Page 19 of The Time Traders


  The Time Traders


  If it is possible to conquer space, then perhaps it is also possible toconquer time. At least that was the theory American scientists wereexploring in an effort to explain the new sources of knowledge theRussians possessed. Perhaps Russian scientists had discovered how totransport themselves back in time in order to learn long-forgottensecrets of the past.

  That was why young Ross Murdock, above average in intelligence but abelligerently independent nonconformist, found himself on a "hush-hush"government project at a secret base in the Arctic. The very qualitiesthat made him a menace in civilized society were valuable traits in aman who must successfully act the part of a merchant trader of theBeaker people during the Bronze Age.

  For once they were transferred by time machine to the remote Balticregion where the Russian post was located, Ross and his partner Ashewere swept into a fantastic action-filled adventure involving Russians,superstitious prehistoric men, and the aliens of a lost galacticcivilization that demanded every ounce of courage the Americanspossessed.

  Andre Norton's earlier books, _Star Born_ and _The Stars Are Ours!_,have made this author one of the most popular writers in thescience-fiction field. In this daring adventure into the mists of time,readers will find themselves transported to still more exciting "other"worlds.

  _Jacket by Virgil Finlay_

  0012 up


  _Star Born_


  Far from the Terran colony's Homeport on the planet Astra, young DalgardNordis and his merman companion Sssuri are suddenly confronted by theirold enemies, the alien Astrans. Within the ruins of the Astrans' formercitadel the two discover that remnants of this nonhuman race, which hadonce ruled the entire planet, are struggling to recover their lostknowledge and thus regain their power. Dalgard realizes that the safetyof the Terrans is seriously threatened by this, and there is no hope ofwarning his people in time.

  When a space ship arrives from Terra, its crew ignorant of the existenceof a Terran colony on the western continent across the sea, the aliensenlist the spacemen's aid. Of the members of the crew only young RafKurbi instinctively mistrusts the Astrans. Through a series of weird andexciting adventures among the ruins and in ancient underground tunnels,Raf eventually meets Dalgard and joins him in the fight against thealiens.

  In this sequel to _The Stars Are Ours!_ Andre Norton has producedanother superb science-fiction adventure.

  _Jacket by Virgil Finlay_





  _by Andre Norton_

  Young Dalgard Nordis of the planet Astra and his merman companion Sssurijoin forces with a space man from Terra to outwit resurgent nonhumanAliens. A sequel to _The Stars Are Ours!_ $2.75


  _by Andre Norton_

  To escape the tyranny on Terra in the year 2500, a group of scientistsmake a last-minute getaway under fire and take off for another planet inanother solar system. Their adventures make top-flight entertainment forall science-fiction fans. $3.00


  _Edited With an Introduction and Notes by Andre Norton_

  Ten great stories by such leading science-fiction writers as Bernard I.Kahn, H. B. Fyfe, Walt Sheldon, Theodore R. Cogswell, and Raymond Z.Gallun that will delight all science-fiction fans with their portrayalsof adventure in a far-flung galactic empire. $2.50


  _Edited With an Introduction and Notes by Andre Norton_

  A collection of outstanding stories by some of the finest writers in thescience-fiction genre--Eric Frank Russell, H. B. Fyfe, Raymond Z.Gallun, Fritz Lieber, Jerome Bixby, and others--that presents astartling glimpse into the future of space travel, artificialsatellites, and colonization--a vision that comes closer to realityevery day. $2.75


  _Edited With an Introduction and Notes by Andre Norton_

  Nine top science-fiction writers are brought together in this finecollection of short stories that presents yet another aspect of thepicture of future worlds and civilizations envisioned in _SpacePioneers_ and _Space Service_. $2.75

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