Chapter 14

  A Girl

  Dear reader. As we come near the end of our tale, I’m sure that your mind is brewing with insurmountable questions. Questions such as What is Lord Combermere going to do next? How will he take the news of Alex Frost declining his offer? People without souls can’t truly care for one another, can they? How will Lord Combermere and Alexandra Frost come to terms with who they are?

  And as some of you are reading this, you are probably also asking yourself other questions unrelated to the story before you. Questions like Where did I leave my wallet? What time do I get off from work? How does one go about kung pow-ing a chicken? If there is a God, what would he/she/it say about time travel? And probably most important of them all, Who is that dimple chinned man staring at me from across the street?

  For those of you in dire need of the answers to such off-topic questions, you will probably find more use confiding in a magic 8-ball than you will this book. But if you were more interested in finding the answers to the first set of questions, I must regretfully inform you that what you will encounter next are a series of sad truths and bitter disappointments.

  To those who enjoy a life of happy lies, awe inspiring mirages, and optimistic fairly tales, this is how our story ends. Alex Frost and her mentor reconcile. They decide to stop being killers, and together along with Amy and her Aunt Melanie, they move to Switzerland where they spend their time skiing, climbing up frosted mountains, and drinking hot chocolate. Alex Frost learns to speak German, Spanish, and Swahili, while Amy picks up photography and takes pictures of wild animals in the woods. Aunt Melanie fulfills her dream of being a teacher, and Lord Henry Combermere finds joy as an architect. They all live together happily ever after.

  The end.

  If this ending suits you, then you need not carry on with this book. As far as you should be concerned, this chapter in the life of Alex Frost has already come to an end. And you can go tell your friends that you read the happiest book in the world.

  However, to those who seek the sad truth, I commend your courage. Though I must warn you to be absolutely certain of what you ask. For if it is the happy lie you truly want, then you need not read any further. The pages that lie ahead are only for those bold enough to traverse through the rocky terrains of the sad truth. If this is what you seek, then without further a due, I bring you the rest of our tale.