Page 20 of Wraith

  I wondered how he’d react if he knew how many truths I was concealing. ‘Well,’ I said, ‘if you get the urge to spill all again, give me a sign first so I can take over.’

  ‘It won’t happen again. I understand what’s at stake, Saiya, more than you know. Although we can be grateful for one thing.’

  ‘What’s that?’ I asked, focusing on a particularly stubborn patch of dried gunk on my thigh.

  ‘The wraith has been captured. That’s one less enemy to worry about.’

  I didn’t stop scrubbing. I was glad I was facing away from him. ‘How are we going to get out of here without the goblins noticing us?’

  There was a smile in his voice. ‘Before I came here, James made me have a plan prepared and ready so I could escape from the city with Rymark in tow. It involves some unusual Dark Elf jiggery-pokery but we can use it to escape from the castle. Trust me. It’ll be fine.’

  Had I any choice in the matter? I quickly rinsed off and scooted out from underneath the water. Gabriel was already thrusting a towel towards me; he was also naked. I had no idea how he’d managed that while pumping away at the water. I tried hard not to gawk at the expanse of smooth, nut-brown skin on display and swapped places with him. Averting my eyes, I fiddled with the pump then asked, ‘Ready?’

  ‘I am.’

  With steady, regular movements, I pushed down and pulled up, surprised at how smooth the machinery was. Gabriel didn’t appear quite as ecstatic about the shower as I’d been, but he probably had a scalding hot version of his own every single day. And I bet that didn’t involve a hand pump and a dozen servants.

  ‘We have to find Angela’s little box of tricks,’ he said, using a squirt of shampoo to wash his hair. ‘With luck, it’ll lead us to the Stone.’ He paused. ‘You’ve still not told me where her box is.’

  No, I hadn’t. I probably should; if something happened to me, it made sense that Gabriel also knew its location. Whatever his motivation, there had been nothing to suggest we weren’t on the same side – the side of finding the Stone of Scone and keeping it as far away from the goblins as possible.

  ‘Your hesitation says it all, Saiya,’ Gabriel continued. His tone vibrated with anger. ‘You don’t trust me.’ He turned in my direction. ‘Look at me.’

  Reluctantly I lifted my eyes to his, avoiding gawping at his body. Darkness glittered back at me. ‘You will learn to trust me,’ he promised. ‘In everything. And the next time you moan like you did under that shower it will be because of my touch and my touch alone.’

  My tongue cleaved to the roof of my mouth, his husky vow robbing me of my voice. No one had ever spoken to me like that before. Whether I was more astonished or more turned on was anyone’s guess.

  Gabriel’s mouth curved into a crooked smile. ‘There’s not much water left and it’s getting bloody cold. We’ll leave at midnight and take things from there. Assuming Rymark and Angela get to Holyrood and speak to James, then time is running out for us.’ He began to soap his torso. Eyes, Saiya; look him in the eyes. ‘I don’t know you well yet and I don’t know what you’re thinking or what you’re capable of but I’m pretty certain you’re not someone who likes to fail. Neither do I. We’ll do this, Saiya. We’ll do it together. And then…’ His voice trailed off.

  And then I’ll run away screaming. The thought popped into my head before I could stop it. I smiled back. ‘Let’s focus on the Stone for now.’ I switched hands, my right one sore from working the pump for so long.

  Gabriel shook himself, wiping away the last of the soap suds, and stepped out unselfconsciously. While he reached for a towel, I muttered something about feeling cold and left him to it so I could get dressed. The image of his naked body was seared into my mind and I needed space to shake it away, but that was easier said than done. With my own clothes ruined, yet again I was forced to wear something of Gabriel’s. His scent lingered around me in a permanent cloud.

  There were worse things.

  Chapter Sixteen

  ‘I thought I might go for a wander round the castle,’ I said, as casually as possible. It was hard work maintaining a conversation when we were probably being eavesdropped upon. ‘We still have a couple of hours before dinner and I’d like a look round. I might not get another chance.’

  Gabriel’s brows snapped together. ‘But you worked here as a chef. You must know the castle inside out.’

  Darn it; I’d forgotten that. I couldn’t tell him the truth even if I wanted to, not without the sound of running water to mask our conversation. ‘Well,’ I demurred, ‘I spent most of my time in the kitchen. And I hadn’t worked here for long when I, uh, ran into you.’

  A muscle throbbed in his cheek. ‘Who was it who broke your fingers, Saiya? Was it Ghrashbreg?’

  I sighed. Two snapped pinkies seemed of little consequence considering what else was going on. Truthfully, I’d forgotten all about them. ‘It doesn’t matter now.’

  His eyes darkened. ‘Yes, it does. It might be easy to forget about after the recent traumas you’ve experienced. You were abducted by a wraith. You almost had an entire building collapse on top of you. There was a Death Worm. And…’ he glanced round, remembering that we might be overheard, ‘lots of other things.’

  ‘Just leave it,’ I said tiredly. ‘It really isn’t a big deal any more.’

  Gabriel folded his arms. ‘I seem to recall,’ he said, ‘that some time in the not-too-recent past I made it clear that I wasn’t going to let you out of my sight ever again. That holds true. If you’re going for a wander then I’m coming with you.’

  ‘No problem.’

  He looked surprised, as if he’d been expecting me to argue. He was right about one thing: he really didn’t know me very well. I offered a meek smile and his expression relaxed. Poor Gabriel, I thought, telling myself it was pity and not guilt that I was feeling.

  ‘Before we go, tell me something.’

  I raised my eyebrows. ‘Yes?’

  ‘What’s your favourite colour?’


  Gabriel smiled. ‘Like the sky.’

  Yeah. So? ‘What’s yours?’

  His eyes dropped to my lips. ‘Dusky pink,’ he murmured. He grinned at my expression. ‘Okay. I really like yellow the most. Like sunlight. What’s your favourite type of music?’

  It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him I’d not heard proper music for months but that wasn’t what was going on here. I gazed at him, vaguely exasperated. ‘R&B, I guess. You?’


  I managed not to roll my eyes.

  Gabriel smirked. ‘I have a penchant for Rihanna as well.’

  I scoffed and moved for the door. He caught my hand and pulled me back. He scanned my face, suddenly looking serious. ‘I know you’re holding a great deal back from me, Saiya, and I know you don’t really trust me. Colours and music don’t mean that I know you well as a person. I don’t need to know those kinds of things to feel the connection we have between us and how deep it runs.’ He took my hand and placed it against his heart. ‘Our hearts beat in unison now. I’m not being cheesy – it’s actually true.’

  He let out a short laugh but the look in his eyes intensified and his pupils darkened until they were almost black. ‘I’d been prepared for the physical sensations my Fior Ghal would inspire but I hadn’t expected the emotional sensations to be so extreme as well. We might have met under traumatic circumstances and you might despise me for not acting sooner to help Stirling but I promise you one thing: I will spend the rest of my life proving that I’m worthy of you. Whatever it takes.’

  My mouth was dry. Underneath my fingers, I felt the steady thrum of his heartbeat. He was right, it did mirror my own, but that did nothing to make me feel better. I tried to remember how he’d treated my shadow form. I tried to remember that I hated being touched and that I was really nothing more to him than a vessel for his child. In the end all I could do was pull away and ignore the brief flash of disappointment in his face.

  ‘Let’s go,’ I muttered. ‘It will take us a while to walk round.’ I didn’t look at him again, I simply walked out of the room.

  But when I heard his footsteps following me, I did relax. Infinitesimally, anyway.


  I wasn’t ambling carelessly around Stirling Castle because I could; I had a definite destination. Ghrashbreg had stated that the wraith was being held in the dungeons. He wouldn’t have very long left. By my estimate, his shadow must have been separate from his real body for at least twelve hours; much longer and he’d pass the point where he’d have the energy to slip unnoticed out of the city. The Gneiss goblins could be holding his physical form and they might destroy him for his failure to kill Ange. I couldn’t let him give up on escape. If there was a way to help him, I would find it.

  I took a circuitous route because the last thing I wanted Gabriel to know was my destination. As he caught me up, I paused at a portrait of an extraordinarily ugly looking goblin and pretended to be interested in the brush strokes. Then I headed outside. I stopped in the inner courtyard and glanced around, as if not sure where to go next.

  ‘There’s a pretty garden over to the east,’ Gabriel murmured.

  I didn’t want to go there, I wanted to go in the opposite direction. I’d never been inside the building where the castle dungeons were located but I knew where it was. I tilted my head towards Gabriel and managed a smile. ‘That sounds good although…’


  I shrugged and looked abashed. ‘I’d quite like to see the sunset from up here. Any time I’ve been here before, I’ve been working in the kitchens at this hour and not had the chance to see it. Considering the views you can get up here, it must be something.’

  His expression softened. ‘You’re more of a romantic than I realised.’

  No, I thought sadly; I’m just better at lying than you realise. It occurred to me that I really wanted to tell him the truth but I knew it would cause more complications than I could deal with right now. Instead I smiled and he returned it with a dazzling glimmer of white teeth that made my heart lurch. Then he turned towards the left and the western side of the castle where we could enjoy the sunset together – and where I would have easy access to the dungeons.

  We passed numerous goblins. At one point, I spotted Boxburn, the Filit to whom I'd promised some nettle soup. He glanced in my direction and for a moment it seemed as if he were coming over and speak to me but his eyes drifted to Gabriel and he swallowed, before quickly turning on his heel and heading in the opposite direction. Interesting.

  Although my motive for heading to the western wall was sneaky, I couldn’t help being impressed by the view when we got there. From the edge of the sandstone parapet, rolling hills with a faint covering of evening fog stretched out as far as the eye could see. Majestic trees dotted the landscape, their verdant green visible even from this distance.

  If I glanced to my right, I could see Stirling city stretching down towards the muddy brown river. Unsurprisingly, there were few people on the streets; with night approaching, anyone sensible who didn’t possess the protection of wealth like the Markburys was already hiding inside their cold homes. My fellow citizens were probably staring at their empty cupboards and wondering where they would find enough food to feed their starving families. Even those who’d just received their weekly rations would know they had very little to stretch out until the next handouts. I sighed. Maybe this time next week things would be different.

  If I looked away from the city; to the right I could see the Gneiss encampment. To my untrained eye, there were thousands of them. They’d been there for three long years but this was the first time I realised just how many of them there were. It was a miracle that they hadn't already gained access to Stirling and usurped the Filit goblins.

  There was a steady stream of vehicles heading into the encampment rather than away from it. No doubt they were shoring up their reinforcements to prepare for what would happen when Ghrashbreg and the others found the Stone of Scone. Nothing would happen if I found it first.

  ‘It’s quite something, isn’t it?’ Gabriel murmured. ‘Remarkably beautiful. You’d think this city alone would be worth fighting for.’

  You’d think it would be – but apparently it was not until kingship of the entire country was at stake. Power trumped everything these days. ‘Yeah.’ I ran a hand over my head and sighed.

  The sun was lowering, its brightness diminishing; streaks of pink and red and violet skated across the sky. We were late and I had to hustle. I coughed and then looked at Gabriel. ‘Erm,’ I said, awkwardly, ‘I actually really need to…’ Pee? Powder my nose? Take a whizz? What sort of vocabulary did one use around an Envoy like him?

  Fortunately, he seemed to understand without my having to spell it out. He frowned and looked at a doorway in one of the smaller buildings. ‘There might be appropriate facilities in there,’ he said.

  I looked over. No one had come in or out of that doorway since we’d arrived. It would have to do. ‘I won’t be long,’ I said. Without meeting his eyes, I scuttled off, wrenching open the oak door and making sure to close it behind me. There was a small open window; it was more than big enough for my shadow to slip through.

  Sprinting down the stone-flagged corridor, I spotted another door. Inside was a large room with an open fireplace and various sticks of furniture. The ornate chairs and carved wooden table were not much help to me but the large armoire in the corner was perfect and I darted over to it. It contained nothing more than a few loose leaves of yellowing paper and some old books. I squeezed inside and pulled the armoire door closed so that I was hidden if anyone entered the room. It wasn’t perfect but it would do at a pinch.

  Heaving in a deep breath and absorbing the musty air into my lungs, I separated my shadow from my body. My consciousness moved into wraith mode. Sliding out from the small gap in the armoire door, I retraced my steps. This time I flitted against the wall and moved much faster than I’d been able to do with my corporeal form.

  When I reached the open window, I sprang up and peeked out. Gabriel's back was turned towards me, his hands resting against the stone parapet as he watched the sun continue its slow descent. I probably had less than five minutes before he started to get suspicious and came looking for me. It wasn’t enough, but beggars couldn't be choosers. Not this beggar anyway.

  Condensing my shadow shape, I pushed out of the window and hastily skittered across the small open courtyard towards the door that led down rather than up. As soon as I was inside I picked up more speed, using every ounce of energy I had to get down to the dungeon quickly. I curved round and round a spiral staircase, ignoring the flickering torches that illuminated the descent. It went against every instinct I possessed but, now that I’d made the decision to do this, I didn’t have much choice.

  When I reached the bottom of the staircase I knew I was in luck: there was only one guard posted in front of the main dungeon door. The door’s iron bars attested to both its purpose and the bone-chilling details of what lay beyond. Ordinarily the goblins preferred to keep their prisoners in the Tolbooth, both for safety's sake and convenience. The layout of this building suggested that the dungeons here were too small to house every poor being who fell foul of their quixotic laws.

  The Filit guard had broad shoulders and scarred skin and he was probably fearless in carrying out his duties – but he had to see me to stop me. It was far easier to slide past one powerhouse than to sidle past several pairs of eyes belonging to weaker goblins.

  I stood motionless until the guard blinked. With impeccable timing, I threw myself up to the ceiling, using the shadows there to hide, then I scampered along like a gigantic spider. When I passed above the guard’s head he didn't even flinch. After that it was easy to squeeze my shadow through the iron bars towards the cells.

  There were only six of them and they were in an even worse condition than the Tolbooth was before the Gneiss goblins blasted it to smithereens. Slime dripped fr
om the walls and the damp air would have made even the healthiest set of lungs cough. I peered into the first cell, my gaze sweeping its corners before I moved on to the second one. Bingo.

  It was clear that the Filits were taking no chances. There wasn't one ring of salt around my new wraith buddy, there were three concentric circles trapping him inside. That was my fault; by escaping from Gabriel's magical web, I'd made the goblins paranoid.

  They hadn't left the wraith much wiggle room; he was standing bolt upright with only about three inches of air encircling his shadow. If I had been inside the circle, I would have been like him – unable to do a single thing to free myself. But magical wards like this one were difficult beasts to manage. The magic was contained within the circle, not outside it, and that meant that even in my shadow form I could break it. After all, I was currently outside the danger zone rather than inside it.

  Unwilling to waste any more time I kicked out, sending salt flying in all directions. The wraith jerked, suddenly aware of my presence. I scuffed the floor again, this time disturbing enough of the salt to break all three circles. It was the best I could do. Regardless of the wraith’s employers, or what he'd been sent here to do, I had no quarrel with him. He had sacrificed himself so that Ange and I could get away; the least I could do was to give him a fighting chance of escape. Whatever awaited him when he returned to his physical form with the Gneiss goblins was his problem but I would have paid my debt.

  For a moment the wraith seemed to look at me, his shadow entirely motionless. Then he raised his hand in acknowledgement and leapt past me. A breath later he was gone. I spun round, ready to follow him out of the small dungeon when something caught my eye in one of the other cells. I paused. I had to get back to Gabriel but something was tugging me towards that cell. I edged down to get a better look. I wished I hadn't.