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  And it wasn't in the shadows that surrounded her.

  Kayleigh headed straight for the loading dock in the back, opened the door and stepped outside, looking over the street, which ran parallel to Olive. A few minutes later she saw the red Buick driven by the man who had killed Bobby and tried to kill Sheri and who had kidnapped Mary-Gordon and Suellyn. He cruised past the theater to the stoplight. One of the sheriff's deputies was following.

  Hell, she hadn't counted on that.

  She couldn't have the police near when Edwin died. What was she going to do? Give up? She was furious at the thought.

  The Buick waited for a light, signaling left.

  A block away the deputy, trying to be clever, slowed and turned left, apparently hoping to pick up the Buick after Edwin turned.

  She nearly laughed to see Edwin floor the accelerator and speed right into a largely residential neighborhood. He'd eluded the deputy completely.

  It was tough that didn't work out, but now it's plain to see

  When it comes to things that matter, all I really need is me.

  Stepping back inside, she opened her purse and slipped on leather gloves, then unfixed the twist ties securing the eight-inch filleting knife to the cardboard backing. She wrapped the blade in a tissue and slipped it into the inner pocket of her denim jacket.

  And then she double--no, triple--checked the other thing she'd brought with her.

  You still got that present I got you a coupla years ago?

  I have all your presents, Daddy....

  Kayleigh was now thinking of the song Edwin Sharp had played on the jukebox at the Cowboy Saloon yesterday. "Me, I'm Not a Cowgirl."

  I haven't got a cowgirl hat to shield me from the sun.

  My boots they have high heels. I don't own a single gun.

  For Kayleigh Towne that last sentence was not exactly true.

  The present her father had given her was a Colt revolver. He'd bought it for her for protection when she was in her teens. Suellyn was away at college, their mother dead and he was spending insane amounts of time on the road, trying futilely to salvage his career.

  She'd fired it a few times but hadn't liked the recoil or the noise, even with the earmuffs, and she'd thought: What a joke.

  The idea of taking a human life was impossible for her to imagine.

  And yet two years ago she recalled spotting a coyote, twitchy and probably rabid, in her garden behind the house, hissing and baring yellow teeth.

  Kayleigh had matter-of-factly blown the ragged thing away with a single shot to the head.

  That's all Edwin Sharp was to her now.

  Not human. A mad coyote.

  She tore up and flushed the packaging materials for the knife and the receipt down the toilet in the staff bathroom.

  Determined, yes. But nervous as hell.

  And where is the fucker? Did he leave?

  No, he wouldn't, of course. Because Kayleigh, the center of his universe, had called him a half hour ago--from a pay phone at the hospital where Sheri had been examined and released. She'd asked to meet him here. The stuffed redwood tree that Edwin and Mary-Gordon had bought for her at the museum had sported a label, on which Edwin had written a phone number. And the words, "Call me."

  She'd nearly thrown it out yesterday but had decided not to--because this plan had begun brewing in her mind the moment she saw his number.

  Standing at the grimy window in the service door to the dock, she now wiped her hands on her jeans. Then, finally, Edwin Sharp appeared, walking in that eerie gait of his, not a care in the world. As if the murders and kidnappings were nothing to him.

  He made a beeline for the auditorium, carrying his camera with him. He paused and began to take some pictures. If he snapped one of her she'd have to steal his camera and get rid of it.

  Remember that.

  Kayleigh took a deep breath. Through the thick denim of her jacket, she felt the knife in her inner pocket. Against her belly, the gun.

  Not you, not him, not her, not them. In the end we're all alone

  Whatever's needing to get done, I can do it on my own.

  That's all I need, just me.

  Chapter 39

  FROM THE WINDOW, she could see the flash from his camera as he took pictures of his shrine. Coming to Fresno, she realized, would be a pilgrimage to Edwin Sharp.

  More sweat spreading on hands and forehead, heart pounding in vivace tempo.

  Steady girl, you can do this. Think of everybody at risk.

  Think of Mary-Gordon, think of Sheri.

  He's a rabid coyote. That's all he is.

  She paused. No, don't do it. Get the hell out of here! Before you fuck up your life forever.

  But Kayleigh Towne decided:

  I can do this, I can do this. For my sister, for Mary-Gordon, for anyone else who'd be at risk.

  For me.

  Your shadow ...

  She stepped out onto the loading dock and looked toward Edwin. He turned, that skewed smile contorting his face. She gave a cautious nod and looked down at the asphalt, crumbling and cracked and sprouting dry weeds. Another brief nod. As if shy, as if uncertain.

  As if innocent.

  "Well, lookit this." He glanced behind her and around. No Darthur Morgan. "You're alone?"

  "Yeah. Only me."

  "Where's Darthur?"

  "Up the street. I gave him the slip."

  He said, "Good." He looked up at the theater. "You know, I wish that concert of yours'd been recorded.... Thirteen years old and you had the whole house in your hand. Nobody cared about the other students. It was just you. Only you, Kayleigh."

  The show had been written up in one of the tiny local papers. He must've read about it there.

  Edwin followed her inside.

  "We're thinking of filming a concert here."

  "A video. Cool! Excellent. When?"

  "We don't know yet."

  "Like re-creating your first concert? That'd be so neat. You'll have to do 'Walking After Midnight.' Like you opened with back then."

  Jesus. He knew that too?

  Edwin studied her again. "Wow, you're looking spec-tacular today. Your hair ... it's so beautiful. After your voice, your hair's probably my favorite part about you."

  Kayleigh struggled to remain placid as she recalled his request to send him a lock of her hair. From her pillow would have been best. Oh, Lord ...

  "I don't have much time," she said.

  "I know. They're always watching you."


  He put his hands on his hips and smiled. His jeans were tight. She thought about the incident outside her house, tapping out the music, or doing something else? He peered down at her adoringly from under those overhanging brows.

  Kayleigh Towne wondered if she was going to be sick.

  "Oh, my God," he whispered. "Hearing your voice on the phone? It just made my whole day. My whole year! I was sitting at Earl and Marge's having dinner and feeling kind of bad. Then to hear you. After all these months, finally hearing you."

  "That's a good diner."

  "The pies looked nice. I like cherry pie, if there's milk with it. But I cut all that out." He patted his belly. "Staying trim, you know. Mr. Today. That's such a great song. I hope it becomes an anthem for women. Don't settle for abuse, don't settle for less than you deserve. You know what I mean?"

  Of course she did. She'd written the song. It was odd, though, how many fans didn't get the meaning, as obvious as it was.

  "Look at that. An old percolator." He nodded toward an ancient coffeemaker. "That's what my mother'd use."

  Her eyes stayed on the canister as she said, "Listen, Edwin, what I wanted to talk to you about. I was pretty upset you picked up my sister and niece." She'd decided she couldn't make it sound like he was her new best friend. He'd be suspicious if she was too nice. She looked at him now sternly.

  "Oh, that. Sorry. I didn't know what else to do. I was worried."



  "Who's that?"

  "Ritchie Hampton, the guy your father was going to send to pick up Suellyn and Mary-Gordon. You don't know about his record?"

  Record? What was he talking about? "Well ... no."

  "Okay, what happened was, I was in a cafe. Your father and Sheri happened to be there--"

  "Happened?" Kayleigh asked suspiciously.

  The smile seemed to deepen slightly. "Okay, I'll admit. I followed them there. I thought they were going to meet you for breakfast. It's been hard to park out in front of your house. I keep getting hassled by the deputies."

  Well, yeah. He was actually complaining, as if he honestly didn't get it that somebody might object to his spying? Still, her role required her to say nothing, but just nod sympathetically.

  Edwin examined the coffee percolator. Lifted the lid, with a glass dome in the center, and replaced it. "I heard Bishop call Ritchie and ask him to pick up Suellyn and Mary-Gordon. I know your father doesn't drive anymore, but Sheri could've driven him to pick them up. Why couldn't her grandfather come to pick up that little girl?"

  Kayleigh's very thought at the time. Bishop, though, had been too busy with Congressman Davis.

  "But anyway, he asked Ritchie. You know, Ritchie's had three speeding tickets and one reckless in the last year. License's been suspended a couple of times. And even your father doesn't know he was pulled over at a DUI roadblock. He was let go but he'd been drinking."

  Kayleigh stared. How on earth does he know these things?

  "Your father was going to have your sister and that precious little niece of yours in the hands of a man who drives that badly? I'm sorry. I couldn't let that go by. And if I'd come to you or to him and said anything, you'd've called the cops, right? And ignored me. I wasn't going to let anything happen to the people most important to you in the world. I even used my middle name, in case the lawyers or your father had told them to look out for somebody named Edwin."

  Lawyers or father. But not me. He was truly delusional.

  "You know, you really come on too strong. Don't you see that?"

  "I guess I get a little carried away." Was his smile genuine or a leer? She couldn't tell. Despite the dry heat, Kayleigh Towne shivered. He added, "You'll feel more comfortable when you get to know me." Another look at her hair. "I like you alone."


  "I mean, instead of at the Cowboy Saloon. All those other people around. Wasn't natural, you know."

  No, she didn't know.

  "Well," Kayleigh said uncertainly.

  He grew somber. "I'm really sorry about Bobby. I know you guys were close. You went out, right?"

  What an actor he was! Sorry? You killed him!

  And then she reflected, Wait, how does he know Bobby and I were close?

  "Yeah, thanks. He was a good friend."

  "Friend. Yeah."

  "It's pretty tough."

  "Oh, it's gotta be." His face screwed up like a funeral director's. "I feel so bad for you."

  "And all his other friends and family," Kayleigh reminded, trying to keep an edge from her voice.

  "Sure. Do the police have any leads?"

  You prick.

  Pull out the gun and blow the motherfucker away. Put the knife in his hand later.

  But, no. Be smart.

  "I don't think so."

  "You want to get that iced tea?" he asked. "Your fave?"

  She said, "I really can't. I better get back."

  "I love you, Kayleigh." He said this casually as if he were saying the earth is round, or the dollar is U.S. currency.


  "It's okay. I know the situation. I'm amazed they let you out on the town by yourself."


  "You know who I mean. Everybody ... from the song. Everyone wants a piece of your soul." He was exhaling hard, shaking his head, "I worry about you so much."

  Insane. Pathetic and completely insane.

  Now! If you wait any longer you won't be able to do it.

  "Hey, let me give you something."

  "You have something for me?" he asked, surprised.

  She stepped forward, smiling, convinced that as she got close she'd be overwhelmed by a repulsive smell but all she could detect was faint deodorant or aftershave. Was it what her father used? Okay. That's weird.

  Kayleigh reached into her jacket and, gripping the knife blade, wrapped in tissue, she slipped the handle into his palm quickly. He instinctively closed his fingers around it. She backed up fast.

  "What's this, a pen?" he asked. Maybe thinking it was something for him to write her letters with.

  Then he realized what it was.

  Edwin's smile faded. And he looked up to see the girl of his dreams holding a large revolver pointed at his chest. She pulled the hammer back. It seated with a loud click.

  Chapter 40

  THE KNIFE DROOPED in his hand, his eyelids and shoulders sagged too. "Kayleigh ... no."

  "Don't move."

  "Oh, Kayleigh." Smiling again but sorrowfully. "Do you know what kind of trouble you'll get into, you do this?"

  She stayed strong.

  "This'd be terrible. So terrible. Don't do this to yourself. Please! Think of your fans, think of your family." As if he was genuinely worried for her, not himself. "It's the first thing the police'll look for, setting me up. They won't want to believe you did it, they'll hope it isn't true, but the deputies have been there before. It happens all the time. Domestic, stalking ... It happens all the time."

  "You killed Bobby!"

  Thick brows knit further, making him even more ominous. "I didn't do that, of course not. And I heard about the attack on Sheri. I'm sure they told you I was behind that too. But I'd never hurt anybody close to you. It's all lies."

  Shoot him! she told herself. And yet her finger remained outside the trigger guard. The gun wavered for a minute then she thrust it forward. Edwin Sharp didn't even squint.

  "And you kidnapped my sister and niece."

  "Maybe I saved their lives. From Ritchie's driving, like I told you."

  She looked around but held the gun steady.

  "You're a smart woman, Kayleigh."

  And she had flashback of a recent conversation she'd had with her father, who'd called her a "smart girl."

  "You called me from a pay phone but can anybody place you where you made that call? It'll be in my cell phone records. That'll be easy to find.... And, I'm sure you used gloves or a paper towel when you were handling this." A glance at the knife. "And you probably bought it at a store with a self-checkout. But they'll link it to you, Kayleigh. That's what they do for a living."

  "Shut up! I'm going to kill you!"

  He examined the knife. "It's new so they're going to check every store in town that sells this brand. There won't be that many of them. You'd pay cash but all they have to do is look at the data-mined records of anyone who bought this model knife in the past few days with cash. They'll figure out the exact store and register fast because you probably only bought this one thing, right? That's a giveaway. They'll get a warrant to collect the cash paid into the checkout machine. They'll fingerprint the bills. And they'll trace serial numbers of the bills you got from an ATM. That's all recorded, you know."

  Of course it isn't!

  Is it?

  Don't listen to him. Scream for help then pull the trigger....

  "There could even be a video or still picture of the self-serve transaction. It'll take them all of five minutes to link you to this knife. And meanwhile there'll be rookies searching the trash around the area here to look for bags and packaging and the receipt." He glanced toward the toilet, which trickled as it continued to fill. Or the sewer pipes here. They'll get you in an interrogation room and, Kayleigh, you're such a good, honest person, you won't hold up; they'll have a confession in ten minutes. Madigan won't want to but he won't have any choice." He glanced at her hand. "Can you even carry a concealed gun legally?"

  I'll do it on my own

  Except I can't.

  I'm a fucking coward.

  The gun lowered.

  "Oh, Kayleigh, they've brainwashed you so badly. I'm not the enemy. They're the enemy. Here, I'm going to set the knife down." He wiped it on his shirtsleeves, removing his own prints, and then he rested it on the floor. "That way there'll be no connection between us. You take it and use it or throw it out. This never happened."

  He sounded so sincere. Kayleigh wished Kathryn Dance was here to look at the stalker and nod that he was telling the truth or shake her head that he was lying. He stepped back and she eased forward, picked the knife up and slipped it back into her jacket.

  "Think about this, Kayleigh: Sure, you're being stalked. But not by me. Maybe it's the reporters and photographers. Maybe it's your father. He claims he wants what's best but does he? I'm not so sure. And what about the others? Maybe ... I don't know--Alicia, Tye Slocum--oh, keep an eye on him. I've seen how he looks at you. And Barry Zeigler. He's holding on to you pretty tight. Who else does the label have as big as you? Neil Watson--but come on, he's like a bad tribute act to himself. And who else is out there watching you, stalking you? Fans and strangers. People who don't even know your music, but only that you're beautiful and famous and rich. And they figure, why should you have all those things and not them? They don't get how hard you work for them, how much you sacrifice."

  She whispered, "Can't you just leave me alone? Please!"

  "Oh, Kayleigh, you don't want me to leave you alone. You just don't know it yet."

  Chapter 41


  Her hit song about the middle-aged immigrant woman being deported back to Mexico. The lines kept running through Kayleigh's mind as she packed several suitcases and lugged them downstairs to the living room of her house, where Darthur Morgan took them from her and placed them in the SUV.

  Alicia Sessions was there too, helping her with the temporary move in her Ford F150. Kayleigh hadn't wanted her to go to the trouble but the woman insisted on schlepping guitars, amps and boxes of provisions from Whole Foods--the store where organic-minded Kayleigh shopped, as opposed to Safeway, the source of the staples in the household where she was bound.

  "I can really manage."

  "No problem at all," Alicia said.

  "Well, stay for dinner, at least."

  "I'm seeing some friends in town."