Page 12 of Finding Chase

  Her breath stilled, and she quit chewing, swallowing as my lips brushed against the side of her face. She closed her eyes and tilted her head as I feathered lightly down to the pulse point in her neck.

  A small moan escaped her, and I pulled away slightly. Her eyes flew open and she stared at me. “Why’d you stop?”

  I grinned. “Who’s your boyfriend?”

  “You are,” she replied without hesitation.

  I kissed her neck again, and she sighed, smiling. I didn’t want to stop, but I knew she wanted to be careful, so I moved away.

  She gave an exasperated huff. “Why’d you stop this time?”

  “Because my girlfriend told me she wanted to take things slowly. Slow is not gonna happen if I keep touching you like this. Regardless of how things ended up the last time we kissed, my body can’t help but remember the feel of you underneath me, and it’s kinda anxious for a repeat performance. If you know what I mean.” I arched an eyebrow.

  Her eyes widened and she blushed. “I know what you mean.”

  “Good. Now eat your muffin.” I broke a piece off and held it up to her mouth. She grinned slyly and took it, licking and sucking at the tips of my fingers in the processes. I groaned. “You aren’t playing fair, Britt.”

  “Neither are you, getting me all hot and bothered with your kisses. I was only returning the favor.”

  “Keep it up and you’re gonna land flat on your back.”

  “Why do I think you’re being completely serious?”

  “Because I am. If I had my way I’d throw you over my shoulder right now and carry you off into the other room.”

  “Boys and their hormones,” she muttered. “Always raging.”

  I laughed. “What do you expect when you girls keep driving us crazy with your maddening, sexy, antics.”

  “Can you not molest my twin while I’m in the same house and within hearing distance?” Brett asked, wandering in and plopping in the chair before reaching for the box of muffins. His blond hair was poking up all over the place, and he scratched his head, blinking rapidly like he was still trying to wake up.

  Britt and I both laughed. “I’m afraid I can’t promise that, no,” I replied, the mood effectively broken. “Besides, I thought you were thrilled I was going to be molesting your sister.”

  “As bad as that sounds, I am thrilled about it. I can’t think of anything better than my twin hooking up with my bro. It doesn’t mean I want to see it happen—or hear it either.” He took a large bite, chewing as he glanced between us.

  “I think it would be appropriate payback for what you and Tana have put us through repeatedly,” Brittney said. She slipped her hand in mine, lacing our fingers together, and I felt a thrill course through me.

  I couldn’t help staring while she looked at me, and I forgot Brett was sitting there. Suddenly all I could see was Brittney—all I could feel was the way she was making my heart race—all I knew was how excited I was to see where our dating would take us, and I realized for the first time in a long while what I was feeling. Hope. I had hope for the future again. She’d restored that for me.

  I leaned in and kissed her mouth. “Thank you.”

  She looked confused. “For what?”

  “For everything.” I left it at that as Brett grumbled beside us, but I wished I could show her what I meant. Something was changing inside me, and I knew she was the reason why.

  “Pedal faster,” I groaned as the droning sound of a low flying airplane came from overhead. I looked up, watching for a moment as the jet prepared for landing at Sky Harbor, then glanced toward Brittney. “You aren’t doing your share, and the boat is going in circles.”

  “I’m trying,” she growled, glaring as the ripples in the water of Tempe Town Lake swirled around our small craft, reflecting some of the newer high-rise buildings which had grown up around it. “Some of us aren’t blessed with legs from the football gods. My flabby limbs don’t have a quarter of the muscles yours do.”

  I snorted. “Well, then that’s the hottest dang flab I’ve ever seen.” I eyed her long legs from her lace up sandals to her short shorts. “They look pretty fit to me.”

  “They aren’t as good as they used to be. Since I’m not doing cheer anymore, I’ve gotten out of shape.”

  “Don’t kid yourself. You look perfect. There’s not an ounce of fat on you.”

  “That’s because I sweat it all off the moment we got out of the car. Seriously, Chase. It’s one hundred and fifteen degrees. Let’s go lay on your couch under the ceiling fan in your nice air-conditioned apartment.”

  I looked at her flushed face. Her skin did kind of resemble a tomato. Maybe I should take her in.

  I shook my head. “I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?” She looked confused.

  “Because the couch is dangerous territory. Since I’ve agreed to go slow with you, I don’t think it’s a wise place for us to be together.”

  “Oh for goodness sake. I didn’t think you’d take me so literally.” She grabbed my face between her hands and plastered a kiss to my lips.

  I stiffened in surprise before devouring her mouth when she parted her lips, plunging my tongue inside to taste her. She sighed and slid her arms around my neck allowing the deepened kiss to continue for several moments. Everything stilled, and I could only hear our breathing and the sound of the traffic rushing by on the freeway before she suddenly pushed me away.

  “Now will you take me home?” she asked, looking miserably flushed.

  “It would be my pleasure, but it’s still going to require you to pedal the boat correctly, or we’ll never get off this lake.”

  She scowled at me. “Why did you bring me here?”

  “I thought it was obvious,” I replied, and she arched an eyebrow. “I’ve been trying to fill our time with activities which don’t require our bodies to touch.”

  “Well, stop it. You have permission to touch me all you want if you’ll help me escape this heat.”

  That painted a very tempting picture. “Deal, but you’re gonna have to listen to my coaching.”

  “I’ll do anything you say, just get this boat to shore.”

  “Anything?” I grinned, my imagination going wild.

  “Think with the right body part, Walker, and get us to shore.”

  I laughed and started giving her instructions, and we slowly made our way to the loading ramp. I grabbed her hand and helped her out, leading her to the car.

  Once we were settled in my rental, I turned on the air-conditioning full blast and Brittney sighed in relief, holding her hands toward the vents, adjusting one to blow toward her face.

  “That feels heavenly.”

  “It does,” I agreed, unable to take my eyes off her. I couldn’t help myself and leaned over to kiss her cheek.

  She turned to me, smiling.

  “I enjoyed the kiss on the water,” I said.

  “Well, yeah. I was under duress I’m afraid. I would’ve done anything to get out of there.”

  I laughed. “So you’re saying you rescind your previous offer?”

  “Did I offer something?” She gave a nervous laugh.

  “Only that you’d allow me to touch you all I want.”

  “Hmmm.” She bit her lip, and I kissed it.

  There was no way I was taking no for answer. I’d been burning up, on fire for her over a week now as we “dated” every day. She’d made a deal. I was holding her to it. I reached past her, grabbing the seat lever and making her recline. She gave a short yelp of surprise, and I leaned against her, ravishing her mouth. It felt really good to have her under me as I explored her lips, running my hands on the smooth skin exposed by her bikini top.

  “Chase,” she mumbled against me, pushing me slightly. “We’re in the middle of the parking lot in full sun. Anyone can see us.”

  “I don’t care,” I muttered, kissing her some more.

  “Take me home,” she breathed, and I reluctantly pulled away to start the car. She r
eadjusted her seat, and we sped off down the road toward the apartments.

  She started giggling.

  “What?” I asked, casting a glance in her direction.

  “Nothing.” She was grinning.

  “What?” I asked again. “You’re starting to give me a complex.”

  “It’s nothing. I was just beginning to wonder if I’ve unleashed a beast.”

  “Oh, I’m definitely beastin’ when it comes to you doll.”

  Her eyes widened, and she giggled once again. “I’m a little nervous, I think.”

  I laughed as we stopped at a light. “You should be.” I let my gaze wander over her before glancing into her eyes. She honestly did look a bit anxious. Good. I liked throwing her off balance.

  After we parked, I opened her door and kissed her again. She shoved me away, though, and started running toward the apartment. “It’s too hot!”

  I chased after her, catching her on the stairs and turning her around to kiss me again. She kissed back hard, jumping to wrap her legs around my waist, and I carried her the rest of the way up, leaning her against the wall as I fumbled for the knob, not breaking our connection.

  The blast of cool air hit us when the door opened, and she sighed again as I stepped inside kicking it shut behind us. I carried her toward the hall, propping her against the wall again, so I could open the bedroom.

  “Wait! Stay right here,” she mumbled, pointing to the air vent overhead which was blowing directly on us. I gave into her demand, losing myself in kissing first her mouth and then down her neck as she curved against me.

  “Mmm, that feels so good,” she said, her eyes closed, her face enraptured.

  “What does?” I asked as I continued skimming my lips over her skin. “The air vent or me?”

  “Yes,” she replied, and I grinned.

  A loud slamming noise caused as both to jump, and I looked to see Brett standing outside his room with a scowl. “I’m pretty sure procreating against a wall does not fall in the realm of taking it slow.”

  I leaned my head against Brittney’s chest and sighed. The moment was gone, and she released her legs and slid to the floor.

  “Way to kill the mood, bro,” I grumbled.

  He smiled. “It’s my job as twin brother.”

  “Actually, my mood is fine,” Brittney said as she reached for my hand. “Come on, Chase.” She opened the door to my room, and I couldn’t help flashing Brett a grin as she pulled me inside.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “What is it with you and hot activities?” Brittney asked as I handed her a canteen. She looked amazing in her form-fitting white t-shirt, and my gaze traveled to her cut off shorts, over her long, tan legs, down to her trendy hiking boots. She was totally casual today, wearing very little makeup, her hair pulled through the hole of her matching white ball cap which had the word CHEER written across it in blue letters.

  “Maybe I just like making you sweat.” I winked at her before glancing at the overcast sky. “Besides, it’s not that bad today after the storm we got last night. It’s lowered the temperature a good fifteen degrees.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, now it’s only one hundred instead of a hundred and fifteen.”

  I laughed. “It’s was only eighty-five this morning when I got up. Perfect hiking weather.”

  “Well, it’s not eighty-five now,” she replied. “You know it as well as I do.”

  “Maybe, but I’m betting it will still be a nice afternoon. Then again, we might get lucky and get sprinkled on while we’re out. You realize this is going to be one of the last free Saturdays I have in months. I’ve always wanted to hike to Flat Iron and see the view of the valley below. I thought it might be kind of romantic to share with you.”

  She didn’t look too convinced as she stared at the trail which led into the towering Superstition Mountains with its rigid, red cliff faces adorned with peaks and pinnacles.

  “What are you worried about?” I asked, slinging the strap of my own canteen over my shoulder.

  “Oh, I don’t know . . . maybe that I’ll be the person who ends up on the six o’clock news—you know, the stupid hiker that has to be rescued by helicopter.”

  I laughed. “What if I swear to protect you and keep that from happening?”

  “You promise not to fall off a cliff or faint from heat stroke and leave us both stranded?”

  “I promise. Scouts honor,” I replied.

  She snorted. “You were a Boy Scout?”

  I grinned. “Would it make you feel better if I said yes?”

  “Only if it’s true.” She gave me a narrowed squint.

  “Hmmm. Let’s get going then.” I slipped my hat on before sliding a trim backpack on. Shutting the door to my truck, I activated the alarm and slid the keys into the pocket of my tan cargo shorts. I grabbed Britt by the hand, interlacing our fingers.

  “You were never a scout were you?” She scowled.

  “Don’t you trust me?” I cast a sidelong glance at her. “I’m hurt by your lack of faith in me.”

  “Why won’t you answer the question?”

  “Fine,” I responded with mock frustration as we left the parking lot, gravel crunching under our feet as we stepped onto the trail. “You win. I was never a Boy Scout, but I’ve been hiking, fishing, boating, camping—you name it. I’ve had lots of experience with roughing it out-of-doors. I swear I’ll take care of you. You’re in great physical shape. This will be a piece of cake I bet.”

  “I’ve heard lots of people say this was a difficult hike.” She still seemed apprehensive.

  “We will take it as slowly as we need to. We’ve got plenty of time. Just try to relax and enjoy it.”

  “Only if you promise me one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You let me pick the next date.”

  I chuckled. “Deal.”

  She smiled then, and bumped me with her elbow. “There is one good thing about this.”

  “Tell me.”

  “I get to have you to myself for the entire day.”

  “That does sound awesome. We don’t get nearly enough alone time, in my opinion. And it’s only going to get worse once the games start.”

  “We’ll have to make sure we have quality time if we can’t have quantity time then.”

  “I’m all for that.” My eyes darted about, studying the dirt trail ahead of us. There was a real possibility of coming across rattlesnakes this time of year. I wanted to keep my word and make sure Brittney was safe, but I was also leery of warning her about them. I worried she’d freak out and go running back to the truck.

  “So how long is this hike?” she asked, staring up the gentle incline of the slope ahead.

  “If we make it all the way up and back, it will be just under six miles.” I pointed to a triangular area jutting from the side of the mountain. “See over there? That’s where we’re trying to get.”

  “That’s high.”

  I nodded. “It’s around a nine hundred foot change in elevation. Are you okay with it?” I decided to be nice and give her one last chance to ditch out. I didn’t want her to feel forced. “I want you to have fun too.”

  “Don’t worry. I will. I enjoy doing stuff with you. Let’s rock this hike.” She smiled and picked up her pace enough that she was dragging me along behind her. “Hurry slow poke. Sheesh.”

  “Oh, don’t even.” I poked her in the side, tickling her, and she let go of my hand and ran ahead.

  “Britt, wait!” I chased after her, knowing she wasn’t aware of the dangers that could be ahead. She didn’t slow, and I hurried faster, grabbing her around the waist and yanking her against me. “Hold still and listen,” I said, slightly winded from running uphill.

  “What?” She was laughing and tried to squirm out of my embrace.

  “I didn’t tell you this because I didn’t want you to worry, but we need to watch for snakes on the trail. They like to lie in the warm sun.”

  She stilled immediately. “S
nakes? Like rattlesnakes?” She glanced around frantically.

  “Any kind, but yes, those too. Pay attention where you step, and check around rocks we might stop to rest on, before you sit, okay?”

  She nodded, biting at her lip as she continued scanning the area with a worried gesture.

  I sighed. “Are you sure you don’t want to go home? I don’t think you’re having a very good time.”

  She straightened her shoulders, showing her resolve. “No. I want to do this. I’ll be fine. I’m glad you invited me. It tells me you think I’m up for the challenge.”

  “I do think it. You’re in great shape already, and you said you wanted to work out. I thought it would be a cool experience.”

  She laced her hand in mine, and we started walking again. “It will be, I’m sure, but for future reference, when I speak of working out, I’m thinking air conditioned gym.”

  I laughed. “Point taken.”

  The view from the top was incredible, almost like we could see the curve of the earth as we stared over the flat metropolis which stretched beneath us until it met and blended with the gray sky on the horizon. The climb had been an intense workout, but it was worth it to get here and see the far reaching vista, a blend of desert mixed with splashes of green saguaros and tree tops, with Spanish tiled roofs. To the left of us, miniature looking vehicles moved along Highway Sixty, but from this height all we could hear was silence.

  I stepped behind Britt and wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my chin on the top of her hat. “Gorgeous, isn’t it?”

  “It’s breathtaking.” She slid her palms over the backs of my hands. “Thank you for bringing me.”

  “Thanks for being willing to give it a try. I’ve loved every moment we’ve been together today.”

  “Me too.” She continued stroking me softly, and I noticed we were swaying gently from side to side. “I wish we could see this at night. I bet it’s magical when the city is lit up.”