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  Our lives are impacted the most not by the things that happen to us, but by the choices we make; for instance, the choice to buy flood insurance.

  These are the sage words of Alphonzo Martinez, an insurance salesman with a tongue of silver and a heart of gold, who recently died of mercury poisoning.

  If Alex Frost could be said to have had any choice on the course of her life, then perhaps her biggest choice was the one that ended Tommy Hargrave’s life. For not only did this result in the death of a Suburnia boy, but it also brought to light a soulless girl’s inhuman taste for blood.

  How appropriate it be, that in trying to drown away her urge to kill until tomorrow, Alex Frost took a stroll down to the O’Mallery Park, where she took the life of her first victim.

  The scene of Tommy Hargrave’s death was once again divided from the public via yellow police tape wrapped around surrounding trees. There was no one there to guard the area, leaving any potential passerby the choice to respect the stern rules of the yellow police tape.

  Alex Frost, deciding that it was wise not to frustrate the police any further, kept herself within safe distance of the crime scene, observing it from just a few safe yards away.