“So am I. I am really damn hungry, baby.” He practically growled the words at her, the deep timbre of his voice going straight to her pussy. She got the feeling he wasn’t talking about food.

  She was finding it a little hard to speak because he was just so sexy. She had to force the words out of her mouth. “Then we should go inside.”

  She let her eyes find Nate, who stood with Stef and Sebastian.

  “It’s fully stocked, my friend,” Stef said, handing Nate a familiar set of keys.

  Callie recognized those keys. Those were the keys to the guesthouse. To Stef’s private pleasure palace. Before he’d married Jen, it had been the place where Master Stef had kept his submissives. The playroom was known all around Bliss as a place for lovers. Before she’d had her babies, she and Nate and Zane had played here several times.

  Stef’s father frowned, his voice going a little lower. “Stefan, do they know about, well, about the collection you keep out there?”

  Sebastian’s face had gone a nice shade of pink, but Stef merely smiled. “Yes, father, they know about the butt plugs, though I doubt after a year or so of marriage to two men that Callie requires one anymore.”

  Sebastian cleared his throat and smoothed down his dress shirt. “Well, good. Didn’t want it to come as a shock.”

  Nate winked down at her, stifling a laugh. “Come on, baby. Stef’s got everything ready for us. We have wine and some food.”

  What was going on? This didn’t sound like a dinner party. This sounded like an ambush. She grasped his arm, trying to slow him down. “I can’t have wine or the babies will get wine.”

  Nate shook his head. “Nope. We’re good, darlin’. I already talked to Caleb. You can have a glass and then we’ll pump and toss the milk after a couple of hours and then our babies will be rehab-free. I took out the emergency supply and gave it to Jen so the boys won’t need you until morning.”

  Panic threatened to swamp her. It warred with overwhelming desire at the thought of being alone with her husbands, but then she realized her jeans still had an elastic waistband and panic won.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She needed a decent excuse. She would put them off and then she would diet like mad for a couple of weeks and work out and get pretty again. Yes. That was what she would do. They wouldn’t have to look at her this way. She would get back to her pre-baby weight, and then they could have a wild night. “I’m really tired. And the babies need me. I think Charlie might be getting an ear infection. He was pulling on his ear earlier.”

  Stef sent Nate a long look. She didn’t like that look. “I told you. You need to fix this, Nathan.”

  Zane leaned over and made the decision for her. He scooped her up, hauling her against his massive chest, making her feel light and delicate in his arms. It had been so long since he’d carried her around. She only just realized how much she’d missed it. “We’ll take care of her, Stef. You should go and take care of your own wife. She looked a little baby crazy. I would watch out for that.”

  Stef frowned. “Well, it’s difficult when everyone else keeps pumping out the kids. Rachel, Max, and Rye. Now you and Callie. Hell, Trev McNamara came to town, and suddenly his wife is pregnant. It’s in the damn water. I expect to hear that Caleb and Alexei have managed to knock up Holly any day now. I heard they’re pushing her to try.”

  Callie let her arms drift around Zane’s neck. She cuddled close. She even loved the way he smelled. Masculine and clean. He smelled like soap with a little hint of musk. He was so sexy. And she smelled like baby vomit. She pulled away. “Come on, guys. This isn’t going to work for me. I can’t leave the boys.”

  Zane frowned down at her. “You can and you will. We need you, too. Callie, baby, we’ve done everything we can. The boys are safe. We’re close to them. But you know damn well we need you. This has been going your way for months. Tonight it’s mine and Nate’s time.”

  “My way? Are you kidding me?” They thought she wanted things this way? She hadn’t slept in forever. She missed her husbands. She didn’t want it to be this way.

  “Night, Stef. See you in the morning.” Zane didn’t respond, simply began walking toward the guesthouse, her weight no match to his strength.

  “Zane, this isn’t my idea of paradise. I haven’t slept since the babies were born. This isn’t a picnic.” And it sure wouldn’t be anyone’s version of paradise if they saw how droopy her boobs were getting. It was one thing when a baby was hanging off it, but it was probably a turnoff without the whole feeding their children thing going.

  “Not a picnic, baby. This is going to be a party,” Zane said with a sexy grin. “And you’re on the menu.”

  Nate jogged ahead of them, an overnight bag in his hand. When had he packed that?

  “Nate, did you pack my clothes?” Did he even know what fit her anymore? Mostly nothing fit her.

  Nate turned the key in the lock and opened the door with the ease of a man used to getting his way. “No, my love. I did not pack your clothes. You don’t need clothes tonight.”

  Zane swept her into the guesthouse and set her on her feet. “Take off your clothes, Callie.”

  He looked so hungry. God, she loved that look he got when he really wanted her. That look made her girl parts soften and her pussy get wet.

  Nate stepped in beside him, his blue eyes darkening. “You’re not a mom tonight, Callie. You’re our woman, and all I want you to think about is pleasing your men. You can trust that’s all we’re thinking about. We’re thinking about how to make you come over and over again.”

  “But the boys,” she said, trying to put off the moment when she took her clothes off.

  “The boys need their parents to be happy, baby,” Zane said, his eyes softening. “I can’t be happy when I’m not making love to you. I need you. Being inside you is my home, Callie. Don’t you know that?”

  “Your home needs a little fixing up is all,” she said, trying to sound light and flippant, but her heart was hurting.

  “What did you say?” Nate asked, his voice going hard. “Because it sounds like you were insulting something I love.”

  He could be such a hard-ass. Callie sighed. How could she make him understand? “Nate, you can tell me I’m not a mom tonight, but I’m always a mom now. It’s just a part of me. And I have to get used to it. But I’m going to try to get my body back. I’m going to feel sexy again. I just need some time.”

  Nate turned to Zane, frustration plain on his face. “What is she talking about? How is she not sexy?”

  Zane simply smiled as though he’d solved the mystery. “Callie, do you know when I last got an erection? I mean besides the one that’s killing me right now? I was watching you feeding Charlie earlier today. I know. I’m a pervert. You’re sitting there feeding our baby boy and all I can think about is how much I want to sink my cock into some part of you. You might not feel sexy, but you are sexy to me.”

  “Callie, you are sex and love and every fucking good thing in the world all rolled up into one.” Nate took a long, unsteady breath. “I know the boys need their momma. But I need my wife. We need our wife.”

  There was no snarky comeback to that. There wasn’t an argument she could make or a funny way to deflect them. They had stated plainly what they needed from her and made her heart swell in the process. Tears filled her eyes. These were her husbands, her men, her whole world.

  Her hands went to the bottom of her T-shirt. “You two better remember all those parts about for better or worse.”

  “Callie, don’t try my patience. Take off your clothes and show me my pussy.” Zane stood his ground, his emerald eyes watching her. “You took me with all these scars. Don’t you dare think I would reject you because of a few pounds. I don’t give a shit if you lose them. I love your curves. I love every inch of you. Those slight imperfections came from carrying our babies. They’re beautiful. How could you think for a second I wouldn’t want you? Do you really think so little of me, Callie?”

bsp; She looked between Nate and Zane and suddenly wondered how she’d become so selfish. Since she’d had the twins, she’d closed in, focusing on the babies’ needs and her own insecurities. She’d never once thought about how her husbands were feeling. Never wondered if they missed her. She’d fallen in love with two men for their amazing souls and then questioned them. This wasn’t really about Nate and Zane. This was about her. She was insecure, and they had done nothing to deserve it.

  And she was more than a momma. She was a woman. Their woman. And it was long past time to prove it.

  Callie tossed the T-shirt and glanced up with a flirtatious smile. “I pumped before I left but that doesn’t mean this won’t get messy.”

  Nate started to unbutton his shirt, revealing his gorgeous chest. “I can handle messy. I think this whole episode is going to get very messy. Now get those clothes off. I want to see you the way you should always be. Naked. Waiting for us.”

  And suddenly the extra pounds didn’t matter. This was home. This was why her babies existed in the first place—because she loved these men and they loved her back. And they loved her for who she was, not what she weighed. Callie tossed her clothes off. She loved to be naked. It felt natural to her, and she’d gone through months of feeling like she was closing off whole chunks of her soul. This was right.

  She didn’t have to conform to anyone’s idea of motherhood any more than she’d followed society’s dictates when it came to love and marriage. She was Callie Hollister-Wright, and she lived in Bliss. She made her own rules.

  She breathed a little easier with each piece of clothing she shed as though she could remove her insecurities and toss them to the floor. Like her ugly briefs, she didn’t need them. Not when she was with her men.

  “God, baby, you’re so fucking gorgeous.” Zane kicked off his boots, his normal grace disappearing in his haste to get naked with her. He tossed his shirt away, revealing his gloriously cut chest. She loved to watch him work out. He struggled to get out of his jeans.

  Nate was no better. His hands were practically shaking as he pulled at them.

  How could she be worried when she had two beautiful men who couldn’t get out of their clothes fast enough?

  “On the bed, Callie. I don’t think this first time is going to be about play,” Nate instructed, pointing to the bedroom. The guesthouse boasted several rooms. The bedroom had a mirrored wall where she would be able to watch her men as they took her. Callie’s skin felt like it was on fire.

  Callie turned. A few minutes before, she would have been worried about how big her bottom was, but now she wiggled it a little as she walked toward the bedroom. Soon, very soon, one of her men would lube her up and tunnel his cock into her ass while the other rode her pussy.

  “Damn it, Cal. You’re killing me,” Zane complained. He rushed behind her and took her hand, dragging her along. He tossed his naked six-and-a-half-foot body on the bed and pulled her with him. She fell on top of his warm, muscular body, their arms and legs tangling. “Kiss me, baby. Kiss me like you mean it.”

  She did mean it, and the thought that either one of them could worry for a minute that she didn’t twisted her heart in knots. They hadn’t been talking. They could say “I love you” every day, but unless they really talked, really paid attention to each other, they could lose the intimacy she lived for.

  “I love you, Zane.” She said it slowly, savoring every word, looking deep into those emerald eyes and opening herself to him.

  His chest heaved, his hands sinking into her hair. A look of deep peace came over his face. “I love you, Callie. I love you so much.”

  She kissed him, eating at his lips, devouring everything about the man. His touch, his scent, the way his tongue rubbed against hers, a silent request to dance. She kissed him as his hands cupped her curves as though relearning every inch of her. When she finally came up for air, Nate was standing at the edge of the bed.

  “I love you, too, baby.” It was said quietly, as though he wasn’t quite sure what her response would be. Her heart ached. Was this how she’d made them feel for weeks?

  Callie got to her knees and placed her hands on Nate’s chest, feeling his every muscle and the strong, steady thrum of his heart. He’d given up so much for her. Even years later, she wondered if there wasn’t something out there that called to him. His ambition had burned so brightly.

  “Nate, are you happy here? I don’t mean with me. I know you love me. I’m so sorry for the last few months. I’ve been wrapped up in myself and the babies and I forgot to work on this. But I’m here now and I have to ask because I have to know. You’ve been here for a while. Are you happy in Bliss?”

  His lips curled in a secret little smile, his hands dragging her close. “I have no idea how I would live anywhere else, darlin’. The best damn decision I ever made was coming to this town, and no one is going to get me to leave. I meant what I said that day we decided to get married. This is my home. This is my life. I won’t ever leave it.”

  He leaned over and kissed her, passion flowing between them. Their home. Their life. So much shared. Even as she thought the words, Zane was behind her, his lips on her neck, his hands cupping her ass.

  “Spread your legs, baby,” Zane ordered. “Do you have any idea how long it’s been since I tasted this pussy?”

  Her insides quivered. It had been forever. She spread her knees and felt Zane sliding under her.

  “He’s complained about it a lot,” Nate admitted, winking down at her. “You’re his favorite meal. At one point in time he actually had a calendar entry.”

  “What?” Callie asked, her voice going breathy as Zane positioned himself. She could feel his hands on her thighs, spreading her wide.

  “I had the boys’ due date marked on my calendar at Trio and six weeks later, I wrote in, ‘Day I can eat Callie’s pussy again.’ And it’s way later. Way later. You’re the one who made me keep a calendar. I blame you.” Zane’s mouth hovered right under her pussy.

  “I meant that calendar to be for things like deliveries and important events,” Callie said, her mind struggling to maintain focus. His mouth was right there.

  “This is important. Way more important than anything else. So I think a little torture is due.” His tongue came up in a long, slow slide against her labia.

  Callie held on to Nate for dear life as Zane started to eat her pussy. He sucked on her lips, one after the other, and speared her with his tongue. She moaned, unable to keep the sound inside.

  “Does it feel good?” Nate asked, his mouth against her ear, warmth spreading through her whole body.

  “So good.” It was the sweetest feeling in the world, to know her man loved how she tasted, that he wanted her essence on his lips and his tongue.

  “You smell good.” Nate’s fingers trailed down her body, tracing a line from her collarbone all the way down as he breathed her in. “God, I love how you smell when you’re just getting ready to come. Give me a little taste, Zane.”

  Nate’s finger slid around her clit, pressing down on the little button before he brought it up to his lips and sucked it inside. “So fucking good.”

  Zane suckled her clit, and the pressure started to build. Nate took her mouth again, this time sharing her own tangy essence with her. He held her tight as his tongue plunged in while Zane fucked her pussy with his tongue and his fingers.

  “Come for us, darlin’. It’s our life’s mission to make you come.” Nate looked down at her eyes as the pleasure took her. She didn’t close them. She shared every moment of her orgasm with her husband, loving how hot his eyes got, how his hands tightened and his big cock twitched.

  She shook in his arms, the orgasm lighting her up and making her feel more alive than she had in months. She’d avoided this because she was worried about a few pounds? Never again. They needed this.

  Zane kissed her pussy one last time. “Thanks, baby. I needed that.”

  He slid from between her legs.

  “We all need this.” Na
te’s tongue surged in and rubbed against hers. His cock was hard against her belly. Zane’s pressed at the seam of her ass as he got to his knees behind her and kissed her neck. She was soft and wet and wanted nothing more than to welcome her men inside.

  Nate pulled her down on top of him, his hand reaching for a condom. “No more babies. Not for a little while.”

  She could wait a while. She wanted time with these babies and time with her husbands, but one day she would have more. She would have a big family, more brothers and sisters for Charlie and Zander, more babies to share Bliss with. She took the condom from his hand and helped to roll it on, loving the feeling of his hard cock in her hands.

  “Ride me, darlin’.” Nate’s hands found her hips, and he settled her over his cock, pumping up to get inside her. She lowered herself on his shaft, letting gravity work her down inch by delicious inch. He filled her. She was tight, but so ready for him. She teased her way down, enjoying the desperate look in Nate’s eyes.

  Zane’s hand found her back and pressed her forward. “Give me some room to work, Cal. I can’t wait to get inside you.”

  “Hurry, buddy, because she’s so fucking tight, I don’t know how long I’ll last.” Nate’s hands came up, pulling the cheeks of her ass apart. Callie rubbed her chest against his, wiggling on his cock. She couldn’t get enough of this.

  She gasped a little when she felt the lube hit her asshole.

  “God, I love that sound,” Zane said on a groan. His big fingers started to work the lube in, massaging her and opening her up. “It’s been too fucking long.”

  He pressed one and then two fingers in, making Callie squirm. Nate held her firmly.

  “It’s been so long our little woman here has forgotten how to behave in the bedroom.” Nate’s seriously blue eyes stared up at her. “No moving. Not until we tell you to. Who do you belong to?”

  “You. You and Zane.” In the bedroom, she was their sweet little sex toy. She was a partner in everything outside the bedroom, but here she was obedient and happy to be so.