Page 16 of Sins of the Night

Chapter 15


  Danger paused as she left her car. They were at Kyros's house and they weren't alone. There was a red Ferrari parked on the street, along with a motorcycle. She knew that flashy Italian car well.

  "What's Rafael doing here?" she asked.

  Alexion shut his door. "Kyros is most likely trying to sway him to his cause, just as he attempted to do with you. "

  Surely her friend wasn't that foolish. She liked Rafael a great deal and the last thing she wanted was to see him hurt by this. "It'll never work, will it?"

  Almost as if in answer to her question, the front door opened.

  A tall, good-looking African-American male came out of the house. His hair was shaved, leaving his head bald so as to show off the intricate scrollwork that was tattooed up the back of his neck to the crown of his head. Rafael Santiago wore his signature long black leather coat, black pleated pants, and a skin-tight black knit shirt that showed off every tiny detail of his ripped eight-pack.

  Gorgeous and deadly, the man was the epitome of the word "tough. " As a human, he'd been known to cut the throat of anyone dumb enough to look at him too long. He let no one get away with anything. His only motto in life was, Do unto others before they do it to you.

  But for all his bluster and razor-quick quips, she knew him for a sweetheart. Those he considered his friends, he would kill to protect, and he was loyal to a fault.

  He wore a pair of dark sunglasses that completely obscured most of his face, but Danger knew the former pirate captain well. He'd been living happily over in Columbus for the last sixty-six years.

  "Rafael," she said in greeting as he drew near them.

  He inclined his head to her as he stopped by her side. He turned to look at Alexion. Even with the sunglasses on, she could feel the intense curiosity of his stare. "Who's your friend?"

  "His name is Al," she said, not wanting to say "Alexion" in the event Kyros had already dropped that bombshell. She would have used Ias, but there was only one Ias, and the last thing she wanted was for Rafael to question him about that. "He's an ancient Greek. "

  Rafael offered his hand to Alexion. "New Hunters are always welcome. "

  "Thanks," Alexion said as he shook his proffered hand.

  "What are you doing here?" Danger asked.

  Rafael took his sunglasses off and rolled his eyes. "There were five of us here originally, but the others left a little while ago. Kyros kept me and Ephani longer because, unlike the other jack-offs, we don't believe his bullshit. "

  "What bullshit?" Alexion asked.

  Rafael let out a tired sigh as he rubbed his hand over his muscled jaw. "He has some demented notion that Acheron is a Daimon. I'm sure that's why he called you two. He wants to try and convince you too. The man's an idiot. I'm going to patrol before I hit the asshole and do myself some damage. "

  Danger laughed. "Are the others buying it?"

  "Like it's a cheap whore on the dock after a long trip at sea. "

  "What makes you so sure he's not right?" Alexion asked.

  "You ever met Acheron?"

  Danger hid her amusement as she admired the way Alexion kept his composure. Not to mention, she was proud of Rafael for not being stupid.

  Alexion's face was completely emotionless. "I've met the man a time or two. "

  "Then how can you doubt him?" Rafael asked. "Damn, you people are stupid. I got to go before it rubs off. "

  Alexion stiffened. "You know, I take offense to that. "

  Rafael gave him a menacing glare. "Take offense all you want to, it doesn't change the facts. " He looked at Danger. "C'mon, Little French Flower, restore my faith and tell me you don't believe it. "

  "No, I don't. "

  "Good girl," he said with a charming wink, "I knew I could depend on you. "

  Alexion shook his head and laughed.

  Rafael leaned down to give Danger a quick peck on her cheek. "Later, Frenchie. "

  "Au revoir," she said as he headed off for his car.

  Turning back to Alexion, who was watching her in a way that made her a bit nervous, she indicated the house with a tilt of her head. "Shall we?"

  "Apres toi, ma petite. "

  "Are you okay?" she asked.

  "Fine, why?"

  "I don't know. I'm getting a weird vibe from you. You're not jealous of Rafe, are you?"

  Suddenly, he looked extremely uncomfortable. "We should go inside. "

  Stunned, Danger pulled him to a stop. "You're jealous?"

  Alexion ground his teeth at her question. He knew how stupid his reaction was, but as Acheron would say, emotions didn't have brains. And he shouldn't have them at all. He hadn't had any feelings for a woman since the day his wife had let him die on the floor of their cottage.

  Yet there was no denying what he felt at this moment. And what really bothered him the most was the knowledge that when he was gone, Rafael could still see Danger, talk to her, while the best he could hope for would be glimpses of her in the sfora.

  It just wasn't right. And it made him angry that he had to leave the something special he'd found with her last night. It might be selfish and greedy, but he wanted more than to just leave her in a few days.

  This is stupid and you know it.

  He raked his hand through his hair. "Yeah, okay, so I was jealous for a minute. I didn't like the way he was looking at you. "

  "We're just friends. "

  It didn't stop it from tweaking a part of him that was unfamiliar to him, a part of him that wanted to keep her to himself. "I know. "

  Danger stood up on her tiptoes and cupped the back of his neck before she pulled him down for a hug. "You have nothing to fear, Ias. "

  He treasured those words. . . the fact that she used his name. It'd been far too long since anyone had talked to him like that. It made him feel human again.

  He clenched his fist against her back as his heart pounded and tenderness flooded him. Closing his eyes, he wished he could stay right here in this moment with her forever.

  Oh, to have that power. To make this one instant last for eternity.

  But all too soon, she released him, and headed for Kyros's house. Alexion ground his teeth as he fought against the urge to call her back and hold her for just a little while longer.

  It was stupid. They had a job to do.

  He had to save Kyros.

  As they neared the steps, Ephani came out the door, across the porch, and down the stairs to meet them. The Amazon was a full twelve inches taller than Danger. Lean and beautiful, she was as hard-boiled and surly as any man could hope to be. Her flaming red hair fell down her back from a silver barrette she had at the crown of her head.

  "Take my word for it, Danger," she said in her thick Greek accent, as she joined them. "Go home and stay out of this mess. "

  He could tell by Danger's face that she was relieved to hear the Amazon say that. "So you don't believe it either?"

  Ephani let out a profane curse. "Let's just say, I don't want to believe it. "


  The Amazon shrugged. "I don't trust Acheron. I never have. "

  Danger laughed. "You don't trust any man. "

  Ephani's gaze went meaningfully to Alexion. "And neither should you, little sister. Take a bit of Amazon advice. Ride him into the ground all night long, then slide a blade between his ribs come morning. "

  Alexion arched a brow at that unexpected comment. "That's harsh. "

  "So is life. " Ephani cocked her head as if she had suddenly realized what he was wearing. "You've got on a white coat. "

  "Awesome cognitive powers you have there. "

  She looked less than pleased by his dry tone. "Are you the destroyer?"

  "No," he said without hesitation. "That title actually belongs to a woman. You can't miss her. She's tall, blond, and looks really pissed off ninety-five percent of the time. "

  That went over well. . . Ephan
i looked as if she could kill him.

  "He's here to help us," Danger said before Ephani could do him any harm.

  When Alexion didn't speak up, Danger turned toward him. "Aren't you, hon?"

  He shrugged. "Ephani knows the truth. There's no real doubt in her mind. She'll choose wisely in the end. "

  Danger sighed in relief. She'd always liked the Amazon warrior and didn't want to see her hurt any more than she'd wanted Rafael killed.

  Ephani's gaze narrowed dangerously. "Are you doing that Acheron mind-meld bullshit?"

  "Yes," he said with a taunting grin, "and it's okay that you can't stand me. I'm not here to make friends. "

  She looked back at Danger. "Ditch him, little sister. Your man is a freak, and I need to go while I still have some powers left. I was here with Kyros and the others way too long. " She pulled her sunglasses out of her pocket and put them on. "Take care, Danger. "

  "You too. "

  Ephani inclined her head before she left them.

  Danger turned toward Alexion. "So how are you going to save anyone if you're antagonizing them?"

  "I was only antagonizing Ephani who, as I said, isn't in any danger of being misled. It's the other ones who need me. "

  She only hoped he was right. Ephani's mistrust of Acheron, or any man for that matter, wasn't to be taken lightly. Her friend had been known to bite her nose off to spite her face on many occasions. She only hoped this wasn't one of them.

  She sprinted up the stairs with Alexion right behind her.

  Danger knocked on the door while Alexion stood back. It took a couple of minutes for Kyros to answer the door.

  His gaze narrowed ominously as he saw them. "What are you doing here?"

  "I want to talk to you," Alexion said.

  "I've already said my piece. "

  "Yeah, but I haven't had mine with you. Why did you call and warn me about the Charonte?"

  Kyros shrugged. "I was feeling sentimental. But the feeling has passed. I gave you one warning, there won't be another. "


  "Don't," he growled.

  He started to close the door, but Alexion stopped him.

  "Let me in the house, Kyros. "

  Kyros's face turned to stone. "You need to go home. " He spoke each word slowly, with careful enunciation.

  "I need to talk to you. "

  A tic started in Kyros's jaw. "You never did listen, farmboy. " He shoved Alexion back with a curse. "Leave. "

  He slammed the door shut.

  Before Danger realized what was happening, Alexion had kicked the door open. It rattled as it was flung back against the wall and torn free of the top hinges.

  Kyros looked disgusted by the damage done to his house. "Don't make me kick your ass, Ias. "

  Out of nowhere, a maelstrom of power seemed to coalesce around Alexion. An invisible wind whipped at his coat and hair. It swirled around him, making the very air around him crackle with energy. Danger forced herself to stay calm in the midst of the chaos as she joined the men in the foyer.

  The door slammed shut behind her and was instantly repaired.

  Alexion's eyes glowed an eerie, supernatural green. "The days of your kicking my ass are long gone, Kyros. I'm the one who wields the power now. "

  "Actually, that's not entirely true, is it?"

  Danger hissed as she heard Stryker's voice. The Daimon sauntered out of the parlor to join them. He stood beside Kyros and eyed the two of them with hatred.

  The Daimon tsked. "It seems my Charonte idea was a complete waste of time. Tell me, what command did you use to quell Xirena?"

  The air calmed as if Alexion were pulling the power back inside himself. "I didn't. Xirena likes me. "

  Stryker laughed even though he didn't look particularly amused. "I will give you credit, you are a resourceful bastard. But even resourceful bastards can die. "

  Alexion laughed at him. "I'm sure you would know. "

  Stryker turned toward Kyros. "Your friend is very arrogant for a man wielding borrowed powers. But you know the thing about that is when they're not your own they are limited. "

  Alexion snorted. "Even limited, they're greater than yours. "

  "Are they?"

  A bad feeling went through Danger. Had all this been a setup? It was starting to feel like one. Maybe that was why Kyros had called to warn them. He'd probably known that if the Charonte failed, then Alexion would come seek him out for an explanation.

  Stryker moved to stand just before Alexion. There wasn't even the smallest amount of fear in his eyes. He raked an amused glare over him. "It is a wonderful thing to stand at the right hand of power, isn't it?"

  Alexion shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm not complaining. "

  "No, but perhaps you should. "

  Before anyone realized what Stryker had planned, he plunged a dagger straight into Alexion's chest.

  Alexion burst apart instantly.

  Kyros cursed. "What the hell did you do to Ias?"

  Danger rolled her eyes. "That was a waste of time. "

  True to her words, Alexion rematerialized before them. But just as he was coming into form, Stryker shoved his hand, which held a strange-looking plaster rock, into Alexion's chest. Stryker squeezed the rock, shattering it instantly, then jerked his hand out again.

  Alexion gave him a droll stare as he came back into being. "You knew better than-"

  She watched as a look of horror descended on his face. His breathing became ragged, labored.

  "Alexion?" she asked, taking a step toward him.

  He stumbled back as pain darkened his eyes.

  He gave Stryker a disbelieving stare. "What did you do to me?" he gasped in an agonized tone.