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  When life is too much, just remember, When you're down on your luck, just remember, I'm as close as a shadow, wherever you go.

  As bad as things get, you've got to know, That I'm with you ... always with you.

  Your shadow.

  2. You sit by the river, wondering what you got wrong, How many chances you've missed all along.

  Like your troubles had somehow turned you to stone and the water was whispering, why don't you come home?


  3. One night there's a call, and at first you don't know What the troopers are saying from the side of the road, Then you see in an instant that your whole life has changed.

  Everything gone, all the plans rearranged.


  4. You can't keep down smiles; happiness floats.

  But trouble can find us in the heart of our homes.

  Life never seems to go quite right,

  You can't watch your back from morning to night.


  Repeat Chorus.

  Is It Love, Is It Less?

  1. A warm autumn night, the state fair in full swing, We walked back to my place and sure enough one thing Led to another and at dawn you were there.

  Your breath on my shoulder, your hand in my hair.

  2. Just a week later, it happened again,

  I was sure that we'd move to lovers from friends, But that time I woke to a half empty bed, And at least two months passed till I saw you again.


  Is it left, is it right? Is it east, is it west?

  Is it day, is it night? Is it good or the best?

  I'm looking for answers, I'm looking for clues.

  There has to be something to tell me the truth I'm trying to know, but I can just guess, Is it love between us?

  Is it love, is it less?

  3. I saw you and some girl on the street one day.

  Oh, look, here's my friend, I heard you say.

  But the "friend" that you meant wasn't her; it was me, And you took her hand, pleased as could be.

  4. Then just a month later, we meet for a beer, We got to talking and then I hear,

  you wonder out loud how life would be

  if you got married to someone like me.


  5. I read blogs and the papers, I watch cable news.

  But the more that I hear, I get more confused.

  Which reminds me of us, I simply can't tell If I'm immune or I'm under your spell.


  Near the Silver Mine 1. I've lived in LA, I've lived in Maine, New York City and the Midwest Plains,

  But there's only one place I consider home.

  When I was a kid--the house we owned.

  Life was perfect and all was fine,

  In that big old house ... near the silver mine.


  The silver mine ... the silver mine.

  I can't remember a happier time,

  In that big old house ... near the silver mine.

  2. I remember autumn, pies in the oven,

  Sitting on the porch, a little teenage lovin', Riding the pony and walking the dogs,

  Helping daddy outside, splitting logs.

  Life was simple and life was fine,

  In that big old house, near the silver mine.


  3. It stewed in the summer and froze in the winter, The floors were sure to give you splinters.

  A little wind and we'd lose the lights, But nobody cared, it just seemed right.

  Life was cozy and all was fine,

  In that big old house, near the silver mine.


  4. We'd go to the mine and sneak up close To watch the train fill up with loads, And wonder which nugget of shiny silver Would become a ring for some girl's finger.

  The future was bright and life was fine In that big old house near the silver mine.


  5. There was always kin and pickers too, From daddy's band, playing country and blues, They'd clear a table to be a stage,

  And get me up to sing and play.

  Life was good and all was fine

  In the big old house near the silver mine.


  6. My sis was born there and I was too.

  And grandpa passed at eighty-two,

  Asleep upstairs 'neath grandma's quilt.

  in the house that he himself had built To give his family a place real fine,

  That big old house, near the silver mine.


  The Truth About Men

  1. Listen up, sonny boy, I've got some shocking news.

  We girls, we got some problems, sure, we sometimes get the blues.

  We get a little crazy, we fall head over heels.

  We live to shop and drive for miles just for a good deal.

  2. But one thing you can count on, we tell it to you straight.

  I'm overdrawn, I'm leaving you, I'll be two hours late.

  Maybe it's from playing cards, but you guys sure do bluff.

  Don't you know that commandment: Thou shalt not make stuff up?


  Men lie ... [Clap hands five times] Men lie ...

  Last time that I looked, one and one do not make three, If that's your kind of math, it's not good enough for me.

  Men lie ... [Clap hands five times] Men lie.

  3. You'll call me in the morning, you'll be back home by eight.

  You're gonna have just one more beer, my mom and dad are great.

  You've never touched a single joint, you swear you sent that text.

  You just need to cuddle, the last thing you want is sex.


  4. You boys're cute, you take us out, you can make us laugh, And nine times out of ten, you're just big pussy-cats.

  No, I can't deny that most of you are fun.

  You just got to work on, problem number one.


  5. I found a note from Stephanie. You said you dated her.

  But it was years and years ago, the time was just a blur.

  So I called her up and chatted about you and her, of course, When were you going to tell me, you never got divorced?


  Then, fading out:

  You fib ... you prevaricate ... you tell tall tales ... you fabricate.

  It must be something in your genes ... or in your jeans.

  Men lie ...

  [Clap hands five times]

  Men lie ...

  Another Day Without You

  1. I see you on the street, holding someone else's hand.

  She's acting like she owns you--and that's more than I can stand.

  I know that you're unhappy. I see it in your eyes.

  It's clear that you don't love her, that you're living in a lie.


  And it's another day without you ... Oh, such lonely time.

  But in just a little while ... I'm going to make you mine.

  2. Ever since we met, I'm twice the girl I was.

  Nothing keeps me going the way your smile does.

  We have our time together but it's really not the same.

  The thought you share a bed with her is driving me insane....


  3. I'll steal you away, I will steal you for good.

  I'll never have to share you; we'll live the way we should.

  It won't be too much longer until I set you free.

  Then I'll never let you go, I'll keep you close to me.


  Repeat Chorus.

  My Red Cadillac

  1. One Saturday a while ago, I went out for the night.

  The music, it was playing loud, everything seemed right.

  You smiled my way across the room and moved up really near.

  We talked and laughed and then you said, "Hey, let's get out of here."

  2. We walked outside and found my car. I sped into the street.
  The night was really perfect, till I saw you weren't too pleased.

  "What's wrong?" I asked, slowing down, before we got too far.

  You said, "Just wondering if you ever thought 'bout getting a new car?"


  She gets gallons to the mile, not the other way round, And the tailpipe, it really makes a pretty nasty sound, The heater hardly works at all and forget about the air.

  Duct tape's been involved in most of her repairs.

  But she's big and fast and solid and I know I can depend On her to always be there ... unlike a lot of men.

  She's my red Cadillac ... my red Cadillac.

  She gets me where I'm going, and she always gets me back.

  I love her like a sister, she's my red Cadillac.

  3. This Caddie's got a history that goes back lots of years.

  My daddy gave her to me as soon as I could steer.

  She's the one who's moved me to a half a dozen states And come with me to weddings and funerals and dates.

  4. She hasn't got a GPS, the windshield's none too clear.

  There's no pine tree freshener hanging from the mirror.

  I don't reserve my Sundays to polish, wax and clean.

  She's a wash and wear gal--an awful lot like me.


  5. This Caddie is America, made for fast and far, I feel a patriotic spirit when I'm driving in this car.

  We've been from north to south, from sea to shining sea.

  She's part of that tradition that made this country free.

  6. That Saturday a while go, if you're wondering how it went, I pulled up to the curb, turned to that boy and said, "So long, friend, I think you better hitch a ride on back.

  There's no better judge of men than this here Cadillac."


  Fire and Flame

  1. I'm drawn to you, like a moth to flame.

  Once we met, I was never the same.

  To reach that light, moths fly for miles, That's what I'd do, just to see your smile.


  Love is fire, love is flame

  It warms your heart, it lights the way.

  It burns forever just like the sun.

  It welds two souls and makes them one.

  Love is fire, love is flame.

  2. I know some boys as smooth as ice, I can't deny some look real nice.

  But I don't care if they're slick and cool, They don't ignite me like you do.


  3. Some folks hook up not to be alone.

  Or they want babies and to make a home.

  Nothing wrong with that, for them it's fine.

  But I like my furnace turned up high.


  4. You can keep those days in early spring.

  A gentle autumn's not my thing.

  No, I want sun and blaring heat--

  Sweaty love, just you and me.


  The Puzzle Of Your Heart

  1. A quiet Sunday, the rain comes down.

  Hey, you want to play a game?

  I look around.

  There's a jigsaw puzzle on the shelf.

  A country scene, some old-time art

  Of farms and fields and stacks of hay.

  We pour some wine, curl up and start.


  One piece there, and one piece here.

  Some fall in place and some won't fit.

  It's just not clear

  How I can take these mismatched parts

  And put together the puzzle of your heart.

  2. You want to stay, you have to go,

  I think I love you but I'm confused.

  I just don't know.

  Sometimes you stay, sometimes you run.

  The past is good, but the future looms.

  Let's have a baby, or maybe not.

  Let's buy this place, no, we should move.


  3. The hours pass, there's not much done.

  The middle's harder than we thought.

  It's been fun.

  But the rain's let up. Let's take a walk.

  We've got an hour before it's night.

  Oh, you'd rather watch the game?

  I understand. No, it's all right.


  4. I get back home and in the hall

  I find a note. You're outside jogging

  After all.

  I try a jigsaw piece or two,

  But finally I admit defeat.

  I guess that's how it often goes,

  Some puzzles we just can't complete.


  Leaving Home

  1. Packing up the suitcase, filling boxes to the brim.

  Years and years of memories, trying to fit them in.

  I never really thought that there might come a time, When everything would change and I'd have to say goodbye.


  Now I'm starting over, starting over once again, To try to make a new life, without family or friends.

  In all my years on earth, there's one thing that I know: Nothing can be harder than to leave behind your home.

  2. This room, it was my daughter's, who's grown and lives nearby.

  She's got babies of her own, oh, I'll miss them till I cry.

  This room is the one where my man and I would sleep.

  Or sometimes never sleep at all, if you know what I mean.


  3. And here's the porch we'd sit on, after dinner every night.

  My husband talked about his job and I'd tell him 'bout mine.

  Then dishes and some cleaning, some homework and to bed.

  And the joy of seeing sunrise as the day would start again.


  4. Oh, we had quite some parties, to mark those special times.

  Christmases and Easters and the Fourth of July.

  Any cause for celebration, but the best, at least for me, Was my daughter's graduation when she got her degree.


  5. We worked hard at our jobs and bought ourselves this home.

  We gave back what we got and never hurt a soul.

  But I guess I was just naive and I didn't see the truth: Why judge people by their hearts? It's simpler to use rules.

  6. Now the bus drives through the gate, at the border line, And drops me off in Juarez, deported for the crime Of loving the great USA as if she were my own.

  I turn and say goodbye to what's been my only home.


  Then in Spanish:

  "America, the Beautiful"

  O beautiful for spacious skies,

  For amber waves of grain,

  For purple mountain majesties

  Above the fruited plain!

  America! America!

  God shed His grace on thee,

  And crown thy good with brotherhood

  From sea to shining sea!

  O beautiful for pilgrim feet

  Whose stern impassion'd stress

  A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the wilderness.

  America! America!

  God shed His grace on thee,

  And crown thy good with brotherhood

  From sea to shining sea!

  Mr. Tomorrow

  1. You know me by now, you've got to believe You're the number-one girl in the world for me.

  I've sent her the papers and she's promised to sign It'll just be a while, these things take some time ...


  And his words are so smooth and his eyes look so sad.

  Can't she be patient, it won't be so bad?

  But sometimes she thinks, falling under his sway, She got Mr. Tomorrow; she wants Mr. Today.

  2. Love that new dress, you're looking real hot.

  Let's go out dancing. Oh, wait, I forgot.

  Me and my buddy, we got something to do.

  But next week, I promise, it's just me and you.


  3. Hey, I
hardly know her, she's only a friend.

  We've had lunch once or twice and that was the end.

  I wouldn't have left that receipt in my pants With something to hide. Why would I take that chance?


  4. What happened last night, I was a fool.

  I didn't mean it, I was in a bad mood.

  I won't drink again, I promise, you'll see.

  To think that I hit you--you know that's not me.


  5. Sure, I want babies, I swear that it's true: Pretty girls growing up to look just like you.

  But waiting a while--that's what I'd prefer Until we're both ready, what can it hurt?


  I'm in the Mood (for Rock 'n' Roll) (Slow tempo)

  1. We've got a night together, we're sitting on the couch, This doesn't happen often, alone inside our house.

  You open up a real nice wine, the candle light is low.

  We're both thinking of romance and where the night might go.


  Now, baby, baby, baby--you better know it's true I'm in the mood ...

  In the mood ...

  In the mood ... for rock 'n' roll!

  (Tempo and volume way up)

  Sometimes it's the only way only way to fix your achin' soul: Ditch the soft, crank up the loud and go with rock 'n' roll.

  Rock 'n' roll,

  rock 'n' roll.

  When you're down and when you're out and just can't be consoled.

  Get yourself in the mood, the mood for rock 'n' roll.

  2. You know that I'm a good girl ... I don't do too much wrong.

  I treat folks right, work real hard, playing tunes and writing songs.

  But there's another side to me, that you don't see a lot.

  I like to kick my shoes off and get crazy and get hot.


  3. My iPod's filled with pop and jazz and Motown and with blues And soul and folk and hip-hop, not to mention country tunes.