Which he wasn’t doing much of.

  Damn, he needed to make love to his wife.

  There was a knock on the door. The last thing he needed was visitors. He sighed and went to answer it because it was very unlikely the person would leave. This was Bliss and whoever was currently at his doorstep would be just as likely to walk around to the back door and start pounding on it as he would be to leave. Zane loved his small town, but his neighbors could border on the invasive.

  Nope, he didn’t need visitors to take up his time. He was due at Trio in a few hours. Nate would be home by then and the cycle would start again. Callie would wake up and feed the kids. Nate would get up with her until three or so, and then Zane would take over so Nate could sleep.

  It was the same thing every night.

  They were all tired. He was pretty sure that even though they spent most of their time together, they were all lonely, and he wasn’t sure how to fix it.

  He only knew that they had to. They were a family and they had to be together. They had to find a way.

  Zane heard his wife humming softly to Charlie, a sound that soothed him. She was the best mother imaginable. He’d had a horrible one. She’d dumped him at every opportunity, but Zane had chosen well. Callie loved her boys. And Zane worshipped Callie. His family was everything, so why was he feeling so distant?

  He sighed and crossed the small living room and opened the front door. Caleb Burke, who lived in the cabin across the street with his girlfriend Holly, and his partner, Zane’s employee, Alexei, stood in the doorway, a frown on his face.

  “I’m supposed to talk to you.”

  Zane wasn’t sure what to do with that. Caleb wasn’t exactly a talker. He was kind of a taciturn son of a bitch. “Okay. You should talk then.”

  Caleb sighed, his face creasing. “It’s because I’m a doctor. I don’t know why, but Holly thinks that makes me an expert on this kind of stuff. And she’s got the boobs. You know how that goes.”

  Nope. He didn’t know a thing. Caleb was a perpetual mystery, and Alexei’s English was still horrible. He was pretty sure any communicating that went on in their household had nothing to do with language. “Sure. Uhm, do you want to come in?”

  “Not really. I want to be fishing, but, you know, she has the boobs.” Caleb scrubbed a hand through his hair. “I’m supposed to talk to you about Callie.”

  Now Zane was deeply interested. She’d had a checkup not two days before. Was something wrong with her? Had her blood tests come back weird? Zane’s heart rate tripled. “What’s wrong with my wife?”

  Caleb’s face went blank for a moment and then his head shook. “No, nothing’s wrong. Not physically. She’s fine. I mean, she’s not fine or I wouldn’t be here trying to get through this very difficult conversation. I think we need to bring in a therapist for shit like this. I’m not good at it.”

  Nope, he was right. He sucked at the communication thing. “Will you just tell it to me straight?” Not knowing was killing him.

  “Your wife needs sex. She needs sleep, too, but mostly she needs sex.” Caleb nodded as though agreeing with himself. “She’s been talking to the girls, including Holly. Holly’s worried about her. They’re all worried about her. If you don’t fix it, I’ll have to deal with the women of Bliss, and mostly they scare the crap out of me. I would really like to avoid it. Rachel yells. Nell does that dancing thing I never understand. Laura uses logic. Really, Callie is the only one I understand, but this is about her so I can’t choose to deal with her.”

  Why would Callie be talking to her friends instead of her husbands? “What did she say?”

  Caleb sent him that look he gave almost everyone, the one that made a man feel like he was a dumb ass. Yeah, Zane was pretty sure Caleb had a patent on that look. “Dude, she just had a baby. What do you think she said? Have you been telling her how sexy she is? Have you been, you know, like playing around? Trying to get into her pants?”

  She’d been busy with the babies. She’d been tired. He’d felt like he shouldn’t. “I’ve told her what a great mom she is.”

  Caleb groaned. “Yeah. Awesome. So your wife, who just had your babies and feels out of shape and tired, heard she’s good for having more babies. Everyone is having babies, and not a one of you thinks about what happens to your marriage afterwards. I’m going to like make a pamphlet or something. You need to make her feel sexy, not motherly. You have a family. Now it’s time to work on your marriage.”

  Zane took a long breath, Caleb’s words sinking in. “She’s been tired. I thought she didn’t want to make love.”

  A faint hint of a smile crossed Caleb’s lips. “She’s shy right now. She went through a lot, you know. It’s hard for women. One minute they’re just women and the next they’re moms. She was a trooper. She was great in the delivery room, but I think a lot of new moms come out wondering if they can ever just be a woman again. You need to show her.”

  Callie didn’t think she was sexy? She was everything. She was the whole fucking world. She needed him to show her? He could do that. But should he? Her labor had been rough. He wasn’t sure how he’d made it through, much less Callie, who had done all the actual pushing and stuff. “She’s okay from a medical standpoint?”

  Caleb nodded, waving his hand in a dismissive fashion. “Oh, yeah. She’s great. Her vaginal walls have closed right back up. The vagina is really an amazing organ. And her uterus is in fabulous shape. So it’s all good to go. Pound away, man.”

  Yep. Caleb wasn’t the world’s most tactful doctor. Probably why he’d ended up in Bliss. “Thanks, Caleb.”

  A huge sigh of relief passed his lips. “Thank god. Now I can go fishing. And Alexei said he’ll work a double so you can”—Caleb smiled and went into his best Russian accent—“show the mothers that her woman charms be working on you.”

  Zane smiled. That was Alexei to a T. “Thanks, Caleb.”

  He shut the door and closed his eyes. This was what he needed. He needed to be together with his wife. He needed to assure himself that he was more than a father. He was a husband who had a wife that he worshipped. He’d realized early on that parenthood was a gift, but loving a woman…that was a whole life in and of itself. His children flowed from the love he felt for his wife. That love was the foundation of everything.

  Some people would say he was selfish, but he was all right with that. He’d been to hell and back and he knew what heaven looked like. It looked like his sweet Callie, reaching for him.

  He walked back into the cabin and checked on his wife. She was asleep and so was Charlie, his little head cradled in her arms. Even in her sleep she protected her child. Her head was back, her mouth slightly open. Her breast drooped from her bra.

  Fuck, she was so beautiful. She filled his soul. He plucked the baby from her arms. She stirred a little as though she’d realized she could relax and fall into sleep. Her whole body softened, and she slumped down to the bed.

  Sleep while you can, baby. Tonight won’t be about rest.

  He was going to show his woman just what he thought of her, and he knew who would help him do it. It was the best thing about sharing a woman. Zane was never alone. He laid Charlie down beside his brother and went to call Nate.

  * * * *

  Nate Wright hung up the phone and sat back, a smile playing on his face as he thought about the call he’d just taken. Zane had been very specific about what they needed to do. Nate was tired as hell. His body was weary, but his cock was wide awake. It looked like he was getting some tonight!

  The thought of finally sliding inside his wife’s body after months of being away stirred something inside him. He loved his boys, but damn, he missed his wife. The months since he’d made love to her had been deeply lonely.

  He knew she’d needed her rest and he didn’t begrudge her that, but he worshipped his wife and it had been far too long since he’d shown her how much he craved her. She was his obsession, his vow. Loving her was what kept him going.

  And Zane
had come up with a plan to get inside her.

  Now the only question was how to handle the logistics. Zane had time off. Nate didn’t work nights. But their boys loved to stay up all night, and that didn’t lend itself to hot sex. Charlie and Zane didn’t give a flying crap about schedules. Their schedule lent itself to more of the same. Long nights holding and rocking sweet but fussy babies.

  They needed a change. Nate knew their lives wouldn’t be the same again. They had a family now, and eventually they would all want more kids. They would never get that particular groove back, but they needed to find a new groove.

  He couldn’t give up on sex. He needed his wife too badly.

  He glanced out his window and saw just the man who could help him.

  Stef Talbot walked down Main Street, and if Nate hustled, he just might be able to catch him. Stef was the go-to guy for scheming. No one could come up with a plan quite like the King of Bliss.

  “I’ll be back,” Nate yelled out.

  “Sure you will,” a masculine voice called out.

  Nate grabbed his hat and ran out the door, leaving the station in the capable hands of his deputy, Cameron Briggs. His office manager had recently quit to spend more time with her husbands. And Logan was gone for a while. Finding a replacement for Hope was just one more thing on his ever-growing to-do list.

  But he couldn’t consider that now. They were in one of the blessed in-between times. In between multiple homicides and alien sightings. In between Russian mob invasions and biker gangs taking over the town. He was the sheriff of a small town, but his small town seemed like a Hellmouth. They invited trouble. He had to take his vacays when he could.

  He slammed out the double doors and jogged to catch up. “Stef!”

  Stef was dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt, and yet he managed to make it look elegant. He turned and held out a hand. Nate couldn’t miss the latest addition to Stef’s wardrobe. He wore a thick platinum band on his left ring finger. It matched his wife’s. “Nathan. How are you today? How are the kids?”

  The kids were great, and they were also a problem. Just for the night. “The kids are awesome. So awesome that I want to share them. With you and Jen.”

  He nearly laughed when Stef went the slightest shade of green. “I don’t think Jennifer and I are really at the child stage yet. We have been discussing a nice houseplant. If we don’t kill that, then in a few years, we might try a fish.”

  Chickenshit. Stef was his age. They had grown up together. It was past time that Stef grew a set. “Stef, man, I’m not asking you to raise them. Just give me a night. Even a couple of hours.”

  A bright smile crossed the artist’s face. “You’re going to spend time with Callie.” The King of Bliss always had his ear to the ground. “I’m happy to hear it. She’s been blue. Caleb assured me it wasn’t true postpartum depression, just a little worry about the whole adjustment period.”

  And Stef could be invasive. “You talked to Caleb about my wife?”

  Stef shrugged. “She’s my best friend. My sister, really. I thought I should.”

  Nate checked his instinct to growl and lash out. Callie considered this man a brother. She wouldn’t be thrilled he’d taken out his frustrations on Stef’s hide. “Yes, we talked to Caleb.” At least Zane had.

  “I’m glad to hear you’re doing something about it. Do you and Zane have a plan?”

  Nate shrugged. Stef kind of was the plan at this point. Well, and he intended to fuck his wife at the earliest convenient time. “Not really. We plan on making sure she knows how amazing she is.”

  God, he hoped his dick lasted more than two seconds. He felt like he’d been constantly hard for months. He wanted his wife so badly, and now that he knew she needed it, it felt like forever between now and when he and Zane could be with her.

  “Bring her to the house tonight. You can use the playroom. Dad and Stella are home right now so Charlie and Zander will have plenty of attention.” He slapped Nate on the arm in a friendly gesture. “Jennifer will be thrilled. I’m the one with the fear of tiny humans. I apparently will have to get over it sooner rather than later. But, Nathan, tell her you’re coming over for dinner. Don’t mention you intend to whisk her away. I know Callie. She’s nervous.”

  Nate sighed. This part was a mystery to him. He had no idea why Callie was sad. She was beautiful. The kids were perfect. Nate was happier than he could have imagined, but Callie was worried. “Why would she be nervous? Stef, I love that woman more than anything. Zane feels the same way. Nothing’s changed.”

  Stef arched a single brow. “Nathan, you have two children. Everything has changed. Her body has changed. Yours didn’t. You aren’t carrying around a couple of extra pounds.”

  He didn’t even notice it. He’d thought she was beyond gorgeous when she was big and round. He thought she was stunning now. When he was in a room with Callie, he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. “It doesn’t matter. Callie’s sexy. God, Stef, she’s the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  Stef put a hand on his shoulder. “I know you feel that way. You’re a good husband, Nate, but take it from the man who grew up with her. She needs reassurance. Trust me. Pick her up and carry her away or she’ll come up with a hundred excuses why it’s a bad idea. You just need to show her. I’ll make sure you have all night and everything you need to make the evening memorable.”

  For Stef, a memorable evening could be quite the kinkfest. The idea of getting freaky with his wife made Nate’s heart pound. He wanted to inhale her. “And I’ll make sure you have a ton of breast milk.”

  Now Stef Talbot was a definite shade of green. “I already regret this. Tell the children to do all their business before they come over. I do not change diapers. I’ll expect you at seven.”

  The King of Bliss walked off, and Nate stifled a laugh. He was pretty sure Stef was in for a night to remember.

  And he was going to make damn sure Callie never forgot the night, either.

  * * * *

  “Do you want some lemonade?” Rachel asked, smiling down at Callie.

  Hope stood at the stove, wiping it down as Jen mopped the floor and Holly finished up her famous chicken salad sandwiches. Ever since the babies had been born, at least once a week her friends showed up to give the house a thorough cleaning. Nate and Zane tried, and things were clean, but they rarely thought about changing sheets and cleaning windows. Callie had found herself looking forward to this day every week. It was the only day she felt halfway normal.

  “Sure.” She looked down at the floor where Rachel had spread out several blankets and baby toys. Charlie, Zander, and Rachel’s daughter, Paige, were all lying on the blankets, little legs kicking. Paige was on her belly, lifting her little head, her arms reaching out for a rattle or Charlie, Callie wasn’t sure which.

  Rachel brought her a glass of lemonade. Midafternoon light streamed in and Callie took a sip of the delicious drink. And realized just how much sugar was in it.

  “What?” Rachel asked. “Is it not good? I might have forgotten how to make it when I don’t put a half a bottle of vodka into the mix.”

  Callie missed vodka. “No, it’s great. I was just thinking I should probably switch to unsweetened tea. I need to start thinking about getting my body back.”

  Jen frowned. “Where did it go? Did it run away?”

  Callie rolled her eyes. “Yes, Jen. It ran away and then it seems to have eaten half of Colorado and now it’s back.”

  “You just had a baby, Callie. Two, in fact. You had two whole baby humans knocking around inside your body and then they came out of your vagina. I think you should probably give yourself a break,” Jen said, shaking her head. Her hand came out, pointing toward Rachel, who had just opened her mouth. “Don’t. I do not want to hear about how big Paige’s head was. Two babies trumps big noggin.”

  Rachel shrugged a little. “It’s a really big head. I think she got Max’s skull. Baby girl is stubborn. And you don’t get to talk about body issues. You eat
like a five-year-old. I swear, we were at Stella’s having breakfast yesterday and she ate two bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit sandwiches and then ordered a cinnamon roll.”

  Holly gasped a little. “That would go straight to my thighs.”

  Jen frowned. “It was my breakfast dessert.”

  Rachel and Holly gave each other knowing looks.

  “Yep, this is coming from the woman with the metabolism of an Olympic swimmer. So you don’t get a vote on Callie’s body issues,” Rachel explained.

  Callie held up a hand because there was something just wrong with that statement. “We’re all getting votes?”

  She was pretty sure her baby weight wasn’t a democracy.

  “No,” Rachel replied. “Jen doesn’t get to vote at all. First off she has freaky good genes, and secondly her body hasn’t been taken over by aliens.”

  Callie shook her head, waving her hands. “Don’t even say it. Don’t. I think Mel is already worried about the twins. Apparently aliens often come in twin sets.”

  Holly brought a tray of sandwiches in and set them on the coffee table. “I thought Nate and Zane already passed all the tests.”

  “Yes, they did. You know aliens can’t process Mel’s tonic. Well, Nate and Zane can, and in large quantities. I’ve tried to explain that the babies were very likely conceived while their dads were ‘processing’ the tonic so they couldn’t possibly be aliens.”

  Holly reached for a sandwich. “Oh, no, hon, I got a lecture on all the new alien tactics, and that includes switching out human babies for alien ones. It’s a dastardly new plan apparently.”

  “I had not heard that one. This is so good, Holly.” Rachel devoured a sandwich.

  “Why are you getting the baby lectures, Holly? Is there something we should know about?” Jen asked with a wink.

  “Oh, no.” Holly turned a little pink. “No. I have an eighteen-year-old. I’m too old.”