his friend Datar were at a nearby woods climbing their favorite trees. The view from the one they were both in at the moment was choice. They could see all the way down their street and up another street that met it at a 90degree angle. From up there they could see into some yard spaces that could not be viewed from anywhere else. Aldo’s eyes looked toward the horizon and then higher away from the sun. Not many people then liked to look up, especially in the daytime. The sky was white not blue. But toward evening it was more tolerable to the eyes.

  Aldo could hear the high hum of an INT-AT craft. They flew low over the populated areas. He finally saw it coming out from behind some clouds. Then the hum got lower and lower until he realized it was entering the air space of their community. Now Aldo and Datar could see it was an EX-AT craft. No, it was not of local origin but from outside the atmosphere. As it came below 300 meters the logo could be clearly identified. The SSF symbol was something that Datar knew about, but not Aldo. “What is the Secured Space Force doing here?” asked Datar. He explained to Aldo that they have taken over several planetary systems. He said they have deliberately started wars in order to take over planets and get their resources. Datar believed they were on a mission of conquest. “Don’t they protect us from our enemies?” Aldo asked. “That is what they want everyone to believe. But I don’t trust them for a milisecond.” Then Datar speculated that they must be trying a new way to get recruits. Aldo wondered how Datar knew about so many things outside our local space. He looked up to him as a big brother and trusted what he said.

  A crazy idea now hit Aldo in that moment. He took his pocket laser out and aimed it at the 3D logo sign on the craft. Maybe he was emboldened by what Datar said and/or just bored enough. When Datar saw what he was doing he immediately shouted, “No Don’t!” But it was too late. Aldo had shot a beam at it. The little beam produced an unexpected effect. It instantly split and bounced off of the logo in several different directions.

  The instant reaction from the craft was a change in its flight path. It started to approach the trees where the boys were. They sat in the tree in disbelief for a few seconds, then climbed down as fast as they could. They started to run for the woods. The SSF craft was now setting down in a clearing by the woods. Two robotic scout pods emerged from it and flew towards the woods. The two boys were running through the trees, not looking back. They knew they were coming to a fence soon. But before they reached the fence they heard the buzz of the pods. A bright spotlight shone down on them. The tops of the trees bent out of the way by some invisible force. They could not escape these flying policemen things. A collector beam caught them, raising them up. The boys were held suspended and rose above the trees. Then the pods dutifully carried them over the trees to the clearing and set them down in front of the SSF ship.

  It was as big as a large two-story house. The two captured boys still could not move. It was as if they were being held by invisible ropes. Now, as they waited what seemed like many minutes in front of this triangular and dark mystery ship with the two floating pods holding them on either side, they thought about Aldo’s mistake. Then with a whirring sound the door to the ship opened and a man walked out on a ramp that unfolded as he came down. By his uniform they could tell he was an officer. He looked them over, chuckled and said, “Release them.” They could move now. “Did you boys know it is a serious offense to fire a laser at this vessel?” After a short silence Aldo answered, “No sir.” “Lets have it.” The SSF officer held out his hand. Aldo felt his pocket and said, “I don’t have it.” The officer told one of the pods to go get it. It floated over to the trees, hovered for a few seconds, and then returned amazingly fast. It held the laser in a stasis and extended it to Aldo. Aldo took it and then promptly put it in the officer’s hand. It was small with a very low range and could never have been any threat. The officer put it in his vest pocket. “I don’t care which of you shot it. You both are in trouble. But I am willing to let you off this time if you agree to do something.” Datar looked away and said, “Oh boy and man.” This was his way of saying that this means trouble. Looking at Datar the officer said, “This is a rare opportunity for you. Just come inside here and let me show you around. You will see what a grand future you could have as a member of the SSF.” Datar and Aldo looked at each other. Aldo wanted to see the inside but, Datar did not. But since they were in trouble, Datar decided to stick with his friend. He said to the officer, “Okay. We can take a look.”

  “Good. You boys will be the first in this community to get a tour. Right this way.”

  They followed him up the ramp with the pods close behind. Aldo thought it was great that they were getting a personalized tour instead of going to a jail. Datar did not say much with his distasteful expression. The ship was impressive with its fusion power and latest technology. The holographic displays were awesome and commanded rapt attention. They showed scenes of SSF fighting off invaders, building space posts, saving disaster victims and even feeding children. They highlighted the skills you would learn and the fabulous places you would visit. After about 20 minutes of this, it had become obvious that it was designed to attract young people who longed for an escape to a hopefully better life. It all looked so good. It looked too good. Yes, Datar was right. They were there to recruit the young and less fortunate of the populace. The crew that they could see from a distance showed no interest in their presence and no emotion of any kind. Before they were allowed to leave, they were given holocubes with more information on how they could ‘be the best of the galaxy.’

  That was Aldo’s first experience with the SSF and their interstellar craft. He had no interest in joining their organization because he took seriously Datar’s warnings and also some experiences he had heard. But Aldo always had an interest in the truth. He was learning that the truth or the real reality was not always easy to see. He had a great interest in exploring space and the universe—known and unknown. So he continued climbing trees and looking up.

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