Page 2 of Bound to Trust

  "The Ilumia Hotel on Mission Street. Eight o'clock in the lobby."

  She nodded and started to leave the office.

  "And wear a dress," he added.

  She halted and turned. "I don't think so."

  "Wear a dress," he said again, his voice calm and even.

  "I said no."

  "One more time, Marina. Wear a dress."

  His tone changed, adding an edge, a warning that indicated he wasn't happy. Good. Pissing him off on a regular basis might be the most enjoyable aspect of this assignment. "Why?"

  "Because your training starts tonight and you need to start following my orders. So far it's not looking good."

  Sonofabitch! Had he just set her up? She looked to Laren, who wore a very worried expression on her face. Her superior officer had never once doubted her abilities to complete an assignment. "Fine," she said, gritting her teeth as she choked the words out. "Eight o'clock."

  "In a dress."

  Dickhead. "Yes, dammit. In a dress."

  Before she could utter the invectives she wanted to fling at the arrogant alien, she left Laren's office, deciding to call it a day and work off her irritation in the exercise room at home. By the time eight o'clock came around, she might have her temper under control.

  Then again, she might not. They weren't in Xarta so she didn't have to turn into a pussycat just yet. She might just have to show Kaden what kind of partner he'd be dealing with on this assignment.

  Oh hell. First she had to stop at the store and buy a fucking dress.


  "She's quite something, isn't she?" Kaden said, sliding into the chair that Marina vacated. He still felt her presence, smelled her unique female scent as if she'd actually touched him.

  Which she hadn't. He'd remedy that soon enough.

  Laren smirked. "Yes, she is. You held back admirably. What do you think?"

  "I think she'll be difficult." And his body was more than up to the challenge, as it had been the moment she'd turned around and he'd gotten his first look at her.

  Dark, smoldering sexuality simmered within Marina. Her eyes, emerald windows as glittery as the green seas of Xarta, were the most prominent feature on her face. Her skin was a soft, buttery caramel that he itched to touch and taste. And that hair of hers--wild, wavy, with a sensuality all its own. She tried to tame it by winding it into a knot at the back of her head. Oh no, that wouldn't do at all. She would wear her hair down, curling along her shoulders and over her breasts, available for him to tangle his fingers within or wrap around his fist and tug while he fucked her.

  His cock drew hard and tight against his pants, the first time he'd felt instantaneous sexual stirrings for a woman in far too long.

  "She'll do her job, Kaden. And she'll do it well."

  But would she learn to do him as well? He'd read the challenge that simmered in her magical green eyes, making them glitter like hard emeralds. But something else showed on her face, something she didn't even know she possessed.

  A desire to be dominated. He knew it. Felt it, deep within. She might think she was the dominant one, but he'd soon show her she had no control at all.

  Not where it counted. And she'd want him to take over. "Will she be receptive?" he asked Laren, knowing his old friend would know whether Marina could handle the lifestyle.

  "Honestly? I have no idea. She'll do her job and she'll act accordingly, of course. But as far as whether she'll truly accept you as her Dom, I don't know, Kaden. I wish I did, but I can't give you one hundred percent certainty."

  "I know you can't. It's good enough that you've recommended her, Laren. I'm sure she'll be fine, especially after my training."

  Laren laughed. "I can only imagine. If only I could be a fly on the wall and watch the way you two interact. I'd pay big money to see that event."

  After he left Laren's office, he went back to his hotel, tossed his things on the spacious bed and climbed into the water-based shower device. At least they still used water here instead of the antibacterial cleansing rituals some of the other planets had.

  As he showered he thought of Marina. Laren couldn't guarantee that Marina would be cooperative. He didn't need Laren's guarantee anyway. Just being near Marina allowed him to connect with her on a psychic level. While he couldn't read her mind, he could pick up on her emotions. She showed much more through her expressive eyes than she knew, and what he'd read led him to believe she wasn't as repulsed at the thought of submission as she wanted him to believe.

  Then again, theirs wouldn't be a usual Dom/sub relationship either. She wasn't going into this wanting to become a submissive. If all went as planned, she'd be kidnapped, prepared and put on the auction block. She'd be an unwilling slave, something he found distasteful, yet seemed to be a lifestyle his planet embraced now. It wasn't enough that the born and bred Xartanian women were more than eager to submit to their Dom. No, the controllers of the planet also had to indulge those who wanted the unwilling women.

  Ten years ago, he'd refused to play the part of slave owner of an unwilling female. Yet he'd also grown bored with the Xartanian-born women who offered him no challenge. He was fucked either choice he made, and not in a satisfying way.

  What the hell did he want? A willing or unwilling woman? That question he'd spent the better part of ten years trying to answer.

  But he already knew. He wanted a woman who was his equal outside of the bedroom, his slave within. The type of woman he would never meet among the native females of Xarta. The kind of woman he craved went against his own biological makeup. He was supposed to want a willing sub, not one who would challenge him in all areas except sexually.

  And that type of woman wasn't easy to find. Laren was one, in fact had fallen in love with one of his friends. A friend who had walked away from Laren as if she meant nothing to him. Kaden knew the real reasons, but he wouldn't interfere. It wasn't his place to get in the middle of a Dom and his sub. He felt Laren's sorrow though, and wished he could comfort her.

  His thoughts strayed to Marina and what kind of submissive she could be. She was certainly a dominant female, at least in her work. But what would she be like sexually? Did she want to dominate her men in the bedroom, too?

  Instinct told him no. Then again, he could be completely wrong about her. Either way, he'd have her on his terms, whether she liked it or not.

  What did it matter anyway? He'd play his part, and she'd play hers. Only it would be a game, a charade where neither of them was seriously intending to further their relationship.

  When they uncovered those responsible for the kidnappings and their mission was over, Marina would come back to Earth and resume her life, and he'd go back to patrolling the galaxies.


  Then again, she would be his to train for as long as the mission lasted. And as long as it lasted, he'd enjoy every moment of her submission.

  Chapter Two

  A dress. Stupid fucking dress. Marina hated wearing them, preferring the comfort of her uniform pants and jacket with a light shirt underneath. Which is why she had to go shopping after she left work. She didn't even own a dress. She wore pants. All the time. She could move, kick, be mobile in pants. In this getup she was lucky to be able to walk. High heels should be a Dom's torture device. Insanity must have taken hold of her today when she'd let the sales woman con her into these ridiculous shoes.

  She slipped out of the transport vehicle and gave the driver her card to charge the required credits for the trip. Sucking in a breath of courage, she strolled to the front door, watching her reflection in the glass as she approached. The black dress fit snug, showing off her curves. A little tight in the bust, her cleavage swelled over the bodice more than she preferred. What did she know about buying dresses, anyway? She'd been desperate to get out of the store, and the saleswoman had been very persuasive. Marina had finally given up and let the expert choose for her.

  The heels, vicious devices of pain that they were, made her legs look long and slender. She'd pul
led her hair into a clip, but the stiff breeze whipped curling tendrils free, the unruly strands tickling her face.

  Ah well. It would just have to do. She still wondered why she'd worn this getup. Just because Kaden asked her to? She was really going to hate this assignment.

  Kaden was waiting for her in the middle of the lobby, hands clasped behind his back and wearing a no-nonsense, straight face. He didn't crack a smile as she approached.

  In fact, he didn't speak at all when she stopped in front of him, just continued to stare at her, tilting his head to the side as he looked the length of her. Finally, he said, "Nice dress. Thank you for wearing it."

  Shock caused her momentary speechlessness. He thanked her? "You're welcome."

  He turned and walked away. Obviously she was supposed to follow him like some obedient servant. If this was the way he treated his first dates, she'd bet he didn't get many second ones. Not that they were dating. Oh hell, she didn't know where her mind was.

  They were escorted to a semi-circular booth in a corner of the restaurant, lit only by candles. When Marina slid into the booth along the corner wall, Kaden slipped in next to her. The more she scooted over, the more he followed. Short of falling on her ass onto the floor, she had to make do with the fact he was going to sit right next to her.

  The waiter approached and waited for their order. Kaden took a brief look at the menu on the monitor behind them, then ordered wine and both their dinners. The waiter smiled and hurried off before Marina could get a chance to object.

  "I'm perfectly capable of ordering my own drink and food."

  "You might as well get over that. From now on, I'll be telling you what to eat and drink, among other things."

  Irritation swept through her. So this was how it was going to be, with him controlling her every move and making all the decisions for her. And Laren enjoyed this shit?

  "Look, Kaden. Let's get one thing clear right now. I'm doing this because it's my job. Not because I want to be dominated or am in any way interested in this lifestyle. Got it?"

  He didn't respond, just grinned at her.

  Prick. She hoped this would be a very short assignment.

  Their wine arrived and Kaden poured a glass for her. She had half a mind to ignore it, but what the hell. After taking a sip, she had to admit it was fantastic. Smooth, mellow, not too sweet or bitter. Just the way she liked it. "This is good."

  "Yes, I knew you'd like it."

  She rolled her eyes, hoping he wouldn't notice. What, was he psychic, too?

  "Let's talk about what's going to happen," he said.

  At least one of them could concentrate. "Okay."

  "Once you're taken, you will be brought into a preparation room. There, you'll be stripped, bathed, and readied for auction."

  "How appealing. I can't wait."

  Ignoring her sarcasm, he continued. "At auction, you will be showcased for potential buyers. I'll be one of them, and I'll be purchasing you."

  She refused to think that he might be the only one bidding on her. "Fine."

  "Once I purchase you, this game begins. There are some things you won't find pleasant, considering your nature."

  She looked at him. "Such as?"

  He reached for a curl of her hair and wound it around his fingers. When she started to jerk away, he held her firm.

  "Such as this. I'll be touching you. Anyway I want to, anywhere I want to. You can fight, of course, but I'll make you obey."

  "You can bet your ass I'll fight you." No one told her what to do. Ever.

  "That's good. They'll expect that. But don't fight too hard or for too long or they'll dispose of you. A little bit of a wildcat is a good thing, especially during the auction because that brings about high bids. Too much fight and they'll think you untrainable."

  He was making this sound more and more alluring by the second. "I'll try to keep that in mind. What happens after that?"

  "As your Dom, I'll be chaining you to me and leading you to the privacy chamber where we'll get...acquainted."

  She watched his expression, but he revealed nothing of what he was thinking or feeling. "You mean we'll fuck."

  His light chuckle was unnerving. "There's a lot more to it than just fucking. Remember, as my submissive, your primary reason for existence is to please me. And you will please me."

  Was that a threat or confidence? Emotions warred within her. She wanted to be pissed off at his arrogant attitude, and yet the way he spoke with such assurance that she would "please him" gave her a thrill she hadn't expected to feel. "Exactly what kind of 'pleasing' will I do?"

  He picked up his wine glass and swirled the liquid around the glass. She studied his long fingers, imagining what they'd feel like against her skin and inside her. Before her imagination went too far, she blinked to shake off the erotic thoughts.

  "The kind of pleasing I'm in the mood for at the moment."

  "Such as?"

  He tilted his head. "You seem fascinated by what I'm going to do to you, Marina. Are you anxious to begin your training?"

  "No!" She realized as soon as she shouted the word that she was protesting more than she should. "I mean, I'd just like to be forewarned about what could happen. If I'm going to be flogged, I'd like to mentally prepare myself."

  Tucking the errant curl behind her ear, he traced her earlobe with his finger. She shivered at the warmth of his touch. "I don't want you to know ahead of time what I'm going to do. It will be more pleasurable for me if you don't know."

  She snorted. "Pleasurable for you is the key, isn't it?"

  "What pleases me, Marina, will also please you."

  She looked away and stared into her wine. "I doubt that."

  He reached for her chin and turned her head to face him. "You doubt that I can pleasure you?"

  She smirked. "Many have tried. Few have succeeded."

  "Then you've been with the wrong men."

  Tell her something she didn't know. As far as she was concerned, there was no right man. Either that or she was just impossible to please.

  Determined to get off the subject of sex and pleasure, she said, "So tell me about yourself, Kaden."

  "I'd rather talk about you." He shifted closer and rested his arm over the back of the booth. The hairs of his forearm tickled the back of her neck and she leaned forward to avoid his touch.

  Damn, he smelled good too. Some kind of musk, but it wasn't cologne. Whatever his scent was, it was unique to him and filled her mind with thoughts of passion. There was something elementally arousing about a man who smelled good. Yet with Kaden, his scent wasn't manufactured cologne. It seemed to emanate from his body as if it were natural. Pheromones, maybe? Trying to be subtle about it, she inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. When she opened them, he was staring at her.

  A woman could get lost in eyes like his. She quickly looked away.

  "I asked you to tell me about yourself," he said again, his voice low, almost near a whisper.

  "Not much to tell. I've been an investigator with the enforcement unit for ten years."

  "How old are you?"

  "Thirty-four." She looked to him. "You?"

  His smile made her heart slam against her chest. "We don't age the same as you. But if you had to calculate it by your Earth years, I'm in my early forties."

  He had a dimple on one side of his mouth, right where his lips curved upward into that devastating smile. His scent kept drawing her, making her want to lean against him and run her tongue along his skin to find out if he tasted as good as he smelled. She blinked and sat back, taking a long swallow of wine. Kaden refilled her glass.

  "Lift your dress to your thighs," he said.

  Her eyes widened. Surely she hadn't heard him right. "Excuse me?"

  "Lift your dress. I want to see your legs."

  "Are you insane? I'm not doing that here. We're in public!" Even if her body woke with a vengeance at his suggestion. She wished now that she'd had sex recently. It was just being close to a man again afte
r so long that made her nerve endings vibrate.

  He moved his hand to her shoulder, lazily playing with the silk sleeve. "When I tell you to do something, Marina, I will expect you to obey without question. Any time you question me or refuse to do what I ask, you will be punished."


  "Because it's what I want. As my slave, you will be obligated to do anything I ask of you."

  "So you can humiliate me? Do you get off on that?"

  He frowned and shook his head. "Of course not. I would never do anything to cause you to suffer humiliation. You don't understand the concept of dominants and submissives. You need to understand one thing--whatever I do to you is for my pleasure, but also for yours."

  "So you said. You really think I'll enjoy all this?"

  "Why don't you let me demonstrate? Cooperate completely with me through dinner tonight, and then you decide whether you derive any pleasure from it."

  This would be her chance to prove him wrong. "You're on."

  "You must promise to do whatever I ask, no matter what it is."

  "Now wait a minute--"

  He held up his hand to silence her. "Remember that I will never do anything to humiliate you. On that you have my word."

  What did she have to lose? Let the high and mighty master prove himself. "Okay, let's play."

  One corner of his mouth curved upward, revealing that dimple. His eyes darkened and he said, "Lift your dress to your thighs."

  Marina looked around the restaurant. No one was sitting in the nearby booths. In fact, not a single person was paying any attention to them. Besides, the tablecloth draped to the floor, hiding her legs. The only one seeing them would be Kaden. Feeling more nervous than she should, she reached down and laid her hands in her lap, then slowly drew the silk dress above her knees, stopping short of revealing her thighs completely.

  "I said to your thighs."

  She looked at him, and his dark eyes mesmerized her. There was something so hot about the way they seemed to change color from the brightest summer sky to the darkest stormy cloud. But still, the way he commanded her was annoying as hell.

  "This is high enough."

  "Lift it all the way to the tops of your thighs. Don't argue with me."

  She was about to do just that when she realized that Kaden held the key to this assignment. If she failed in this little task, her could easily go back to Laren and claim that Marina wasn't going to work out.