Moon pulled away from Tyson and sat up. “I think...” he said. “Ty, I'm going to try and contact Pellaz.”

  Tyson frowned. “Is that wise? What if Ponclast senses it?”

  “I don't care. What else can we do? I thought I felt Pell, just then, a feathery touch. He is near us now.”

  “But he doesn't know we're here... does he?”

  “I don't know. Help me to amplify a call.”

  Tyson twisted his mouth to the side. “I don't think you should. It's too dangerous, and anyway, Pellaz will be totally occupied with other things. I doubt he'll hear you.”

  “Please, Ty!”

  “All right. If you insist, but I don't like it.”

  They sat opposite each other and joined hands. Moon felt a steady pulse of strength pass from Tyson's fingers to his own. He projected a message with all his will: Pellaz, hear me!

  For some moments, there was nothing, but then came a blast of communication that nearly knocked Moon to the floor.

  You are in Fulminir?

  Moon felt Tyson's hands grip his own more tightly. He had heard the message also.


  Why? Were you taken?

  We came to help the Parasilians. We are virtually prisoners. A pause. We came with Cal.

  Moon wasn't sure whether he should have relayed that last piece of information. For some time, there was only silence, and it seemed to Moon as if a desolate wind coursed through his head. Then came another blast of thought.

  We are connected for a reason. It makes no sense, yet it does. You are partly in a world I have only recently discovered. Are you taking aruna with somehar?

  No. But I did. Something happened.

  Show me! Pellaz commanded. I can sense it. Show me quickly. It's important.

  Moon tried to project a linear narrative of his experience with Tyson, although it was difficult. He felt slightly embarrassed about having to give Pellaz such private information. Once he had shown all he could remember, there were again some moments of silence. Then Pellaz roared in his head once more. You must go back there. Now. Is that possible? I can meet you there. Guide you. Don't be afraid.

  I don't understand... Meet me where?

  In the cauldron of creation. In yours.

  Moon opened his eyes and found Tyson staring at him. Despite this break in concentration, Pellaz's presence did not diminish.

  Pellaz, I am worried, Tyson said, his eyes still open, will this communication be picked up? We are in danger enough.

  Nohar is watching you, Pellaz replied. You appear to be far away from all other hara. My impression is that you are unimportant to them. Which is for the best... You are important. You don't realise how much. Having you in Fulminir with access to this procedure is priceless. Will you meet me?

  I don't know how, Moon said, still gazing at Tyson. He had never experienced such clear mind touch before. I don't know what you mean.

  Take aruna to its furthest point. The seal within you is partially open. I can perceive this. Let your mind go during aruna. Concentrate on the sixth energy centre and project yourself through the open seal. Tyson, you must take control and do all in your power to sustain your union. Do not concern yourself with the fear of making pearls. I will be waiting, I promise you. I'll send energy to help you reach for the right state. But hurry!

  There was a sense of Pellaz withdrawing slightly, but Moon could tell the communication was far from broken.

  Tyson looked as if he'd been beaten about the head, his expression dazed. “What in the Ag's name is this about?” he said. “Is Pellaz serious? He expects us to just...” He raised his arms in exasperation. “It's insane!”

  “No more insane than what we experienced before,” Moon said. “Ty, he knew what I was talking about. He's told us to do it again. We have to.”

  “More than anything, I want to, but this is crazy. What if it goes wrong?” Tyson shook his head. “Forget I said that. I will accept the consequences, however bad.”

  “Pellaz said not to worry about pearls,” Moon said dryly. He couldn't help feeling slightly insulted by Tyson's reaction, which was ridiculous for he was well aware of Ty's feelings.

  “I was thinking of your safety – our safety. We know nothing about this.”

  “Share breath with me. It's time we learned.”

  The Gelaming had arrived at their destination and the issue of Ponclast and his otherworldly allies would be settled once and for all. Ashmael's forces had surrounded Fulminir at a distance of a couple of miles. The Parsic troops had joined them. Come sundown, they would slowly close in, the sedim alert for otherlanes attackers. At the same time, Pellaz and Galdra would summon the dehara, and Pellaz would seek to draw Ponclast from his lair.

  In the centre of the Gelaming camp, the sedim stood around Pellaz and Galdra in a silent circle, the most potent of guardians. They had come unbidden once Pellaz had entered the site, which was protected and concealed by tall screens of pale silk on wooden frames. It had been the first part of the camp to be constructed: the rest had grown out around it.

  Pellaz had asked Galdra to be with him at the temporary Nayati, so that he could make certain preparations for the night to come. He could now access the cauldron at will, and had been experimenting with summoning various dehara there. The Grissecon he and Galdra performed every night had somehow sterilised aruna between them: it was functional, utterly in their control, beyond passion or need. They could sustain it for hours, pleasure that was not pleasure. They could hold open the gateway to the inner realms effortlessly.

  Pellaz had not expected to come across the presence of Moon in the cauldron, or indeed of anyhar. He realised that his close relationship to Moon had enabled him to discover hara in the same state might also in some way share the same space. Perhaps there was only one cauldron, and when hara went into it, they could, under the right circumstances, perceive other hara engaged in the same activity. It was astounding. They knew so little and the more they discovered the less they seemed to know. Lileem could access the cauldron alone, presumably because of the way the realm she now inhabited had changed her. She and Pellaz had met three times since their initial encounter.

  After he had communicated with Moon, Pellaz directed a message to Galdra. Can you sustain this for longer?


  I'll be as quick as I can.

  Pellaz focused his thoughts and called to Lileem. Fortunately, she came to him very quickly, aware that this was a night of importance. They had already made certain plans together for it.

  The place Lileem and Pellaz met appeared as a garden, where all the plants were golden and crystalline serpents shimmered through the undergrowth. Pellaz told Lileem about Moon. I have asked him to meet me here, he said. Was that the right thing to do? Was I rash? Will it harm him?

  I don't know. I'll help you if I can.

  Help me perceive him.

  I will. I don't know Moon, but I know you. I will feel for energy that is akin to yours. Lileem's image, sitting on the golden grass, appeared almost fluid. She was like liquid crystal. I feel something... do you?

  No. Help him, Lee. Can you bring him closer?

  I'll try. Her image disappeared, yet her voice was still in Pell's inner ear. He is engaged in... something. Not just aruna... it is strange. He's not looking for you, Pell. He is... Wait. It's not Moon: Tyson is not part of it. I know Tyson's essence, because we once shared breath. These are different hara, but one of them is close to you in blood.

  What? Who? Terez? It could be, because of your past intimacy, couldn't it?

  No. Trust me, I'd know Terez! But very similar. He draws me. Do you have another brother, Pell?

  Yes. Dorado... Snake. But how can it be him?

  I'll attempt communication... wait...

  Pellaz sat quietly for some moments, taking time to enjoy the peace of the inner realm. He was content to meditate there, away from concerns of the real world. What Moon had relayed to him earlier had troubled him, but he'd pushed it
from his mind. Cal was in Fulminir also. Everything was closing in, perhaps spiralling out of control. He did not want to think about it. Perils and difficulties must be faced as they arose. As he calmed himself with this thought, his etheric body experienced a devastating shock. Out of nowhere, a swiftly moving heavy object collided with his being. He was knocked sideways and sensed the link of communication he'd had with Lileem sever abruptly. He also felt Galdra's shudder within him: Galdra was concentrating fully on sustaining their union. The impact had shocked the Freyhellan badly, both in this reality and the earthly realm. Picking himself up, Pellaz saw the form of a har curled up on the ground before him. Moon. He was surrounded by a sparkling cloud of aren, which Pellaz quickly brushed away from him, as if it was no more than a haze of gnats.

  Moon! he commanded. Get up!

  Moon appeared senseless, either with shock or terror. Pellaz crouched before him and laid his hands on Moon's body, filling him with calm. Presently Moon lifted his head and gaze about himself.

  This is the cauldron, Pellaz told him. Don't be afraid. You have done very well. I was looking for you, but you came to me by yourself.

  I fell through myself, Moon said. It was vile. I did what you said, but it was like turning inside out. I could feel this gaping hole inside me and there was nothing beyond it. But I couldn’t stop. I had to fall through.

  You are with me now. You're safe. When you leave, I'll show you how to close the seal. But the fact that it was left open by the trauma of what you did means we have made astounding discoveries. Now listen to me. Tonight, I will summon dehara through the cauldron. You are on the inside of Fulminir. I think you might be able to work with me and manifest them within the walls.

  Moon simply stared at his hura, and Pellaz could tell he was not too happy about the idea.

  There's no reason to be afraid, Moon. I will be there. You must trust me.

  I do... Moon's expression was anxious. But we have to help Aleeme and Azriel. We can't leave them. They're in great danger.

  Hara are ready to bring them out of Fulminir, Moon. You must trust me on that, too. Our task is to pull Ponclast's claws, and leave others to deal with everything else.

  I'm not sure how much I'll be able to help. I've never done this before.

  Pellaz reached out and touched Moon's face. You are strong, Moon. You are the son I should have had.

  Pellaz... Abrimel is in Fulminir. He's with Ponclast.

  I know.

  Cal found out... He took us to Fulminir to try and rescue the Parasilians.

  The mere mention of Cal's name affected Pellaz greatly. He became acutely conscious of where he was and what he was doing. I can't speak of this now, Moon. It's not appropriate.

  Before Moon could respond to this, Lileem's voice shot into the garden like an arrow. We are coming!

  Who's that? Moon asked. He's not har, I can tell.

  It is Lileem, she is Kamagrian...

  I know of her. Tyson knows her.

  Yes. Just before you got here, she picked up a trace of another of our family. I think it's Snake. She must be guiding him here.

  No! Moon said. I mean, he mustn't see me here. He'll be...

  Hush! Pellaz commanded. He is har, as you are. You're an adult, Moon. Stop behaving like a harling and he won't treat you like one.

  Even in etheric form, Moon appeared dazed and a little sick. I feel very strange. This is like a dream... or a nightmare, not sure which.

  It's real, Moon. You are privileged, an explorer, an architect of inner space!

  Moon smiled at that.

  At that moment, a pinprick of deep green radiance manifested beside them. It pulsed like a star for several seconds and then expanded with a flash to reveal the forms of Lileem and Snake. In this reality, Snake appeared undamaged, his limbs strong and straight. He was a commanding presence: Pellaz could feel his strength. For a moment he perceived Snake as Dorado, the boy he had once been. They had never been that close as humans. Pellaz was glad that had changed.

  Welcome, Snake, Pellaz said. Who would have thought we'd ever meet like this? The boys we used to be could never have conceived of a life such as this, meeting as shades in a realm of imagination.

  Snake shook his head. Pellaz, this is a shock. Your friend has explained some of it to me, but it's almost too incredible to believe. Only the evidence of my senses persuades me this is not a hallucination. He looked at his son. It appears your education has progressed in leaps and bounds, Moon. I do wonder, however, how you and Pellaz are here together.

  We are not here together, as you put it, Pellaz said. Moon is with Tyson, inside Fulminir.

  What? Snake's form began to pulse with angry colours.

  I'm safe, Moon said. Ty and I are helping the Gelaming. We know what we're doing.

  Who are you with, Snake? Pellaz asked. I presume you are in the process of taking aruna? What are you doing? Making a pearl?

  I am with Cobweb, Snake replied, but we are not making a pearl. We are healing my physical body. As you have learned things, so have I. This is no idealized vision of me you see before you, brother. This is how I am now.

  Cevarros, said Lileem. You are one and the same. It's no coincidence all three of you have had these experiences.

  Will you help us tonight? Pellaz asked Snake.

  I feel I have the strength to take on Fulminir single-handedly, Snake replied. So, yes. He eyed Moon speculatively. However, I want explanations as soon as possible. Moon in Fulminir? He shook his head. The explanations had better be good.

  They are, Pellaz said. I wish we'd made these discoveries earlier. Terez could have joined us. There is not enough time for him and Raven to learn this technique now.

  Pellaz perceived a flex in Lileem's essence: it had been caused by the mention of Terez. She would not ask about him, but Pellaz guided a private message to her: He is chesna with a har named Raven, yes. You should know this. It is the har who incepted him.

  Pellaz, Lileem said. I sense that Moon will leave here shortly. Tyson is losing control. You must tell him what he needs to know.

  Moon's appearance had become insubstantial, a glimmering outline.

  Moon, leave your seal open for now, Pellaz said. It shouldn't harm you for this short time longer. I will contact you very soon, by mind touch. Be ready to enter this state again.

  Pellaz sensed Moon hesitate.

  I am with Tyson and Snake is with Cobweb, Moon said. Who are you working with, Pellaz?

  Galdra, Pellaz replied. Galdra har Freyhella.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Shortly before sundown, the air within Fulminir's walls changed colour. It was not something that could be perceived with the physical eye, but more like a miasma of otherness that settled over the ruins. Moon, still sitting with Tyson in the courtyard, was filled with dread. “Something is coming,” he said.

  “Yes,” Tyson agreed. “I can sense great activity, everywhere. I still feel weird, as if all my perceptions are more acute.”

  “Me too.”

  Strange noises impinged upon Moon's inner ear; heavy, snorting breath, a rumble like thunder.

  “Whatever it is, it's hideous,” Moon said.

  “I wish Pellaz would get us out of here,” Tyson said. “I wonder whether we're capable of doing what he asks of us. He just says, 'oh, keep aruna going', as if that's easy. It really isn't. While you were communing with him earlier, it felt like I was holding the entire universe on my back and at the same time had to resist the urge to breathe! Holding back on aruna is like that – you have no idea. The ouana partner is responsible for sustaining the state, and it hurts. It's like suffocating. I have to remain utterly still, yet also charged, so aruna can continue. Do you understand what I mean?”

  “Sort of,” Moon said. “You make it sound like my part is the easier one.”

  “I think it is. And Pellaz wants us to manifest dehara while I'm like that, hanging on to sanity and existence with my bare hands? Aruna has peaked, yet it has gone beyond
itself, as if reaching for a higher peak. My instinct is to let go, which presumably normally involves creating a pearl.”

  “But you managed it, Ty, and you've never done it before. That says a lot.”

  Tyson pulled a wry face. “Yeah, that's true. Weirdly enough, once we'd started I knew exactly what to do and how to be, but I'm not sure how long I can sustain it for. I'm still shaken up from the last time. Moon, this is dangerous. We're not trained for it. I'm only of Acantha level.”

  “I know we're not trained,” Moon said. “I'm the same caste level as you. But I don't think we have any choice. We have to help, if we can.”