Page 41 of Jess

  Jess was outside the tent again, the red knife in her hand. She flungthe accursed thing from her. That shriek must have awakened every soulwithin a mile. Already she could faintly hear the stir of men down bythe waggon, and the patter of the feet of Jantje running for his life.

  Then she too turned, and fled straight up the hill. She knew notwhither, she cared not where! None saw her or followed her, the hunt hadbroken away to the left after Jantje. Her heart was lead and her braina rocking sea of fire, whilst before her, around her, and behind heryelled all the conscience-created furies that run Murder to his lair.

  On she flew, one sight only before her eyes, one sound only in her ears.On over the hill, far into the rain and the night!