Page 2 of Quest: book 3


  In the evening, as Your Majesty's envoy, Feshert arrived with the decree, it's bustling with noise and excitement! When he found me in the back garden of the viceroy mansion, I was staring blankly at the trees over my head in the mercury moonlight.

  "What's wrong with you?" Feshert walked in stagger and sat next to me, he said with a big tongue, "the luckiest guy is staring... Blankly?"

  "If you are not good at drinking, then don't drink that much," although I also preferred to have a few drinks in my former life, but I hate drunk guys very much, "take a look at your appearance!"

  "Ah! Well, I am happy. It's not that easy... for me... to get rid of the Saint Capital... that whelming place!" Feshert half-opened his eyes and said, "then what are you thinking over here?"

  "I! Am thinking..." I began to lower my head to play the grass on the ground, "about my wedding..."

  "That's right!" Feshert said, "three beautiful wives... I ! Envy you very much."

  "You know, today I also had a quarrel with Kelly, even though we've often quarrelled before... But this time it's a little bit different." I ignored Feshert's mischief, "I even don't know whether I have the psychological preparation to live with these three girls together."

  "How should I comprehend these words?" Feshert shook his head and said, "ha! Even the big name ‘rascal viceroy’ also fear to get married?"

  "If it has some problems happened to me here, it's likely to hurt them too," I continued to say, "they are not just my wives, they are even my friends as well! I don't want any one of them to get hurt. Do you understand?"

  "Hmm... It seems that it's reasonable to say like this, it has some differences between friends and wife." Feshert said, "but I can't give you any helps on this issue. You cheer for yourself!"

  I watched Feshert left singing loudly with the bodyguards' support, I wondered in my heart whether he still will remember tomorrow what he said with me tonight over here. But I thought again in an instant, in fact, the life is not like this? Occasionally you will forget the past, but you also know nothing about tomorrow...

  I don't want to think about these! I stood up, yesterday had already been in the past, tomorrow is still not yet to come. No matter what, at least I had been enjoying the cool breeze and the charming moonlight tonight? ... Oh yes, and the friendship with that wine smell, even though the smell of that wine was not that great... What's the past get to do with me? what's the relation for what happens tomorrow and the now me? As long as I was trying to do my best now, it's the best that I make, there's no need to worry about anything.

  "I will take good care of them, I will try my best to make them happy... That's enough like this, right? After all, I'm just a human being too..."

  After I got through this point, having a slightly sweet grass root in my mouth, I "flied" satisfied all the way back to my room.


  When the first sunshine projected in my window in the morning, the whole viceroy mansion rose lively immediately. All the people changed into the new clothes, they were doing their parts of works with auspicious faces. At the main entrance, the guards reported loudly the names of the coming guests. The servants held the silver trays and walked in small steps to present the guests with all kinds of fruits and drinks...

  With the helps of several maids who took care of me since the childhood, I began wearing up the new dress which is more loaded down with trivial details than the noble ceremony clothes at the normal time.

  Although it's trouble, I was still full of novelty sense. The dress of the general civilians in the wedding can be side by side with the dress of the noble in usual. This is the chance for them once-in-lifetime closed to the noble in dress. Of course, he or she must have the money to do it.

  Now that civilians are even so, one can imagine how luxury the wedding dress of the noble will be. Not to mention the host of the dress today is a viceroy, and he has the Royal army major identity...*1

  A maid took the upper outer garment from the silver plate, she opened it in front of my eyes careful... The pure white cloth with silver thread, wide shoulder pads, straight collar, the knife-cut lines don't lose the softness in the skillful workman's sewing... On the left chest, it's a noble symbol that represents the Cada family, that is a flying high eagle. Now, there's a pattern composed of two crossing golden two-hand swords below the eagle, that represents my army post. The background is made of olive branches behind the whole sign, that means the host of this dress is also a civilian viceroy.

  Underwear, coat, sash, full with gem-studded etiquette sword...*2 I kept saying the exclamation in my mouth, but I thought in my mind, if I sell the whole set of this dress, I can certainly build five more miles long the city wall for the Darkness city.

  "Your Son," the maid said, "we can start now, otherwise we will be late to snub the guest."

  "Alright." I nodded my head.

  It cost a long time for me to dress up, I stood in front of the huge mirror and looked at myself carefully... Besides the little weird hair and the eyes, the rest... Are very normal.

  To tell the truth, no matter in the former life or the present life, my look can't counted as handsome or smart, at most I will look firm and persistent. I was some sad for this on the study stage in the former life. But when I got a little older, got into the army, and got into the society... I just knew that the look is not the all of a man. As long as I have the ability and the strength, naturally, I can have anything I want to have. Of course, my own life is another matter.

  "What are you looking at? Be captivated by yourself?" the maid behind me used a wood comb gently to comb my long hair carefully, and she's joking on me.

  Perhaps it's the tradition! Since the childhood, I was regardless of the hierarchical relationship between the house servants and the master. I even never took myself as a what noble, I would call "sister, brother, auntie, uncle" whoever the servants I meet. The direct result is that all the servants in the mansion like me very much, the negative effect is that half of the jokes in the mansion are all about me.

  "I comb for our Son since the childhood... Today will be the last time I do it for you"*3 The maid tightened a silver ribbon on my hair after she finished the combing, that made the whole dress style more harmonious, "that's it!"

  "Please wait a minute in the room!" another maid smiled and said to me, "let's go take a look how the brides are ready for you."

  I spoke nothing but nodded my head, it seemed that it's somewhat messy and somewhat random in my heart.

  "Come out quickly!" Feshert knocked on the door loudly, "we need to get there first!"

  My heart beat so fast, I walked to the front of the mirror and said to myself, "Hey! Brother, cheer up! You're getting married today!"

  With Feshert by my side, I came to the newly decorated lobby, I began to welcome the oncoming congratulation guests under my father's care, holding hands and saying some insignificant words. The hall was rebuilt for my this wedding, it's much bigger than before. They also built a stage with a whole white marble at the very end, they placed flowers around it. In front of the ceremony stage, there are rows of chairs covered with velvet fabrics.

  "Viceroy Vassel Cada," the priest from the Saint Capital Temple spoke to my father, "it's about the time, let's get it start."

  "Alright," my father answer with a smile, "everything will be on you now!"

  The priest in the white rope walked to the side of the ceremony stage, first he had a light cough to draw all the attentions, and then he raised his both hands to motion the full hall people quiet down.

  "Everybody!" he said, "as the special envoy from the Temple to host the wedding for Kone Cada, I announce, viceroy Kone Cada's wedding, now begins!"

  The people in the hall burst out the applauses, and then they sat down with the identity from the front to the back. Only I stood in front of the stage with my father and Feshert by the side.

  "Please the brides come into the auditorium." after saying these words, the priest gave a nod at t
he band conductor who was standing by the door, that guy gestured his hands, the band started to play, more than ten chanting girls from the Temple chanting class began to sing the opera-like song.

  I listen to it carefully, unexpectedly it's praising the Deity! This is too... This is my wedding! What's the matter to deal with the Deity? If I remember correctly, yesterday when I quarreled with Kelly, the Deity didn't give me any help.

  "Like a sick distant relative," I complained murmuring, "trouble is good, but no one will be in!"

  It's heard by the priest, he looked at me with the strange eyes. My father whispered to him immediately, "our Kone is still a child, he is a bit nervous to the wedding."

  The priest smiled with understanding, and turned his eyes back to the main entrance.

  I can't help to side my body slightly, and also looked at the door there.

  Oh, three brides in white dress were walking in arm in arm with the red nose grandpa and auntie spirit slowly, they're just like three shining pearls to make a shine in my eyes, the first time I felt that the expensive dress is really a good thing.

  Although three dress styles are very much the same, but they perfectly set off everyone's different temperaments, Feline's dignified, Kelly's bright beautiful, Wensly's light elegant...

  They smiled and walked closer to the stage, even they didn't take a look at me, but they made my heart jumped faster for a while! I was reluctant to turn my head back, my throat move up and down once, my anxious heart was filled full with a kind of happy feeling immediately.

  The three brides stood in a row with me, we all listened to the priest to read the bless of the Temple. Because of the reason that I felt better, I didn't think this complicated process boring now, and I was very cooperated. Until the priest shook the silver bell in his hand, he announced that we officially became the recognized husband and wives.

  Big feast! From the noon until the evening.

  The viceroy mansion, it's thoroughly boiling...

  I was very committed into my role as the groom, I took turn to toast to every guest. And as the best man, Feshert took a wine bottle in his hand, he followed behind me cheerfully. Each time we walked to the front of a guest, he would take a step first to brim the red wine for him, and pour me a glass of the fruit juice that look exactly the same as the red wine, then he urged us to drink it down. Listened to this person's instruction and then to the next one... I was really just like a puppet.

  Finally, it's time to finish the banquet. It's not bad that they didn't have the habit here that teasing the bride and the groom on the wedding night, I stood at the door to see the quests out with the sore waist and pain legs.

  "Somebody wants me to escort you to the bridal chamber," Feshert caught my hand and said, "mostly it's afraid of you for stage fright and faint!"

  "You!" I felt angry and funny in my heart, as the prince, Feshert even could be silliness. As for the problem of "stage fright"... Had any young gang member preserved his moral integrity? Even it's in the former experience, but I also should not forget?

  Wife, it's wife... That is what I had never owned one in my former life. We have the feelings since the childhood, and experienced the test of setbacks, it sure is not the same! It makes me full of expectations...

  Not letting me to have a bee in my head, Feshert began to knock on the door heavily, "everyone, the suspect is here!

  Well, wait a minute, what... Suspect?

  (Note1: The noble just has an army post, but the specific position is not distributed, so the major is a deficiency title.)

  (Note2: The etiquette sword in the noble wedding is granted by the emperor.)

  (Note3: After the wedding, waiting on husband's daily wash and dress is the wife's responsibility.)