When I rejoined Marjory, we went up the high road and then turned offby a by-way which took us round innumerable slopes and mounds, socharacteristic of this part of Aberdeen. The entire county, seen fromhigh places, looks bare and open; but it has its hills and hollows inendless variety. From the cross road we turned up another and stillanother, till I lost my bearings entirely.

  The part of the country where we now were was a sort of desolation ofcultivation; endless low hills clad with fields of wheat and barley withnever a house to be seen, except some far off cottage or the homesteadof a laird perched on the top of a hill. At last we entered through anopen gateway with broken pillars, still bearing the remains of somearmorial device in statuary. There was an avenue, fringed with talltrees on either side, and beyond a broad belt of undergrowth. The avenuewound round and round in an endless series of curves. From the gatewhere we entered was a thick, close wood nearly a quarter of a mile inwidth. Here the trees stood so close, and their locking branches madesuch a screen, that it was quite gloomy within. Here too the road wasmade in perpetual curves, so that it was not possible to see far ahead.Indeed I remarked to Marjory as we rode along:

  "No wonder you chose this as a place to hide in; it looks as if it wasmade for concealment. It is a regular Rosamund's Bower!"

  When we had passed through the wood, we came out on a great piece oflevel ground with a wide mound some twenty feet high, in the midst ofit. On this was built of granite, a crenelated castle. It was not veryhigh, but extended wide in a square, with a low arched doorway in frontof us through which it might be possible to drive with care. The doorwaywas closed by two gates; first a massive network of interlocking steelbars of seemingly foreign workmanship, and secondly great gates of oakfortified with steel bands and massive bosses of hammered iron. Beforegoing in, Marjory took me right round the castle and I saw that it wasthe same on all four sides. It was built by the points of the compass;but there was no gateway except on one side. The ordinary way ofentering was by a more modern door on the south side. From inside thecastle it was not possible to see anywhere beyond the wood. Even fromthe stone roof, made for defence, where Marjory took me, it was onlypossible to get a glimpse through the tree tops here and there ofround-topped hills yellow with ripening grain or crowned with groves ofscanty wind-swept pine trees. Altogether it was as gloomy a place as Ihad ever seen. It was cut off altogether from the outer world; one mightremain in it for a life-time unknown.

  Inside it was, if possible, more gloomy. Small rooms almost everywhere,except the great hall, and one room at the top facing the south sidewhich lay just under the roof and which was lined with old oak. Herethere were quite a number of windows such as Marjory had described, allof them, though wide on the inner side, narrowed to mere slits on theouter. In castles and houses built, like this, for defence, it didnot do to allow opportunities to an attacking force to send missileswithin.

  Mrs. Jack and Marjory had made this their living room, and here were allthe pretty treasures and knick-knacks which they had gathered on theirtravels. The old lady welcomed me warmly. Then Marjory took her asideand told her something in whispers. I could guess what it was; but anydoubts I might have had were dispelled when she came over and kissed meand said:

  "Indeed, I congratulate you with all my heart. You have won the best,and sweetest, and dearest girl that ever drew breath. I have been withher all my life; and I have not found a flaw in her yet. And I am gladthat it is you whom she has chosen. Somehow, I wished it from the firstmoment I saw you. That you may both be happy, I pray the good Lord God!And I know you will; for you are true, and Marjory has a heart of gold."

  "A heart of gold!" Her words had given me more than pleasure; but thelast phrase pulled my joy up short. A cold shiver ran through me. Agolden man had been a part of the prophecy of the Mystery of the Sea;and only a little while ago Gormala had in her vision seen Marjorystruggling in the tide-race with a shroud in the air.

  I think Marjory felt something of the same kind, for she looked at meanxiously and grew a little pale. She said nothing, however, and Ithought it better to pass the matter by. Although Marjory had heard theexpression of the Witch-woman's vision, and though I had told her ofmy first experience of the old rhyming prophecy, the former was at atime when neither I myself nor the whole mystery was of any specialimportance to her. She might not have remembered it; I trusted that thiswas so.

  However, we could not either of us be sad for long to-day. Our joy wastoo fresh to be dimmed by any thought of gloom, except momentarily as amirror is by a passing breath.

  Tea in the old oak room was a delight, with the afternoon sun comingin slantwise through the narrow windows and falling in lines of lightacross the floor. Marjory made the tea and served me; and each time Itook anything from her hand our fingers met, she no more than myselfavoiding the touch. Then, leaving the old lady upstairs, she took methrough the various rooms; and in her pretty, impulsive way she told meall the romances which she had already woven about them in her brain.She came and saw me off; with her kiss of good-bye on my lips I rodeback through the gloomy wood, feeling as proud and valiant as a knightof old.

  I found my way to Ellon and went on the train to Aberdeen, for I felt itdue to Adams that I should see him at once. It was impossible to writeall I had to say; and besides I wanted to retain his good will, and toarrange for securing his aid, if he would consent to do so under ouraltered conditions.

  I found him in his room hard at work. He was writing something which Isuppose he considered important, for he put it carefully away and lockedhis despatch box before we began to talk. Of course it might have beenonly his diplomatic habit; but he seemed grave over it. I entered atonce on the matter between us, for I thought to get the disagreeableside over first and let concessions and alterations follow:

  "I am sorry, Sam, I shall not be able to help you with informationregarding Miss Drake."

  "Why? Haven't you heard from her?"

  "It is not that; but I am not free to do what you wish." Adams looked atme for a long time. Then he said quietly:

  "I see. You have your orders! Well, I am sorry for it; it may bringdreadful harm to her, and I daresay to you too, now. Say, old chap, isthat decision of yours final? The matter is more grave than I thoughtwhen I saw you last. We have had more information, and they are pressingus from Washington to take all precautions we can. Come, won't you helpme--help her?"

  "I can't, the way you say. Sam Adams, you know I would do anything Icould for you; but in this matter I am pledged. I have been given asecret, and I must keep it honourably at all hazards. But look here, Iam anxious all the same. Can't you trust me a little bit and tell mewhat to look for. I won't give you away; and I may be able to carry outyour wishes as to helping to guard her, though I have to do it in my ownway." He smiled, though very bitterly and ironically. I was glad to seethe smile anyhow, for we were old and tried friends and I should notlike there to be any break between us. Besides I wanted his help; hisknowledge now, and his resources later on, if need should be. He was anofficial, and the matter was an official one though his heart was in it;it was not as if his personal feelings or his honour had been involved.

  "Well," he said, "you have a fine gall anyhow! You refuse point blank togive me the slightest help, though I ask it on all grounds, official forAmerica, personal as I am in charge, and for the sake of your own girl;and then you expect me to tell you all I can. Well, look here, I'll tellyou anything that will help you as soon as I know it, if you will keepme advised of exactly where you are--so--so that I may be able to findyou if I wish."

  I told him heartily that I would keep him posted as to my movements.Then, as there was nothing to remain for, I said good-bye--a good-bye, Iam glad to say, given and taken with our old heartiness. Before I went Isaid:

  "Sam, you know how a message can find me if there is anything youshould think it well to tell me." To which he replied:

  "All right, Archie, I'll
remember. You understand that as I shall haveto work this racket alone I must do it in my own way: otherwise we shallhave complications. But if there is anything I can do on your side, Ishall do it all the same. You know how to reach me. If you send forme I shall come any hour of the day or night. And say, old chap, I goheeled!" he pointed to his pistol pocket. "Let me advise you to do thesame just at present!"

  I took his advice and bought in Aberdeen, before returning to Cruden,two of the finest revolvers I could get. One of them was made for alady; the other I always carried myself from that day forward.