Page 10 of Bound to Trust

  Did Kaden really feel possessive over her, or was this just an act to protect her from being fucked by another man? He sure hadn't had a problem letting other women touch her.

  The dark-haired man licked his lips. "Understandable. She is quite the treasure. I am Telor. This is my submissive, Rora."

  Again, that sense of familiarity washed over her, but she shook it off. Obviously the couple must remind her of people she knew.

  "I am Kaden and this is Marina."

  "Perhaps you would like to watch us engage in sex later." Telor tipped Rora's chin so that she looked up. "My sweet slave here enjoys being watched, and I do so like to indulge her when she's been good."

  Despite her wariness, Marina felt her body's response to Telor's suggestion. The thought of watching the handsome man with the raven hair fuck the beautiful blonde was intriguing.

  Kaden looked to Marina, then grinned. "I'd say we could all enjoy something like that. I have yet to fuck my woman publicly, and have an urge to do so."

  Marina shivered under Kaden's heated gaze. Would he fuck her in public? Her cunt quivered at the thought of having sex with Kaden while another couple watched.

  More amazing revelations into her psyche. She was an exhibitionist!

  "Tonight, then, in one of the playrooms?" Telor suggested.

  Kaden nodded. "I will contact you."

  He looked at Marina. "Would you enjoy that, zejehr?"

  She swallowed and nodded. "Yes, Sire."

  "Good." He bent over and licked her neck, sending shivers of ecstasy down her spine. Kaden whispered in her ear. "Keep a look out for the missing women, but try not to give away that you're searching. This is why I've given you permission to look around. Oh, and smile as if I'm whispering something suggestive."

  She did, mainly because the feel of his warm breath against her neck was quite suggestive, indeed. Reminding herself she was on a mission and not here just for her pleasure, she straightened and began to search the room.

  It was so crowded she couldn't see much of anything other than the people nearby. This wasn't going to work.

  "Get up, Marina. I will show you around, introduce you to a few people I know."

  She did as Kaden bid, rising and following him as he led her by the leash. He knew that this would be the only way they'd be able to spot the women, if they were even still here at the palace. It had been a month since the last one was taken, so it was possible they were no longer in the palace.

  They stopped at a few tables so Kaden could speak to some of the men. While he busied himself talking, Marina took the opportunity to look around the room in search of the missing women.

  No luck. How were they ever going to find the women on this planet? She sure hoped Kaden had an idea, because she didn't have a clue.


  Kaden led Marina out of the palace, taking the moving walkway that would lead them through the city. He watched her as she took in the pink skies and tall buildings made of material known only to Xarta. Flexible buildings to withstand their seasonal winds, they swayed from side to side in the breeze.

  Marina's eyes widened and she looked as if she wanted to say something.

  "You have my permission to speak, Marina. We're alone now, so you don't have to ask."

  "The buildings move."


  "Can those inside feel the movement?"

  "No. We have stabilizers built into the structures so that what you see is not felt. We have very strong windstorms here a few months every year."


  He pointed out the various trees and shrubbery, so different in size, color and texture than the native plants on Earth. Where on Earth things were green, on Xarta pastels colored the landscape around her. Marina was fascinated, asking question after question.

  "Did you spot any of the women while we were in the dining hall?"

  She shook her head. "No. If they're not in the palace, how will we find them?"

  "I have a few people looking. They know what questions to ask. It's possible they will show at the gathering."

  "What's a gathering?"

  "A grand party at the palace to celebrate the coming season. In fact, it's a prime opportunity to enact the second part of our plan."

  "You mean try to find the method of transport of the slaves?"

  "Yes. They always bring new slaves in during the gathering. We just have to figure out how they're getting here, and who's bringing them in. It's a part of the puzzle we haven't yet been able to discover."

  "I wish I could remember, Kaden, but I only get vague images when I try to recall what happened to me."

  "We can work on that. I figured the women who were taken had been drugged, and obviously with a chemical compound used here in Xarta that affects short-term memory."

  "Any way to get those memories back?"

  "The only way to do that is to keep pushing your mind to remember that night you were taken."

  "I went to the BDSM club. That much I remember."

  "Did you meet anyone?"

  She shook her head. "I don't know. I remember dancing, but I can't place with whom. Everything after that is a blank until I woke up here. Although..."


  "When I woke here, I didn't have the equilibrium dizziness I get from space travel."

  "Spaceship travel, you mean?"

  "Yes. Other than feeling a little groggy, I was fine."

  "So you didn't come by ship."

  She shrugged. "I don't know. I might have, and maybe I didn't experience the dizziness because I was unconscious."

  Kaden smiled and nodded as another couple passed by. As soon as they were out of earshot, he said, "Could be a portal."

  "I hadn't thought of that. An opening between Earth and Xarta?"

  "Yes. We need to figure out if there is one, and if there is, I'd bet it's near the intake quarters for new slaves. The key is to find the doorway."

  "Okay. How do we do that? If there's a portal, they're not just going to let us step up to it and walk through."

  "No, but if we gain their trust, try to involve ourselves in their 'recruiting' of slaves, we'll be able to see it."

  "How do you intend to manage that?"

  Kaden grinned. "Easy. I'll offer myself up as a recruiter. I'll tell them you're happy with your new surroundings, and you know of several Earth women they could bring over."

  Marina smiled, her entire face lighting up. "Great idea. Risky, though."

  "True enough."

  "I wish I could get this block out of my memory. If I knew who took me, it would at least be a start in unraveling the chain."

  "Keep trying. It'll come back to you." Kaden pulled a berry from a nearby bush and popped it into his mouth.

  "What's that?"

  He grabbed a handful from a nearby blue bush. "Fruit. Everything is ready for harvest now."

  Marina's eyes widened when he placed the bursting green berry into her mouth. "Oh my God, what is this?"

  "Lnxtar. Another one of our sweet fruits. This is what our gathering celebrates. When all the fruits are ripe on the trees, the crops that take a year to grow are ready for harvest." At her frown, he grinned. "We do other things on Xarta besides just fuck, Marina. Xarta is an agricultural planet. Our soils are rich and our crops are heralded through the galaxies."

  "I had no idea. That purple fruit from the trees was very good, too."

  He laughed. "Yes, it looked good dribbling down your chin and over your breasts, too. I enjoyed licking the juices from your nipples."

  Those very nipples beaded under her gossamer dress, clearly delineating the puckered areolas. He sent vibrations to the nipple charms, and a stronger one to her clit. Marina gasped. "Don't do that."

  Without the forced submission, she was quite feisty. He had to admit he kind of liked her this way. Then again, he liked her under his control, too. "I do what I please, Marina. You know that."

  "It makes me horny, dammit."

  Her frustra
tion and arousal pleased him. What a remarkable woman she was. He would miss her greatly when their mission was over. Maybe more than he should. "I'm preparing you for what is to come later."

  She glanced up at him. "And what is that?"

  "Our time with Telor and Rora."

  She swallowed, hard, and blinked. "You like watching other people have sex, don't you?"

  "Yes. Voyeurism is quite stimulating." He stopped and turned her to face him. "You like it too."

  "I don't know," she said, turning her gaze away from him. Her musky scent filled the air around them. She was aroused.

  "Yes, you do know. I don't understand why you deny your sexual urges, Marina. You're a very sensual woman. I think you enjoy voyeurism, and if I guess correctly, a bit of exhibitionism, too."

  She shrugged. "I'm just doing my job."

  "Don't deny to me how you feel."

  Lifting her chin, she said, "This is just another undercover assignment, Kaden. Don't read too much into my actions."

  Something bothered her. Why was she trying to hide the fact that she found her situation arousing? "There's no shame in being a submissive, Marina."

  "I'm submissive to no one, Kaden. This is an act, remember?"

  "It wasn't an act when you came all over my cock," he said, feeling the stirrings of desire for her. She made him insane with lust to the point he wanted to do nothing but fuck her all the time.

  She shrugged but didn't say anything in response.

  "Look at me," he commanded.

  She did, the fire in her eyes telling him that she fought her own feelings.

  "Admit that you're enjoying this role you play."


  "Marina, didn't I tell you that I didn't want to hear that word from you?"

  "We're not under watch right now, Kaden. I don't have to play the submissive with you."

  "Oh, but you do. As long as we're on this planet, you're mine. I command you, I tell you what to do, and you will do it."

  "Fuck off, Kaden. I'm in no mood for this today."

  Was she deliberately baiting him, hoping for a reaction? If so, she'd succeeded. He wound the leash around his fist and pulled her to him. "Are you begging for punishment today, Marina?"

  She didn't answer, but her eyes spoke volumes.

  Desire, need, and an internal war that she was losing.

  When would she realize that when she accepted what she was, she would be the winner?

  "Answer me."

  Again, she said nothing.

  "You know what happens when you disobey me."

  "I tire of playing this stupid game with you, Kaden."

  Emotions swirled within him. Anger that she refused to accept what she was mixed with a heady ache in his groin that only Marina could assuage.

  "I warned you not to disobey me. Now you will be punished." He turned on his heel and strode quickly back to the palace. Tethered to the leash, Marina had no choice but to follow. He felt the daggers of her gaze on his back, but he was long past the point of caring.

  His mind was already plotting her punishment, one that he, and she, would derive great pleasure from.

  Chapter Nine

  Marina struggled as Kaden led her back into the palace, his strides quick and purposeful. She had to nearly run to keep up with him.

  She didn't want this. Didn't want this game anymore, or the feelings that Kaden forced her to face.

  This was a job. Only a job. For him, as well as for her. Oh sure, they'd had great sex, but she was not a submissive. Never had been, never would be.

  Frustration filled her. She wanted her freedom, wanted to go back to her solitary, orderly, boring life back on Earth and get as far away as possible from the heady sensations she'd been forced to endure on Xarta.

  The realization that this farce could go on longer than she'd anticipated finally hit her when she couldn't spot any of the women at the dining hall. Coupled with the walk she'd taken with Kaden, the delightful smells and sights of Xarta, and she found herself suddenly feeling...comfortable in her position and surroundings.

  Strange emotions had filled her then, her heart swelling with an indefinable sensation, then quickly replaced with a cold fear that had left her shaken.

  Marina had never been in love. She was over thirty years old and she'd never loved a man. Yet being with Kaden felt right. His tenderness, his passion...yes, even the way he dominated her...did strange things to her mind.

  She was beginning to like all this, and that scared the shit out of her. She was starting to have strong emotional feelings for Kaden that went beyond simple lust, and that frightened her even more. How stupid to fall in love with the one man she could never have a future with.

  Although how she could love a man who was currently pulling her through the palace hallways was mystifying. He strode quickly past their room and continued down the long hallway, nearly dragging her in his wake. He stopped at a huge doorway, pressing his fingers inside the pad. The door slid open and he pulled Marina inside.

  Holy shit! What the hell was all this stuff?

  They'd entered a room filled with bondage devices. Shackles on the walls, tables with restraints, a rack filled with different types of whips, gags and a few other things Marina didn't want to even guess about.

  Heat settled low in her belly and her sex hummed to life with steady vibrations of excitement. She realized that her mouth was open and she was panting lightly.

  What the hell had happened to her in this place? The thought of being restrained, of having Kaden punish her, turned her on more than she ever thought possible. This wasn't who she was. She was a vanilla sex and simple vibrator girl, not some kinky sex goddess who got off on being bound and spanked.

  Wasn't she?

  She really didn't know anymore.

  You're stronger than this, Marina. You can fight it. You don't want this, or the things Kaden makes you feel.

  "You need to learn the ways of our people, Marina. A submissive never argues with her Dom."

  No way would she respond. She was already in enough trouble, but dammit she couldn't handle the way he made her feel.

  He pulled her over to a well-cushioned table about waist-high and two foot wide. It stood in the middle of the room and had restraining cuffs on each end plus on the floor.

  "This is what you will face each time you disobey me," he said, his voice bearing no sympathy. "Now, undress, and do it quickly."

  She thought of defying him, but what was the point? Her body was already aflame with need for whatever punishment he'd thought up. She'd simply close off her emotions and enjoy the physical aspect of this game with Kaden.

  Face it, Marina. You want to be punished. You crave it like an addiction.

  How quickly her life, her very way of thinking, had changed. It scared the hell out of her, yet made her want to do whatever he asked of her.

  With quick movements, she untied the belt around her waist and pulled the garment free of her body, leaving her naked under his raking gaze. Her traitorous nipples responded by puckering, tightening as the emeralds tingled against her skin.

  He purposely made the emeralds vibrate, knowing how it aroused her. The stone at her clit rubbed the tiny nub, sparking it to life. Moisture beaded between her legs.

  She should be afraid, considering some of the devices in this room, their express purpose to cause pain of differing levels. Yet the only thing she felt was excitement.

  Because she trusted Kaden. He would never hurt her. Nothing he'd done to her so far had been painful. Torturous, yes, but a sweet, aching torment that left her wanting more.

  He positioned her over the table, locking the padded restraints around her wrists and ankles. She could only imagine how she looked in this position--bent over, spread-eagled and exposed in every way imaginable.

  "Comfortable?" he asked.

  "Yes." She grit her teeth, not knowing what to expect.


  "Yes, Sire." Sometimes she hated him a lot more t
han she desired him.

  "Do you understand what punishment means in the context of a dominant and submissive relationship?"

  "Not really, Sire."

  He stepped in front of her, lifting her chin to meet his stern look. "You're about to find out."

  But instead of moving behind her to spank her or whatever he was about to do, he stayed in front of her, and slowly began to undress. Her mouth went dry as he lifted the shirt over his head, revealing his perfectly formed torso. She dug her nails into her palms, desperately wishing she were untethered so she could run her fingers over his broad shoulders and muscled chest.

  Her gaze traveled to the line of golden hair leading into his pants. He snapped open the pants and slid them down his chiseled thighs. His already stiff cock stood inches away from her mouth.

  "Would you like a taste, Marina?"

  "Yes, Sire."

  Taking his shaft in hand, he stroked it slowly, then moved toward her, drawing close enough for her to lick at the drop of pre-come that appeared. She shuddered at the brief taste he allowed before pulling away and moving behind her.

  Something about hearing him back there, but not knowing what he was doing, was quite disconcerting.

  "Punishing a submissive is all about emotion, Marina. The only pain involved is the pleasurable kind, and no more than what you can safely tolerate. Do you trust me?"

  She inhaled sharply at the feel of his hand caressing her buttocks. "Yes, Sire."

  "Good." She knew he smiled, even though she couldn't see his face. "Remember that when this begins. I don't want you to speak unless I ask you to. If you feel more pain than you can handle, you are allowed to say the word 'Xarta' and I will stop immediately."

  She nodded, feeling comforted by having a safe word, although she knew he wouldn't deliberately hurt her.

  Anticipation filled her. What would he do, how would this play out? Would he use his hand as he was doing now, or something else?

  Her question was answered when he walked to a rack in front of her and stood there perusing the punishment objects. Canes, whips, quirts, floggers, even leather straps were lined up neatly in rows.

  "Close your eyes, Marina," Kaden commanded, his back still to her.

  She didn't want to. She wanted to see what he chose, so she'd know what would happen. But she did as he asked, squeezing her eyes shut.

  A minute later, his voice resounded behind her. "Now you can open your eyes. Do you know what I'm going to do to you?"