Page 10 of Loving Deviant

  He entwined his fingers with hers, breaking their gazes to examine their hands. She glanced down too, noticing the size and color variations. It was a beautiful thing to her. They were different but it felt so right being together, touching.

  “You’re happy?”

  She stared at his face but he avoided looking into her eyes. “Yes.”


  “Are you?”

  He met her gaze then. “Yes.”

  She lifted up and freed her hand from his, climbing up on his chest and peering at him. “I’m so glad you found me, Deviant. I have no regrets.”

  “Sometimes I catch a look on your face that reads as sadness to me. Am I wrong?”

  “I can only think of one thing that makes me feel that way. Do you want me to tell you what it is?”


  “One day, you’re going to tell me we’re over, and that I’m free.”

  He appeared surprised.

  “The thought hurts.”

  He hugged her around her middle. “Why? You should look forward to your freedom. No one wants to be property.”

  “I once thought that way too…but then I met you. I don’t mind being yours. The more time we spend together, the more it isn’t enough. I miss you when you’re gone on shifts. I can’t wait for you to walk through the door. And I get a bit depressed when I think about the day when you aren’t coming home to me.”

  “I think about you the entire time I’m on duty.”

  She smiled.

  He grinned back. “Let’s finish watching this vid. I’m interested in seeing the end. I didn’t believe I’d enjoy this, but I do.”

  She snuggled into him and stared up at the screen as the story finished. It was a sweet love story. It made her wish that she and Deviant would have a happy ending. There was so much uncertainty though with their future.

  “You’ve tensed.”


  He turned them both and pinned her under him. “What is it?”

  She didn’t hesitate to share her thoughts with him. “I’m worried about what’s going to happen to you if Stag discovers I’m here before we reach Garden. You’re going to have to smuggle me off the shuttle, the same way you got me on, aren’t you?”

  “We won’t be docking. The Varnish will land on the surface of our planet. You’ll walk off this shuttle at my side.”

  That surprised her. “So we’re just hoping he’s busy and won’t notice me?”

  “Once we reach Garden, my assignment is at an end. Stag will no longer be in command of me. He might be angry, but he can’t do anything except file a complaint with the council.”

  “Are they as bad as Earth’s ruling system?”

  “No. They are fair. Twelve cyborgs sit on the council, and some members have joined into family units with Earther women.”

  The shocks kept coming. “Oh.”

  “Stag really hates Earthers but most cyborgs are more reasonable. He shared some of his past experiences with me and none were good.”

  “They just fear we’re spies?”

  “Yes. It’s a valid concern.”

  “You’d think EG had better things to do than bother with cyborgs.”

  “They probably fear we want to attack Earth but that’s not the case. We fled and have settled on another world. I’ve never met a single cyborg who wished he could return.”

  She touched Deviant, tracing her fingers over his chest. “I don’t blame them. The only thing I’m going to miss is my sister.”

  “I’m sorry you had to leave her behind. It must have been very difficult.”

  “It was. Her husband is a fantastic man and they’re planning on starting a family soon. He’s worked hard to accomplish what he has with his company. I would never have asked them to uproot and start over as space refugees. Love sometimes means letting go. They’re better off there. I was the one who had to leave.”

  “Perhaps one day you can send your sister a message to let her know you’re doing well.”

  “It’s too risky.”

  He leaned in and brushed his mouth over hers. “I’m glad you left Earth.”

  She kissed him back, feeling grateful as well. She’d always envied her sister finding her husband. Venice’s luck with men had been crap until Deviant had walked into that automated brothel. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. She never wanted to let him go.

  A bell chimed and Deviant groaned, breaking away from her mouth. “My father has the worst timing.”

  She grinned, releasing him. “Cleansing unit?”


  He climbed out of bed and she followed, making a dash for the corner, ever worried someone would pass in the corridor and catch a glimpse of her when Deviant opened the door to admit Mavo.

  She stepped inside the unit, sealing it, and waited for him to tell her it was safe to come out.

  Deviant had to adjust his stiff cock in his pants and snagged a shirt, putting it on as the bell chimed again. It would cover his hard-on, the material draping over his lap area. He wondered why his father had returned. Mavo should still be on shift.

  He slapped his palm over the pad to unlock the door—and realized who waited on the other side a split-second before he faced Stag.

  “Do you want to explain to me why we have an extra life sign on my ship?”

  Deviant could tell the commander was furious. Stag had come to him, specifically, for answers, which meant he already knew Deviant was hiding someone in his quarters. “I can explain.”

  “Earther, right?” Stag lunged, pushed him out of the way and glared at the bed, then slowly fixed his attention on the sealed cleansing unit. “Female?”

  Deviant backed up and blocked access to it. “She’s not a spy.”

  “I knew it!” Stag curled his upper lip. “That discussion you started on your shift was your way of testing my responses. And you didn’t confess to smuggling an Earther onboard my damn shuttle, so you’d already deduced I’d be furious! I’ve felt something was amiss ever since we left Colton Station. I should have heeded my instincts. Get her out here!”

  Deviant braced his body, prepared to fight. “No. She belongs to me. The council has been notified and is aware of her presence.”

  “What?” Stag appeared ready to attack. “You notified them but not me? It’s my ship!”

  Another cyborg entered Deviant’s room, since the door remained open. Hellion moved in between them. “Why the shouting? What’s going on?”

  “I’d have expected this from you.” Stag glared at Hellion. “Were you aware there is an Earther female aboard the Varnish?”

  Hellion shot a stunned look at Deviant, then back at Stag. “No shit? I didn’t know. Where is she?”

  Stag jerked his chin up. “Inside that cleansing unit. Move aside, both of you. I’m hauling her ass into the cargo bay and securing her there until we reach Garden. I’ll have Kelis guard her.”

  “I’m not going to allow that to happen, Stag.” Deviant backed up farther, placing his body against the cleansing unit. “Venice is mine. We’re verbally contracted. You have no right to take her away from me.”

  “This is my ship. I can do whatever the hell I want. And you didn’t ask my permission to allow an Earther onboard because you knew I’d say no!”

  “Verbally contracted in what way?” Hellion glanced at Deviant again.

  “She belongs to me.”

  Hellion’s eyebrows shot up. “We’re not allowed to own slaves anymore. Not even hot ones. I take it she’s hot?”

  “Shut up, Hellion. All that matters is she’s an Earther,” Stag spat. “Damn you, Deviant! Is she being tracked? Did you even check her for that? We’re on our way to Garden. You could be allowing her to lead those bastards right to our planet.”

  “She’s not a spy for Earth Government. I saved her on the station.”

  “You mean she set up some scam and you fell for it?” Stag spun, touched the pad, and connected to it. He
faced Deviant again seconds later. “Maze is on his way. You’re going to allow him to examine her. Get her out here.”

  “I will if you give your word to stop shouting—and you’re not allowed to touch her. She’ll be frightened.”

  Stag’s eyebrows rose and he curled his lip again. “Oh, I wouldn’t want that. You brought a plague on my ship but let’s all be aware of her feelings.”

  “She’s not a plague.” That pissed Deviant off. “Why would you call her that?”

  “Because she might well be the reason our race is wiped out if she’s been embedded with a tracker. I never should have agreed to let a born cyborg on my ship. You know nothing of the kind of treachery Earthers are capable of committing. Did you hear nothing I said? It’s a game to them to earn our trust and get us killed!”

  The medic arrived, carrying his kit. “What is the emergency?”

  “Deviant brought an Earther female aboard the Varnish.” Stag pointed at the cleansing unit. “Get her out here right now.”

  “Your word?” Deviant didn’t budge. “You aren’t to hurt or frighten her in any way.”

  “I’m going to kill him,” Stag hissed.

  Hellion stepped closer to Stag and shook his head. “Let Maze scan her before you blow your top.”

  “My top?” Stag seethed.

  “Temper,” Hellion clarified. “Calm. We all want to see the Earther female. Let’s be reasonable and assess her first.”

  Stag backed up and leaned against the wall next to the door. “By all means. Let’s not scare the Earther. Deviant, open that unit. Maze, check her over. See what kind of shit we’re in. I’ve just ordered Mavo to change course away from Garden. I’ll be damned before I lead the battle cruisers right to our home.”

  Deviant glanced at the three cyborgs. The medic appeared surprised but not angry. Hellion seemed neutral. Stag remained furious but at least he had moved across the room.

  Deviant turned, overrode the lock, and stepped inside to shield Venice from the males. She smiled, obviously unaware of what had happened. The unit would have blocked all sound.

  “Stag is aware of you,” he whispered.

  Her smile faded. She paled a little and began to tremble.

  He reached out and gripped her arm. “It’s going to be fine. Three cyborgs are in my quarters. One is a medic. Maze needs to scan you. I won’t allow anyone to hurt you or take you away from me, Venice. Can you trust me?”

  She still appeared terrified but she nodded. “Yes.”

  “Come,” he tugged on her, backing up.

  She lifted her chin and followed. He admired her courage. She showed quite a lot as he pulled her closer, watching her face when she saw the other males. Her mouth pressed into a tense line and she grabbed at him, but that was the only way she responded. He took her hand, holding it firmly with his own.

  “Where do you want her, Maze?”

  The medic bent, placed his case down, and removed a scanner. “She’s fine there, Deviant.” The male straightened, turning on his device, and then spoke directly to Venice. “My name is Maze. I’m going to scan you.”


  Venice held still as Maze began at her head, lowered the scanner over her face, throat, chest, and continued all the way down to her feet. The medic crouched on one knee, scowled, then ran the scanner over her again from her shoulders to her feet.

  His mouth parted, his gaze lifting to Deviant’s.

  Deviant knew what the medic would say so he stated it first. He trusted Venice. “She has three artificial limbs, correct?”

  Maze nodded. “Yes. There’s more.”

  “The left shoulder blade, part of my rib cage, and I have some replacement organs,” Venice volunteered. “I was in an accident on Earth. Do you want a list of all the work done on me?”

  “I can see it.” Maze stood, running the scanner over her face. “The fractured skull you suffered has completely healed but there is some deep scarring on one side of your face. It’s not visible to the naked eye. Skin grafts?”

  Venice nodded. “From burns.”

  Maze lowered his scanner and held Stag’s gaze. “This female has suffered extensive damage.”

  “Any trackers embedded?”

  Maze shook his head. “No.” He looked back at Venice. “What happened to you?”

  “I was in a road vehicle accident on Earth.”

  “Amazing. I’ve never seen work like that before. I request to take more extensive scans of your prosthetics.”

  Deviant shifted his body, pulling Venice behind him a little. “Not if it will cause her any pain.”

  “My job is to heal, not cause harm. The scans would be painless. The medical advancements are fascinating.”

  “So she could have a tracker in one of her limbs you can’t detect?” Stag pushed away from the wall.

  “No.” Maze turned to face the commander. “There are no transmitters inside her.”

  “Are you certain?” Stag seemed determined to view Venice as a threat.

  “I am certain. The female isn’t a cyborg but she’s still been modified by technology with her three limbs. They are harmless prosthetics. The design and function of them is more advanced than what we have. It would be beneficial if I could copy and reproduce them for our people.”

  That news caused Deviant to relax. “She could help our race. Is that what you’re saying, Maze?”

  The medic glanced back at him and gave a sharp nod. “Yes. I’d love to examine her at length and ask her questions.”

  “No tracking devise? No transmitter? You’re one hundred percent certain?” Stag’s voice lowered, his anger still present.

  “One hundred percent,” Maze swore.

  “Hacking capability?” Stag wasn’t about to discount her as a threat easily.

  “The only tech inside her head is a small device that conducts signals to her artificial limbs. I’m familiar with the unit. That hasn’t been upgraded from the tech we have. She wouldn’t be able to remote hack our systems, even by touch. Her synthetic hand is amazing but not designed for that function.” Maze turned and stared down at Venice. “It doesn’t quite read as human-cloned skin. The organic components are unique. What is it?”

  “I’m not sure.” Venice leaned against Deviant, pressing tight to his side. “It feels real.”

  “Amazing. If I took a small clip of skin, would it scar or heal over?”

  “It would heal.”

  “Would you allow me to take a sample?”

  “You’re not taking her skin.” Deviant had had enough. “Back off, Maze.”

  The medic did as asked and returned his scanner to his case. “A tiny clipping is all I’d require. It could help our children born with skin defects.” Maze rose up, gripping his equipment. “It might even help with your defect, once I figure out how to replicate what they grafted her with, Deviant.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with Deviant.” Venice pressed against him tighter. “I won’t agree to help you if you so much as think about messing with any part of his body! That’s the deal if you want samples of my skin.”

  Deviant couldn’t help but smile. Venice was defending him, her fear gone. His female was smart. She’d quickly figured out she held value and was using it for leverage.

  “Is she similar enough to a cyborg?” Hellion shifted his stance. “That’s what I want to know. Do you believe the council will consider placing her in that status?”

  Maze shook his head. “She was born to parents and her DNA wasn’t enhanced. She’s just had a lot of work done, but that won’t qualify her as one of us.”

  “I want a report immediately from the both of you,” Stag demanded. “How you found her.” He glared at Deviant, then turned his attention to Venice. “And what happened to you, who you are, where you came from, and how you ended up on my ship. You go first, Deviant. Speak—and don’t lie to me.”

  Deviant licked his lips. It was going to take hours to go over those details, and the cyborgs in the room looke
d as if they had no intention of leaving until they got answers. He guided Venice to the bed and both of them took a seat.

  He began first. “My father demanded I visit the automated brothel.” It was embarrassing to admit the reason to the crew, but necessary. He would do it for Venice.

  Chapter Eight

  Venice watched the cyborgs leave and blew out a relieved breath. “Stag is kind of paranoid, isn’t he?”

  Deviant nodded. “I apologize for the way he kept asking you to repeat parts of what happened to you.”

  “It’s okay. I am a stowaway on his ship. I can see why he’d be so upset. I’m just grateful he’s allowing me to stay with you and not locking me up inside the cargo hold.”

  “I would have gone there with you if that was the case. I’m not leaving your side, Venice.”

  He was so sweet, and she definitely appreciated it. “Thank you.”

  Deviant smiled, stroking her fingers resting in his hand. “It will be fine. I’m glad you picked up on what Maze said about your unique skin and upgraded prosthetics. The council may actually be relieved I found you. Do you mind allowing him to scan them and taking a skin sample from you? We’re always trying to advance our medical knowledge. It’s been more difficult since we left Earth. They have at least a hundred thousand scientists working on those things but we only have a few dozen cyborgs who took up that work. We’re smart but our resources are limited.”

  “I don’t mind. I hope anything Maze learns can help others. Do cyborgs get hurt often?”

  “Occasionally. Sometimes they are born with birth defects. We’re uncertain why. It makes no sense. The first generations were engineered to be perfect, yet it doesn’t always get passed down to their children.” He glanced at his hand, seeming to study it.

  She guessed what he was thinking. “Your skin and eyes aren’t a defect.” He was beautiful to her, and she wasn’t about to let him forget it. “Promise me you’ll never allow some doctor to mess with either.”

  He inclined his head. “You’re the only one who sees me as unflawed, but I’ll agree. I’ve spent thirty-five years this way. I am unsure I’d know how to be something else.”