Page 4 of Loving Deviant

  “Yes,” she assured him. “I’m desperate and terrified of being caught. I can hang on for however long it takes.”

  His arms wrapped around her in a brief hug. “It won’t be long. My ship isn’t docked too far from here.”

  He opened the door and had to release her with one arm to do it. She realized that every step he took rubbed his thick, hard shaft against her spread pussy and stomach. He pulled her ass even tighter against his hips and held her weight with his arm. She bit her lip and understood that the real torture wasn’t going to be wrapped up like a mummy against the big cyborg. It was going to be not moaning as he picked up his pace, strode faster, and her pussy ground against his cock.

  Hell. That’s what I’m in. She bit her lip to prevent a moan from passing her lips, squeezed her eyes closed, and tried to concentrate on holding on to his shoulders.

  “I have to let you go,” he rasped when he paused. “We’re leaving the automated brothel.” His arm released her and she tightened her hold on him. “Hang on, Venice.”

  The sounds of the station were instant when the door slid open. Men’s voices, the drone of machines, and music filled the ear not pressed tight to Deviant’s chest. His heart rate increased, telling her he was either afraid or just under some strain from walking with her extra weight. He didn’t seem to have much trouble with the latter. He moved fast, his cock rubbing against her clit with every long step. She wondered if he was having the same issue she had.

  Her clit throbbed and pleasure made her tense. She bit her lip, hugged him tighter, and didn’t dare try to lift her body higher up his to escape the thick mass of his dick. It was trapped between their bodies in the perfect spot, and every step bounced her a little, making her ride his cock as it slid over her clit. Up. Down. Up. Down.

  Oh shit, she frantically thought. Don’t come. Don’t. Your life is in danger. Is it just me or is his dick harder? Shit! He’s harder…he just stumbled a little.

  His body hit something. He paused and hissed out a curse above her. His breathing was harsher but she wasn’t sure if it was from carrying her or because he was suffering the same fate she was—sexual torment.

  A hand suddenly gripped her ass, squeezed hard, and she was crushed between something solid, unforgiving, and his body. He took a deep breath, released her ass, and shoved away from the surface he’d pressed her against. She didn’t have to see it to know it was a wall. He walked again, moving faster.

  Up. Down. Up. Down. Her clit throbbed, she grit her teeth, and pleasure tormented her. Her nails dug into his skin; she couldn’t help it. She frantically tried to resist but the slide of his cock against her ultra-sensitive bundle of nerves won out. She held her breath, but that only made it worse, and her climax tore through her.

  She thought she might faint. Her body jerked a little against his and she prayed no one was looking at him when it happened. He uttered a soft curse but she heard it as he kept going. Blackness came at her and she forced a little air into her lungs to avoid passing out. Her clit was so sensitive, her vaginal muscles twitched, and she knew pure hell for real. She nearly lost her grip on his shoulders but managed to cling.

  He jerked to a halt suddenly, swung to the left, and her back came up against something solid again. He was breathing heavy. Both of his hands grabbed her ass through layers of material and he ground his cock against her hard, thrusting his hips in short, jerky movements, and then groaned softly as his body shook. Warmth spread through his pants to her belly, and she knew he’d just come himself.

  “You’re going to pay for that,” he rasped a few seconds later.

  Her mouth opened but before she could speak, he jerked away from the wall, released her ass, and walked again. His cock softened though, easing her torment, since he wasn’t rigidly rubbing up against her swollen clit anymore.

  Something bumped them jarringly, his body swayed a little, and someone loudly snarled a curse.

  “Watch it,” Deviant growled back in a chilling voice.

  “Damn drunk,” someone muttered. “You bumped into me, you mutated asshole.”

  They walked a little farther before Deviant stopped yet again. He brushed a hand against her ass, removed something from a pocket lower down his leg, and she heard a door slide open. He took a few more steps.

  “We’re clear but not safe yet. Hang on, Venice. You okay?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  Sweat tickled between their bodies where their chests and bellies were smashed together. The sensation of rising quickly made her dizzy and she wondered if they’d entered some kind of lift. She had no idea where they were but the rising sensation ceased. Deviant was walking, doors swished open and closed, and he finally stopped.

  Light showed through her closed eyelids when he stretched his arms upward, and she opened her eyes as fresh air hit her. He’d thrown off his head drape, and struggled out of the shirt next.

  Venice sucked in heavy breaths and pulled away from his chest, her face felt nearly glued to it after their adventure. She blinked a few times to adjust to the bright lights.

  “Welcome to your new home,” he sighed.

  She stared at the living quarters. It wasn’t big, maybe fifteen by nine feet, with a bed in one corner and a cleansing unit in another. Books lined one shelf along an entire wall, the spines printed in some weird language she’d never seen before. She turned to stare at the cyborg who’d rescued her.

  “I’m going to fuck you just as soon as I shower.” He frowned. “I’ve never come in my pants before. That’s classified information. Do you understand me? Don’t ever tell anyone that happened.”

  She nodded, stunned.

  He stepped over to his bunk—a long, narrow one—and reached up to a shelf high above it. She gasped when he grabbed a sharp-looking blade. He paused as she stared at him with fear, wondering what he planned to do with it.

  “Don’t move.”

  He cut the curtain that wrapped them together, the sharp metal slashing through it easily, but he skillfully avoided her skin. The second the pressure was off, her legs slid down his body. Her ass landed on a soft mattress when he backed away.

  “Stay,” he ordered. “If you try to run, you won’t be thrilled with what you find out there.”

  Her gaze left his and located the door. She stared back up at him.

  “You’re on a ship full of cyborgs. No one knows you’re here, and for right now, I want to keep it that way. So do you.”

  She licked her lips. “Okay. I won’t try to run from you. You saved me.”

  He crouched down, staring into her eyes. “They’ll want me to share you. Do you understand? You’re the only female on a ship with seven males.”

  Fear hit hard.

  An emotion akin to pity flashed in his eyes as he reached out and cupped her cheek. “I’m the only one who will touch you, but you need to follow my rules. Don’t try to leave this room. I can protect you here.” He glanced at the door before staring into her eyes again. “I’m going to shower. Get ready for me.”


  He released her and stood. She watched him step into the cleansing unit before the door closed, and she was alone. Seconds later it turned on, but Venice just sat there.

  “Did I just get myself into worse trouble?”

  No one answered her.

  Chapter Three

  The second the cleansing unit shut off, Venice scrambled to remove her underwear, wishing she could use Deviant’s shower too. He wasn’t the only one who’d gotten off during their walk to his ship. Her panties were soaked from both times he’d made her come. She used a dry part of them to wipe off her tummy where he’d left his seed and balled up the evidence, looking around the tidy room. She didn’t have a clue where to put them. He didn’t have a hamper or a trash can. And it was the only piece of clothing she had left.

  She turned and shoved them under his pillow, taking a seat.

  The unit opened and a wet, mostly naked Deviant stood there. She stared, her
mouth open, suddenly reminded how sexy he was. The towel wrapped around his waist rode low enough to show off his flat, firm belly. Muscles were apparent in a tight group of ridges—and that wasn’t the only muscle she saw. His cock was hard, trapped under the material hugging his thighs. She lifted her gaze.

  Bright blue eyes met hers before they lowered to her body. He stepped out of the small cleaning area and into his room. There wasn’t much space between the wall and the bunk. He reached for the towel, dropped it on the floor, and his cock lifted. Her heart raced and she knew what he wanted. He’d already told her.

  “You owe me. I wasn’t going to take time to get dry, so I hope you don’t mind me in this state.”

  “You saved me.”

  “I’m talking about how we got here. You came, didn’t you?”

  She nodded. “You were rubbing up against me. I tried to fight it but…it felt too good.”

  “Lay back and spread your thighs. Show me.”

  His husky tone turned her on. She twisted on the bed, scooted until she could lean back and rest her head on his pillow. It smelled like him, masculine and nice. She lifted her thighs, parted them wide, and placed her feet flat along the edges of the bunk. The wall was cool where one of her knees rested.

  She couldn’t look away from the cyborg who took a seat near the end of the bed. His sole focus was on her sex.

  “So pink and small,” he rasped.

  “Have you ever seen a woman this way before?” She remembered he was a virgin.

  “Not in person.” He leaned over, studying her pussy, and then reached for her.

  She shivered when his finger traced her slit. She was really wet, and she sucked in air when his fingertip explored her clit. He paused and his gaze lifted. He arched one eyebrow.

  Teach him, she reminded herself. That’s what he wants. “That’s the most sensitive spot.” She reached down, her fingers spreading her vaginal lips more, and gave him a better view. “You want to learn, right?”

  “Yes.” His voice came out deeper.

  “Do you want to learn oral first or just fuck me to know what it feels like?”

  “You look so delicate. I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”

  “If you were to just enter me fast and hard without me being turned-on, it would hurt. You’re big, Deviant.” She lifted her head and stared at his erect cock. “Really big.”

  His finger lowered to her slit again and tested it by pressing slightly inside her vaginal opening. “I wouldn’t fit inside you here.”

  “Yes, you will. We’re designed to stretch. Feel how wet I am? It helps to ease you inside me.”

  “I want to fuck you.”

  “Okay.” She hesitated. “Do you mind if I’m on top at first?”

  He pulled away from her and sat up. “Teach me how to do this so it feels really good for a female.”

  Her level of arousal instantly shot up. Most guys would have crawled over her and gone to town, but this guy wanted it to be good for her. She sat up and studied him. “Sit back against the wall.”

  He did, and she couldn’t help but get even more aroused by the fact that the big, sexy guy was doing what she told him to do. She had always wanted to try a few things, and suddenly she had a willing, hot man ready to do her bidding. He was damn near perfect.

  She got to her knees, bit her lip, and then straddled his thighs, facing away. She saw surprise on his face as she turned her head to stare back at him. His gaze dropped to her ass and desire darkened the color of them. It wasn’t her imagination. They slightly changed with his moods.

  She reached between them and gripped his thick shaft. He sucked in air and lifted his gaze to hers. “I haven’t read about this position. Is it an Earth one?”

  “It’s easier for me to ease onto you if I’m on top, to adjust to how big you are, and you can reach me better too if I’m facing away from you. Remember my clit? That sensitive spot?”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  “I’m going to lower down on you. I’m wet and ready to take you. Hold real still. In other words, don’t drive up into me, even if you get the urge. When I’m riding you, reach around me and rub my clit. Up and down feels really good, or in circles. Wet your finger first.”

  His eyebrows arched but he licked his lips. “I understand.”

  She spread her thighs a bit, leaned back so her ass pressed against his firm stomach, and lifted his cock to line up with her pussy. The crown brushed her and she fought back a moan. Excitement hit her at what they were about to do, and she adjusted her hips to align them perfectly. She kept her head turned, watching his face.


  “Yes.” His voice was really deep now, thick with desire.

  Yeah, the women on his planet are blind, she decided. Deviant was so sexy, she was hurting to ride him. She lowered her hips, the tip of his thick shaft pushed against her, and she watched his mouth press into a tight line as his eyes narrowed. She pushed down. His cock was so stiff, her body parting for him readily, and she moaned as her vaginal walls stretched.

  “Fuck,” he growled.

  “We’re about to.”

  His hands gripped her hips. “You’re so tight.”

  “That’s just the head.” She put more weight down and closed her eyes. “Oh God. You’re big.”

  “Am I hurting you?”

  She shook her head, too lost in the wonderful sensation of him filling her to speak. She lifted up a little, eased down, and took even more of him. His fingers squeezed her hips but he remained still otherwise. She moved up and down, taking more of him with every downward motion, until her ass rested against his hips. He was buried inside her deep, a part of her in every sense, and she’d never felt so taken in her life.

  “Heaven,” he rasped. “Don’t stop.”

  “Play with my clit. Please!”

  He released her hip and did as she asked. His chest pressed firmly against her back as he sat up and his fingers explored her pussy. He touched where they were connected, moved upward, and located the swollen flesh.

  “Oh yeah…”

  “What do I do?” He turned his head and lowered it, brushing a kiss against her neck.

  “Small, tight circles.”


  He moved his finger—and then she knew heaven too. “Oh God.”

  “Like this?”

  “Yes! Perfect.” She started to move her hips, fucking him slowly. “You feel so good, Deviant.”

  “So do you. You’re tight and wet. You squeeze my dick with each movement.”

  She rocked her hips faster, grinding down on his lap, and he applied more pressure against her clit without being asked.

  “I’m going to come if you kiss and bite lightly at my neck,” she moaned. “And pinch my nipples with your other hand.”

  He lifted his arm, hugging her against his body, and then cupped her breast right as his mouth found the side of her throat. His wet tongue teased her, his finger taunted her clit, and he used his thumb and finger to pinch the nipple of the breast he cupped with one big palm.

  She went wild on his lap, bucking up and down, frantic now, and when he bit her, she lost it. Pure ecstasy shot through her body as she came hard, cried out his name, and seized on his lap.

  Deviant cursed, released her breast, and his hand tore away from her pussy. He grabbed her hips, clutched them, and lifted Venice high before slamming her back down on his cock. He moved her fast, driving in and out of her during the height of her pleasure. He shouted out as he started to shoot his semen inside her.

  She could feel him, hot jets filling her, and her twitching muscles milked him as she came down from her climax. His arms wrapped around her waist and he hugged her against his body as they both tried to catch their breath. She leaned her head against his shoulder, turning it to brush a kiss on his neck.

  He adjusted them, strong enough to move with her body on top of his, and hugged her tighter. Venice liked that he held her afterward. She knew she had to mov
e off him soon but wasn’t in a hurry to break the intimate connection.

  “You enjoyed that.”

  “I did.”

  “It wasn’t a question.” He turned his head enough to peer into her eyes. “Do you always need stimulation to your clitoris to climax?”

  “I do. I hear some women don’t.”

  He frowned. “How do I know if a woman does or not?”

  She hesitated. “Ask?”

  His gaze narrowed. “You aren’t an expert, are you?”

  “I never claimed to be.”

  His hold on her adjusted and he hugged her waist. “You’re real though.”


  “And you’re mine.”

  “Yes.” For as long as he wanted her. That was the deal. She didn’t mention that part.

  “We’ll figure it out together.”


  “I’m a cyborg.”

  “I knew that. The gray skin gave it away,” she admitted.

  “Do I terrify you?”

  “Do I look scared?” She smiled. “You did make me scream though.”

  He suddenly laughed. It was a great sound, and his features took her breath away when he did it, once again striking her how handsome he was. His hands started to explore her ribs, rose up to cup her breasts, and she softly moaned.

  “Does that feel good?”


  “I want to touch you all over.”

  “Go right ahead.”

  “I should warn you of something.”

  She stared into his eyes. “What is it?”

  “Being a cyborg means I have stamina. I could fuck you a lot, Venice.”

  She shivered as he lightly pinched her nipples. “That doesn’t scare me.”

  “Good.” His hands slid down her ribs, over her stomach to her thighs. “I want to do you in every position I can think of.”

  “I’m all for that.”

  “I want to learn oral sex.”

  “I’m really all for that.”

  He chuckled. “I enjoyed you giving it, but it’s my turn.”