Scienza nuova (Vico), 359*
Scipio Africanus, Publius Cornelius (237–183 B.C.), Roman general, 233
Scone, Scotland, 92
Scotists, 747
Scotland, 95, 107–9, 157;
and 1715 Jacobite rebellion, 91–93;
and 1745 Jacobite rebellion, 82, 107, 110–12, 224–25;
Methodism in, 132, 133, 135;
parliamentary union with England, 91, 107, 200;
and witchcraft superstition, 106, 494
Scotland, Kirk of (Presbytery), 108, 139, 141, 158, 184–85
Scott, Sir Walter (1771–1832), 202
Scottish Enlightenment, see Enlightenment, Scottish
Scribe, Augustin Eugène (1791–1861), 328*, 330
Scriblerus Club, 169, 185
sculpture, 24, 214–15, 308–10, 405, 433–34, 666, 668
scurvy, 591
Seasons, The (Thomson), 179, 180
Second Silesian War (1744–45), 455–57
Second World War, 399, 405, 406
Secret Memoirs of the Regency (Duclos), 6–7, 337*
Séguier, Antoine Louis (1726–92), 780
seismology, 556
Seitz, Johann (1717–79), 406
Selkirk, Alexander (1676–1721), 558
Sémiramis (Crébillon père), 329
Sémiramis (Voltaire), 388, 482, 497
Semler, Johann Salomo (1725–91), 502
Sénart, forest of, 280
Senebier, Jean (1742–1809), 568
Senesino (Francesco Bernardi; 1690?–1750?), 232–36
Senones, Abbey of, 471, 501
Sens, 308, 309
Sens, bishop of, 254
sensationism, see psychology, sensationist
Sense and Sensibility (Austen), 192
September Massacres (France, 1792), 512
Septennial Act (Britain, 1716), 93
Serbia, 435
serfdom: in Austria and Hungary, 431, 432;
in England, 46;
in France, 252, 254, 259, 608;
in Germany, 397, 448;
in Switzerland, 475
Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life (Wm. Law), 127–28, 130
Serlio, Sebastiano (1475–1554), 165
Sermon des cinquantes, Le (Voltaire), 740–41
Serse (Handel), 237
Servan, Joseph Michel Antoine (1737–1807), 739, 781
Servandoni, Jean Nicolas (1695–1766), 307
Serva padrona, La (Pergolesi), 297
Servetus, Michael (1511–53), 480
Servien, Abbé (fl. 1710), 4–5
Séry, Mlle. de (fl. 1692), 8
Seven Years’ War (1756–63), 115, 285, 303, 538, 726;
American phase of, 264, 560;
English-French conflicts leading to, 264, 768–69;
French losses in, 607;
French-Prussian phase, 489, 767–68;
Hanover in, 541;
India phase, 265;
Mahón siege (1756), 289;
Meissen sacked, 404;
Russian-Prussian phase, 510
Sévigné, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de (1626–96), 205, 209, 213
Sèvres, 282;
porcelain of, 214, 261, 281, 282, 303
sextant, invention of, 537–38
Shaftesbury, Earl of (fl. 1745), 241
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3d Earl of (1671–1713), philosopher, 79, 138, 172, 178, 625
Shakespeare, William (1564–1616), 174, 182, 184, 197–98, 326;
Germany and, 477, 565;
Kent’s statue of, 215;
Pope’s edition of, 169;
Roubillac’s bust, 214;
songs of, 224;
Voltaire on, 165, 246
Sheffield, England, 214
Shelburne, Sir William Petty, 2d Earl of, later 1st Marquis of Lansdowne (1737–1805), 526, 528
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792–1822), 713
Shenstone, William (1714–63), 180
Sheppard, John or Jack (1702–24), 22, 70
Sheriffmuir, battle of (1715), 92
Sherlock, Thomas (fl. 1729), bishop of London, 117, 123–24
Short Treatise (Hoyle), 77
Shrewsbury School, 62
Si, Les (Morellet), 763
Siberia, 557
Sicily, 435
Siddons, Sarah, nee Kemble (1755–1831), 184
Sidney, Algernon (1622–83), 353
Siècle de Louis XIV, Le (Voltaire), 156, 365, 374, 463–65, 484, 719
Sigorgne, Abbé (fl. 1765), 755–56
Silbermann, Andreas (1678–1734), 408
Silbermann, Gottfried (1683–1753), 408, 417
Silesia, 285, 402, 450–51, 453–57
passim, 459;
invaded by Prussia’ (1740), 109, 436, 451, 772, 779;
Jesuits in, 772, 773
Silesian Wars (1740–45), 436, 451–57
Singakademie, Berlin, 430
Sir Charles Grandison, The History of (Richardson), 192, 193
Siroe (Handel), 234
Sirven, Élisabeth (d. 1762), 732–33
Sirven, Pierre Paul (b. 1709), 732–33, 735, 751, 783
Sisters of Charity, 751
Six Discourses on the Miracles of Our Saviour (Woolston), 120
Skerrett, Maria (Molly), later Lady Walpole (d. 1738), 212
slavery, 68, 101–2, 254, 768;
denounced by Montesquieu, 354, 358;
—by Wesley, 135;
Voltaire on, 358, 726
slave trade, 55, 59, 67–68, 74, 102, 137, 264, 646
Sloane, Sir Hans (1660–1753), 499, 589, 600
Slough, England, 542
Slovens, 75
Smeaton, John (1724–92), 551
Smedley, London publisher, 171
Smellie, William (1697–1763), 597
Smith, Adam (1723–90), 63, 107, 556;
and division of labor, 53, 647;
ethical views of, 178, 376, 690;
and free trade, 98, 155–56;
on Gray, 182–83;
and Hume, 155–56, 159, 690;
in Paris, 696, 780
Smith, James Edward (fl. 1788), 565
Smollett, Nancy Lascelles, 200
Smollett, Tobias (1721–71), 61, 65, 199–205, 213;
and Bath, 80, 203;
satirizes medical profession, 600;
and prisons, 74, 202;
and sea life, 67, 200;
his travels on Continent, 203–4;
and Voltaire, 202, 204, 784;
Warburton’s description of, 124
smuggling, 67, 98, 101–2, 106, 535
Sobieska, Maria Clementina (1702–35), 109
Sobieski, Jan, see John III Sobieski
Social Contract, The (Rousseau), see Contrat Social
social-contract theory, 709–10, 758
socialism, 646, 666
Société de Prêtres Beaux-Esprits, 782
Society Islands, 559
Society of Jesus, see Jesuits
Socinians (Unitarians), 118, 439, 481
sociology, 348
Socrates (470?–399 B.C.), 149, 616, 673, 739, 746, 749, 762
soda water, first, 526
Soissons, bishop of (1739–64), see Fitzjames, Duc de
Solomon (Boyce cantata), 226
Solomon (Handel), 241, 244
Soluthurn, 473
Somerset, Charles Seymour, 6th Duke of (1662–1748), 91
Soor, Bohemia, battle of (1745), 457
Sopha, Le (Crébillon fils), 331–32, 627
Sophia (1630–1714), Electress of Hanover, 89
Sophia Charlotte (1668–1705), Queen of Frederick I of Prussia, 94, 227
Sophia Dorothea (1687–1757), Queen of Frederick William I of Prussia, 89, 94, 437, 439, 440, 442, 510
Sophia Dorothea of Celle (1666–1726), wife of George Louis of Hanover (later George I of England), 89, 90, 93–94
Sophists, Greek, 607
Sophocles (496?–406 B.C.), 36, 184, 193, 669
Sorau, Prussia, 411
Sorbonne (Faculty of Theology, Paris), 494, 495, 496, 775;
and Buffon, 571–72;
Diderot and, 600, 638, 639, 668;
and Jesuits, 504, 765;
Prades affair, 638, 639
Sorel, Agnès (1422?–50), mistress of Charles VII of France, 275
Sosarme (Handel), 234
Soubise, Hôtel de, Paris, 307
Source, La, 38, 93
South America, 558, 561
southern continent, legendary, 559
Southey, Robert (1774–1843), 530
South Sea Company (South Sea Bubble), 57–59, 96, 101–2, 185, 210, 232
South Seas, 557, 558–59
Spain, 11, 59;
Austria, policy toward, 285, 435, 436, 452 f.;
colonies of, see under America; and England, 32, 67–68, 93, 101–2;
and France, 31–32, 93, 273, 435, 452–53, 457;
in War of Austrian Succession, 452–53, 457;
in War of Jenkins’ Ear, 101–3, 109, 558;
in War of Polish Succession, 109, 435;
and Treaty of Utrecht (1713), 67–68, 435; see also Inquisition
Spallanzani, Lazzaro (1729–99), 576, 587, 589, 712
Spanish Succesion, War of the (1702–13), 8, 24, 26, 231, 398
Sparre, Axel, 362
specialization, see labor, division of
Species Plantarum (Linnaeus), 563
Spectacle de la nature, Le (Pluche), 755
Spectator, The, 166, 226, 341, 499
Spencer, Herbert (1820–1903), 359
Spener, Philipp Jakob (1635–1705), 403
Speyer, bishopric of, 397, 695
spinning machine, first, 49, 51
Spinoza, Baruch (1632–77), 108, 119, 145, 356, 404, 616, 633;
atheism imputed to, 159, 610;
and Diderot, 626, 658;
and Goethe, 565;
his pantheism, concept of God, 503, 572, 626;
Voltaire and, 610, 711, 716, 748, 752
Spirit of Laws, The, see Esprit des lois
Spithead, England, 558
Spitta, Philipp (1841–94), 412, 422, 427
spontaneous generation (abiogenesis), 572, 576, 580, 653, 712
Sprengel, Christian Konrad (1750–1816), 566
Staal de Launay, Mme. de (Marguerite Jeanne de Launay, Baronne de Staal; 1684–1750), 23, 301, 325
Stafford, Lady Henrietta, 331
stage: in England, 128, 135, 183–87, 193, 772;
in France, 28, 29, 36–38, 184, 313, 315, 325–30, 361–63, 377–78, 380, 388, 671–72;
in Germany, 398, 400;
in Italy, 193;
Jesuits and, 37;
private theatricals (French), 295, 325;
in Switzerland, 481–82
Stahl, Georg Ernst (1660–1734), 524, 527, 532, 534, 592, 621
Stair, John Dalrymple, 2d Earl of (1673–1747), 19
Stamitz, Johann (1717–57), 409
Stammel, Josef (1695–1765), 433
Stams Abbey, Austria, 433
Stanhope, James, 1st Earl Stanhope (1673–1721), 19, 82, 91, 93, 101
Stanhope, Philip (1732–68), son of Lord Chesterfield, 66, 82–88
passim, 590
Stanhope, Philip Dormer, see Chesterfield, 4th Earl of
Stanislas I Leszczyński, King of Poland (r. 1704–9, 1733–35), titular King of Lorraine and Bar (1737–66), 271, 273–74, 308, 362;
court of, 388, 389, 391;
flees Lunéville, 276;
his manifesto, 389
Stanislas II Poniatowski, King of Poland (r. 1764–95), 677–78, 730, 733
States-General (France), 352, 535, 601, 710
steam engine, 49, 52, 517, 584, 585
steel, 50, 261, 577, 647
Steele, Sir Richard (1672–1729), 68, 79, 178, 183, 205, 217, 230
Steenkerke, battle of (1692), 464
Steindl, Matthias (fl. 1720), 433
Stendhal (Marie Henri Beyle; 1783–1842), 679
Sterne, Laurence (1713–68), 199, 202, 332, 541, 658, 696
Stettin, 438
Stevens, Jonna (fl. 1739), 593
Stirling, Scotland, 92
Stockholm, 563
Stockport, Cheshire, England, 52
Stoics, 347, 354–55, 621
Stoke Poges, 181
Stourbridge, Worcestershire, England, 55
Stowe House, Buckinghamshire, 78, 215
Strabo (63 B.C.?–A.D. 24?), Greek geographer, 616
Strachey, John (1671–1743), 556
Strada del Pò, Anna Maria (fl. 1730), 234, 235
Strafford, Sir Thomas Wentworth, 1st Earl of (1593–1641), 157
Stralsund, siege of, 438
Strasbourg, 274, 305, 326, 470
Strasbourg, Archbishop of, 254
stratigraphy, 556
Strawberry Hill, 182, 214
Struensee, Count Johann Friedrich von (1737–72), 496
Stuart, Charles Edward (“Bonnie Prince Charlie”), the Young Pretender (1720–88), 99, 109–12, 157;
invades Britain, 54, 82, 110–12, 221, 224–25;
expelled from France, 267, 457;
death, 112
Stuart, James Francis Edward (“James III”), the Old Pretender (1688–1766), 91–93, 99, 109, 110
Stuart, house of, 32, 45, 63, 90, 105, 109, 117;
and the “king’s touch,” 494;
restoration attempts, 91–93, 109–12
Stuart, Mary, see Mary Stuart
Sturm and Drang, 659
Sturtevant, Simon (fl. 1612), 50
Stuttgart, 398
Styria, 431
Suard, Jean Baptiste Antoine (1733–1817), 676
Suetonius (Caius Suetonius Tranquillus; 70?–121?), Roman historian, 487
Suite de l’apologie de M. l’abbé de Prades (Diderot), 639–40
Suites de Pièces pour le Clavecin (Handel), 231, 241–42
Sully, Duc de (b. 1670), 34, 41
Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, Duc de (1560–1641), minister of Henry IV, 34
Sully, Hôtel de, Paris, 23
Sully-sur-Loire, France, 34, 37
Sulpicians, 270
Sulzer, Johann Georg (1720–79), 523
Summa theologica (Aquinas), 735
sumptuary laws, 76, 293, 476
sun spots, 545
Supplément au Voyage de Bougainville (Diderot), 558, 662–64
Supremacy, Oath of (England), 118, 127
Surat, 503
surgery, 587, 593, 598–600, 602
Sur la Loi naturelle (Voltaire), 463
Sur le Bonheur (Maupertuis), 466
Sur l’Origine des Francs (Fréret), 500
Susquehanna River, 530
Sutton, Daniel and Robert (fl. 1760), English physicians, 595
Svenska Argus, 499
Swabia, 453
Sweden, 59, 453, 495, 590;
in Great Northern War, 438;
Riksdag, 563
Swedish Royal Academy, 498
Swedish Royal Academy of Science, 525, 563
Swift, Jonathan (1667–1745), 57, 79, 90, 99, 106, 162, 188, 233, 243;
on Ireland, 103–6
passim; and Pope, 168–71
passim, 210;
and Voltaire, 246, 248, 387, 759
Swiss Confederation (cantons), 473–78, 496;
Diet of, 475;
Forest Cantons, 475, 476
Swiss Guards, 473
Switzerland, 342, 438, 471, 472–89, 494, 495, 596;
Diet of, see under Swiss Confederation; mountains of, 477, 561
symphony, development of, 226, 241, 409
Syracuse, Sicily, 569
Syria, 560
Systema Naturae (Linnaeus), 562, 563
Système de la nature (d’Holbach), 697, 699–714, 752, 756
Système de la nature (Maupertuis), 578, 651
System einer vollständingen medizinischen Polizei (J. P. Frank), 591
Système social, Le (d’Holbach), 707
Tableau des saints, Le (d’Holbach), 697
Tacitus, Caius Cornelius (c.55-c.120), Roman historian, 488
Tahiti, 558, 559, 662–64, 665
taille, 260
Taine, Hippolyte (1828–93), 246, 359, 583
Talbot, Charles (1685–1737), Baron Talbot of Hensol, Lord Chancellor, 179
Talbot, Charles, pupil of Thomson, 179
Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de (1754–1838), 291, 307, 513
Tamerlane (Timur the Lame; 1336?–1405), 233
Tancrède (Voltaire), 670
tapestries, 261, 305, 311, 312, 314, 315
tariffs, protective (import duties), 49, 98, 279, 475
Tarquinius Superbus, Lucius, legendary king of Rome (r. 534–510 B.C.), 361
Tartini, Guiseppe (1692–1770), 660
Tasso, Torquato (1544–95), 230, 374
Tavernier, Jean Baptiste (1605–89), 341
tax farmers, see farmers general
Taylor, Brook (1685–1731), 508
Taylor, “Chevalier” (fl. 1750), 593
Taylor, Jeremy (1613–67), 130
technological advances, 48, 50–52, 106, 107–8, 584–85, 647–48;
in agriculture, 46–47
telegraph, 518
Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681–1767), 411, 415, 427
Télémaque (Fénelon), 368
telescopes, 537, 540–43
Telliamed (Maillet), 553, 578
Tempest, The (Shakespeare), 217
Temple, the, Paris, 4, 22, 715
Temple de Gnide, Le (Montesquieu), 344
Temple de la gloire, Le (Voltaire-Rameau), 385
Temple du goût, Le (Voltaire), 365, 767
Temple of Nature, The (E. Darwin), 580
tenant farmers, see peasantry
Tencin, Pierre Guérin, Cardinal de (1679–1758), 23, 254, 299, 300, 471
Tencin, Claudine Alexandrine Guérin de (1681–1749), 22–23, 299–300;
and d’Alembert, 23, 299, 515;
in Bastille, 299–300;
death of, 300;
and Regent, 20, 23, 31;
her salon, 280, 300, 301, 330, 515, 582
Teniers, David, the Younger (1610–90), 25, 372, 668
Tentamen novae Theoriae Musicae (Euler), 509
Tercier, Jean Pierre (1704–67), 681
Terra Australis, 559
Terray, Abbé Joseph Marie (1715–78), 769
Teseo (Handel), 230
Tessé, Duchesse de, 782
Tessin, Count Carl Gustav (1695–1770), 563
Testament (Meslier), 611–17, 741
Tetens, Johann Nicolaus, 583–84
textile industry, 49–54
passim, 261–62, 305, 475, 647;
science and, 525, 584
Thackeray, William Makepeace (1811–03): on English bishops, 177;
on Fielding’s novels, 196, 199;
on Hogarth, 218;
on Humphrey Clinker, 203;