Page 24 of Belador Cosaint

  But that had not been the case.

  He was likely not helping his case by explaining that Veronika had been correct, but she allowed him to continue.

  "Phoedra was located on the other side of this country and transported to an unauthorized location. My instructions in the darknet ad specifically said that once a potential target was found to contact me, then I would bring her here."

  Ossian paused to draw a deep breath, but he really wanted to give her a chance to say something so he could gauge the trouble he faced.

  When she did not comment, he said, "The bounty hunter ran into some kind of trouble, so he instead went to New Orleans, a region protected by his kin. He would only hand her over there, stating he would not trust anywhere else when he had a safe place to meet. I understand how important it is for you to have this girl and her power, so I agreed. I was in the process of taking possession of Phoedra when a Medb Scath Force warrior appeared as if teleported in. I don't believe they have that ability, so I'm guessing Cathbad or Queen Maeve sent him. He took the girl before I got my hands on her. It all happened very quickly."

  Veronika listened intently then asked, "How did he know where to find her?"

  Ossian lifted his shoulders and shook his head. He reminded her, "You have ensured that I can tell no one what I am doing for you, especially an enemy of yours, which is pretty much everyone."

  Veronika leaned forward, her seething anger causing the air to shimmer with dark energy. "This makes no sense. I will repeat this only one time, Ossian. How could this Medb warrior have known how to locate Phoedra?"

  Swallowing hard, Ossian said, "I'm guessing Cathbad has been looking for me, which I did warn you he would do. Logically, he would send one or more Scath Force warriors to find me. Once Cathbad revealed where I normally reside in this world, the warriors would have found my computer." He'd been proud of using the accelerated learning ability Cathbad had bestowed on him to become proficient in all electronics. "If that happened and the Scath Force discovered my user ID they would have had access to the darknet history and could have begun tracking my movements through the features in my phone. They would have been privy to messages I exchanged with those hunting Phoedra."

  "User ID?"

  "Sorry. I forget you're a Luddite."

  Veronika tensed and Ossian felt power rush past him to her. She was loading herself, probably through her connection to her ancestors.

  That could be very bad. "Have I said something you question, my queen?" he asked.

  "Do you dare to curse me, Ossian?"

  Ah! "Uh, no, I would never do such a thing. A Luddite is someone not familiar with technology. I can't help what I say. Cathbad's majik forces me to tell the truth to him. Evidently, that now extends to you as I am under your control."

  She relaxed and leaned back, but in a pensive mood. "Do not use that term again. I don't like it."

  "Absolutely, my queen." Ossian rushed ahead to say, "The Scath Force warrior did relay a brief message for you that he was taking Phoedra, but that the Medb intend to return her as part of a deal with you."

  Her lips parted in disbelief. "Now they expect me to trade in good faith? That druid and queen should suffer having their eyes dug from the sockets with a rusty spoon." She slapped the arm of her throne. "Is there no honor any more among preternaturals? I will forgive no one for stealing what is mine."

  He wouldn't respond to that even if he stood behind an impenetrable wall.

  She wanted respect from the rest of the nonhuman community?

  Ossian had to move her away from dwelling on his loss of Phoedra and onto the potential for gaining what she wanted.

  And if Cathbad could pull a miracle out of his bag of tricks he could save Ossian from this wacked-out witch.

  Ossian began, "My queen, this may turn out quite well. I do believe the Medb want a partnership with you, which would explain their bold act." He added a little something to bring her around to his way of thinking. "In fact, grabbing Phoedra to use in trade clearly shows how you intimidate Cathbad and Queen Maeve."

  Veronika cocked her head with interest. She no longer appeared ready to dispose of him. "Go on."

  Ossian had struck a positive note by embellishing to stroke her ego. "The Medb warrior said that his superior wished to meet with you at midnight tonight." Ossian explained the location, which was south of the city and used for an annual Renaissance Festival.

  "What about the humans? I want no more interference."

  Ossian said, "I have no doubt that Cathbad will guarantee a protected area as neither he nor Queen Maeve wish to be found in the human realm at the moment. Queen Maeve insulted the deities at a Tribunal meeting and they have barred the Medb leaders from returning here. I do believe the Medb witches and warlocks would have been sent home if Sen had spoken up, but he enjoys irritating the Beladors. I believe I can say for sure that Cathbad will control the area where we meet."

  "What do he and Maeve want in exchange for the girl?"

  "I was not given that information. The Medb warrior literally rattled off the terms and departed immediately, probably teleported again by Cathbad or the queen. Even so, it would be unusual for the Medb queen to share any details. She would never trust a warrior with the terms of an important negotiation."

  Veronika remained still while she processed everything. Slashing a suspicious look at Ossian, she said, "You are a product of Cathbad and Queen Maeve's machinations, so what do you think they want in trade?"

  Ossian bristled at being considered one of the many faceless warriors for the Medb. "To be specific, I am an entirely unique creation by Cathbad. With that said, I can only tell you what I believe would be their aspirations. I'm thinking that prior to your wiping the planet clean of beings with power and turning their minions into your slaves, that the queen and Cathbad will wish to form a pact with you to protect them and their Medb warriors. Think about it. You would end up with Phoedra, from whom you could mine power, plus gain a powerful group as ally."

  "Very well, we will meet, but not entirely on their terms."

  Ossian's moment of excitement dampened. He had no idea what Veronika would do, but if he had to wager on her approach to the meeting, he'd say she was stacking a heavy defensive force in her favor.

  Technically, he was wagering with his life as the ante.

  Chapter 28


  One moment Quinn stood next to Reese in front of the Keith, and in the next, he lost all sense of time and place.

  Everything came back into focus suddenly.

  Quinn realized he was on a roof in the dark. Thankfully, Reese had landed next to him. He asked, "Are you okay?"

  Her hair flew around her face in the night wind. "I'll live, but I don't want to do that again."

  "I believe the Keith sent us through a bolthole. I say that because it felt like an amusement ride that had jumped the tracks. We certainly didn't have any control over it."

  "Got it. Where are we?" She tucked the filmy, dark-blue shawl around her shoulders against the cool air moving briskly around them.

  "Give me a minute." He stepped past a heating and air structure mounted on the roof to take in the city. "It appears we're in downtown Atlanta."

  "How are we going to find Phoedra from here?"

  "This is actually a good place to end up. I have resources available with one telepathic call." Reaching for her hand, he asked, "Do you still have the medallion?"

  "Yes." She opened her fist to show him.

  Quinn took the necklace and hooked it around her neck. He wanted her capable of defending herself.

  "What are we going to do, Quinn? How are we going to get Phoedra back from the Medb?"

  "I have an idea, but it needs a little work."

  She pulled him around to face her. "I hate that sound in your voice."

  "What sound?"

  "The sound of pulling back from me and everyone else to do something all by yourself. I'm here. The Beladors are here. You've got a fr
eakin' dragon."

  "And even with all of that muscle and power, I can't get to Phoedra in TAmr Medb without incurring major casualties, even if we could insert while the queen and Cathbad are there. Both were away when our people broke into their tower to rescue Daegan. I feel certain Cathbad and Queen Maeve will have better security in place this time."

  She tightened her grip on his arm. "Just don't leave me behind."

  He didn't say a thing.

  "Damn you, Quinn. I can't take being left in the dark on this. I want to know what you have in mind."

  Would she be ready to meet him halfway? "Can you swear to me you won't vanish into thin air at some point?"

  Guilt spread across her face. "I told you I'm going to do my best."

  That sank a rock deep in his gut. He'd thought after they shared such intimacy that he'd get an absolute yes this time.

  Who held power over Reese and why wouldn't she let him help her break that hold?

  He wanted time with Reese. He cherished the gift she'd given by sharing her body with him in the Keith's realm, but he wanted more than sex from this woman.

  He wanted her trust.

  This connection he felt with Reese ... he couldn't explain it, only that it was new and special. Something that deserved nurturing. He needed time with this woman to show her that he was not like the person who had hurt her so deeply in the past.

  He'd come to realize someone had damaged her emotionally, so badly that she feared getting attached.

  She already cared for him. It was obvious.

  She just needed to open her eyes and heart to see that he cared for her as well.

  No, it was his job to show her he cared.

  If his idea for rescuing Phoedra went sideways, he'd never have a chance at more with Reese or his daughter.

  But if he died gaining Phoedra's freedom, he knew she'd always have Reese watching over her as well as his Belador clan. All of that depended on Reese staying alive.

  "We're at a draw," he said to ease the tense moment, but he was not about to give in all the way. "In answer to your question, I will do my best to keep you informed of my plans. Now, give me a minute to reach out to Evalle."

  Reese tossed him an uncompromising glance and turned away.

  Perhaps that was just as well.

  He dreaded putting Reese in further danger. When she discovered his plans, she would not be happy with him. First he had to make sure Reese would be safe once he took a step he couldn't undo.

  A step that might destroy his relationship with Daegan.

  Regardless, Quinn intended to do his best to protect Daegan and the Beladors right along with those he loved.

  He would prefer to include Daegan, but if the dragon king knew what Quinn intended to do he would not stand by and allow it.

  That meant not informing Tzader or Evalle either.

  Both of them would jump in with Quinn and lose all that they had gained.

  No, this was his fight, and his sacrifice, if it ended badly. Phoedra was his responsibility and he was going to give her a chance at life.

  Reese was his responsibility, too, even if she fought his attempts to help her at every turn.

  After reaching out to Evalle telepathically and determining she could pick them up a short distance away at Woodruff Park, he walked Reese downstairs and onto the sidewalk.

  After crossing two streets, they reached the park at an area known as Five Points, due to five roads coming together in one central downtown spot. The digital clock on the iconic Coca-Cola sign blinked with a temperature of sixty-three, and the time, just after two in the morning. Few people moved along the sidewalks this time of night, and exhaust from earlier traffic hung in the humid air.

  If not for the dire situation, he could imagine strolling along the quiet sidewalk with Reese after a night on the town.

  Normal people lived that way. He should try it sometime.

  Reese said, "Gibbons would like this park."

  "Who is that?"

  "My mutt. He loves to play Frisbee."

  "Then you should take him to Piedmont Park on a nice day. That's where everyone in the city goes."

  "Uhm hmm." She walked along, silent now.

  He hated when she shut down. His beautiful perpetual ball of energy was normally ready to take action and give her opinion, whether he asked for it or not.

  He wouldn't want her any other way.

  The fact that he might not see her again after this gnawed his insides. When he thought about how she'd helped him save Kizira's body from Queen Maeve weeks ago, then rushed to rescue Phoedra now, he struggled for the words he owed her.

  In the end, he said, "Thank you, Reese, for everything. You have been amazing through all of this and you'll never know how much I appreciate your being Phoedra's friend."

  She cursed and flashed him her signature you're-gonna-get-an-earful glare. "That sounds like a goodbye talk. Really, Quinn?"

  He should have known better than to think he could keep this simple. "No, but things are going to get complicated quickly. With so many people around once Evalle picks us up, we won't have a chance to talk privately. I'm not saying goodbye, but I am making sure that if anything happens to me that you know how much I appreciate all you've done for Phoedra and for me. I also want you to know that you're important to me, but if something goes awry while gaining Phoedra's freedom, I hope you'll continue to watch over her so she isn't alone."

  Quinn realized he'd walked two steps alone.

  He turned to find out why Reese had stopped.

  She was a vision, standing there with the dark, gauzy wrap poofed out around her and waves of coppery-brown hair flowing to her shoulders. Perfect full lips were set in an unhappy shape as she considered him, and fire filled those dazzling eyes that saw too much.

  He should thank her for the breathtaking image burned into his mind. He would take it to his death.

  "Don't make me hurt you, Quinn."

  What a woman, full of piss and vinegar.

  He should never have allowed himself the freedom to make love with her when he had no idea what tomorrow would bring, but he refused to regret one second of feeling her next to him and loving her for those hours.

  Damn his soul, he wanted her again. He had a feeling that wouldn't change even if he had a lifetime to test it.

  She paced forward and gripped his lapels, which was becoming her go-to action when he annoyed her. Probably her way of evening the difference in height between them when she wanted to get a point across.

  She tugged him down until their noses almost touched, hesitating a half-beat before she kissed him.

  His world flipped all over the place when they touched. He drove his hands into her hair, pulling her deeper into the kiss. Heat burned everywhere they touched and his body demanded he take her up on her offer.

  When she released him, she warned, "If you go off on your own without me to back you up, I will make you sorry you were born."

  No half measure with her. "That's a hard offer to resist."

  "You are so infuriating."

  "I know the feeling," he chided, smiling at her.

  An old Land Cruiser pulled up with the passenger window down. "Hey, you two. Want to ride?" Evalle called out.

  Reese jumped back, but Quinn caught her to him, warning, "Please do what I ask for any hope of us seeing each other again."

  Her fire melted under that request. "Damn you, Quinn. You better not get yourself killed."

  "I'll do my best to fulfill that directive."

  "You're hot even when you sound like you have a stick up your backside."

  "Dollar waiting on a dime, guys," Evalle called out, giving Quinn a narrowed look that promised an interrogation.

  Kickass women might just be his downfall.

  At Evalle and Storm's building, he, Reese, and Evalle met in the conference room.

  Quinn waited for the ladies to take seats, then started the conversation. "First, I want you to know that we can speak free
ly around Reese. She's earned my trust and is the reason I even know where Phoedra is at the moment."

  Evalle cut her gaze at Reese first then to Quinn and asked, "Where is she?"

  "The Medb have her, but someone I believe is working with Veronika actually brokered the initial kidnapping."

  Sitting back with a hand over her eyes, Evalle groaned. "We failed."

  "Not necessarily," Quinn said. "I'll explain more on that in a moment. First, what's going on with the Beladors?"

  "Daegan is running teams around the clock to track down families," Evalle said, placing her hands on the table in front of her. "I'm here only because I was on the way by our building to drop off my bike and pick up Storm's truck. Storm's tracking a troll who he thinks has kidnapped a human teen belonging to a Belador. Storm wanted a way to transport any victims because we sometimes find other humans and can't keep calling Daegan to teleport everyone. Tristan is blown out from teleporting warriors to different locations to save time."

  Hearing how stretched Daegan and the Beladors were with looking for families that had been taken, Quinn silently acknowledged he was on his own with his plan. "I'm sorry I haven't been here to help, but--"

  "No one expects you to be here, Quinn. Not until Phoedra is safe."

  "Thank you. But I do think now that Reese and I are here, we can help."

  Evalle gave him thumbs up. "Awesome."

  Reese sent him a sharp look, but didn't start arguing. That was a refreshing change.

  "Where does VIPER stand on all this right now?" Quinn asked.

  Scoffing first, Evalle said, "After Sen blew off helping Beladors and Daegan declared the rule of cosaint, we've had very little contact with VIPER. Daegan got really pissed when he found out Veronika had escaped. By the way, she's still on the loose. As soon as warriors come off VIPER duty, Daegan puts them to either protecting their families or helping hunt down the missing teenagers. Due to that, VIPER brought in a load of bounty hunters, which hasn't turned out to be as simple as having Belador warriors."

  "That's not surprising," Quinn commented.

  Evalle nodded and continued. "I spoke to one of the warriors who just came off duty at VIPER and he said Sen may not admit it, but VIPER is in trouble. Trolls who are not involved with the kidnappings are filing complaints over attacks. Medb witches and warlocks are filing complaints of being persecuted. Everyone is a victim and everyone is a potential suspect. Oh! And we were almost exposed to humans twice in the last three hours, but Sen managed to fix it."