‘That wasn’t what I meant, and you know it. How long you planning on keeping her at arm’s length? Till you die? You know, they don’t bury you side by side. You won’t be touching under the ground.’

  ‘Opportunity only knock once, man,’ drawled his partner. ‘It don’t knock, knock again, then leave a note asking you to give it a call back when you got your shit together.’

  Behind us there came the sound of bare feet on boards. Rachel stood at the door, drying her hair. Louis glanced at me, then rose and placed his empty bottle in the recycling box.

  ‘Time for my bed,’ he said. He jerked his chin at Angel as he reached the door. ‘You too.’ He kissed Rachel on the cheek and headed out to the car.

  ‘You two kids don’t be staying up late smoochin’ and all,’ smiled Angel, then followed Louis into the night.

  ‘Brought together by a pair of gun-toting gay matchmakers,’ I said as we heard their car pull away. ‘It’ll be something to tell the grandchildren.’

  Rachel looked at me, as if trying to determine if I was being flippant or not. Frankly, I wasn’t sure myself.

  She immediately cut to the chase. ‘Did you hire people to watch over me in Boston?’ she asked.

  ‘You spotted them?’ I was impressed with her, although I got the feeling that it wasn’t mutual.

  ‘I guess I was on my guard. I called in the license plate of their car when I saw them change shifts. One of them followed me all the way to your front gate.’ Rachel’s brother had been a policeman, killed on duty some years back. She still had friends on various forces.

  ‘I was worried about you.’

  Her voice rose. ‘I told you, I don’t want you feeling you have to protect me.’

  ‘Rachel,’ I said, ‘these people are dangerous. I was concerned for Angel too, but at least he carries a gun. What would you have done if they came for you? Thrown plates at them?’

  ‘You should have told me!’ She slapped her hand hard on the table. There was real anger in her eyes.

  ‘If I had, would you have let it go ahead? I love you, Rach, but you’re stubborn enough to head up the Teamsters.’

  Some of the fury in her eyes died and the hand on the table curled into a small tight fist that shook as the tension gradually eased from her.

  ‘How can we be together if you’re always afraid of losing me?’ she asked gently.

  I thought of the dead of St. Froid, crowding a narrow street in Portland. I thought of James Jessop and the figure I had glimpsed leaning over him, the Summer Lady. I had seen her before: in a subway train; outside the Scarborough house; and once, reflected in the window of my kitchen, as if she were standing behind me, but when I turned to look there was nobody there. Sitting in Chumley’s only a few nights before, it seemed that an accommodation with the past might be possible. But that was before Mickey Shine’s head was impaled on a tree, before James Jessop emerged from a dark forest and took my hand. How could I bring Rachel into that world?

  ‘I can’t compete with the dead,’ she said.

  ‘I’m not asking you to compete with the dead.’

  ‘It’s not a question of asking.’ She sat across from me, cupped her chin in her hands, and looked sad and distant.

  ‘I’m trying, Rachel.’

  ‘I know,’ she said. ‘I know you are.’

  ‘I love you. I want to be with you.’

  ‘How?’ she whispered, lowering her head. ‘On weekends in Boston, or weekends here?’

  ‘How about just here?’

  She looked up, as if unsure of what she had heard.

  ‘I mean it.’

  ‘When? Before I’m old?’


  She slapped at me playfully and I reached out to touch her hair. She gave a small smile.

  ‘We’ll get there,’ I said and felt her nod against my hand. ‘And sooner rather than later. I promise.’

  ‘We’d better,’ she said, so quietly that it was almost as if I had heard her thoughts. I held her, sensing somehow that she had more to say, but nothing came.

  ‘What kind of dog were you planning to get?’ she asked after a time, as the warmth of her spread across me.

  I smiled down at her. She had probably heard my entire conversation with Angel and Louis. I think she had been meant to.

  ‘I hadn’t decided. I thought you might help me pick one from the pound.’

  ‘That’s a very couply thing to do.’

  ‘Well, we are a couple.’

  ‘But not a normal one.’

  ‘No. Louis would never forgive us if we were.’

  She kissed me, and I kissed her back. Past and future receded from us like creditors temporarily denied their demands, and there was only the brief, fleeting beauty of the present to hold us. That night, I held her in my arms as she slept and tried to imagine a future for us together, but I seemed to lose us in tangles and weaves. Yet when I awoke my fist was clenched tightly closed, as if I had grasped something vital in my dreams and now refused to let it go.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  I lay with Rachel and listened to the rising wheeps of a flycatcher from high in the trees. His stay in New England would be short; he had probably arrived in the past week, and would be gone by the end of September, but if he managed to avoid the hawks and the owls, then his little yellow belly would soon be filled with a smorgasbord of insects as the bug population exploded. Already the first of the horseflies were circling, their large green eyes glittering hungrily. They would quickly be joined by greenheads and locusts, ticks and deerflies. At Scarborough Marsh, clouds of golden salt marsh mosquitoes would converge, the males sipping on plant juices while the females scoured the waters and the roadsides for meatier pickings.

  And the birds would feed, and the spiders would grow fat upon them.

  Beside me, Rachel murmured softly in her sleep, and I felt the warmth of her back against my stomach, the line of her spine beneath her pale skin like a stone path blanketed by new-fallen snow. I raised myself gently to look at her face. Strands of red hair had caught between her lips, and carefully, I brushed them away. She smiled, her eyes still closed, and her fingers softly grazed my thigh. I kissed her gently behind the ear and she leaned her head into the pillow, exposing her neck to me as I followed its lines down to her shoulder and the small hollow at her throat. Her body arched as she pressed herself against me, and all other thoughts were lost in sunlight and birdsong.

  It was almost midday when I left Rachel singing in the bathroom while I went out for bagels and milk, conscious still of the weight of the Smith & Wesson in its holster beneath my arm. It made me uneasy how quickly I had slipped back into the old routine of arming myself before I left the house, even for something as simple as a trip to the store.

  It was, by then, late in the morning, but today I hoped to find Marcy Becker. Circumstances had forced me to postpone the hunt for her, but more and more, I was convinced that she was the key to what had taken place on the night Grace Peltier died, one more piece of a greater picture whose dimensions I was only now beginning to understand. Faulkner, or something of him, had survived. He, in collusion with others, had slaughtered the Aroostook Baptists and his own wife, then disappeared, eventually reemerging veiled by the organization known as the Fellowship. Paragon had merely been a front, a dupe. The real Fellowship, the substance behind the shadow, was Faulkner, and Pudd was his sword.

  I parked the car and took the bag of groceries from the front seat. I was still rearranging my thoughts, shifting possibilities, as I reached the kitchen door. I pushed it open and something white lifted from the floor and tumbled in the air, carried upward by the draft.

  It was a sugar wrapper.

  Rachel was standing at the entrance to the hallway, Pudd at her shoulder pushing her into the kitchen. She was gagged with a scarf, and her arms were secured at her back.

  Behind her, Pudd froze.

  I dropped the bag and reached for my gun. Simultaneously, Rachel twisted in Pudd??
?s grip and, with a single movement, slammed her head back into his face, connecting with the bridge of his nose. He staggered backward, swiping at Rachel with the back of his hand. My fingers were already brushing the grip of the Smith & Wesson when something struck me hard on the side of the head and I went down, bright white pain erupting in my brain. I felt hands at my side and then my gun was gone and red droplets were exploding like sunbursts in the spilt milk. I tried to get up, but my hands slipped on the wet floor and my legs felt heavy and awkward. I raised my eyes to see Pudd’s fist raining down blows on Rachel’s head as she sank to the floor. There was blood on his face and palm. Then a second impact connected with my head, followed by a third, and I didn’t feel anything else for what seemed like a very long time.

  I came to in slow, arduous steps, as if I was struggling through deep red water. I was vaguely conscious of Rachel sitting on a kitchen chair by the table, still wearing her white cotton robe. Her teeth were visible where the scarf had been pulled tightly into her open mouth, and her hands were tied behind her back. There was bruising to her cheek and left eye, and blood on her forehead. Some of it had run down to stain the gag. She looked at me imploringly and her eyes flicked frantically to my right, but when I tried to move my head I was struck again and everything went black.

  I drifted in and out like that for a while. My arms had been tied separately, each wrist bound to one of the spars of the chair by what felt like cable ties. They bit into my skin when I tried to move. My head ached badly, and there was blood in my eyes. Through the mists I heard a voice say:

  ‘So this is the man.’

  It was an old man’s voice, faded and scratched like a recording heard through an old radio. I tried to lift my head and saw something move in the shadows in the hallway of the house: a slightly hunched figure, wrapped in black. Another, taller shape moved beside it, and I thought that it might be a woman.

  ‘I think that perhaps you should leave now,’ said a male voice. I recognized the careful, composed rhythms of Mr. Pudd’s speech.

  ‘I would prefer to stay,’ came the reply as the voice drew closer to me. ‘You know how I like to watch you work.’

  I felt fingers on my chin as the old man spoke, and smelled salt water and leather. The stench of internal decay was on his breath. I made an effort to open my eyes fully but the room was spinning and I was conscious only of his presence, of the way his fingers clutched at my flesh, testing the bone structure beneath my skin. His hand moved to my shoulder, then my arms and my fingers.

  ‘No,’ said Pudd. ‘It was unwise of you to come at all, on this of all days. You must leave.’

  I heard a weary exhalation of air. ‘He sees them, you know,’ said the old voice. ‘I can feel it from him. He is an unusual man, a tormented man.’

  ‘I will put him out of his misery.’

  ‘And ours,’ said the old man. ‘He has strong bones. Don’t damage his fingers or his arms. I want them.’

  ‘And the woman?’

  ‘Do what you have to do, but a promise to spare her might encourage her lover to be more cooperative.’

  ‘But if she dies . . .?’

  ‘She has beautiful skin. I can use it.’

  ‘How much of it?’ asked Pudd.

  There was a pause.

  ‘All of it,’ said the old man.

  I heard footsteps on the kitchen floor beside me. The red film over my eyes was fading now as I blinked away the blood. I saw the strange, nameless woman with the scarred neck gazing down at me with narrow, hateful eyes. She touched my cheek with her fingers, and I shuddered.

  ‘Leave now,’ said Mr. Pudd. She stayed beside me for another moment or two, then moved away almost regretfully. I saw her blend into the shadows, and then two figures moved through the half-open front door and into the yard. I tried to keep them in sight until a slap to my cheek brought me back and someone else moved into my line of vision, a woman dressed in a blue sweater and pants, her hair loose on her shoulders.

  ‘Miss Torrance,’ I said, my mouth dry. ‘I hope you got a reference from Paragon before he died.’

  She hit me on the back of my head. It wasn’t a hard slap. It didn’t have to be. She caught me right on the spot where the earlier blows had landed. The pain was almost visible to me, like lightning flashes in the night sky, and I grew nauseous with pain. I let my head hang down, my chin on my chest, and tried to keep myself from retching. From the front of the house came the sound of a car pulling away, and then there was movement ahead of me and a pair of brown shoes appeared at the kitchen door. I followed the shoes up to the cuffs of the brown pants, then the slightly stretched waistband, the brown check jacket, and finally, the dark, hooded eyes of Mr. Pudd.

  He looked considerably worse than when we had last met. The remains of his right ear were covered in gauze, and his nose had swollen where Rachel’s head had impacted upon it. There were still traces of blood around his nostrils.

  ‘Welcome back, sir,’ he said, smiling. ‘Welcome indeed.’

  He gestured to Rachel with one gloved hand. ‘We had to make our own entertainment while you were gone, but I don’t believe there was much that your whore could tell us. On the other hand, Mr. Parker, I believe you may know considerably more.’

  He stepped forward so that he stood over Rachel. With one movement he tore the sleeve of her robe, exposing the whiteness of her arm, speckled here and there with small brown freckles. Miss Torrance, I noticed, now stood in front of me and slightly to my right, her own Kahr K9 leveled on me while my Smith & Wesson lay in its holster on the table. The remains of my cell phone were scattered across the floor and I saw that the wire to the telephone in the kitchen had been pulled out.

  ‘As you know, Mr. Parker, we are looking for something,’ began Pudd, ‘something that was taken from us by Ms. Peltier. That item is still missing. So too, we now believe, is a passenger who may have been in the car with the late Ms. Peltier shortly before she died. We think that individual may have the item we are looking for. I would like you to confirm who that person is so that we can retrieve it. I would also like you to tell us all that passed between you and the late Mr. Al Z, everything of which you and Mr. Mercier spoke two nights ago, and all that you know of the man who killed Mr. Paragon.’

  I didn’t reply. Pudd remained silent for about thirty seconds, then sighed. ‘I know that you are a very stubborn man. I think you might even be willing to die rather than give me what I want. It’s very laudable, I admit, to give up one’s life to save another. It is, in a sense, what brings us to this point. After all, we are all the fruit of one man’s sacrifice, are we not? And you will die, Mr. Parker, regardless of what you tell me. Your life is about to end.’

  He leaned over Rachel’s shoulder and grasped her chin in his hand, forcing her to look at me. ‘But are you willing to sacrifice the life of another to protect Grace Peltier’s friend, or to fuel your strange crusade? That is the real test: how many lives is this person worth? Have you even met the individual in question? Can someone whom you do not know be worth more to you than the life of this woman? Do you have the right to give up Ms. Wolfe here to safeguard your own principles?’

  He released his grip on Rachel’s jaw and shrugged. ‘These are difficult questions, Mr. Parker, but rest assured we will shortly have answers to them.’ From the floor he lifted a large plastic case, its surface covered in tiny perforations. He placed it on the table beside his own Beretta, then opened it so that it faced me. Inside lay five plastic containers. Three of them were boxes of four or five inches in length, while the other two were simply small containers for herbs and spices adapted to his purpose.

  He withdrew the two spice jars, the reusable kind with a perforated lid. In each of them, something small and multilegged tested the glass with a tiny raised limb. Pudd placed one of the jars on the table, then walked over to me with the other, holding it gently between his thumb and forefinger so that my view of its contents was unobscured.

  ‘Do you recognize
this?’ he asked. Inside the jar, the light brown recluse spider raised itself up against the glass, revealing its abdomen before it slid back down, its stringy legs probing at the air. On its cephalothorax was the small, dark brown, violin-shaped mark that gave the spider its common name of fiddleback.

  ‘It’s a recluse, Mr. Parker, Loxosceles reclusa. I’ve been telling it what you did to its brothers and sisters in your mailbox. You burnt them alive. I don’t consider that to be very sporting.’

  He held the jar an inch from my eye, then shook it gently. Inside, the spider grew increasingly agitated, tearing around the confined space, its legs constantly moving.

  ‘Some people consider recluses to be nasty, verminous arachnids, but I rather admire them. I find them to be remarkably aggressive. I sometimes feed them black widows, and you would be surprised at how quickly a widow can become a tasty snack for a family of recluses.

  ‘But the most interesting aspect of all, Mr. Parker, is the venom.’ His eyes glowed brightly beneath their hoods and I caught a trace of a faint smell rising from him, an unpleasant, chemical scent, as if his body had begun to produce its own toxin as his excitement grew. ‘The venom it uses to attack humans is not the same as that which it uses to paralyze and kill its insect prey. There is an extra component, an additional toxin, in the venom it uses against us. It is as if this little spider is aware of us, has always been aware of us, and has found a way to hurt us. A most unpleasant way.’

  He moved away until he was, once again, beside Rachel. He brushed the jar against her cheek. She shrank from the touch, and I saw that she had begun to tremble. Tears ran from her eyes. Mr. Pudd’s nostrils flared, as if he could smell her fear and disgust.

  But then she looked at me, and shook her head gently once.

  ‘The venom causes necrosis. It makes the white blood cells turn against their own body. The skin swells, then starts to rot, and the body is unable to repair the damage. Some people suffer greatly. Some even die. I heard of one man who died within an hour of being bitten. Amazing, don’t you think, that all of this suffering could be caused by such a tiny spider? The late Mr. Shine was given an intimate revelation of its workings, as I’m sure he told you before he died.