Page 26 of Belador Cosaint

  Cathbad couldn't contain his excitement. "Does she kill the dragon?"

  Phoedra turned glum. "I think so. I don't remember past that point when he was on the ground not moving. It makes me feel bad."


  She looked at him as though he were a dunce. "He was this big, beautiful red dragon. I mean, dreams have meanings, right? So what could it mean if I see a dragon die in my vision?"

  Cathbad sat back. It meant she'd seen the end of the Treoir dragon king.

  This child would bring Cathbad even more joy once he had groomed her to be a lethal weapon against all others.

  Chapter 30


  Tribunal meeting, Nether Realm

  Quinn wasn't surprised when Loki appeared at this Tribunal. The unpredictable Norse god lived to meddle and toy with those beneath him, which Loki considered to be everyone with the exception of Odin.

  If Loki were foolish enough to flaunt his arrogance to Odin, it would happen only once.

  Loki could shift his entire physical self to appear as someone else, but all the deities observed a certain protocol within a Tribunal. That was only because they had instituted the protocol, though, and not out of deference to those who faced their judgment.

  Quinn stood in the middle of a plane of ankle-deep grass, which wafted back and forth softly in a nonexistent wind. The area spread out in a large circle more than a hundred yards wide, with edges that vanished into darkness. Stars played overhead. This Nether realm might appear completely different next time, as it took whatever form the deities chose.

  Straight ahead of Quinn, a raised dais floated above the ground, intended as a stage for a mix of three gods and/or goddesses.

  At the moment, Loki reminded Quinn of a male runway model in a dark Armani suit, cream-colored shirt with the collar open and his hair in a contemporary cut. Quinn suspected Loki's formal clothing had happened instantaneously the minute the god of mischief arrived to find Quinn wearing a tux.

  He doubted Loki did that for his benefit, but Quinn was actually glad to see someone else dressed for after-hours.

  In the next blink, the Polynesian goddess Pele appeared on Loki's left. Midnight-black hair spilled across porcelain-white shoulders, left bare for this meeting. Her gown swept to ankle-length in a mash of silver and gold thread. Thin straps of her sandals wrapped her ankles and disappeared under the hem of the gown.

  She wore her temper on display as blatantly as her beauty, with no apology.

  To Loki's right, Justitia also took corporeal form. How apropos to have the goddess of justice for this Tribunal meeting, but that didn't mean the scales would weigh in Quinn's favor.

  Where Pele's beauty boasted an exotic appeal, Justitia's attraction came from her moral strength as well as her physical attributes. Even in an ordinary gray gown that hid her feet, she would draw plenty of male attention in a room filled with beauties. Her golden blindfold fooled no one. She carried an ornate set of scales with her, reminding the world she would see justice done.

  Quinn opened the meeting with a bold statement in hopes of gaining the attention--and support--of the Tribunal trio quickly.

  "Veronika is free and gaining power. If she joins with the Medb, we may lose the human world to them. Once that is gone, your followings will disintegrate. There's a certain balance to a world where each of you has followers. If we allow that balance to be disrupted, first chaos reigns, then the power that gobbles it all up will continue until she finds a way to reach even deities hidden in their home realms."

  None of those on the raised dais said a word, but each stiffened at the threat to existence. Evidently, Sen finally informed them.

  Quinn added, "Daegan and the Beladors did not abandon VIPER."

  Sen scoffed loudly and the three deities murmured words in disgusted tones, which Quinn could not hear.

  He pressed on. "It's true. Daegan wants to support the coalition, but the coalition let him and the Beladors down when the Medb began stealing Belador children and VIPER refused to lend us aid. Innocent human children in all cases. We took a vow to protect humans. That means those related to our own people as well."

  Loki walked across the dais with his hands clasped behind him, the picture of a being in deep thought. When he returned to center stage, he asked, "We have yet to see Beladors returning to the VIPER force. Why have you requested this meeting?"

  The fact that Loki had not blasted Quinn out of the room said a great deal about their concern over Veronika and VIPER's lost resources.

  "When VIPER refused to help us ... " Quinn paused to cast a hard look in Sen's direction before finishing. "We had no choice but to take care of our own first. While doing that, we discovered that the Medb have taken possession of not just a Belador child, but one whose powers are anticipated to be beyond estimation at this point." Quinn wasn't positive that was true about Phoedra, but it was a real concern and there was no evidence to the contrary, so his statement stood as truth.

  If not, his body would have glowed red, the Tribunal's form of lie detection.

  He continued, "This thirteen-year-old girl has no idea that she even possesses gifts or abilities, so you can imagine how she could be molded into something extremely powerful who could do great things or ... be an incredible destructive force. Veronika originally located the girl, but the Medb stole her away."

  This time Loki glared at Sen, who maintained a stoic face.

  Quinn wanted to move this along. He reminded the room, "I witnessed Queen Maeve's breakdown during my last visit here. I don't believe she can be reasoned with, which means our best hope is Cathbad. Considering how Cathbad and Queen Maeve's powers have not been truly tested since they reincarnated, we have no barometer for their joint abilities. Add to that a dynamic Belador prodigy plus a wrecking ball known as Veronika and ... that should paint a clear picture for our total annihilation if they join forces."

  Grim silence fell across the realm.

  Even Sen held his usually biting tongue. Daegan had exposed Sen as a demigod, which meant it would have taken a god to force Sen into the position of VIPER liaison, which he despised, but which pantheon had placed him here?

  If Veronika gained control and Sen had no realm to hide in, she would mow him down as well ... or make him an offer to join her.

  Pele asked, "What of the Sterling witch who now possesses Witchlock?"

  Quinn explained, "Adrianna may one day become our greatest defensive unit, but she has not had time to fully explore that power. After Veronika escaped, Adrianna experienced episodes of power issues she attributed to Veronika's attempts to access the Witchlock power, so we placed Adrianna in a secure location."


  He was not about to tell them the dragon took her to Treoir. "I'm not at liberty to divulge that to anyone."

  Had he not caught their attention with a viable threat to their existence, they would likely have tortured the answer out of him. Refusing them had been a calculated risk, but an educated one.

  They needed allies.

  Loki turned first to Pele and next to Justitia, whispering with each goddess. When he faced Quinn again, he said, "You clearly came here with a plan of some sort. We are open to hearing what you have in mind."

  That was the first step toward cooperation Quinn needed. Quinn said, "What I have in mind will require inviting Cathbad to this Tribunal, but he may hesitate to return after having walked away from VIPER under threat of reprisal due to Queen Maeve's loss of control during her last meeting here."

  After another heavy silence, Loki nodded. "I'll call in Cathbad now and give him assurance that he is safe from any repercussion regarding his last visit."

  That immediate agreement was an indisputable sign of the deities' trepidation over Veronika and the Medb joining forces, even if these deities would never admit as much.

  A moment later, Cathbad's body shimmered into solid form. He took in everyone, pausing the longest on Quinn, then asked Loki, "Why have you asked me here?"
  Loki said, "The Belador Maistir has told us what he believes is underway between the Medb and Veronika. We wish to hear both sides."

  Look at Loki, being Mr. Diplomatic.

  Quinn told Cathbad, "I know you have Phoedra. Is she unharmed?"

  Cathbad didn't appear surprised by the accusation or the question when he admitted, "At the moment, yes."

  "You must realize that Queen Maeve is not entirely sane and should be kept away from Phoedra."

  Cathbad gave nothing away in his bland expression. "What I do with her is my concern."

  "No, it is mine," Quinn made very clear. "If Phoedra is harmed, there is nowhere in this universe you can hide."

  "Save your threats, Belador. The child is in my care only and perfectly content at the moment, though a bit confused by all this majik and teleporting. You should not have left your child so naive, Quinn."

  All eyes turned to Quinn in accusation.

  Yes, he'd withheld that Phoedra was his child, but he had not lied. If the deities wanted to know, they should have asked.

  "What do you want?" Cathbad asked conversationally.

  Before Quinn got to his request, he wanted to state some things here so that everyone was up to speed. "As I understand it, the Medb are kidnapping other Belador children who are human."

  Cathbad hesitated, then his forehead creased in a confused expression. "What? I know nothing about kidnappings."

  The druid didn't glow red.

  Well, hell. Quinn wanted this very clear. "So you don't know about Queen Maeve's witches and warlocks using trolls to capture children of Belador families in exchange for Noirre majik?"

  Taking his time to answer, Cathbad said, "I knew she was stirring up trouble in the human realm, but I am not a party to her kidnappings."

  As if that exonerated him because he'd stolen only one child?

  Loki asked Quinn, "Why does this matter?"

  "Because in order to stop Veronika from turning every being into a slave and wiping out anyone with power who she cannot enslave, you all need the dragon king to bring Belador forces to this fight." Directing his comment at Cathbad, Quinn said, "Daegan is furious that children have been taken. He will hunt the kidnappers to the ends of earth and beyond to return the children and make the guilty pay. If those children are returned unharmed, I believe he could be convinced to partner with a coalition force to defeat Veronika."

  When Cathbad made no comment about Veronika, Quinn went for the jugular, but this time he took a different tactic since it appeared the queen was operating autonomously. "Is it true that Queen Maeve sent someone called Ossian to broker a deal between the Medb and Veronika?"

  Finally, Quinn had surprised Cathbad, but that would not work in his favor if Cathbad didn't know about the deal with Veronika.

  Loki turned to Cathbad. "You have been given amnesty from your queen's antagonistic action here last time, but you are now answering for yourself."

  "I understand," Cathbad said, regaining his stern composure. "Yes, the queen did send an emissary to Veronika with the express intent of creating an alliance."

  Quinn missed something. Cathbad hadn't been surprised about Veronika, so what part of his accusation had Cathbad not expected?

  Loki unleashed his anger on Cathbad. "What are you thinking, druid, to partner with a witch who has made it perfectly clear she wants to destroy all of us? Do you really believe we'll allow you and the queen to form that type of union without sending the best we have after you?"

  Holding up a hand, Cathbad calmly pointed out, "I did not say I was trying to do that, only that I know Queen Maeve desires such an agreement."

  There was the opportunity Quinn had been waiting for and could not allow to pass. "Cathbad, I am here to ask that the Medb cease hunting Belador families, that those kidnapped, including Phoedra, are returned and any potential partnership with Veronika terminated."

  "I have no part in any of that with the exception of taking Phoedra on to raise."

  Don't attack the druid. Don't attack the druid. Quinn struggled to keep from lashing out with mind lock. This man dared to claim his daughter? He had better turn her over or they were looking at a dead druid.

  Quinn said, "You are a part of the Medb and therefore guilty by association."

  When no one on the dais contradicted Quinn's statement, Cathbad scratched his chin. "If I were to agree, what could you possibly give me in return to satisfy my loss?"

  Your loss, you son of a bitch? Quinn would not be baited. Not when so many lives were on the line, especially a child who did not deserve to be in the middle of any of this.

  Quinn said, "In return, I will voluntarily go with you, for you and the queen to do with as you choose."

  That surprised even Loki, who appeared overly concerned about the offer. He asked Quinn, "That means Queen Maeve could compel you to do her bidding, even against the Beladors, once she had you in TAmr Medb. Does Daegan know you just offered to join the Medb?"

  "No. Do you think he would have agreed to my coming here if he had?"

  "I don't believe you," Cathbad said.

  "You have no choice, Cathbad." Quinn held his arms apart. "I am not glowing red. That is precisely why I wanted this meeting at the Tribunal. All cards on the table. No lying by either side. So, will you accept me in trade for Phoedra and the other children?" Quinn would go with Cathbad once the children were safe, but the minute he entered TAmr Medb, he would dive into Queen Maeve's mind and she would obliterate him on the spot.


  Cathbad had spoken so softly that Quinn didn't believe his ears. "What did you say?"

  "No, I do not accept that agreement."

  Quinn ran a hand through his hair. Hell, what was he going to do now? He cut his gaze to the dais where the trio seemed just as perplexed.

  Was that druid really willing to go up against the Beladors and this Tribunal to retain Phoedra?

  Quinn's palms dampened.

  The Beladors and all of VIPER would go to war with the Medb after Quinn had called out the Medb for cutting a deal with Veronika.

  "Call in the dragon," Cathbad said to Loki. "I have one offer to make. If he refuses, then you will all have to make your own deals with Veronika."

  Chapter 31


  Veronika stood on tamped-down ground near wooden bleachers where she'd cloaked herself and Ossian while they waited for Cathbad to show up. She had always enjoyed being out in the night, but could do without the smell of horse dung.

  She took in the painted buildings, which appeared to be an empty stage setting for an outdoor theater. "You said a Renaissance Festival is held here, Ossian? What is that?"

  Ossian said, "The humans enjoy reenacting medieval life. I spent some time here this afternoon to get the lay of the land. Those who participate, and the audience, are quite authentic in dress and manner. It's very entertaining."

  "I suppose." She had not enjoyed traveling through Atlanta to reach this location by dark, but soon she would rule everything. The first thing she would do is rid this city of the obnoxious traffic.

  Peasants should walk.

  Ossian added, "This is the middle of the week and the festival doesn't actually start for another nine days. No humans should be here after midnight. I'm sure when Cathbad arrives he'll have a protection in place."

  "Did you really think I would leave that to him?"

  When Ossian looked lost for an answer, she said, "I placed a spell around this arena to shield us and deter humans from coming close." She gave a lift of her shoulder. "If someone interferes, it requires little power for me to kill a human."

  Where was the druid?

  From everything Veronika had dragged out of Ossian about Cathbad the Druid and Queen Maeve, she felt confident she could maintain the upper hand in this meeting.

  She knew better than to trust that druid.

  But she'd take this slight risk to gain Phoedra. The world would bow to her once she drained the power of a child born
of a powerful Belador and a Medb priestess. Veronika had been considering the different ways to handle this discussion tonight.

  Perhaps she and Cathbad could test working together at some point. She would enjoy having a man around again and from what Ossian had shared, the Medb queen was having serious issues with control over her body and powers.

  Maybe this Cathbad would be looking for a change of partnership.

  Were Cathbad and Queen Maeve stronger after having reincarnated, or were they the same power level as before, or weaker? If Queen Maeve was having problems physically, what had being asleep for two thousand years done to her?

  Ossian said, "He approaches."

  Cathbad stood alone at the opposite end of the field Ossian had told her was part of a mock jousting arena. Humans today were strange creatures.

  The druid was not so strange, though, except for the cape. Dramatic, but eye-catching. She'd pictured an older man, not this attractive one somewhere around mid-to-late thirties. She would definitely entertain the idea of spending time with him.

  Cathbad called out, "I know you're close by, Veronika. Show yourself. The faster we make this deal, the sooner we will both be less exposed."

  She uncloaked herself and Ossian, then led the way toward the center of the open area, stopping before she reached it.

  That left Cathbad forty yards away.

  Ossian took his place at her right side. Her loyal servant had experienced a few malfunctions after surviving her ministrations, but overall he was turning out to be a true benefit.

  Veronika said, "I am here, Cathbad, but I do not see Phoedra."

  "If we strike an agreement, I will produce her."

  "Very well, what do you want in exchange?"

  "I want Ossian."

  She looked over at Ossian, who stood rigid, showing no sign of having heard Cathbad's demand. Just as well. He was going nowhere. "No. Ossian is mine, and to be honest, he's of no use to you or anyone other than me at this point."

  Cathbad did not seem surprised by that announcement. He shrugged and said, "Then you have nothing to offer me."

  Was he giving up so quickly?

  The druid wouldn't last long if that was the limit of his ability to negotiate. "I have something to offer that you would be wise to consider, Cathbad."

  "What is that?"