroek, Pieter van (1692–1761), 519
Mustapha III, Ottoman Sultan (r. 1757–74), 648
Naigeon, Jacques Andre (1738–1810), 549, 692, 697
Nancy (capital of Lorraine), 271, 308–10
passim, 361, 388, 404, 762
Nancy, Academy of, 498
Nanine (Voltaire), 192
Nantes, 264, 308
Nantes, Edict of (1598), 17, 21, 343;
Revocation of (1685), 21, 343, 505, 605, 735
Naples, 60, 229, 230, 409, 410, 785;
under Austrian rule (1713–35), 435
Naples, King of (1735–59), see Charles III, King of Spain
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French (r. 1804–14, 1815), 97, 513, 514, 583, 591;
and Laplace, 548, 549
Napoleonic Wars (1803–15), 430
Narbonne, Archbishop of, see Dillon, Arthur
Narrative of the Death of the Chevalier Le Barre (Voltaire), 736
Narrenthurm, Vienna, 597
Narva, battle of (1700), 362
Nash, Richard “Beau” (1674–1762), 80–81
National Convention (France, 1792–95), 536, 583, 691
National Gallery, London, 221
National Portrait Gallery, London, 214
Nattier, Jean Marc (1685–1766), 275, 311–12, 667
Natural History of Religion, The (Hume), 152–53
Natural History of the Human Teeth (J. Hunter), 599
natural law, see under law
natural morality, see ethics
natural selection, 150, 578, 580, 629
natural style in gardens, 78, 169, 215