Page 32 of Desperate Measures

  “Hello, this is Tiffany. I, um, lost my key. Can you let me in?”

  “I don’t recognize you. Use the combination pad there,” came the cranky voice.

  “I forgot the code.”

  “Sorry,” said the voice. A click told them they had been disconnected.

  They tried five more numbers before they hit the jackpot. The sound of an old man’s voice came over the speaker.

  “Who’s there?!” he shouted.

  “Hard of hearing,” whispered Elizabeth.

  “It’s Tiffany! Can you let me in? I forgot my key!”

  There were a few seconds of silence before they heard a response. This time it was an old woman’s voice. “Who is it, Herbert?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I think it’s that teenager from down the hall again.”

  “Just let her in, already. It’s time for your medication.”

  The buzz sounded and Elizabeth leapt forward, grabbing the handle of the door and pulling it hard before the buzzing stopped. “Got it!”

  Kiki ran over to join her in the lobby, buttoning up her blouse as she went.

  “Now what?” asked Elizabeth, pressing the button for the elevator.

  “We start at the top and work our way down.”

  “Won’t we need a key or a card or something to get to the upper levels?”

  “Hopefully since this is one of the older buildings, there’ll be more than one condo per floor.” Kiki and Elizabeth stepped into the elevator. “We’ll start with number fourteen.”

  The door opened onto the floor and they stepped out, looking right and left. “Four doors,” said Elizabeth.

  “Plus that one going to the stairs. Keep it in mind, just in case.”

  Elizabeth looked at her with fear in her eyes. “Just in case what?” she whispered.

  “Just in case we have to get the hell outta here, fast.”

  Kiki walked up to the first door and knocked, putting her finger over the peephole.

  “Who’s there?” asked a woman.

  “We’re looking for Jack Parsons. Is he home?”

  “There’s no Jack Parsons here.”

  “Oh, sorry. Wrong door.”

  They tried the other three and either got no answer or the same one - no Jack here.

  “What if he’s there but he’s not answering?” asked Elizabeth as they took the stairs down to the twelfth floor. There was no thirteenth floor in this building. Kiki rolled her eyes at the superstitious nonsense.

  They came into the foyer area of the floor and stood still for a moment. Elizabeth opened her mouth to say something, but Kiki stopped her with a raised finger, mouthing the word, ‘Wait.’

  Elizabeth looked at Kiki curiously but said nothing.

  Kiki cocked her ear to the side. She could have sworn she heard a noise like furniture being knocked over. She knew when Elizabeth heard it too, because she jumped at the next sound. It sounded like a woman’s muffled scream.

  “That one!” whisper-yelled Elizabeth, pointing to the door on their right. She whipped out her phone and started furiously pushing buttons.

  “What are you doing?” whispered Kiki.

  “Texting Joe on Aimee’s phone. I’m telling him where we are. Hopefully he’ll send the cavalry.”

  “I don’t want to wait for them. She could be dead before they get here!”

  Elizabeth’s fingers froze. “Are you serious?”

  “Of course I’m serious! This guy is nuts! He kidnapped her!”

  “Okay, you’re right. But how are we going to get in there?” She finished her text and put her phone in her back pocket.

  Kiki reached in her bag and pulled out her gun.

  Elizabeth’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. “Kiki! You were not supposed to bring weapons! We agreed!”

  “Well, I’m glad I lied. Now, come on.” She walked over to the door and put her ear up to it. The sounds of screaming and scuffles had ceased. She knocked, once again covering the peephole with her finger.

  Elizabeth stood on the other side of the door, ready to push it open if they got the opportunity.

  No one answered.

  Kiki knocked again and said, “Hello? Is anyone home? This is maintenance. We’re going to use our key to come in if you’re not home. We’re permitted to do this under section eighteen point four of the condo owners’ documents.”

  Elizabeth looked at Kiki with her WTF expression, her hands thrown up in confusion.

  Kiki put her finger over her lips, motioning Elizabeth to be quiet. She knocked one more time with the butt of the gun. “Maintenance. We’re coming in!” She played with the handle a little, trying to make it sound like she had a key.

  “Hey! Who’s there?” came an angry male voice from within, just on the other side of the door.

  Elizabeth grabbed Kiki’s arm in a death grip, her face going white.

  Kiki slapped her hands away. “Sorry to bother you, sir, but we’re with maintenance. We’re having a problem with … a water issue, and we need to get into your place for just a few minutes. We’ll be out of your hair real quick.”

  At first there was no response, then, “I’m not having any issues with my water. Send someone tomorrow.”

  “I’m sorry, sir, but we have to come in now. Like I said, this is an emergency that involves the common area space between the units. Under section eighteen point one we have the right to enter.”

  “I thought you said it was eighteen point four.”

  Elizabeth put her hand to her heart and looked like she was having a heart attack.

  “Actually, sir, it’s both. One covers general issues and the other, specifically water.”

  “Just give me a minute,” he said.

  Elizabeth leaned in so she was up against Kiki’s ear and whispered, “Where in the hell are you getting this stuff? He’s not going to open the door!”

  “Shush!” said Kiki, quietly. “He is too!”

  A second later they heard his footsteps near the door. “Are you covering the peephole?”

  “No sir. There appears to be a film over it, though. We can write a maintenance ticket out to have that cleaned for you tomorrow during regular work hours.”

  Kiki heard some grumbling and then the lock sliding back. She looked at Elizabeth and whispered, “It’s go time.”

  Chapter 39

  ELIZABETH DIDN’T HAVE TIME TO think. She just acted. As soon as the seal on the door was broken and it started to open, she rammed it with her shoulder, putting everything she had into it.

  Jack, not expecting her WWF techniques, fell backwards, propelled into the wall behind him.

  “Aimee!” screamed Kiki, the gun held out in front of her, pointed at Jack and shaking like crazy. “Go find her, Elizabeth! I’ll keep him here!”

  “The hell you will!” he yelled, struggling to get to his feet, murder in his eyes.

  Elizabeth grabbed a crystal vase off the front table and threw it at him, managing to hit him in the chest.

  A muffled, ‘Oooph’ escaped his mouth before he went down a second time, thrown off balance by the attack.

  Elizabeth ran into the main room. “Aimee!” she yelled. There was no response.

  “Find her!” yelled Kiki.

  Elizabeth didn’t have to be told again. She ran into the bedroom on the left side of the living room, flinging the door open and scanning the room as quickly as she could. There was no sign of Aimee anywhere, or any clues that she had been in the room.

  She ran back into the main area of the condo, a quick glance toward the front door telling her that Jack was back on his feet and Kiki had moved to put more space between them, coming a little into the living room space herself. Elizabeth wasted no more time worrying about that problem, and went into the second bedroom.

  The first thing she noticed was the bed. It looked like a serious wrestling match had just occurred on it. “Aimee!” she yelled. There was still no answer.

  Her heart was in her throat. She knew Aime
e had to be here somewhere. She noticed a door on the far side of the room, closed up tight, but with a faint light framing the bottom where there was a space between the door and the floor.

  Elizabeth raced over and pulled the door open. On the floor of the walk-in closet lay her friend, her dress up around her waist and her face beaten to a pulp.

  Elizabeth got down on the floor with her, crawling over carefully, trying not to bump her. “Aimee, sweetie. Are you okay?” She started to cry, overwhelmed by the idea that Aimee was dead at the hands of her ex-husband, and that she herself might have had a hand in enraging him with the work she had done on his books. The sobs came out unbidden. “Oh, Aimee, I’m so sorry, honey, I’m so sorry!”

  She reached over and put her fingers on Aimee’s neck. She had no idea really where to feel for a pulse, but couldn’t think of anything else to do.

  Aimee’s body was still warm. That’s a good sign, right? How long does it take for someone to lose body heat after they … She couldn’t even get the thought out in her head.

  Aimee’s neck provided no pulse that Elizabeth could sense. She grabbed for her friend’s wrist, hoping she’d have better luck there. Near Aimee’s thumb, she thought she felt something. She shook Aimee’s hand, strongly, suddenly energized by the idea that she might still be alive. “Aimee! Wake up! Aimee!”

  Elizabeth continued to cry, but moved so she was in a better position to touch her friend. “Aimee, it’s Elizabeth. I’m afraid to move you because you look pretty beat up. But I need to know if you’re okay. Please answer me!” There was no response.

  Elizabeth jumped up and ran out of the closet and the bedroom. They had to get Aimee to the hospital. She came out into the living room and started speaking immediately, before her brain had a chance to compute what her eyes were seeing. “She’s hurt bad! I don’t even know if she’s alive. We have to get her to the …”

  “Sit down and shut the fuck up,” said Jack, holding Kiki’s gun. “That stupid bitch isn’t dead. Not yet, anyway.”

  Kiki shrugged her shoulders at Elizabeth’s look of confusion. “He got it away from me. I let him get too close.”

  “I told you not to bring that damn thing,” admonished Elizabeth.

  Kiki smiled sadly. “You just cussed.”

  “Shut the hell up, you stupid whore. We’re getting ready to take a trip.”

  “Don’t call me a whore, you cheating, lying piece of shit.”

  “Kiki,” begged Elizabeth, “Please don’t piss him off!”

  “What did you just call me?” he said menacingly, moving closer to her.

  “I called you a cheating, lying, piece of …” Kiki didn’t move in time to save herself from the strong backhand that came so quickly, Elizabeth hadn’t even expected it. Kiki’s head snapped back, and her hair flew over to cover her face. Kiki’s hand came up slowly to move her hair out of her eyes as she brought her head back to its former position.

  Elizabeth could see a dark red mark just below her friend’s eye. She cringed inside at the obvious pain Kiki was in and would be in for the next few days with that injury - if she lived that long. Elizabeth decided she had to distract him from Kiki, otherwise Kiki’s mouth was going to get her shot.

  “Jack, Aimee’s in bad shape. Why don’t you let us take her to the hospital?”

  “Why would I do that?” he laughed. “I hope the bitch dies. I plan on helping her on her way in a minute, once I take care of you two.”

  “You’d murder three women in cold blood? For what?” spat Kiki. “A piece of ass?”

  “That piece of ass you’re referring to is carrying my child. Something that worthless piece of garbage in there could never do.” He waved the gun in the direction of the room where Aimee lay near death.

  Kiki opened her mouth to speak, but Elizabeth silenced her by talking louder. “Aimee feels really bad about that, Jack. She wanted to give you a child. She told me that, several times. Why don’t we sit down and talk about it? We can pop some popcorn or something.”

  Kiki’s eyes perked up.

  “Popcorn? What the fuck is your problem? You think I want to sit around with you cunts and chat about the fucking weather? Just shut the hell up and sit down.”

  Elizabeth stared at Kiki, hoping and praying she’d gotten her signal. They had one chance to make this happen, and if Kiki didn’t get it, one or both of them were going to die here tonight.

  Elizabeth started walking in the opposite direction of where Jack had motioned for her to go, saying with false cheer, “I’m just going to go check and see if you have any popcorn, first.”

  “What the …?” he started saying, turning to follow her progress, the hand with the gun going in the same direction.

  Elizabeth watched Kiki jump up out of the corner of her eye, and grab Jack’s gun arm, managing to get him pointing it down at the floor.

  Elizabeth sprang into action, jumping on Jack’s back, putting him in a choke hold from behind.

  He spun around and jerked his body back and forth, trying to shake her off. She held on for dear life, keeping visions of Aimee’s limp and unresponsive body in the forefront of her mind. If she let go, Jack was going to kill them all, and everything she’d grown to love about these two other women would be snuffed out, just like that. She leaned in and bit his ear, clamping down as hard as she possibly could. His blood filled her mouth, but she didn’t let go.

  His screams rent the air.

  Meanwhile, Kiki had turned so her back was to Jack’s chest, while both of her hands held his forearm in a death grip. She was doing everything she could to keep that gun pointed away from anyone.

  A shot rang out as his finger pulled the trigger. Kiki screamed, and Elizabeth heard a ringing in her ears that she was afraid would be permanent. Then the earth felt like it was tilting. The three-body tangle was going down, and she was going to be the cushion for the full force of it.

  Most of her breath was knocked out when they landed. She’d managed to move herself to the side a bit so it was her ribs that took a lot of the jolt and not her spine. Her teeth lost their hold on Jack’s ear, so she spat the blood that was in her mouth into his hair.

  “Let go of the gun, mother … fucker,” grunted out Kiki, now sitting on top of him.

  Jack continued to struggle but was seriously hampered by the monkey on his back.

  “Aimee!” said Kiki, astonishment in her voice.

  Elizabeth ceased her struggling and looked up to see what appeared to be a walking car accident victim stumbling toward them. Her dress was ripped to reveal one of her breasts. It was purple with bruises, as was her chest.

  “He … he …,” she sobbed, unable to get the words out.

  The gun went off again, and she jumped, screaming pitifully and then crying again. Her face started to change, going from desperate to angry in seconds. “He raped me,” she shriek-whispered, her voice sounding raw and brutalized. She walked in slow motion over to where the three of them were still struggling, Jack now with renewed energy.

  Aimee bent down and grabbed the gun, twisting and turning it, trying to free it from his grasp. “Give that to me, you bastard,” she growled.

  “Aimee, watch out! Don’t get shot!” yelled Elizabeth, nearly hysterical with worry over her friend. None of this was going to end well. None of it. He was going to shoot her, or she was going to shoot him and then she’d go to jail for murder. Her beautiful, sweet, cookie-baking friend was going to be in prison.

  Aimee finally worked the gun from his grasp and stepped back with it in her hands. “Get away, girls. I have to shoot him now, and I don’t want to hit you by mistake.”

  “Aimee, no!” shouted Kiki. “He’s a prick and an idiot. He is not worth your life. Now put that down!”

  “No!” she shrieked.

  “Aimee, please,” begged Elizabeth. “We love you, sweetie. Please don’t do this to yourself. Don’t do this to us. What about Desperate Measures?”

  Aimee looked up, a flash of recognit
ion moving across her face. “Desperate Measures?”

  “Yes! Desperate Measures. It’s our dream! Don’t walk away from the dream!” encouraged Kiki.

  “Desperate!” laughed Jack. “I’d say you cunts are desperate. You look ridiculous and you sound worse.”

  Aimee’s eyes hardened. “I really wish you hadn’t said that, Jack.” She lifted the gun and pointed it at his chest.

  “Aimee! Aimee Haggenbloom! Put that gun away!” yelled Elizabeth.

  Aimee looked at her in confusion. “How did you … know my maiden name?”

  “From your files. Now stop being a fool and put that damn thing away before I come over there and slap you,” yelled Elizabeth, now feeling like she was the one who was losing it.

  “Did you just swear at me?” Aimee asked.

  “Yes, she did!” said Kiki. “Look what you’ve done, Aimee! You’ve made her swear. Now put that down and help me up.”

  Just then a banging on the door echoed into the space. “Open up! Orlando Police Department! This is a knock and announce!”

  “Break it open!” yelled Kiki. “We’re in here!”

  The door flew open, the frame splintering into several pieces and flying to the floor. Several uniformed and flak-jacketed officers entered with guns drawn.

  Aimee threw her hands up, tears streaming down her face.

  “Ma’am, put the gun down!” yelled a guy from behind a clear mask.

  “I … I …,” stuttered Aimee.

  Elizabeth could see her friend was in total meltdown mode. “She’s in shock! She was attacked and kidnapped. Don’t you dare shoot her!”

  Just then Joe’s face appeared from the middle of the crowd at the door. “Aimee!” he shouted, pushing past the others. “Hold your fire. Do you hear me?! Hold your fire!”

  He took four long strides into the room until he was standing just inches away from Aimee.

  “Babe. I need that gun, okay?”

  Aimee nodded her head, two more tears coursing down her cheeks to drop onto her battered chest.

  Joe reached up and gently took the gun from her hand, gesturing to the officers behind him to come in.

  Kiki untangled herself from Jack, giving him a quick, hard punch to the crotch before she stood. “That’s for Aimee, asshole.”