Page 4 of Quest: book 3


  "The groom like you this kind, it is the first time I ever saw, Haha." Feshert rode on the horse smiling and said to me.

  That was the day after the wedding, we had already been on the way to the Darkness City.

  "Do you still want to continue to maintain the integrity of your this pretty face? Shut up if you want to!" I was exhausted to answer him.

  After I was driven out of the bridal chamber, to save face, I had to run to Feshert's room. I pretend to chat with him and slept over there for the rest of the night. I didn't expect that I became his joke after I woke up.

  "Well, let's not talk about this. But I am not a lover boy neither!" Feshert flatted his lips at the carriage behind us, "you take a look at them..."

  I turned my head around to look at the carriage, the three girls were made to laugh into a whole by what topic. Looking at their disorderly fibrillation figures, I knew they could get along pretty well, this made me feel a little bit better in my mind.

  "The city your designed really can be built well?" Feshert started a new topic, "I really want to see it as soon as possible."

  "The city should have a prototype by now, at least the wall should be built for a large section." I counted the days in my heart and said, “after all, we spent a lot of time in the wedding ceremony."

  From the third day after we walked out of the border of the Dark Moon city, we kept meeting the patrol teams formed by the wingmen and the artisans transporting the materials, more than happy from the news is that the city construction has been comprehensively launched. By contrast, their high emotion and the strict organization let me have more confidences for my own city.

  In the situation that all of us were eager to arrive earlier, we greatly reduced the time we spent on the road.

  "My goodness," Feshert looked at the construction site and said, "So big, so many..."

  Feshert, my those three wives, and the red nose grandpa, all of them never came there before. In their first look at the size of the construction site, they couldn't help staring blankly, I could sense their inner shocks from their straight eyes and the slightly open mouths.

  Might not be proud in my heart? It is full of busy and orderly workers in every corner of the construction site, the running around to direct workers vampire commanders... On the several people high wall, a piece of fixed evenly huge stone which is moved from distance is placed on it. Along the way, all we saw are actually very smooth, we didn't see any obstacles.

  Looking at my smiling face, Feshert said with a sigh, "I never thought of this, so what you want me to say about you? You... Are really an unusual person!"

  "Unusual person?" Kelly thought for a while and said, "that's right, We can just use this name to call his another identity in the future!"

  "Yes," Feline said, "we can just call him like this, didn't uncle Vassel tell us especially that we can't reveal it to others to know even we die!"

  "Alright, alright. Here comes the Hairt them." I pulled the rein and went greeting them.

  "Hey, boss!" Hairt rushed all the way toward us, "you are back!‘

  "Anything happened?" I patted on his shoulder and said, "everyone was all right?"

  "Rest your heart, not a muddle!"

  Under the lead of me, Hairt and Kainam, the newcomers were getting familiar with the whole construction site.

  "It can't be denied, it's a very successful design, you guys do a good job." The red nose grandpa stretched his hand out and had a knock on the built wall, it seemed that the strong surface made him very satisfied. In view of his military achievements, I dragged him to come help us with the relative identity. My father once said to me, if this predecessor was not retired by set up, there should be no problem for him as being a marshal now.

  "I think it is about this on the construction way." I said to everyone, "now the main issue is on the personnel way, if we don't have competent people to manage the place after our city is built, the fun will be big!"

  "Which aspects are those people?" the impatient Kelly asked right away, seeing I was staring at her, she just added a word after, "my husband..."

  "In short, two aspects, military and civilian." I said, "the detailed segments are too complicated."

  "On the military I can come with you," the red nose grandpa said, "on the internal affairs, I think that your wives and Feshert should be able to help you."

  "Well, we can discuss this again carefully later." I nodded my head.

  "No!" Feshert protested loudly, "why make me to manage this? I will not! Not, not, not!"

  "Boom" the joked along all the way I pulled Feshert against the wall, I looked at him coldly.

  "You must manage this," I said softly in his ear, "do you know why Your Majesty ask you to come here? Not only here can exercise you, but also more because they think for your safety. I won't let you to go to the front line to manage the military. You this idiot! You eat my food over here, you live in my place over here, you have to listen to me, understand now?!"

  "What makes you govern me?" it seemed like that Feshert wanted to have his face saved very much, he argued with me in a very low voice.

  "Take a look at them, who is coming out to speak for you?" I helped Feshert to straighten his somewhat crumpled clothes. The people next to us were talking to themselves, no one took a look at us.

  "And take a look over there," I turned Feshert's head around, "there is a dungeon over there, five-star, do you want to go in to play?"

  "You guys... set me up?" Feshert was very unwilling, "but I am not very interested in those! Please, Huh?"

  "Feshert, I know what you are thinking." I was very serious to speak to him, "but as for a emperor, he must have various knowledge, the military is just one of them. I will let you join in the army naturally in the appropriate time."

  "You should said like this earlier, you just make me worried." know that he can’t force me, Feshert also had to accept "happily", "but how to count for this blow hurt? My back."

  "Oh," I put my hand devotedly on his shoulder, "my good brother, you should remain faithful to friends. Why did you say such words? (five hundred words were omitted)... Let‘s go to have dinner, let‘s go to have dinner. Let me tell you, today's main course have crabs, and..."

  In the coming next few days, in the red nose grandpa's help, I had been busy to reorganize the systems, I inserted the clerks that I brought from my father there into the city hall, and established various institutions under the city hall. I put all my rest of the time in the dwarf weapon workshop which was just established.

  Speaking of the name workshop, it actually is not exactly the same. From the size, you would know that it is dozens times bigger than the average weapon workshop. I spent a whole day to explain to the rush recruited master, and after I got his agree, all the skilled weapon artisans are gathered here, no matter where he was at that time. We had built the basic facilities by a built wall. The conditions were still very simple, but the craftsmen were working with great enthusiasm, more than twenty stoves not stopped even at the night, the smokes from the chimneys formed a dark cloud over the construction site. Watching the pieces of weapons and armors according to the requirements completed and came out of the "production line", the master were happy to laugh!

  Days later, the officers coming from my brothers there arrived. After simply getting familiar with each other, they were immediately assigned to each forces as the intermediate positions, it let my hanging heart got down the better part.

  "What are thinking? Why don't you talk?" after the dinner, we all took a walk in the sunset together. Feline found that I bowed my head and was thinking about something, so she asked me like that. These days, I haven't been to their tents at night, I always stayed with the brothers with all kinds of excuses. Having me accompanied, the brothers of course would be happy, they would not think of other things. The only one in the know Feshert would laugh secretly, plus my wives had the great performances usually, there no more other people knew our that special situation.
br />   "Today I saw a refugee child running wild at the construction site, he hurt his head." I said.

  "Is he all right?" Wensly asked me with concerns.

  "He is alright," I shook my head and asked Feshert, "now there are how many six to sixteen year old child on our construction site?"

  "This? Feline knows." Feshert answered.

  "There are almost over one thousand according to the statistics. Plus the ones on other construction sites, I think there will be four thousand or more." Feline answered me, "what do you ask this for?"

  "What race are these children?" I did not answer Feline directly.

  "There are all kinds," Feline spoke to me, "very varied."

  The others heard what we were talking about, they all came over and surrounded us.

  "Yes, we also don't have any ways to deal with these disorderly running around kids." Kainam who was in charging of the safety of the construction sites said, "the first few times we still can scare them to leave, but not now. These kids are very cunning!"

  "They also play together regardless of race," Kainam also smiled and said, "they sometimes will bring the food to their working parents, they can give you some troubles for such little time."

  "Little kids!" Moah smiled, "so did we come from like this too."

  "Yes, kids." I spoke, suddenly I feel something in my heart.

  "Messenger!" as I cried, a few messengers following us ran over and stood to salute before me.

  "Notice all the clan leaders and the competent department chiefs of the city hall, all immediately come to my tent for the meeting."

  "Let's go back!" looking the messengers ran away dispersedly, I spoke to everybody. Although not understand, but if I don't tell, they also will not ask.


  "For these children, what do you think? What good ideas do you have to settle them?" I asked.

  My tent is full of the or sit or stand people, they felt a little uncertain about my words.

  "They are some troubles..." after a long time, there're just somebody to speak. Then some proposed to put them together, and some suggested to just simply to send them to the Dark Moon city...

  "The children although are very troublesome, but to send them away is not reasonable." Mogardi said, "their parents won't agree neither."

  "Then what any good ways do you have?" Jack asked.

  "I don't have, but Sir Viceroy will do have ways." Mogardi said. This guy... since the first day I came back from the construction site, he was stubborn to call me Sir Viceroy. No matter what I said is useless, the sandman just have the character just like that. After heard he said like that, everyone put their eyes on me again.

  "I don't want to tell my idea so early," I looked at Mogardi and said, "I want to let you to open your minds to come up with a good idea. But since we talk to this point..."

  "You haven't thought of any good ways," I said, "that is because you all take these children as burdens! Am I right?"

  Silence, these guys seemed to tell me with their expressions: If they are not the burdens? What else can they be?

  "What characters do the children have? "I continued to say, "fun, aggressive, eager to learn. They are even smarter than the adults in some ways, they can think of a lot of things that the adults can't think of. Why should it be? Because the children are not polluted by the outmoded conventions and customs, so there is no rule bondage in their minds!"

  "It sure is not a good way to let them running around wildly in the construction site." seeing everyone was in deep thinking, I kept saying, "if let that going on, at most just in a few years, there may be more good craftsmen showed up. Of cause, becoming a good craftsman is not a bad thing. But, do we really need these many craftsmen?"

  "We need all kind of talents!" Kainam said. Thankfully, finally somebody can understand what I am talking about.

  "That's right, we need all kinds of talents. So that our development can surpass other cities, or even other countries!" I nodded my head with praise, "what kind of people can become talents? Children! Just like these children! They can quickly accept the new ideas and the new things, and they dare to ask "why"! These are the most valuable things for the children!"

  "I decided," I speak out with my idea, "let all the children to accept the education!"

  Some agreed, some worried... In short, the tent was bubbling with noises for a while.

  "Sir viceroy, do we really have this kind of necessity? That would bring all aspects of burdens." a city hall people spoke, many people nodded their heads to show their agrees.

  "All project managers sit down to my left side," I said, "the city hall chiefs to the right, all stand up for me!"

  My face looked not that very good, it is the first time I fired my anger at my subordinates, because I found several big problems.

  "You all listen to me, I just speak once!" I spoke to the people at the right side, "I don't care what you heard about what kind of people I used to be, I hope that you can forget all those rumors. My commands or decisions will be spoken once, no necessary to discuss! I am the viceroy, you are the viceroy subordinates. Do you know what that means?"

  "It means that the viceroy just make the decision, and you carry out the specific!" having Feshert explained behind me to these guys, these guys are very lucky.

  "Everyone has his own duty! Don't ask me how to do it when having a problem! Don't you have a brain?" I reprimanded loudly, "if you have a burden, then think of a way to solve it! Otherwise why I ask you to be here! Find a way yourself! I just want the result! Understand?"


  "I want all the children, from seven to seventeen, gathered in the Darkness city to accept the education." although I scolded them, but I still worried that my subordinates could not think of any ideas, so I reminded them secretly, "the places, the supplies, the selection of the teachers. All the things need you guys to do it. All of you don't sleep today, bring me the plans tomorrow morning!"

  "Yes, sir!"

  "What, still want me to ask you for dinner?" looking at the guys standing motionless, my anger came up again, "all get out of here for me to do your business!"


  "Why did you have such a big anger?" After everyone left, Wensly filled up my cup with water, "all the people are scared."

  "He is building his own power," Feshert said by the side, "otherwise, who is going to listen to his words? Besides, the rumors about our viceroy are too many as well!"

  "It's not all like that," seeing everyone in, I thought that it is necessary to explain to everybody, "you all come over, oh right, also go ask Marf and Mogardi to be here."

  Not long later, everyone were surrounding me, some of them who got scolded were still somewhat confused.

  "Management institutions, the most afraid problems have the lack of responsibility and the procrastination of work these two issues!" I explained slowly to everyone, "did you see tonight, these two problems are already shown in our city hall. If it keeps on like this, we will all have to disband and go home later."

  "It's so serious?" Jack asked me.

  "It is!" even before I answered, the red nose grandpa said for me, "the so-call management organizations have the problems not just these few. But once we find one, we must correct it immediately. It's nothing wrong for Kone to do it like this. So for you these supervisors, it's nothing wrong to be scolded together with others! You these few smelly boys!"

  "What else can't get it?" I smiled to ask everyone, all my brothers shook their heads to show having none.

  "That's good," I stood up and said, "you all go to do your business, the plan must be very detailed. Feshert, you can go help them too."

  When Feshert them stood up and got ready to go out, the guards outside of the door shouted, "who is there?"

  Almost immediately, a wingman holding a token and shouting "enemy spotted" rushed into my tent and fell down on the ground.