Page 5 of The Ties That Bind

  "Rick, please."

  "I'm nowhere near ready to fuck you yet, Lisa. I haven't even tasted you."

  Oh, God. He pushed her onto her back, took her mouth in a long, deep kiss that made her feel drugged, then dragged his lips over her jaw, her neck, and down to her breasts, moving his body over hers and spreading her legs apart with his knees so he could settle between them. He palmed her breasts--oh, to have them touched by someone other than herself was heaven. He caressed her nipples with his thumbs and the sensation shot straight between her legs, making her throb and squirm underneath him. He held her still with his body, continuing to torment her by rolling his fingers around her nipples, then bending down to take one into his mouth.

  His lips closed over one peak and she wanted to die from the pleasure. She stilled, watching as he flicked her nipple with his tongue. An arcing shot of pure liquid heat pooled between her legs, throbbing incessantly. She rolled her hips, grinding her pussy against him.

  Rick looked up at her and smiled, then licked the other nipple, grasping her breasts between both hands and torturing both with laps of his tongue until she writhed in uncontrollable delight. This was exactly what she needed, what she'd craved when she said yes to Rick. His touch, his mouth on her body, making her feel like a desirable woman for the first time in...she couldn't recall how long.

  She needed more. So much more than this. The waiting was unbearable. She wanted his cock inside her, stroking her until she screamed in orgasm.

  But when he slid down her body, pressing a kiss to her ribs, the dip in her stomach, her belly button, she wanted something else entirely, now anticipating the hot, sweet pleasure of his mouth taking her right where she needed to go.

  He shouldered her legs apart and she felt his breath against her thigh. It was so unbearably intimate, so familiar and yet so new. And when he kissed that spot on her inner thigh that made her laugh, she remembered how many times he'd done that in the past, how well he really did know her body--like no other man ever could. They'd shared the intimacy of first-time lovers, because they'd been each other's first. They'd learned about sex with each other, had explored the basics, the how-to's, had fumbled around and figured out this whole sex thing together.

  But now, as Rick laid his hand over her lower belly and let it slide lower, using the practiced moves of an adult, it wasn't at all fumbling. It was smooth, caressing, moves meant to relax her and ratchet up the sexual tension at the same time. He knew exactly what he was doing to her. And when he pressed his mouth over her sex, laying his tongue flat over her clit so she could simply feel the hot wetness pressed against her throbbing sex, she knew it was nothing like the old days. Nothing at all.

  She lifted up, her body swelling with heat and need, arching toward that pleasure. He gave it to her, licking the length of her pussy, driving his tongue into her and using his hand to stroke her clit. Embarrassingly, she was already there, rocketing into orgasm like drought-stricken tinder, engulfed in a fire of the sweetest pleasure. Rick was right there with her, licking her, his hand pressing down on her as she rode out her surprising climax until she shuddered into some semblance of reality.

  But he gave her no time to relax, instead climbed up her body and planted his mouth over hers. She tasted the tart sweetness of her own completion on his lips and it drove her into fresh arousal. His erection slid along her wet pussy lips, making her aware of how close they were to consummating, and how much she wanted to feel him inside her.

  Tension coiled low in her belly, a desperate need that had her raking her nails along his back, to lift her hips in silent invitation. Rick rolled over and grabbed a condom from his pants pocket, tore open the wrapper, and applied it in a hurry before turning back to her and capturing her again in his arms.

  "Don't want to make the same mistake twice," he said with the hint of a smile.

  She traced his mouth with her fingertips, then palmed the back of his neck and drew him forward, needing his lips on hers. He kissed her, his mouth pressed hard against hers, his tongue sliding inside at the same time his cock pressed between her pussy lips and penetrated her.

  Feeling him inside her, joined with her, made tears spring to her eyes. It was so incredibly monumental that for a moment she felt silly at getting so choked up like this. It was just sex, after all. She shouldn't make such a big deal out of it. Yet it seemed like so much more--felt like so much more.

  She really was a basket case, wasn't she? Pushing the emotionalism aside, she concentrated on simply feeling Rick, on the way he moved inside her. Slow at first, pulling out, then sliding back in, dragging his cock over her sensitized nerve endings. Lisa dug her heels into the mattress, losing herself in the sensations, on the way her pussy tightened around his cock each time he withdrew. It was as if her own body objected to him pulling out, wanting to grip him harder to prevent him from leaving her.

  Symbolism much? She really had to learn to shut her brain down. Sex was supposed to be mindless, about just feeling and not thinking. But how could she not mix the two together? Her brain was as involved in this as her body. She had to think about everything she felt--what it meant as much as the sensations zipping through every nerve ending.

  She opened her eyes to find Rick staring down at her, his face hard and tight. She inhaled, the heady, exciting aroma of sex surrounding them. Their bodies were slick with sweat as they slid together, Rick's pelvis grinding against hers in a way that stroked her clit into indescribable sensations, ever flaming the fire inside her.

  Rick grasped her hands, moved them out to her sides and entwined his fingers with hers, then began to move in earnest, his chest scraping her nipples as he drove inside her, his shaft rubbing her clit as he rocked against her with hard, deliberate thrusts.

  "Rick," she whispered.

  "Yeah," he said back, seeming to know she was close to coming again. He was relentless, not even giving her a second to catch her breath as she caught the wave and rode it over the crest, crying out with the force of her climax. He stilled, letting them both feel the way her pussy convulsed around him as she came in violent bursts that left her whimpering. And then he started up again, moving slowly this time, refusing to let her even come down from the high before he brought her right back up again, rolling his hips over the sensitive spots until she was cresting again and again, mastering her body in a way that only he could until she was begging for mercy.

  But he wouldn't give it to her, not until she was limp as a rag doll and couldn't possibly come again. And when he tensed, claiming her mouth in a heated kiss that left her wet and helpless and climbing again, that was when he went with her, groaning into her mouth as he shuddered with his own orgasm. She held tight to his sweat-slickened back and wondered that it had never, ever been like this before.

  This was magic. It was amazing and frightening because she wasn't certain she could ever give it up.


  Rick stared down at the sleeping beauty next to him. Her hair had fallen over her face, shielding her eyes, though he knew they were still closed, because she was snoring.

  He'd forgotten that she snored. Cute, girly-type snores, but she did snore, especially when she was exhausted. He supposed the flight, the shock of finding him there, plus the sex last night would have been exhausting.

  He rolled out of bed and into the sizable bathroom to turn on the shower, unable to keep the grin off his face. So far everything had been perfect. More than perfect, actually. But he knew Lisa well. She wasn't the type to accept at face value. She might have enjoyed the sex, but she was going to be a hard sell.

  He was good at sales.

  After his shower, he dried off and slipped out of the bedroom to head into the other room to grab his clothes. He'd be moving into the master bedroom today. The thought of what they'd shared last night made him harden easily. Lisa was so responsive, like melting butter in his arms. He wanted that every night, not just on this vacation. The key would be to convince Lisa that it could work between them.

  By the time he got dressed, Lisa was awake and in the shower. He made a couple of phone calls, planning their day, then went into the bathroom just as she turned the water off. He was waiting, towel in hand, as she stepped out. Her eyes widened before she smiled.

  "Not used to finding a man in my bathroom," she said with a tentative smile as she accepted the towel from him.

  He leaned against the counter and admired the pink tinge to her skin as she dried off and combed her hair. She turned away from the mirror to throw him a look. "Are you intending to stare at me?"


  "Stop it. It's unnerving."

  He laughed. "Hurry up. I'm starving."

  She shook her head. "Men. You only think with your stomachs and your cocks."

  "That shouldn't surprise you," he said, then left her alone and walked out on the balcony to wait.

  Perfect day. Sun was up and he could already feel the heat. He couldn't wait to get outside. This was as much a vacation for him as it was for Lisa. They both needed to unwind after the intensity of Kayla's graduation and all the prep that had gone into that. Of course, Lisa had done all the planning for the party. And she stressed about every little detail, as always. The key to this week was for both of them to relax. To put everything out of their minds, including their daughter, and focus on just the two of them. That would be a first. They hadn't done that in...too many years to remember.


  He turned at the sound of Lisa's voice.

  She stood in the living room, wrapped only in the white fluffy hotel towel.

  "What should I wear today?" she asked.

  It took him a minute to engage his brain, since all the blood had rushed to his dick at the first sight of her. "Uh, shorts, tank top. Whatever's comfortable. And pack a swimsuit."

  "Okay." She turned and padded barefoot back into the bedroom.

  Rick swallowed and faced the ocean, trying to calm his raging cock. You'd think a woman in a towel would be nothing to write home about. Not sexual at all. Yeah, right. One look at Lisa in the towel and his imagination went haywire. He wanted to drag her onto the balcony and do a hundred different things to her with his hands and mouth, all while she was wearing that towel. He filed those thoughts away for later. His goal was to show her that being together wasn't going to be all about sex. That would be hard to do if everything he thought and did was all about sex. But dammit, he'd spent a lot of years without her. So sue him if he had a one-track mind. It had been a long drought.

  She came out in khaki shorts and a body-hugging tank top, carrying a straw bag overflowing with beach things--swimsuit, towels, sunscreen--everything they'd need for the day, or so she told him. It was typically Lisa to be prepared.

  He'd arrived the day before so he'd have a chance to scout out the area, figure out what he wanted to do. He grabbed her hand and took her out the back door and toward the beach.

  "Aren't you hungry? I'd love some coffee and breakfast," she said as their sandaled feet hit the sand.

  "You'll get both shortly." He didn't give her any other clues, just led her down the beach to the dock. There was a floating restaurant at the end of a long pier. It was still early enough that they managed to snag a decent table near the windows overlooking the water.

  The bay was smooth as glass this morning. Boats docked alongside the pier, undulating against their moorings, as Rick and Lisa settled into their seats and placed their food orders.

  "This is wonderful." Lisa sipped coffee and stared out the wide windows at the activity on the dock below the restaurant. Shops were beginning to open and people bustled with activity, both tourists and the locals getting ready to start their day. Lisa looked over at him and smiled. "Thanks for finding this place."

  He knew she'd like it better than an air-conditioned restaurant in the hotel. "You're welcome."

  "So what's on tap for today?"

  "We're going out on a boat. Do a little snorkeling."

  Her eyes lit up with an unmistakable sparkle. "I love the water."

  "I know." He hadn't taken any vacations with her--ever. They'd been too young, broke, and then Kay had come along so there'd been no time, no money. But over the years, Lisa and Kayla had taken a few vacations, and Kay had filled him in on Lisa's love of the water. How sad was it that his own daughter knew more about Lisa than he did? Oh sure, they'd gone to the lake a few times, and he knew Lisa loved going out on their friends' boat. But apparently she had a huge love for boating, for water, and for beaches. Kayla also told him that Lisa had really enjoyed the snorkeling they'd done off the Keys one summer.

  He was going to indulge her love of all those things they had never done together but should have. He felt like they'd missed out on so much.

  They ate a huge breakfast, then Rick led her out the sliding glass door at the back of the restaurant and down the dock where the rows of touring boats were moored. Seagulls soared around them, diving down near the water, hoping for a chance at their own breakfast.

  Rick inhaled, loving the smells here at the dock. He used to go fishing with his dad every weekend when he was a kid. Until his dad got too sick to go.

  Lisa slid her hand in his as they walked down the dock. "You're quiet."

  He glanced over at her and lifted his lips. "I was thinking about my dad. The smell of the water and fish reminds me of going to the lake and fishing with him."

  She squeezed his hand, leaned closer to him. "He died way too young."

  "Cancer has a way of ripping those we love away from us."

  "I know. I see it all too often at the hospital."

  "Makes you want to hold on to the people you care about and never let go. We only get one chance to do this, you know."

  She stared up at him, the sunlight making the subtle red highlights in her brown hair look like they were on fire. "Yes. I know."

  He found the pier he was looking for and dug into his pocket for the tickets.

  "This is it?" Lisa asked.

  "Yeah. You like it?"

  Her jaw dropped. "It's incredible."

  He'd booked a catamaran with a large flat deck off the back, so there was plenty of open space for just lying around in the sun. And the best part was yet to come. He handed their ticket to the captain, a quiet older man with a worn cap pulled low around his face, who grinned and hurried to let the ropes loose, saying they'd get right under way. As soon as Lisa situated herself on the deck, her legs slung over the side, she shifted, looking for other people.

  "Aren't we waiting for the others?"

  He grabbed a spot on the deck next to her, watching the dock disappear as the captain pulled slowly away. "There isn't anyone else. I chartered the boat for a private day-long cruise."

  Her brows shot up. "Are you serious?"

  "Hey, I've spent years sharing you. I want you all to myself for as long as I can."

  She shook her head. "You amaze me. Thank you."

  The ride was like sailing on smooth glass as the captain took them out across the turquoise water. There was a shade awning available to get out of the sun, but once they'd gotten going, Lisa went below to change into her swimsuit. She came out in a strapless bikini, green and pink with palm tree patterns splashed across the fabric. It hugged her curves perfectly.

  He went below and changed into his swim trunks. When he came back, Lisa was lathering on sunscreen.

  "Let me do you," she said.

  He waggled his brows. "I thought you'd never ask."

  Laughing, she pushed at his back. "I meant sunscreen."

  "So not what I had in mind." He turned his back to her and she lathered lotion on him. He did the same to her, but took his time smoothing his hands over every inch of her skin, enjoying the feel of her shoulders, her muscles, the way she seemed to relax when he pressed into her.

  "This is nice," she said, leaning against him. She tossed on her floppy hat and stretched her legs out on the deck.

  It was very nice. Lisa always had the best legs. With all the r
unning around she did at the hospital, they stayed in great shape, with well-toned calves and slim ankles. Her toenails were painted a bright pink. She looked at him over her shoulders, saw the direction of his gaze.

  "Kayla's idea. She said the pink was tropical."

  He let out a laugh. "Very." He slid his hands under her thighs and drew her legs up to her chest so he could play with her feet.

  "You know my feet are ticklish," she said, sliding them away from his reach.

  "I do seem to vaguely remember that."

  "Ha. Vaguely my butt. You used to torture me by holding me down and tickling me until I had hiccups."

  "I did not."

  "Did, too."

  "I seem to recall it making your nipples hard."

  "Can I help it if it my feet are both ticklish and an erogenous zone?"

  "I like things that make your pussy wet."

  The rumble of her purr rolled through her back and against his chest. His dick stood up and took notice, too. He wrapped his arm around her waist, letting his fingers dip to the top of her bikini.


  They were cruising along slow and easy. The captain was in the main cabin, his focus on steering the catamaran. No other boats were in sight, and even if they were, who could see anything but the blur of a boat cruising by? Rick slid his fingers under her waistband.

  Now all he heard was the rush of water along the side of the boat and Lisa's breathing, which grew heavier, her chest rising and falling with deliberate, deep swells. There was a lot of swelling going on between his legs, too, his cock throbbing as it hardened and pressed against Lisa's butt.

  "Rick," she said again, though he wasn't sure if it was in warning or invitation. He dipped his hand into her bikini bottom, resting it just above her mound. It was like dipping his fingers into molten lava--hot, steamy, and utter temptation. He couldn't resist sliding farther, cupping her sex, all that heat surrounding his hand. He felt Lisa shudder against him. He had to admit to doing a bit of shuddering himself. Holding a hot, wet pussy in his hand, and doing it in public, wasn't something he did every day. Or even every year. It was one hell of a turn-on.