Willing herself to calm, slowly her tears subsided. His arms were a shelter, like a safe cocoon. If only…but she didn’t finish the thought. Because it had too many endings and none of them came with reality.

  “I’m listening.” She whispered the words, not daring to look up at him.

  He reached down and tilted her chin up with his finger. His eyes were dark and hard to read, but his tone held certainty. “This thing between us isn’t going to disappear. If it hasn’t by now, it won’t. We want each other. I want to make love to you again, Jenn.”

  She moved so Bobby’s hand fell from her face, reacting to his words so loaded with implications. All the calm she had managed to muster slipped away.

  Her eyes burned, and her lips trembled as she pressed her palms against his chest. “Don’t call it that.” Love was for people who cared enough to stick around. Her next words were meant to shock him. Maybe even make him angry. She didn’t use profanity, but he had asked for nothing less. “We fucked, and nothing more.”

  He flinched visibly. “That’s not true, and you know it.”

  Bitterness etched her voice as she stared anywhere but into his eyes. “It is true. I stopped pretending it was more a long, long time ago.”

  He laced his finger into her hair and gently urged her to look up at him. His voice was gentle, his eyes suddenly softer. “I’ll simply have to prove you wrong.”

  Without warning, he bent his head and brushed his lips across hers.

  She didn’t have time to think, let alone resist. His lips were soft, their touch a whispered caress. Though the kiss lasted mere seconds, the impact threatened to destroy her good sense. It had been so long since she had felt his mouth on hers. It made her want things she shouldn’t.

  But she did.

  His lips lingered mere inches above hers. “Just sex could never feel like this. As you lie in bed tonight, think about my hands and mouth on your body, about me tasting you, about loving you.”

  Wetness pooled between her legs. Her eyes drifted shut. God, she remembered. She’d never forgotten. Lord help her, she wanted him so badly it hurt. She had to get away from him.

  Her eyes popped open and met his. Letting him know he had gotten to her was a mistake. She had to convince him he hadn’t. “Nice try, but you’ll have to do more than string a few suggestive words together if you intend to change my opinion.”

  A sly smile slid onto his mouth. “It’s far more than just words. Maybe you need a demonstration.”

  Panic flared, making her stiffen. “No!” So much for acting unaffected.

  Trying to recover from her outburst, she glared at him desperately reaching for anger not passion. “Let me go.” Reluctantly, he released her. Only she got the feeling he did so only because he was ready, not because she told him to.

  Before he could change her mind, she stepped around him, rubbing their bodies against one another in the process. It hurt to move away from him, and he made no effort to make the process easier. His body remained close, almost framing hers as she moved.

  Jennifer balled her fists at her side as she turned towards the front door, stepping around the suitcases. As she reached for the doorknob, his voice drifted through the air and straight through every nerve ending of her body.

  Amusement laced his words. “This isn’t over. It never was.”

  Jennifer fought the urge to turn and refute his statement. It was over. And it had been since the day he left without so much as a goodbye.

  But she wasn’t sure she could take another round with him. Let him say or think what he wanted. There was no us to the two of them. And there wouldn’t ever be again.

  Just before she pulled the door shut, she heard, outside the door, she heard, “Dream of me, Jenn.”

  And she knew she would.

  Chapter Four

  Bobby cradled the coffee cup in the palms of his hands as he leaned against Marcie’s kitchen counter. The scent floating from his cup reminded him of Jennifer’s love for coffee. A slight smile played on his lips. She would be so cranky before her first cup. He’d always found it adorable.

  It was early, the first rays of sunshine just beginning to brighten the room. But he’d been up for hours. Lack of sleep had done nothing to tame the adrenaline racing through his body.

  He had another chance with Jennifer. He was eager to win her back. Sleep was secondary to see her, and working his plan to win her heart.

  Marcie refilled her cup and then held the pot up to Bobby to see if he wanted more. He declined with a wave of his hand, so she set it back on the burner.

  “Mark still doesn’t understand why you can’t just tell Jenn about your father.”

  Bobby shot her a look. She was hiding behind Mark. It was her who wanted to know.

  When he didn’t respond, she continued her probe. “I told him it wasn’t easy with Jenn, but he thinks you should be honest with her.”

  Bobby made a low sound in his throat and crossed one foot over the other. “Come on, Marcie. Jennifer has selective hearing when she’s emotional.”

  Marcie tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and shrugged. “I told him all that, but he still didn’t get it. Then again, he doesn’t get you staying with me either. The concept of brotherly love with the opposite sex is foreign to him.”

  Amusement danced in Bobby’s eyes. That was the only part of this conversation he believed truly came from Mark. He understood the way men thought. No doubt, despite Bobby’s intentions towards Jennifer, Mark was jealous.

  One corner of Bobby’s mouth hinted at a smile. “I gather that is why he stayed the night.”

  Marcie took a sip of coffee and leaned against the counter. “We always stay together, just usually at his place. I wanted to be here, though, since you just got in.”

  His brows dipped. “I didn’t mean to put a kink in your plans.”

  She waved away the words. “I wouldn’t have missed the chance to see you in a million years.”

  “I’m glad,” he said and clunked her lightly under her chin.

  “So,” Marcie asked. “How did things go last night?”

  “None of your business.” Taking a drink from his cup, he shot her a covert look. Seeing a familiar flash of determination in her green eyes, he almost sighed out loud.

  She wasn’t done with her probe.

  “At least tell me how you plan to move forward. I don’t want to see Jennifer hurt.”

  “Marcie,” he said with a hint of irritation in his voice, “this is between me and Jenn. Besides, you know I would never hurt her. ”

  Lips pursed, indignation in her face, she plopped her hand on her hips. “I helped you make this happen, and as much as you don’t like the facts, you did hurt her once. I don’t want to feel like I played a part in it happening again.”

  His spine stiffened. Her words might be truthful, but no less easy to swallow. “I appreciate what you have done thus far, Marcie. But now, you need to step back and let us work things out our way.”

  She fixed him with a stare. “You mean, your way.”

  His jaw clenched. “Marcie, don’t push. If you didn’t trust me to be good to her, you shouldn’t have helped me in the first place.”

  Setting her coffee cup on the counter, her back now equally as stiff as his, she studied him intently. “Don’t hurt her, Bobby.”

  “I never meant to in the first place,” he said quietly.

  After a long moment, her shoulders relaxed and her expression softened. “I know, I’m sorry. I’m all she has, and I worry about her.”

  He let out a heavy breath. “That’s not true. She has me, too.”

  Now if only he could convince Jennifer of that fact.

  * * *

  Jennifer was about to make a pot of coffee when a knock sounded on her front door. Silently, she wondered who would be stopping by.

  Pulling the sash of her knee-length black silk robe firmly into place, she padded her bare feet towards the door.

  Rising on her tipt
oes, she tried to look through the peephole with no success. A knock sounded again. With a sigh, she pulled open the door.

  Finding Bobby standing there, looking sinfully handsome, presented her with a rush of emotions. Surprise, shock, pleasure, and anger washed over her like a tidal wave.

  He held a large Starbucks cup and a box of Krispy Kreme donuts. A charming grin on his too-sexy lips, he raised the coffee in mock toast. “Peace offering.”

  She stared at him, trying not to worry about the fact she hadn’t so much as brushed her hair since she had gotten up a mere twenty minutes earlier.

  This wasn’t Bobby’s first time to bring her morning favorites after a fight the night before. In the past, this exact play always got him past her front door.

  Once he was inside the house, he always managed to get inside her. She prayed for the strength to make this time different.

  “This isn’t going to work,” she said flatly, trying to mask any doubt she felt.

  She had done nothing but think of him all night long, not sleeping until the wee hours of the morning. At three a.m., she had convinced herself to have one last hot night with him. At four a.m., she had decided she would never allow him to touch her again.

  At five a.m., she had fallen asleep.

  “Oh, come on, Jenn.” His eyes twinkled mischievously. “Let me in.”

  In what?

  The door?

  Her heart?

  Her body?

  What exactly was on the line here?

  “I’m not having sex with you,” she blurted.

  He gave her a sexy smile that she felt all the way to her toes. “Now, or ever?”

  Forever was a long time. She paused for a split-second too long, trying to hide her feelings, before managing to say, “Ever.”

  In an effort to recover, she defiantly tilted her chin up, and stared him in the eyes, daring him to say otherwise.

  Stepping forward, he crowded the doorway forcing her into the hallway. He pinned her in a knowing, coolly confident gaze. “You’ve never been a good liar.” Then he had the audacity to wink before marching through her hallway towards her living room.

  She fretted a bit over what he would think of her home. She had no pictures. Why would she? Her parents were gone, and so was he. She didn’t want a reminder of her loss. It was a simple home, with very little décor. A basic couch and chair. Nothing fancy.

  Jennifer slammed the door shut as loudly as possible, which was pretty loud, because it even made her jump. Bobby didn’t so much as turn around.

  Jabbing her hands into her hips, she followed behind him.

  He set the donuts and coffee on the table, shrugged out of his leather jacket, and then settled onto her couch as if he belonged there.

  The new day, she realized, had done nothing to diminish his affect on her senses. The sexy one-day stubble on his square jaw enhanced his male appeal.

  Before he sat down, she managed to get a good look at the way his faded jeans clung to his long, well-toned thighs and truly ogle-worthy backside.

  He patted the cushion beside him. “Starbucks, baby. It’s a white mocha, your favorite.”

  “How did you get here?” she asked. “You don’t even have a car.“

  “Marcie took me to rent one this morning.” He patted the cushion again. “Come drink your coffee.”

  It wasn’t like he was leaving. She might as well enjoy his offerings. He owed her that much and more. Still, if she had a few more clothes on, she would feel a lot better.

  Making sure he knew they wouldn’t be alone for long, she said, “Marcie is picking me up to go shopping soon.”

  With trepidation in her steps, she walked towards the couch. Intentionally, she sat as far away from him as possible, rather than the spot he had indicated next to him.

  “I know,” he said, giving her a knowing smile.

  Picking up the Starbucks cup, she took a long swallow, ignoring Bobby as he messed with the donut box. The first jolt of mocha hit her taste buds with delight. She made a sound of pleasure. “God, that’s good.”

  Beside her he chuckled. “That’s why we always had sex after I brought you coffee.”

  She looked at him like he was crazy. “What does one have to do with the other?”

  He had a wicked gleam in his eyes. “I had to prove I could make you moan better than Starbucks, Krispy Kremes, or any combination of the two.”

  She didn’t even know what to say to that. “Oh.” No other words seemed to form.

  He kept pushing. “And I always did.” He let the statement linger a moment watching her fingers fidget nervously around her cup. “Didn’t I, Jenn?”

  For a moment she just sat there. Then, stiffening her spine, she primly set the coffee on the table. “Did you get chocolate-filled?”

  Tugging the box her direction, she leaned forward to get a view of her choices.

  “Of course,” he said. “You know I know what you like.” The double entendre couldn’t be missed. Before she could think of something smart or witty or even biting to say, he added, “A fresh batch had just come out of the oven when I got there.”

  He plucked one from the box and held it to her lips. “Taste,” he said, as he met her gaze, his eyes challenging her.

  Not willing to back down from his challenge, she bit into the sweet, flaky pastry. Her eyes rolled shut. “Um.” She chewed and swallowed. “So good.”

  He took a bite of the donut as she watched. They had always shared before. Everything, anything, all things. His message was clear. He meant for them to do so again.

  The tip of her tongue dashed out of her mouth to lick a bit of chocolate substance from her lips. Bobby made a low sound in his throat and dropped the donut back in the box.

  Before Jennifer realized his intent, his hand was wrapped around her neck and his mouth was covering hers. His lips were firm, but his kiss was gentle, as if he was soaking in the very feel of her.

  She should have pulled away but her body had other ideas, quickly heating with a desire to experiencing what he offered.

  To feel what only he made her feel just one more time.

  It was only her mind resisted.

  His tongue slowly slid into her mouth, and she felt herself sinking into a cloud of pure need. She kissed him back with the yearning of years lost. The minute her tongue touched his, she felt a wave of pure, molten heat slide down her body.

  He moaned as if he felt it as well. Pleasure swept through her at his response. No matter what she might say, the truth was she wanted him to want her.

  Her arms slipped around his neck, and he moved his hands to her waist and pulled her closer. His body against hers was like coming home.

  He was so hard all over against her softness; so male, and so obviously aroused she felt her willpower slip further.

  He tasted like chocolate, and sex, and something else that was uniquely Bobby. A flavor she had never forgotten, and no man had ever matched. His lips had an amazing way of sending tingling feelings of pleasure to every inch of her body. It made kissing him addictive.

  He deepened the kiss, urgency and heat, flaring to new levels as she melted against him without resistance. She knew the moment he knew she had completely given into him. His hunger seemed more potent and alive.

  They both wanted more of each other, clinging, and hungrily moving their tongues together.

  She didn’t know how it happened, but suddenly, she was on her back, her thighs spread, as he slid between them.

  She felt his weight like a long-awaited pleasure. Her hands slipped over his broad shoulders soaking in the feel of him even as he heated her palms. She had missed him so much.

  He raised his head, looking at her through half-veiled eyes, his face etched with passion. “Let me please you.” His voice was husky with desire.

  In the back of her mind, she knew he was asking for more than her permission. He wanted her surrender. “I….” Her words were lost when he nuzzled her neck and nibbled her ear.

  “Bobby,” she said, in the midst of a long, pleasure-evoked sigh.

  “I want to make you come.” His finger lightly feathered one of her nipples through the thin silk of her robe. Pleasure made it instantly tight with arousal. She moaned softly, arching her back ever so slightly.

  “Let me please you.”

  “It’s not a good idea,” she said in a voice lacking conviction.

  He tasted her mouth again, quickly sliding his tongue along hers, and then gently pulling her bottom lip into his mouth. Lightly suckling, he seduced her with his mouth.

  She wanted him so badly it felt as if his touch was a part of her completion.

  “Bobby, I…” Her voice trailed off again as she shivered. She wanted him. And she was so afraid of what her surrender would mean. It was impossible for her to simply have sex with him. She was too emotionally involved.

  He leaned up on his elbows looking down at her. “I would like nothing more than to please you. Take what I’m offering. Don’t think, just feel.”

  Her eyes were wide. God, she wanted to do as he bid. Wanted it with all her being. The emotional aftermath would be hell, though, and she knew it.

  It would be so much easier if she felt he was using her. Then she could let her anger control her actions. Instead, there was tenderness in his eyes, and gentleness in his voice. What they had shared in the past had seemed so special.

  But it had all been a big façade. A fairy tale created in her mind. A bubble burst when he left her. Yet looking in his eyes now, his gaze held determination. To please her, and even, perhaps love her.

  And most certainly, for some reason she didn’t quite understand, he needed her to verbally agree to what he offered.

  She couldn’t just take it. She had to accept it with words.

  She struggled through the lusty haze of her arousal to make sense of his motivation. As if he could tell she was on the line between yes and no, his hand slid to her breast, gently cupping it, and then kneading. When his fingers plucked at her nipple, she tingled all over, her body begging for more.