Page 18 of Belador Cosaint

  She'd entered the bathroom a roughed-up ragamuffin and stepped out looking too perfect for what she'd been through. Every time she turned her head, the light would catch on red highlights in her brown hair as it flared in soft waves around her face. It was damn distracting.

  Now his gaze traced over the perfect shape of her mouth. He itched to run his fingers along those soft cheeks and that lovely figure, clearly evident even in a blouse and jeans that were a bit too large.

  Quinn pinched the bridge of his nose. If he kept taking stock of her natural assets, and there were plenty, his own jeans wouldn't fit.

  As it was, he'd have to stand here a minute or he'd give away the direction of his thoughts the second her gaze landed on his straining zipper.

  Reese had intrigued him from their first meeting, but once she left, he'd never expected to see her again. Quinn rarely found himself caught unprepared, but this intense attraction had thrown him off his game.

  The fact remained, he'd been caught up in his own issues, and failed to really listen to her or to look beyond the surface.


  "What's wrong, Quinn?"

  "Nothing." Lie. Nothing other than me standing here lusting after you like a sailor on his first shore leave.

  He had no business thinking of Reese that way.

  If he were being honest, he'd tell Reese how much he'd missed her once she vanished in Atlanta, but he still didn't even know who she really was. He'd been angry when she'd looked at him with disappointment and pointed out that Phoedra had never met him, but what else was she to think at that moment?

  Reese could have brushed him off and still blamed him for being a deadbeat dog, getting Kizira pregnant, then failing to accept his part in Phoedra's birth, but Reese had accepted his explanation. She'd believed what he said.

  That trust meant something to him.

  And she thought he should be with Phoedra even though Kizira had hidden his child from him.

  That kind of support made him feel like he could be the father Phoedra deserved.

  And someone Reese would not run from again.

  Still, now that he'd started paying more attention, he'd caught disappointment hovering in Reese's face.

  He would get to the bottom of that soon.

  Rain that had been battering the fuselage settled down to a steady shower by the time they were close to deplaning. Quinn had requested a car to be waiting with their packed luggage in the trunk. He spotted a black limo on the tarmac with lights on and wipers flipping back and forth. Nice to see something would go right.

  When he looked around for Reese, she had moved to an open spot in the cabin. He watched as she did a couple of quick stretches, punches and calf kicks. Was she practicing a form of personal defense?

  He'd like to stand here for hours enjoying that view of her backside, but they needed to head out. "What are you doing?"

  Jumping around and landing in a stance with her hands up, she replied, "Making sure I can move in this outfit."

  "You're not fighting anyone."

  "You don't know that."

  "I do at this moment. We're only going to a hotel."

  She stood all the way up. "What happened to seeing the ..." She looked past him at the cockpit area and finished, "The you-know-who person we're here to see."

  "I told you I have to arrange a meeting first and I can't do that until I'm in his hotel."

  "Can't you just tell him what's at stake and get in to see him right away?"

  "If I could, I would be taking a helicopter instead of ground transportation." With a casual glance at the flight attendant, he suggested, "Let's continue this conversation in the car."

  She nodded and let it go until their flight attendant had produced a huge umbrella and walked them over to the limo. Once inside and with the privacy window raised, Reese started in. "I don't understand. Why do we have to waste time checking in?"

  Quinn would have thrown everything under the sun at the wizard if he believed it would shave even ten minutes of waiting, but he knew better. "He lives here in New Orleans, but on a different realm. He deals with no one unless they are in his hotel first."

  "It's a portal to his realm?"

  "Yes." Quinn left it at that because explaining more would take too much time. It was a complicated affair, working with the Keith. "If I enter sounding desperate, the Keith might make me wait days instead of hours to meet him. It all depends upon what he feels will place him in the most favorable negotiating position once we meet."

  She pushed her hands into her hair, muttering, "The Keith, the Keith." Glancing at Quinn she asked, "Is that his only name? The Keith?"


  "Why? That sounds ridiculous."

  "It's a sign of respect and something that has been passed down from the old clans in Scotland. For example, the laird of the MacDonald clan would be called the Macdonald. See?"

  "Good grief. How does New Orleans contain his ego?" Reese must not have wanted a reply, because she then asked, "Why would he be a jerk about just helping you find Phoedra?"

  "Because this isn't his problem and he owes me no favors. If anything, I'll end up owing him a favor no matter what I pay, and it won't be one that can be resolved with cash. But first he has to determine if I'm worthy of his aid. I've had business dealings in Europe with some of his family, but I've never met the Keith in person and I've heard stories about how he runs the Louisiana preternatural community."

  "Is he a member of VIPER?"

  "No. When the VIPER coalition formed, they spread far and wide, but they had to make allowances for those who were already in place and considered grandfathered in. As long as no conflict arises, VIPER and these isolated independent groups keep the equivalent of a gentleman's agreement. Basically they don't bother each other."

  She shoved her elbow on the door support and leaned her head against her hand. "Does anyone have all this hierarchy and political division crap written down somewhere?"

  "Not that I know of and I doubt anyone would want it in print. In the preternatural world, your currency is in who you know more than what you know." Quinn didn't know the Keith that well, but he did know the Inchkeith family and hoped that would benefit him when it came time to negotiate. "Beyond that, it's all about how well you know who you're dealing with, and writing down how each person operates would constitute rules. All the players from deities to wizards to trolls abhor rules."

  "Good grief. I'm glad I don't have to live with all these politics."

  "You would if VIPER knew about you, but you've managed to remain off their radar. How is that, Reese?"

  She pointed at her chest. "Demon blood, remember? I'm the complete opposite of whatever royal line you hail from."

  "Royal line? Why would you think that's my background?"

  Her shoulders went up in a careless move. "You're the North American Belador Maistir. Kizira was a Medb priestess, daughter to the queen. Shoot, now that I think about it, that has to make Phoedra some kind of princess." Reese smiled. "Phoedra will love that."

  He was as far from royalty as the old guy they'd just passed who was pulling an empty aluminum can from a sidewalk trashcan, oblivious to the rain.

  "Where are we going?" Reese asked before Quinn could return to their conversation.

  "Maison du Keith."

  She interpreted, "Home of the Keith? Just in case someone doesn't realize it's his hotel?"


  "Oh, yeah, no major ego there. Why do I get the feeling this isn't going to be a normal hotel stay?"

  "Because it won't be."

  They pulled up in front of the Inchkeith wizard's elegant hotel in the French Quarter. Quinn had gained invitation to Maison du Keith on the way here. That had required creativity on his part.

  Visitors suffered no crime within a block of this place, in any direction.

  Human criminals unaware of the wizard's property became ill as soon as they entered the space and turned worse with each step, which forced th
em to do an about-face and leave.

  That took a hell of a load of majik to maintain.

  Reese's gaze jumped everywhere. "Can anyone stay here?"

  "No. You must be invited and, by all means, please be on your best behavior. The Keith's word and rule is without question once we step inside." He put his hand on her arm, drawing her eyes back to him. "I can send you back to the airport in this car and have that same Lear take you home, plus have a car waiting at the other end. All you have to do is say so and tell me where you need to go."

  "No. Like you said, we're a team. I'm not bailing on you."

  She'd humbled him again.

  His heart did a happy dance that she was staying, but his conscience had to accept a new load of guilt. This was not a safe place for Reese, but Quinn knew the quickest way to get answers on anything preternatural that came through this city was through the Keith.

  The driver opened the door on Reese's side.

  About to exit, she hesitated and turned back. "How exactly did we get invited?"

  "I sent a message to pique the Keith's curiosity enough to open his doors. His people sent word of a hotel reservation, so we've gotten past the first step."

  "Way to go, Quinn." She stepped out and was immediately shielded by two black umbrellas with the hotel name on them.

  He hoped pricking the Keith's curiosity turned out in their favor. If the wizard didn't care for Quinn's message, he had no idea what awaited him and Reese. Rumors floated about a mage who had visited last year, supposedly looking for aid in a land battle in Europe, and no one had seen him since.

  That's why Quinn would have preferred to meet the wizard without Reese, but the invitation came back for Quinn plus one. He had not mentioned anyone traveling with him.

  The Keith had impressive intelligence resources.

  No point in arguing with Reese. Once she made up her mind, Quinn would have to tie her up and leave her, which he couldn't bring himself to do.

  Outside the limo, her mood visibly perked up from being fawned over by Maison du Keith's staff.

  Quinn slid out and put his hand at her back, leading Reese to the covered entrance where he paused to remove her poncho and hand it off.

  "Shouldn't we keep that?" she asked.

  He leaned close to her ear. "We have officially entered an interim area. You won't need a shield from weather. If you did, it would vanish if our host did not want you dry."

  She nodded solemnly, then whispered, "Not in Kansas anymore. Got it."

  His gut turned into a pretzel, warning him about bringing Reese here. Quinn couldn't use telepathy, kinetics or any other power inside the hotel. No contact with Beladors.

  Not even access by phone.

  Quinn had agreed to those terms just to be allowed to enter.

  If the Keith deemed him worthy of an audience and it didn't go well, Quinn would offer to secure Reese's freedom at the loss of his.

  Now to find out just what went on inside this place.

  Chapter 21


  The realm of TAmr Medb

  "Where is Ossian?" Queen Maeve shouted for the third time, rattling the walls of TAmr Medb. "Ossian!"

  Energy pulsed through the room and Cathbad appeared just as smoothly attired and groomed as the last time he'd visited her. No hair out of place. Beard nicely trimmed. He was the image of a flawless male with the exception of his morose attitude lately.

  Her patience waned every time he complained that she no longer followed their original plan.

  Plans changed. He should know that.

  Especially when their initial strategizing had been two thousand years ago. Life changed. The key was to adapt.

  She waited out his silence and finally gave up. "Why are you in a snit, druid?"

  Still he stared her down.

  "I have been handling everything on my own," she pointed out and considered how few times she'd seen him recently. "Where have you been?"


  "Doing what?"

  "Remainin' calm when I want to destroy everythin' in my path."

  That's when it hit her that this was no snit. Cathbad was extremely angry.

  She'd never admit it to him, but having Cathbad this irate did give her some pause. Was this due to what had happened in the Tribunal?

  When would he let that go?

  Taking a compromising tone, she offered, "I admit that leaving the coalition was not as we'd intended, but that relationship would not have lasted long anyhow. You can't trust a bunch of deities."

  "Oh, I agree that trust is not somethin' to be gained easily and should not be misused once ya have it."

  "If you're tossing that dagger at me, take care, Cathbad. I will allow you room to be angry, but I will not tolerate a lack of respect from anyone, including you."

  He stepped across the room, taking his usual stroll as he thought. When he turned back to her, he said, "Did we not have an agreement that we would return in this time and rule together?"

  "Basically, yes."

  "No, Maeve, there was nothing basic about our deal. We spent weeks hammerin' out an agreement we could both live with and puttin' that in a blood bond. I stuck to my part of our arrangement from the moment we reincarnated. You, on the other hand, have continually ignored the partnership and put us all at risk. You're creatin' chaos in the human world like a child scatterin' toys when you're unhappy."

  She floated over to him, remaining a foot off the floor to force him to look up to her. "Do not reduce my strategic planning to a tantrum. I am still committed to our arrangement, but I am flexible enough to adapt and change with the times in which we find ourselves. You think what is happening in that realm is chaos? If I lose my control, you would see true pandemonium."

  "Then tell me, what is the point of your attacks on the Beladors, because from where I'm standin' I see no purpose that serves the Medb."

  "We will spend decades or longer trying to flush out Daegan. Pushing all of the preternaturals out in the open means there will be no reason for Daegan and others to remain hidden. In fact, he'll be even more exposed as he tries to protect the Beladors and Treoir at the same time. Once our kind is out in the open for humans, it will become easy to move around, because VIPER will be too busy dealing with humans acting irrationally and attacking preternaturals."

  "None of that sounds like a good idea, Maeve."

  "Of course it does." She swirled around in a blast of sparks. Flames in candles at multiple levels around the room grew stronger, powering up a glow that washed over her as she moved and talked. "Even now, there is word of Daegan leading teams to hunt down missing Belador children and arranging guards for the families. He's putting himself at risk every time he's in the human world." She spun around again and floated back to Cathbad, her voice revealing the excitement she felt throughout her body. "I am close to finishing my plan. I hear the dragon is rabid over the kidnapped Belador teens. He will do anything to get them back to their families. That will force him to be the most vulnerable and he will then kneel at my feet."

  Cathbad's jaw flexed with muscles tightening and loosening. When he spoke, his deep burr poured out with hot anger. "You're doin' all of this just to bring that bloody dragon back to TAmr Medb and make him a throne again? All this just for your childish vengeance?"

  Muscles clenched in her throat, but she didn't yell at him. She had to stay calm to show him how she was the one in power who would rule today and forever.

  But there was no reason to hide her irritation with him. "You miss the entire picture, Cathbad. I'm disappointed. At one time you would not have been so narrow in thought."

  "By all means, educate me on this brilliant plan," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

  Her energy boiled, searching for an outlet, but if she lost her control now she'd never convince him to stand by her through reclaiming Daegan.

  Struggling internally for a moment, she remained still until she felt calm flood her mind and body. She said, "I no longe
r intend to allow Daegan to simply live out eternity as a throne."

  Cathbad blinked with surprise, but quickly hid his reaction. "Daegan should be thrilled to hear your change in plans for him."

  Ignoring Cathbad's snide tone, she said, "Once I capture that dragon, I plan to compel him to do whatever I want. He will become a major weapon for us."

  "That's your idea?" He cupped his forehead, cursing quietly.

  "Please, by all means, tell me what I've missed, oh mastermind," she countered with her own snippy tone.

  Lowering his hand, Cathbad stared at her in a way that made her think he didn't recognize her. "Have you forgotten the curse you placed on him before we went into our deep sleep, Maeve?"

  "No, but clearly you have." She smiled, taunting him so that his anger would steal his control.

  Cathbad fisted his hands then forced them to flex open. He spoke slowly as if addressing an imbecile. "My dear Maeve, when you cursed Daegan to be a throne for eternity and to remain in this room, you also included that no one could compel him. You did that so no one else could gain an advantage with him while we were out-of-pocket, but that is also the reason you can't force him to answer your questions now."

  She started laughing and floated away. It felt good to win with Cathbad.

  He called out, "Have you truly lost your mind? I've wondered if the reincarnation damaged you."

  Zipping around the room just to feel her long hair flying behind her, she kept laughing until she whipped in front of Cathbad with the speed of a snake on attack.

  She lowered her face until she was inches from him to enjoy the impact of her words up close. "Let me educate you, druid, as you seem to have forgotten one very important point. I did include that part in the curse about not allowing anyone to compel Daegan, but he destroyed all the elements of the curse when he broke it to free himself from being a throne and returned to dragon form. I. Can. Compel. Him. Now."

  Finally, she got to enjoy the surprise that blossomed in Cathbad's face when that clicked in his mind.

  Crossing her arms, she said, "Well?"

  "I stand corrected, Maeve," he said, humility seeping through his words. "You are unmatched as a queen at this moment and I am not worthy to stand in your presence."

  She should punish him for all the aggravation he'd caused her, but she did have a tender place for this druid. Floating down to the floor, she hooked her arms around his neck. "Apology accepted."