Page 23 of Jaguar Pride

  She and Huntley weren’t a couple dating each other on a vacation. All three of them were agents on a mission. As soon as Everett made the comment, she felt obligated to remind everyone that she was just another agent working with them on an assignment.

  “Yes. The two of you can share a room. If we can get another one next door, that would be great. If not, no problem,” she said, shrugging and perfectly straight-faced because she meant it.

  But the two men were staring at her as though she’d shifted into a jaguar right there in front of God and everyone, their mouths gaping a bit, their eyes widened. Then Everett looked like he wanted to bow out of this one fast and quickly said, “I’ll get us a couple of rooms.”

  Before Melissa could follow Everett and avoid talking with Huntley about this, he stopped her, hand on her arm in a gentle, worried way. She looked up at him, saw the concern in his expression, and worried that he felt they were breaking up when they hadn’t even officially dated yet.

  Even more now, she didn’t believe going home and setting up housekeeping with Huntley was a good idea. She needed to move her stuff into her own space so she could have time to consider what she was doing. Maybe they could date on and off between missions. She’d like that. But moving in with him right away—no.

  “We’re teamed up on this mission,” Huntley said, as if hoping that would remind her of their assignment to work together and would make all the difference in the world.

  She had to admit, it did to an extent. When the boss sent a team together, they stayed together until they solved their case or were ordered home. But now that three of them were there, working together, it felt awkward to her to stay with Huntley when Everett normally did. As if Huntley was truly her boyfriend. Which he wasn’t. They were…teammates.

  “Right,” she said. “And we’ll continue to work on the case until the boss says otherwise. We will all stick together. But concerning the rooms tonight, since we’re agents on a case, this will work out best. Like you said, you do well talking with your brother about a case. Maybe he can come up with some ideas we haven’t thought of.”

  “You and I can do that tonight,” Huntley said. “You come up with plans that are just as well thought out.”

  “I…I think we both need a little time to know what’s right.” She sighed. “When I return home, I’ll find a place and get moved in. Then whenever you and I are home from our own missions, we can find time to see each other.”

  He let out his breath and released her arm. “All right.”

  She was a little surprised when he didn’t fight her on it, but then again, he was probably feeling the same needs as she’d been experiencing, and knew this was all too soon and too fast for both of them.

  “Come on. Let’s join Everett.” Huntley kept his distance from her, treating her strictly like his partner, which was a good thing.

  So why did she want his arm around her shoulders, feeling him close? Because she was damned needy. That alone proved she needed to keep her distance.

  They entered the lobby, where a couple of blue parrots in a golden cage chattered and tropical fish swam around in a saltwater tank nearby. Everett sat in one of the floral-covered chairs, room keys in hand, waiting for them.

  “Do you want to get dinner together before we go up to our rooms, or did you just want to get room service?” she asked.

  “We can eat dinner down here,” Everett quickly said, as if he’d already said the wrong thing regarding the rooms and didn’t want to further upset his brother.

  Everett would probably get hell for teasing about it in the first place. But even if he hadn’t said anything about staying with Huntley, she would have opted for her own room while the brothers roomed together. She was just glad Huntley hadn’t made some crack about having to stay with her to protect her.

  “We’ll eat together,” Huntley said and walked toward the hotel restaurant without a backward glance.

  Now Everett’s face was flushed. “Sorry about the rooms. I was just…”

  Melissa smiled brightly. “No problem. This works out perfectly.” Then she headed for the restaurant, while Everett took a couple of long strides to catch up.

  “I just thought…” Everett said.

  “We’re on a mission together, just like usual,” Melissa said, not wanting to hear what Everett thought. She was certain everyone who had witnessed their affectionate behavior during the mission thought the same.

  When they sat down at the table, Huntley was looking at a menu, ignoring them. Melissa took a deep settling breath and let it out. She didn’t want to upset him, but couldn’t he see this was best for both of them? If Everett hadn’t been here, it would have been fine with her to sleep with Huntley.

  They soon ordered, ate their meals in silence, and then retired to their separate rooms. Everett didn’t say anything, but he had damned well looked like he either wanted Huntley to escort her to her room, or for the both of them to. But when she said good night and headed for her room, one that ended up being three floors above theirs and in another wing of the hotel, they didn’t follow her and she reminded herself that this was the way it should be.

  Yet leaving them made her feel isolated and alone, and she truly missed the two of them. Especially Huntley, and that was not good.

  Chapter 19

  Huntley was having a devil of a time letting Melissa have her space. As soon as she said she wanted her own room, he knew that he had to let her have it. He didn’t like it. Not that he didn’t feel she was safe enough. If he’d had any inkling she wouldn’t be, he would have stayed with her. Not just because he wanted to be with her, sleeping with her, and making love to her. He wanted to talk to her about the mission, about her goals, about anything.

  He couldn’t shake loose of his growly nature, as much as he tried at dinner. Everyone knew he was upset—mainly with himself—because he couldn’t act like it didn’t bother him. That was because it damn well did.

  He knew that Melissa pulling back had to do in part with Everett’s comment, like it brought her back to her senses that they were on a mission. But he worried that it went deeper. Maybe it had something to do with speaking with Kathy in Ms. Baker’s home. Or maybe something to do with the babies. He could second-guess Melissa’s concerns all night, but it wouldn’t do him any good.

  Knowing Huntley was in a blue funk, and without a word to him, Everett tossed his bag on the bed, then went into the bathroom and closed the door. The water in the shower whooshed on.

  Huntley sat on the bed and couldn’t think of anything but Melissa in her jaguar form, lying in the cage so drugged she couldn’t wake from it. And then later cheering Kathy up, sharing stories of Huntley and her taking care of the Carringtons’ babies, and trying to ensure Kathy wouldn’t be upset that she’d lost those precious days while she was separated from her youngsters.

  He ran his hands through his hair. Damn it. He wanted to be with Melissa tonight. And the next, and every day after until they finished this mission. And then when they got home, he wanted her to live with him. In a condo he’d buy. Or maybe she’d prefer a house. Hell, he hadn’t even asked her what kind of a place she’d like to live in.

  He called her up on the hotel room phone. “You said you’d cook the meals.”

  “What?” Melissa said, sounding confused.

  He lay back down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. “I said I’d buy a condo and you offered to cook the meals, though anytime you want to go out to eat is fine with me. But I was thinking about it. Maybe a house would be better. With a big yard full of trees. Living out in the country.”

  “I think…we need to hold up a bit on that. I mean, I could come over sometimes and fix us a meal, and we could go out at other times, but I need to get a place of my own.”

  Huntley didn’t want her to get a place of her own, and he was worried this might have something to do with Oliv
er’s call. “You’re not considering going back to Oliver, are you?”

  “What? No.”

  “He won’t talk you into it when you return home to pick up your clothes, will he? Saying that things aren’t working out with Chad like he thought they would? And it was just an experiment or something?”

  She didn’t say anything for a moment.

  “He’s not right for you,” Huntley said and was proud of himself for sounding caring and not growling with annoyance.

  The shower shut off in the bathroom.

  “Call me if you get lonely,” he said.

  “Night, Huntley. See you in the morning for breakfast.” And then the phone clicked dead in his ear.

  Everett left the bathroom wearing a pair of boxers. He glanced at Huntley as he hung up the phone. “Sorry about smarting off earlier. I didn’t mean to upset you and Melissa.”

  Huntley got up off the bed. “It wasn’t your fault. She’s just feeling the need to have a little space. I think she felt kind of awkward about the sleeping arrangements with you joining us.”

  “I could ask for another assignment, but I think you need me on this one.” Everett sounded like he had no intention of leaving them after all that Huntley and Melissa had been through.

  Besides, Huntley knew his brother well. He was certain that the cold case wasn’t half as exciting as what was going on down here.

  Huntley slapped him on the back. “We can use you. She and I will work things out.”

  “For what it’s worth, I think the two of you make the perfect couple.”

  Huntley smirked at him. “You and I both, but it looks like I’ll have to work harder at it to get her to agree.”

  “You’re not really going to let her sleep alone, are you?” Everett slipped into his bed. “I love the company, but, man, if I were you…”

  “If you were me and you cared anything about her, you’d give her some space.”

  Everett shrugged, then smiled. “I might. But I sure didn’t think you’d go for it. There’s an extra key on the dresser if you decide to take a walk tonight.”

  Huntley chuckled, shook his head, walked into the bathroom, and shut the door. In the shower, he soaped himself up and thought about Melissa lying in a bed all by herself. Was she already asleep? Or was she thinking about him, like he was thinking about her? He just bet she was thinking about him.

  He heard the phone ring, and he was out of the shower in a flash, grabbing a towel and rushing out of the bathroom.

  Everett said, “She’s all right, Brother. Just wanted to tell you thanks for watching over her when she was so out of it earlier.”

  Huntley threw a fresh pair of clothes on. “I’ll be right back.”

  Everett smiled. “Remember to grab your key…just in case.”

  Huntley seized it and shoved it in his pocket, just in case. Though if he had any say about it, he wasn’t staying with Everett tonight. “Night.”

  “Good luck,” Everett said.

  And Huntley was out the door feeling much more lighthearted, a man with a mission, and just a little apprehensive.


  Wearing a tank top and mini boxers, Melissa had finished blow-drying her hair and was ready for bed when a knock sounded at her door.

  She stared at it for a moment, not believing anyone would have the wrong room, and surely, Huntley would not be at her door. From what Everett had said, Huntley was in the middle of taking a shower.

  She got up and strode to it, then peeked out. Huntley stood there, waiting patiently.

  She let her breath out and smiled. She knew just what he wanted and well, hell, just what she wanted. She opened the door. “You could have called if you wanted to talk.”

  He stood in the entryway, looking at her like he wasn’t sure what to say. Then he said, “You wanted to thank me for watching your back earlier today?”

  She smiled. Hell, she couldn’t help it. “Come in.” She let go of the door and he shut it.

  Then he secured the safety latch and the second lock.

  “You’re not planning on staying a while, are you?” she asked, knowing damn well he was. Not that she was going to object.

  “Didn’t bring a room key. And when Everett goes to sleep, there’s no waking him. Besides, you wanted to thank me?” He moved toward her and she backed up toward the bed.

  “On the phone. Yes.”

  He prowled toward her, and she bumped the back of her legs against the bed. She was smiling. He was too.

  She liked his playfulness. Oliver didn’t play. If she’d told him she wanted space, he’d have given it to her. No trying to change her mind.

  “It wouldn’t be the same if you thanked me over the phone,” Huntley practically purred—big cat like.

  Then he tackled her. She was expecting his moves to be more human and less jaguar-like, but she should have known better, and squealed out a startled response. He pinned her firmly to the bed, his body nestled between her legs. He felt hard and hot and eager. For a long moment, he just held his body against hers, pressing his growing cock against her mound and letting her know for herself how much she turned him on, which she had to admit she enjoyed. She loved his impulsivity, recognizing he was like her in so many ways.

  He looked into her eyes with such longing that she knew he wanted her—here, now, and for longer.

  “We agreed to a condo, but I’m open to buying a home if you prefer.” He moved a little against her, making her ache between her legs for him, making her wet and eager. She couldn’t believe how just his touch could turn her on, even when they were both fully clothed.

  He kissed her chin. “And you agreed to cook. I’ll do everything else. We had an oral contract. We agreed.”

  She laughed. “I’ll have to be really careful about what I agree to with you in the future.”

  He smiled, the warmest, most loving smile, and then it turned wicked. She loved it.

  He began kissing her. She still wasn’t certain they were meant to be together forever if missions got to be bad news, but she couldn’t send him back to the room to stay with Everett for anything. She began tugging off Huntley’s shirt, and he quickly yanked it off the rest of the way, flinging it across the room where it landed on the TV. Fascinated with his bronzed skin and ripped abs, she slid her fingers up his tightly corded muscles, felt them tense, and loved the way they were so firm and strong, knowing just how strong they were when he flexed them as a cat or a man.

  His eyes darkened with desire as if he was a jaguar caught in the spell of the moment, enjoying the way she touched him and stroked him, the tactile exploration of his body serving even more as a total turn-on.

  It amused her to see the control she had over him. When she dipped her hands underneath his belt to reach his buttocks, he shook his head and murmured, “Too many clothes…for both of us.”

  He moved off her then and began pulling off his boots while she watched the muscles in his back tense. Unable to keep herself from touching him, she got onto her knees behind him, spreading her legs so they rested at his hips, and she rubbed his shoulders and back, kissing his neck, licking, and nipping at the skin.

  His pheromones were firing up and doing a number on hers as he groaned. “Woman…” he said, half pleading with her, half growly with warning, definitely ragged with craving. Instead of getting up and taking off his pants, he struggled to remove them while still sitting down on the bed.

  She assumed it was because he didn’t want to separate from her for even a second while she kneaded his muscles and he melted to her touch. She’d never thought the hunky jaguar would melt under her strokes. Sex with him wasn’t just sex. It was way too much fun.

  While he worked his jeans down his thighs, she yanked off her tank top. Then she rubbed her breasts against his smooth back and wrapped her arms around his chest, toying with his nipples an
d loving how they were just as rigid as hers were.

  “Hell…no fair,” he growled and jerked off his boxers, then turned and pinned her to the bed again. “Vixen.” His hand cupping a breast right before his mouth clamped down and feasted on the other.

  He made her hot and wet and ready for him, and feeling his erection press between her legs stoked her fire even more. She arched a little to rub against him. His mouth suckled on her rigid nipple, his thumb stroking the other. She ran her nails through his hair, making him growl.

  She wrapped her legs around him to give herself better leverage.

  He slid his fingers beneath her waistband and down between her legs. Forget the slow buildup. He was going for the gold.

  His fingers stroked her slowly at first. “Faster,” she whispered, closing her eyes as she centered herself on the sensation, arching toward his fingers and wanting more, harder. She didn’t say anything, didn’t need to as he pressed harder all of a sudden, then slipped two fingers inside her and began to penetrate her as deeply as he could go.

  She was racing to the top—not slowly climbing to the peak, but ready to make a jaguar’s leap—and went flying. “Ohmigod, yes!” she cried out.

  And damn if she didn’t love that about him. He was one hot, sexy, turned-on cat as he claimed her mouth, licking and tonguing her, his fingers magically wringing her out as she writhed at his touch.

  Her pulse and his were beating fast when he pulled her boxers down and centered himself on her. She was so ready, opening her legs up to him, her knees bent, wanting his cock inside her now, filling her to the max.

  Huntley loved the way Melissa was eager to play, wanted to make love, and hadn’t been totally serious about them staying in separate rooms tonight. He was certain she’d been feeling awkward with Everett joining them, or none of this would have been an issue. As soon as she called back and wanted to thank him, Huntley knew that was her way of reaching out and letting him know she didn’t want to be alone.

  This felt damn right. Well, better than right as he pushed the head of his cock into her wet sheath and her inner muscles grabbed him, holding him. She was tight, stretching and stroking him as he drove home. Sliding against her silky skin, he was hot and she was hot—a jungle heat that made their pheromones mix and mingle, primal, natural, and wild.