Page 14 of Claimed in Shadows

  Nikolai’s voice was a low growl behind them. Both Kaya and Aric swung around to look at the Breed elder, who was suited up in black fatigues and combat boots. Around his hips was a belt studded with all manner of weapons: guns, blades, throwing stars.

  Aric flashed a cold grin and a hint of his fangs. “You heading up the team tonight, Commander?”

  He gave a short nod. “Lucan wants this asshole taken alive so we can question him. And if he’s got UV on hand, we need someone to bring that shit in safely and lock it down.”

  Frowning, Aric glanced at Kaya then back to Niko. “Someone who isn’t going to get ashed, you mean.”

  “Ideally, yes.” Nikolai smirked. “So, consider this your official graduation to the team, both of you. Congrats on making the grade. Now, suit up and get your asses down to the weapons room. Sundown’s in two minutes. I want wheels rolling on pavement the second night falls.”


  The surprise raid on Angus Mackie was a bust. Aric sensed it even before he entered the gang leader’s seedy tavern in the armpit of Dorval. He and Kaya and Rafe had accompanied Nikolai into the vacated establishment while a few miles away, Mira and her three warrior teammates had just called in the same disappointing situation when they closed in on Big Mack’s rundown house near the river.

  “Find anything back there?” Niko asked Aric as he came out with Rafe after their search of the empty rear office and store room.

  “No trace of Mackie, but yeah, we found something.”

  Aric held out his hand. Resting in his palm was a bullet that made even a seasoned warrior and custom-crafted munitions expert like Nikolai take a step back. This was no spent casing like the ones they had recovered from the Darkhaven murders; this was a live round. Inside the diamond-glass body of the bullet glowed a small, but lethal dose of liquefied ultraviolet light.

  “It was lying near the back door that dumps out on the alley.”

  “Holy hell.” Niko slowly shook his head, his gaze riveted on the milky blue color of the fluid within the small cylinder. “I guess we don’t need to wonder if any of Riordan’s UV arms and ammo made it out of Ireland anymore.”

  “No,” Aric said. “The only question is, how much are we talking about? There are muddy wheel marks from a hand truck rolling over the dirt and concrete out there. Someone made a lot of trips back and forth carting something out of here in a hurry today.”

  “Shit.” The commander scraped a hand over his squared jaw. “All it takes is one of these rounds to ash even the strongest of our kind. Every bullet our enemies hold is one too many.”

  On that, they all agreed.

  Even if Aric’s memory wasn’t as flawless as his mother’s, he would never forget the sight of black ash piles that had once been living, breathing Breed civilians. Aside from a rare handful like him who’d been born impervious to sunlight, for most of their race there was no coming back from a UV assault.

  Fury smoldered in Rafe’s eyes. “Mackie was tipped off that we were on to him.”

  “Probably,” Nikolai muttered. “But there’s a chance he pussied out and ran after his comrade got fileted during that Darkhaven assault. It’s no secret that the Order was on scene at Mercier’s wedding where another of his longtime cronies ended up dead, so even a blunt instrument like Big Mack might’ve been able to guess we’d come knocking on his door with questions sooner or later.”

  Rafe grunted. “Hell of a lucky guess, in that case. Rats like Mackie run in packs, and we all know hate is an insidious bitch that can hide in any crowd. It’ll even have the audacity to smile at you while it hides a blade behind its back.”

  “Or a gun loaded with these,” Aric replied.

  Nikolai gave a grim nod. “Okay, we’re done here. We don’t need anything more to know we’re on the right track with Mackie. The son of a bitch just made himself our top priority. Let’s head back to base and--”

  “Commander,” Kaya said from behind the bar, her voice grave. “I found something. There’s a safe hidden down here.”

  She had seemed to be doing her best to avoid Aric since the teams departed tonight. Pensive on the ride out to Dorval, she’d sat in back with him in silence while Niko drove and Rafe rode shotgun in the Order’s black SUV. In spite of the fact that she was surrounded by a team of three Breed warriors, she seemed equally solitary now, continuing her search of the establishment while Aric and their comrades conversed on the other side of the room.

  Nikolai pivoted an approving glance at her. “Good eye. Let’s crack it open and have a look inside.”

  She stepped back to let him move in. Aric and Rafe followed, watching as Niko hunkered down and disabled the combination lock with a mental command. He started to open the safe’s door, then paused. His cool ice-blue gaze flicked up to Aric. “Maybe you ought to do the honors. Just in case there’s any more of that shit in here.”

  “Sure.” Aric returned Nikolai’s grin as he carefully laid the UV bullet on top of the bar’s scarred surface. There would be no quips about the Order elder’s caution. As one of the Breed, only an outright fool or a tragic hero would be cavalier enough to dismiss the killing power of that kind of weaponry. In the end it wouldn’t matter which category applied because either one would leave behind nothing but ashes.

  Aric waited to investigate until Niko and Rafe had stepped around to the safety on the other side of the long bar. Kaya remained, and he heard her indrawn breath as he pulled open the safe’s door.

  “Be careful,” she whispered, the first words she’d spoken to him since they arrived.

  He nodded, struck to see true concern in her expression. It warmed him more than he wanted to admit. How had he gotten so tangled up in this female that a simple utterance of kindness from her as his fellow comrade should affect him as profoundly as her embrace?

  With more effort than it should have required, he put aside his awareness of her and concentrated on doing his job. He peered inside the safe.

  “Couple of handguns,” he reported as he pulled out the weapons and inspected them. “Basic nines, standard rounds. No UV.”

  “Thank fuck for that,” Rafe muttered.

  “There’s something else in here.” Aric reached toward the back, his fingers closing around a brick-sized block of substance that was wrapped in thick cellophane. “Narcotics. Ah, shit,” he said once he had the object out of the safe and in his hand. “It’s Red Dragon.”

  Nikolai hissed a curse in his native Russian. “How much you got?”

  “About a kilo,” he guessed, judging by the weight of the package in his palm. He stood up and placed it on top of the bar next to the live UV round and the pair of pistols.

  “Christ.” Rafe’s mouth pressed flat as he picked up the brick and stared at the packed red powder concealed within the plastic shrink wrap. “Like with UV, it doesn’t take much of this shit to do the job.”

  Kaya glanced at it, too, her fine brows pinched with confusion. “What’s Red Dragon?”

  “Instant bloodbath,” Rafe replied. “If you want to turn the mildest Breed civilian into a violent killer, give him a dose of this garbage then stand back.”

  “It’s a drug we’ve recently linked to Opus,” Aric explained. “When the Order took out Fineas Riordan, they blew up a large cache of ultraviolet weaponry and cartons of sealed narcotics like this one. We know some of it is already in circulation around the world for the simple fact that we’ve been seeing an uptick in Rogue activity lately. There have been Breed slayings of humans in different areas all over the world.”

  “Oh, God.” Her face went a bit slack. “You’re saying this red powder is making law-abiding Breed vampires turn into bloodthirsty murderers?”

  Aric nodded. “Nothing Opus would like better than to fan the flames of paranoia by creating an epidemic of Breed-on-human attacks.”

  “Which usually results in retaliation from the other side,” Rafe added. “Not to mention the power it gives to hate-based gangbangers like Angus Mackie t
o keep bringing in fresh recruits to their cause.”

  Nikolai grunted. “Vicious circle. One we’ve been fighting for a long damned time.”

  Aric and Rafe agreed in unison. Although they were new to the battle, both of their fathers had been engulfed in it along with Niko and the rest of the Order since the beginning.

  The Order’s work had been tremendous, as was their success, but the war was far from over. Aric had a feeling this new fight was going to get a hell of a lot uglier than anything the world had seen before. He intended to meet it on the front lines, and that was just one more reason to be glad that Kaya had slammed the brakes on whatever it was that had been taking shape between them.

  Still, that didn’t keep his gaze from straying to her as she stood next to him behind the bar, her arms crossed and pretty brown eyes distant, troubled. As haunted as he’d ever seen them.

  “Nikolai,” she murmured after what seemed the longest time. “Do you think I could talk to you priv--”

  The commander’s sudden, sharp groan cut her question short. His expression constricted into one of agony. “Ah, Christ.” He bit off a curse and thrust out his hand, gripping the edge of the bar.

  “Are you okay?” Rafe reached for his arm. “Niko, let me help you.”

  “Can’t.” He shook his head, pain radiating off him.

  “What’s happening?” Kaya asked, rushing around from behind the counter with Aric.

  The immense Breed warrior staggered, sweat popping out on his brow. “Renata.” He uttered his mate’s name through gritted teeth and fangs. “Holy hell. It’s the baby. He’s coming. Right now.”

  Aric shot an urgent glance at Rafe. “I’ll get the vehicle.”

  “No time.” Niko gave a harsh shake of his head. And through his anguish, an excited grin pulled his lips away from his emerged fangs. He chuckled, wonder shining in his ice-blue eyes despite the intense physical pain he shared with his Breedmate through their blood bond. “Holy fuck, it’s really happening. I’m outta here. I’ll get home faster on foot.”

  He didn’t waste another second. In a blur of movement, Nikolai bolted out of the bar and vanished into the night.


  Nikolai didn’t slow his speed until his boots hit the polished marble of the command center’s foyer. His Breed genetics had carried him in a few scant minutes across the miles of pavement between Dorval and the mansion at the top of Summit Hill; now his blood bond to Renata sent him rushing through the residence and down to the infirmary housed in the Montreal base’s nerve center below.

  Kellan stood in the corridor outside the medical room, his comm unit in hand. “I just tried to call you to let you know it’s showtime.” The younger Breed warrior gave him a sympathetic smile. “Should’ve known your bond would give you the heads-up before anyone else needed to. Everything happened so fast.”

  “How is she?”

  Kellan chuckled. “Been issuing orders like a drill sergeant since her water broke a few minutes ago. And threatening to skewer you with all four of her favorite blades if you didn’t make it back here before the baby does.”

  In other words, Renata was fine. Niko heaved out the breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding. “That’s my girl.”

  Kellan nodded. “As for your other girl, I called Mira right after I tried to reach you. She’s on the way back now with her team.”

  “Thanks.” Niko clapped his adopted daughter’s mate on the shoulder. “Now, I’d better haul my ass inside before my female decides to carve me a new one.”

  His gaze strayed past the male to halfway up the passageway. Siobhan carried a large stack of folded towels in her arms as she hurried toward Nikolai and Kellan.

  “I thought these might be helpful,” she said, the petite Breedmate nearly out of breath as she approached. “Is there anything at all I can do? You’ve all been so kind to me, and I just feel a bit useless and in the way since I’ve arrived here.”

  The commander in him was on the verge of informing the doe-eyed civilian that she was in an area restricted to members of the Order, but she looked so earnest with her offer of help that Nikolai checked the impulse. Barely.

  Giving her a curt nod of acknowledgment, he glanced pointedly at his comrade.

  Kellan smoothly stepped in. “I’ll take those for you, Siobhan. Come on, I’ll show you the way back upstairs to wait for Rafe and the others. Awfully easy to get lost down here if you don’t know where you’re going.”

  Niko appreciated the diplomatic assist. Right now he didn’t have the patience for anything but getting to Renata’s side. The shared pain of another of her sharp contractions tore through him as he stepped away from Kellan and Siobhan to reach for the latch on the infirmary door.

  Gritting his teeth against the burn of her agony, he entered Renata’s delivery room.

  “Hey, baby.”

  She sat in a semi-reclined position in the middle of a railed hospital bed. Her fingers gripped those rails in a white-knuckled grasp and she roared as the worst of the labor pain poured over her. Nikolai felt it too. Not only because of their blood bond, but because of the depth of his love for the woman who suffered this racking torture because of him.

  For him.

  And for their child.

  He went immediately to her bedside. A collection of terry washcloths rested on the table next to her. He wet one from the pitcher of ice water that sat there too, then pressed the cool compress to her sweat-beaded brow.

  “He’s coming so fast,” she panted between contractions. “I can’t slow him down.”

  Niko grunted. “First our boy makes us wait nine long months and then some, and now he’s in a rush to get here. Definitely gonna have to talk to him about timing.”

  Renata managed a laugh, but her gaze stayed locked and solemn on his beneath the dampened tangles of her chin-length ebony hair. “When you left tonight, I had a feeling he was coming soon. I was afraid you were going to miss it.”

  “Never.” Niko shook his head and caressed her warm cheek. “There’s not a damned thing that would stand between me and this moment. You know that, right?”

  She managed a wobbly nod before bearing down on another wave of staggering pain. Her cry ripped through every fiber of his being. God, he wished he could bear it all for her. All his jokes about keeping her pregnant with more of his sons dried up like sawdust in his throat as he mopped her face and stood feebly by, humbled and awed by the sheer tenacity of his lovely, strong Renata.

  “You’re doing great, sweetheart.” He leaned down and kissed the top of her head as the contraction subsided. “Christ, you’re so brave. So beautiful.”

  She snorted. “I’m drenched in sweat and my belly’s as big as a house. I feel like a tick about to burst wide open.”

  Niko smiled. “Well, you look like a goddess to me. You are a goddess. Mine.”

  “You’re crazy,” she said, but she allowed him to kiss her parted lips. “I love you, Nikolai.”

  “Ah, baby.” His voice was choked with emotion he couldn’t contain. “I’ve loved you from the first minute I laid eyes on you.”

  “Even in that second minute when I mind-zapped you and dropped you on your arrogant ass?”

  “Especially then.”

  He grinned, reflecting back on how he’d met the tough black-haired Breedmate with the uniquely powerful psychic ability. He pressed his forehead to hers, holding her watery jade-green gaze. That this extraordinary woman was his, he could hardly reconcile the fact. Nor would he ever want to take a breath without her at his side.

  Another contraction buffeted her and she rode it out, settling into the pain. Owning it. Niko could only curl his fingers around her hand and hold fast, willing all of his strength to her even though his warrior of a woman seemed to have an endless reserve of her own.

  In the brief lull that followed, she lay back and closed her eyes, shoring up for the next round.

  “Talk to me,” she murmured softly. “Tell me about the mission ton
ight. Did we smoke that son of a bitch down in Dorval?”

  He chuckled under his breath, shaking his head. “There really is no stopping you, is there?”

  Her mouth curved in a slow smile. “Would you have me any other way?”

  “My love, I’d take you any way I can.” He stroked her beautiful face. “And I have, if memory serves.”

  Now she laughed, and the sound of her comfort with him--her complete trust in him as her mate and her partner in every other thing they faced together--made his heart swell in his chest. He continued to caress her, needing the tactile contact as much as she seemed to. And if hearing about Order business might give her some measure of ease in the midst of her labor, who was he to argue?

  “We were too late closing in on Mackie or his gang. The bar and his residence had both been cleared out not long before we arrived.” Niko sighed, letting his curse leak out of him on the exhalation. “He knew the Order was on to him somehow and he had time enough to evacuate--along with what appears to be substantial amounts of UV munitions. But he did leave us a couple of consolation prizes.”

  Nikolai gave her a quick rundown about the live round Aric and Rafe recovered, and the brick of narcotics that was all but certain to be Red Dragon.

  “Lucan’s not going to be happy to hear we lost Big Mack tonight,” he confided. “Hell, I’m not happy about that either.”

  “You’ll get him,” Renata assured him, her inky lashes lifting to reveal confident, determined green eyes. “We’ll get him, Niko. Because we’re not going to stop until every last member of Opus and their followers are erased from exist--agh!”

  The contraction rolled over her like a freight train, the worst one yet. Nikolai hated the pain she was in, hated that he had played a role in putting her through it when he planted his child inside her. He murmured tender words of encouragement as her body struggled and fought to the other side of the agony.

  Niko swept the cool cloth over her face and neck as she relaxed once more, so caught up in Renata he hardly heard the knock on the door. Rafe slowly opened it and took a step inside.