Page 29 of Belador Cosaint

  When Yaahl seemed to hesitate, Reese added, "Please."

  He gave her a small nod and stood still for a moment. "Kizira says to tell you thank you and that Quinn deserves some happiness in his life."

  What was Reese supposed to say to that? "He does."

  Slowly the blue fog shrank until it disappeared.

  Reese asked, "Is she gone?"

  "Yes. She trusts that Phoedra will be well cared for."

  Reese still had to convince the raven god to allow Phoedra to be with Quinn. "Look, Yaahl, I think Phoedra needs to be with her father. Quinn is sincere about wanting to take on that role and he almost died saving her. He has the entire Belador force and a dragon to protect her. Quinn has an enormous capacity to love." Reese hurt saying that because she'd blown any chance she had of being the recipient of Quinn's love. "Kizira placed her child in your care and she told Quinn to find Phoedra. He did."

  "With your help."

  "Yes, I helped, but that isn't the point. Letting Phoedra get to know Quinn is the right thing to do. You can't ask for much more dedication to a child than Quinn will shower on her and he's an honorable man."

  "He is? So he would care for a child of his no matter the circumstances?"

  "Didn't I just say that? Yes."

  "That's good to know."

  Talking to his crows was easier. Reese said, "Great. Let's go tell her she can live with her father."

  "I never agreed to that."

  Chapter 35


  A Frisbee flew past Quinn and he spun around, heart racing.

  Just a guy with his Labrador enjoying Piedmont Park.

  Sun shone over the recently trimmed grass field. People lounged on blankets, talking and catching rays. Small children tottered near their mamas. Dogs chased balls and played everywhere he looked.

  Quinn shook his head at being so lame.

  What did he think he'd find here today that he hadn't found yesterday?

  Sure, he'd told Reese this would be a good place for her dog, Gibbons, but that didn't mean she was in this city or that she would ever come here.

  Three days ago, as he'd stood waiting to meet his child for the first time, he'd been shocked when he stared at the empty spot Reese had left behind when she teleported away with Phoedra.

  He'd received a message a minute later.

  A crow had delivered it.

  The note had read:

  Phoedra is safe with Reese, who will be in touch very soon. Thank you for keeping your daughter safe. Kizira asked me to protect her child and keep Phoedra from the nonhuman world for as long as possible. I had hoped to continue that duty for a few more years, but recent circumstances have changed everything. Reese presented a strong case for you to take over guarding and caring for your child. She'll explain more when you see her. Don't break their hearts, or I shall return.

  Phoedra's Guardian

  That guardian had it all wrong.

  Reese was the one who had crushed Quinn's heart. He'd been ready to make a place for her in his life. He'd trusted her.

  She'd betrayed him when she vanished with Phoedra.

  Would he never learn anything about women?

  Quinn strolled along, lost in thought until he heard a big dog making deep woof sounds. He looked up and thought he saw a mirage.

  There came Reese and Phoedra walking toward him, towed forward by a leash attached to a huge beast covered in shaggy hair.

  That bloody dog had a beard.

  His heart paused, waiting to beat.

  Phoedra had Kizira's eyes and black hair, although the pink stripe in it had to be an artificial addition. Reese's wild, reddish-brown hair blew softly around her face.

  Her beautiful eyes were rimmed in sadness.

  He probably looked no happier, but he would put all that behind him to show his daughter how much he wanted her. Phoedra had control of the mutt lunging forward.

  Reese had dressed similarly to Phoedra. She had on a red sleeveless, button-down blouse tucked into a pair of jean shorts that showed off her sexy legs.

  He could not go there.

  Trust went two ways. She clearly didn't trust him or she wouldn't have left that evening without telling him in advance. She'd known all along that she had the capacity to teleport. There had been no hesitation when she lifted her medallion and vanished. During the flight to New Orleans, he hadn't pressed her about how she'd planned to return Phoedra home once she found her. He'd assumed that when Reese said she had a plan, that her plan was pretty much flying by the seat of her pants.

  He should have known better.

  Reese started the awkward conversation, "Hi, Quinn. Evalle said you would be here."

  After three days of asking himself how he could have been tricked so easily, he wanted to unload some of the anger he'd been carrying around.

  But his heart had started back up the minute Reese spoke. He also couldn't be angry when he looked at the beautiful young lady who was his daughter.

  He hadn't felt this off-balance in his entire adult life. "Hello, Phoedra. I'm ..."

  "Reese told me about you and my mother, Kizira. It was a lot to take in, especially with all the majik and stuff."

  He smiled. "I can only imagine. I'm sorry you spent so many years not knowing. I would have come for you if I'd known."

  Phoedra's innocent eyes shimmered. "Really? I mean, Reese told me that, but I guess I needed to hear it from you."

  The longing in her voice squeezed his heart. He'd make sure his child knew from here on just how thrilled he was to have her as his daughter. "Of course. I would never leave a child of mine to fend for herself or to think she isn't loved. All I ask is that if you give me a chance, I'll show you just how much I do love you."

  Tears welled up in Phoedra's eyes and spilled over.

  Then she shocked Quinn by handing Gibbons's leash to Reese, then walking up to her father and wrapping her little arms around his waist.

  Quinn could never describe the feeling of holding his child for the first time. He'd never considered having children, but from the moment he found out about Phoedra, he'd experienced a fierce need to protect her and care for her.

  There would be an adjustment for both of them, but he relished this chance at getting to know her and only hoped he didn't screw up being a father.

  When he looked over at Reese, his heart hummed with happiness just to see her there, but it stuttered for a second.

  What about Reese?

  What would happen when he took Phoedra? How could he just walk away and never see her again?

  On the other hand, how could he trust her when she kept so many secrets from him? She was still keeping secrets. She knew who Phoedra's guardian was and he doubted that she'd give him the name.

  Evalle would be telling him to allow Reese a chance to explain.

  He could do that much, but only if she didn't disappear again.

  Reese watched Phoedra hug him, her eyes shiny. Her smile was so melancholy.

  He nearly reached out to her, the urge to make things better for her so strong he barely resisted.

  What was it about the woman that made Quinn want to pick up a sword and battle dragons?

  Or demons, in her case.

  Reese cleared her throat. "I want to explain about leaving suddenly. I did have a reason."

  "It's fine. She's back." Quinn struggled for the right words and those sure as hell weren't the ones. But his emotions were bottled up so thickly in his throat he couldn't sort out his thoughts.

  Pulling Phoedra around to stand next to him with his arm around her shoulders, Quinn asked Reese, "What I mean to say is that we could discuss that later. How long are you here for?"

  Reese looked at Phoedra, who ducked her head. Reese said, "I've moved here."

  He shouldn't get excited, but hadn't he asked her to stay?

  She'd hurt him when she left, but she had brought his daughter back to him. Okay, the truth. He wanted Reese to be here more than he could say.
  Maybe she did have a good reason for what she did. When they got a chance to talk alone, he'd hear her out.

  He smiled, determined to try to work through this with her. "That's nice to hear."

  "I'm glad you think so, because I've been given temporary custody of Phoedra. She'll be living with me."

  "What? You have to be joking."

  Phoedra pulled away from him and Quinn regretted his angry tone. "I'm sorry, Phoedra. I know she's your friend, but I'm surprised since I'm your father."

  Phoedra looked uncomfortable. "I know, but it's just that, uh, I've known Reese a long time."

  Hell of a way to start with Phoedra by upsetting her. Damn it, this was exactly what Quinn meant about Reese keeping things from him. Who was the guardian behind all of this?

  Reese's eyes flashed with her own anger, but she softened her tone. "Quinn, please listen. We all agree that Phoedra is your child and she's looking forward to finding out more about you and getting to know you, but the only way I could bring her back in the middle of all that goes on in the preternatural world in Atlanta was by agreeing to be her temporary guardian. She has a lot to learn. This way she'll get to know you, the Beladors, everyone. You just said yourself that you couldn't imagine how difficult this is for Phoedra. We have an apartment in town where you can visit any time you want to see ... her. I'm not standing in the way of you two developing a relationship. I'm here to facilitate that."

  Phoedra had been watching and crossed her arms, looking ready to jump to Reese's defense. "Reese is the reason I'm here. She demanded that I be allowed to live near you and that when I say I'm ready I can make the choice to live with you."

  Quinn asked, "Who, exactly, is holding the power over you two?"

  Reese and Phoedra exchanged loaded glances, but said nothing.

  "I want the truth. I think I deserve it."

  Reese muttered, "Why is this crap never easy?" Raking a hand across her wavy hair as the light breeze toyed with it, she said, "He is someone Kizira went to when she was pregnant. She asked for sanctuary for Phoedra. He is the reason I was sent here to protect Kizira's body the first time you met me. He is the reason I was able to follow Phoedra right after she was kidnapped and taken to Tulsa. He has been her guardian since birth and it took a lot of arguing to get this concession from him. He made this deal with Phoedra, with her welfare in mind, so it's up to him to provide any additional details, including his identity. In fact, he said he got in touch with you right after we left that night."

  "He had a crow deliver a message."

  Reese and Phoedra looked at each other and laughed. "That's him."

  Quinn had been willing to give trust another try, but now he realized Kizira, Phoedra and Reese trusted some other man, one with powers, more than Quinn.

  Kizira had trusted this guardian more than Quinn, too.

  That sucker punched him. "Is this the same person who has prevented you from tapping your powers, Reese?"

  "Yes. But I have them back now." Reese fought not to grin even more. Her eyes danced with happiness.

  Quinn had bones to pick with her, but he was damned glad she had those powers back for her benefit, and now for Phoedra's.

  Evidently he was going to get to visit his child.

  He'd been through too many things in his life not to roll with unexpected situations when they popped up, but he would have his way on one thing. "I will abide by all of your rules," he started.

  "Oh, thank you. I really want this to work, Quinn," Reese said, sounding as if she thought they were in agreement.

  "However, I will not accept my daughter living below a standard I consider acceptable."

  Reese got that stubborn look. "We have a nice apartment picked out. It's close to this park. Gibbons likes it, too."

  Gibbons? Apparently aka the hairy beast, which had pulled loose from Reese and was now slobbering all over a very happy Phoedra.

  While the dog had her attention, Quinn stepped up to speak privately with Reese. "There are no words to thank you for all you've done in watching over my daughter."

  Her eyes sharpened with suspicion, which meant she read more coming from Quinn and would be correct.

  "That does not excuse the many times you have withheld the truth or rearranged it to suit your purposes. I will be in Phoedra's life and I plan to convince her to move in with me very soon." He struggled between a desire to make his point and wanting to pull Reese into his arms and kiss the hurt look out of her eyes. He'd put it there with his cool tone, but in the last two days he'd been through hell, beating himself to pieces over trusting yet another woman who'd fooled him.

  It didn't feel good.

  Evalle would say it sucked. Her description was better.

  First he got involved with Kizira only to find out afterwards that she was royalty in his enemy's court and then not until recently that their union had produced a child he'd never known existed.

  Now, he'd fallen for another woman who couldn't tell him the truth about her past or who she answered to currently. The same person--a man who clearly was not a human--who held some sort of control over his daughter.

  But Reese wasn't saying another word no matter how much he pressed her.

  At some point in a man's life he had to admit that he was the one allowing himself to be manipulated.

  No more.

  Every time he looked at Reese, he saw a future that could be amazing if not for the twist of lies between them. Even if they straightened all that out, it wasn't just his issues that needed getting over. She had some reason for not being honest with him. It might be due to a past relationship, but that didn't mean he should be paying the price for another man's actions.

  Being forced to see her on a regular basis as he got to know Phoedra would continue to shred his heart even more if he couldn't find his way through all of this.

  Reese held his stare, saying nothing in her own defense.

  Damn. Now he wanted to defend her.

  His hand lifted on its own until he realized he was about to touch her. He lowered his arm to his side, determined to get the truth from her before he opened himself up again.

  He'd give her a chance to show him whether she could meet him halfway or if he'd just been gullible this whole time.

  Trey reached Quinn telepathically. Are you somewhere you can break away to meet with Daegan?

  Yes. Give me a minute and I'll contact you back.

  Quinn said, "I've been called away for Belador business."


  She was pissed, but he wasn't sure what she wanted from him at this point. He'd begged her not to disappear without a word, and she'd done it anyhow. "Do we understand each other?"

  "Oh, yes, your lordship," Reese snipped. "I heard you loud and clear, but you hear me. You will not rule our lives. You will give me plenty of notice when you plan to come by or want Phoedra to visit you. This is the first time she and I will both have freedom. No one will be dictating to me, or her, anymore. I shouldn't have to say this, but I will keep Phoedra safe with my very life and I will help her adjust. You do your part and we'll be fine."

  "We'll talk more later."

  "I don't see the point in any future conversations between you and me except to arrange for visiting Phoedra," Reese snapped.

  "You will when we talk."

  "Don't hold your breath. I know your rules. You know mine. Don't screw this up. I went to bat for you, but I'm not handing her over until I'm sure it's in her best interest."

  "Are you trying to say I can't take care of Phoedra?"

  Reese's lips thinned. "I'll make it easier for you to grasp. I won't bless her moving in with you until I think that's where she'll be happier. You can dazzle her with your money and surround her with preternatural bodyguards, but that does not a home and family make. Good luck. Say goodbye, because we're headed back for our favorite movie night."

  Favorite movie night. He had no idea what Phoedra's favorite anything was.

  Reese had blas
ted him between the eyes with that one and he probably deserved it for arguing when Reese gained the upper hand without even saying the real words.

  You don't know how to be a father.

  Turning from her, he spoke to Phoedra and hugged her again, assuring her he would see her tomorrow and they'd take it a day at a time.

  Walking toward the closest street to this side of the park, he sent a text and his car pulled up as he reached the curb.

  After circling back, he had the car follow Reese and Phoedra to their apartment, which at least had front door security, but he didn't leave until he had arranged Beladors from a security firm he owned to stand guard all night.

  Tomorrow, those two were moving.

  He couldn't wait to see Reese's face when he informed her.

  His gut forced him to admit the truth. He couldn't wait to see his daughter again ... and Reese. Dropping his head back against the seat, he thought about those hours he'd spent making love to Reese in the Keith's domain.

  That had been the happiest time of his life until he'd held Phoedra a moment ago.

  How was he going to spend this much time around Phoedra and pretend that he didn't want Reese with every fiber of his being?

  Because he did.

  Reese felt flush all over.

  Damn Quinn's sexy hide. She knew he'd be angry about her teleporting away with Phoedra, but she hadn't anticipated how much all her half-truths and flat-out lies had weighed against her when it came time to meet again.

  He felt betrayed and she could understand, but that didn't soften the blow to her heart.

  Phoedra called out, "I'm making pimento cheese sandwiches. Sound good?"

  Reese shouted, "Be there in a minute."

  She dashed to the bathroom and barely made it before she threw up. The brand-new carpet in this apartment had some weird chemical smell, which was not sitting well with her. Clearly, she was more of an it's-been-through-fifty-renters carpet person.

  It wasn't just her.

  Gibbons had been feeling puny right after Yaahl had teleported him and Reese's belongings, along with Phoedra's, to this apartment. He'd allowed Phoedra time to talk with Donella before all that had happened.

  Kids were resilient, but Reese intended to make sure this one had an easier path starting now.

  Reese bent over the toilet and heaved again.

  Maybe it was the teleporting. Reese had been teleported three times and shoved through a bolthole, all in the last few days.