Page 4 of Bound to Trust

  "He finds you very attractive and wants to meet you."

  Rora's Dom had to be blind. Why would he want Marina when the perfect woman already belonged to him? But since she was supposed to mingle, she figured this was a start, especially if Rora and her Dom were regulars. "Really?"

  "Yes. You are such a contrast to me. He wondered if you would agree to dance with me. It would please him to see us together."

  Ah. Rora's Dom wanted to fix Marina up with Rora. Not really her type, even if she was an incredibly beautiful woman. Marina's sexual desires had never leaned toward other women, even though she'd fantasized about same-sex encounters now and then while masturbating.

  Oh, what the hell. Maybe if the slavers were somewhere in attendance, she could make herself more visible this way. "Sure. I'd love to."

  Marina finished her drink and sat it on the bar counter, then followed Rora to the crowded dance floor. The song playing had a fast, driving beat and Rora began to gyrate to the enticing music. Admittedly, the song was one of Marina's favorites. She turned it on in her apartment all the time and danced around while doing her cleaning and laundry. She soon found herself swept into the rhythm, picking up the way Rora moved and dancing in time to the woman's actions. Rora's breasts swelled tight against her flimsy silk top, her nipples prominently displayed against the thin fabric. She wore no bra, and her breasts swayed up and down as she moved her body.

  As women went, if Marina was going to engage in a little lesbian action, she'd definitely choose one as sensual as the willowy blonde.

  Rora slid alongside Marina, slithering her body close, pressing her breasts against her as she wrapped her arms around Marina's waist. The music slowed as a new song began. A slow one, meant for couples. Rora twined her arms tighter around Marina and rested her fingertips along the small of Marina's back.

  Having no choice but to reciprocate, Marina wound her arms around Rora's neck and allowed the woman to pull her in closer. Their hips met and Rora rocked against Marina's pelvis.

  Heady stuff, indeed. She'd never realized she could be so turned on by another female. Maybe it was because they were in a public place and people watched. Marina fought back a snicker. First the restaurant, and now a crowded dance floor. She never knew she possessed the characteristics of an exhibitionist, but showing off like this was quite a turn on.

  If nothing else, this assignment was sure as hell enlightening.

  Rora's breasts were pliant, her scent like sweet gardenias, her lips full and painted a shiny pink. Marina fleetingly wondered what she'd taste like, having only experienced the flavor of her own juices before.

  "Where's your Dom?" she asked Rora.

  "He's over there."

  Marina followed Rora's pointed finger. A tall, slender man in brown leather and a floor-length coat stood just off the dance floor, his intense gaze trained on them. He had shoulder-length, straight black hair, a long, hawkish nose, and the darkest eyes she'd ever seen. Incredibly sexy, he smiled in a self-satisfied way that led her to believe he had just gotten exactly what he wanted.

  Wrong, bucko. What you got was to enjoy a little voyeurism. That was as far as she'd go with Rora.

  She turned back to smile at her dance partner, then quickly grasped Rora's arms as a wave of dizziness threatened to send her to the floor.

  "What's wrong, Marina?"

  "Whoa," she said, shaking her head to clear the sudden fog. "Must be that drink. I might have downed it too quickly."

  A concerned frown appeared on Rora's face. "You do look a little pale. How about some fresh air?"

  She could barely stand as nausea overcame her and her legs wobbled. The desire to lie down in the middle of the dance floor was overwhelming. "Get me out of here," she gasped, grateful for Rora's arm slipping around her waist and guiding her off the floor.

  Marina blinked and tried to see in front of her, but everything had gone blurry. She could barely make out the tall giant of a man in front of her.

  "You don't look well, little one," he said. "Rora, let me take her."

  "Yes, Sire."

  She nearly lost it as she was swooped up into his arms. She fought to remain conscious, realizing that she'd been drugged.

  By Rora? Her befuddled mind couldn't comprehend that the meek blonde would do that. Perhaps she was instructed to do so by her sire, the man who carried her against his rock-hard chest.

  They walked through a door and were suddenly outside. It wasn't the front door. Some back or side entrance maybe? Dammit, she couldn't even lift her head. She didn't have the strength to fight. Hoping he was one of the kidnappers, she prayed she hadn't fallen into some other trap. One that she wouldn't be able to escape from.

  Unable to fight the effects of whatever drug she'd been given, she closed her eyes and gave herself up to the blissful darkness.


  Marina heard sounds, but her eyelids were heavy and she couldn't force them open. Her mouth was so dry it hurt and she was desperate for a drink.

  Voices whispered nearby. She tried to move, but something prevented her from doing so. Dammit, she was so tired! She fought to remember what had happened before she woke, but her mind was a dense mass of...nothing. Where had she been before? And more importantly, where was she now? How long had she been unconscious?

  Finally managing to pry her eyelids open, she fought past the drug-induced haze and looked around.

  She was in a room. The walls were light in color. A harsh light shined overhead, but she didn't see the source of it. Sunlight maybe? No, she felt no heat on her body. In fact, she was downright chilled.

  The voices were behind her, whispering. Two people at least, but she couldn't hear what they were saying. Cold, metal bindings surrounded her wrists and ankles. The table she laid on was uncovered and just as icy as the room temperature around her.

  Now she remembered, at least parts of it. She was undercover, and she'd been to the BDSM club. But that's all she remembered.

  Her teeth began to chatter and she started to shiver. Couldn't they have thrown a blanket over her? At least she was still dressed, although the outfit she'd worn to the club didn't afford her much in the way of warming coverage.

  "What's wrong, dear lady? Are you cold?"

  A deep voice resounded behind her. He appeared beside her, a giant of a man, his body so wide it cast a shadow over hers.

  He looked human, except for a face covered with interesting looking tattoos. He was bald, the skin of his head pierced four times across the top as if they'd grabbed his skin and sewn it together with long needles, then left the needles in his scalp. The tattoos were all different colors and almost completely covered his face, head and neck. She'd seen her share of aliens on Earth, but never one that looked like him.

  "I am Zim, slave master of Xarta."

  Marina let out the breath she'd been holding, grateful that she'd at least made it to the right planet. Hell, she must have been out for a couple days to take a flight to this planet without waking. How odd. Even the high-speed travel rockets took a minimum of two Earth days to reach the Meloxian galaxy.

  The fog finally clearing from her mind, she managed to open her eyes and cast Zim an angry, frightened look. "Where am I? How did I get here?"

  "You are where you should be. How you got here is not for you to know. What you need to know I will tell you."

  "Just wait a minute. Who the hell are you to--"

  Her words were cut off by a lightning-like zing of electric shock that coursed through every muscle, making her nearly leap off the table despite her bindings. Shit, that hurt! She felt the lingering, unpleasant tingle at her neck. She was wearing some kind of collar.

  Obviously an electrical one.

  "You will not speak again unless spoken to. That was a mild correction. The next one will really be painful."

  The bastard enjoyed inflicting pain, too. She could tell by his leering expression. She'd like to take whatever electrical shock device he'd just used on her and shove it up his a
ss. Nevertheless, she remained mute.

  "You have been brought to Xarta to serve as a submissive to a dominant male. You will be taught how to behave, how to act as an obedient slave, and how to serve the sire who purchases you at auction tonight. You will shortly be taken to the preparation room where potential bidders can peruse those who will go out for sale this evening. At no time are you to speak unless you are directly asked a question. Is that understood?"

  Tamping down the urge to tell him what she really thought, she nodded, wishing she could turn this into an out-of-body experience. Kaden had explained some of what might happen during preparation and auction, although she got the idea that he was being purposely vague. She didn't look forward to any of it.

  A couple men with facial tattoos similar to Zim arrived shortly thereafter. They removed her shackles and dragged her into a standing position. Marina fought the sudden dizziness that threatened to drop her to her knees, grateful for their supporting strength.

  They led her into another room. It was very warm in the room, and a large, sunken bath centered the chamber. Two women stood in the bath, completely naked and heads bowed. One was a pale creamy color, the other had a near lavender tinge to her skin. Both had three breasts!

  On Earth she saw her share of alien cultures, but usually not naked ones. Interesting to see a third breast popping up between the other two.

  Marina was quickly stripped by the two men and fought back the embarrassment of having to stand naked in front of them. They seemed oblivious to her discomfort as they led her toward the bath.

  "Get in. Don't try to escape or struggle or you'll be punished."

  Where would she go? The only way out was through two doorways, and the extremely tall men positioned themselves at each one to block her only escape. She only hoped her sizzling collar wouldn't electrify her when she entered the water.

  She stepped into the bath, the warm, steaming water heating her chilled skin. Without speaking or looking at her, the women picked up square, rough, sponge-like objects. Actually they looked sharp and painful, but fortunately the scrubbing felt great. They began at her neck and washed her from top to bottom.

  Oh, why not just enjoy it? She'd just think of this as one of those spa vacations where she was pampered and catered to.

  After she'd been bathed and had her hair washed, the women led her from the tub and patted her dry with a warm towel. Left naked, she was taken once again by the men guarding her through yet another doorway.

  This time, she dug in her heels as she realized she would not be alone in the next room.

  There were other naked women in the room, all strapped to tables that tilted up and back. Most were straight up, their arms and legs shackled as Marina had been when she first woke. But that wasn't the worst part.

  The outer wall was glass. On the other side of the glass stood a group of men, all watching with rapt interest.

  "I don't think so," she mumbled, more to herself than to her guardians.

  "Silence, woman!" They gripped her upper arms and dragged her to a table, quickly strapping her in and tilting her upward so she faced the glass wall.

  There had to be two dozen men staring through the glass, all of their gazes suddenly fixed on her! Heat rose from her breasts to her neck, and she was grateful for her dark skin so that the embarrassed blush wouldn't show.

  She'd never felt more exposed in her life.

  One of the women in the room wept softly. Two of them looked like drugged zombies, their eyes glassy, empty, as if they'd had their souls ripped from them. One was Soreelian, with red dots over her body. Although the normal red dots had turned a pale pink as she stared lifelessly at the ceiling.

  Soreelians were vivacious creatures, full of life and laughter. She'd never seen one so subdued, so frightened. The small woman's body trembled, and a red tear rolled down one cheek.

  Bastards. What had they done to her? Soreelians were a peaceful race. They wouldn't know conflict, had no experience with it. To have one of their women taken against their will was unheard of. Their race died without freedom of choice.

  This was why she was here and she needed to slap herself across the face with that harsh reminder. Her assignment wasn't about what she liked and didn't like. Her comfort didn't matter. She was here to free these women and prevent others from being imprisoned.

  A female with bowed head approached with a wand-like device in her hand. Lord, she hoped it wasn't going to be another electrical zapping. When the woman waved the wand over her legs, she felt a warmth envelop her skin, but no pain.

  "What are you doing?" she asked the woman.

  The woman glanced over at one of the guards, who nodded. Without making eye contact with Marina, she said, "I am removing all your body hair."

  Okay, that she could live with. The wand cast a warm glow within her, tingling slightly as the woman waved it over her pussy. Marina watched in rapt fascination as the hair on her sex completely disappeared. Soon, all her body hair had been removed.

  She wished she had one of those devices on Earth. This was the way to remove body hair!

  Of course, now she was more exposed than ever before, especially since the guards pulled her legs apart and refastened her bindings to the very edge of the table. When they tilted the table slightly backwards, her sex was pointing toward the glass wall.

  She wanted to look away, didn't want to watch the men ogling her, but then she spotted a familiar male form in the center of the throng.


  Her heart sped up at the sight of him. He was dressed in brown suede pants that laced at the crotch and a loose-fitting white shirt open halfway down, revealing his bronzed chest. Damn, he looked like one of those ancient cowboys of Earth, hard and muscled and dangerous as hell. Her mouth watered at the sight of him. His gaze was trained only on her, and even though he stood some distance away she saw the heat in his eyes, turning them a molten amber.

  Relief washed over her and she suddenly felt safe again. And not so alone. Strange how someone she barely knew could make her feel so comforted, especially considering what was about to happen.

  Then it occurred to her that he was seeing her completely naked. She wished her arms were free so she could cover herself, which was ridiculous since Kaden had already seen her sex, up close and personal at the restaurant. She might as well get over her embarrassment, because this wasn't going to get any easier.

  Zim, the slave master she met earlier, approached with what looked to be some funky looking gun. It had a long barrel and a trigger, but the end of the barrel widened, and in between was some kind of shiny metal, curved into a U-shape.

  Oh, this didn't look good. She squirmed, to no avail of course. Whatever it was he had in his hand, she wanted no part of it.

  She watched him closely as he laid the barrel against her left nipple, very afraid that she wasn't going to like what was about to happen.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Silence!" He glared at her. "Relax, woman. This will not hurt."

  Yeah, right. She'd heard that one before.

  She tensed and he pulled the trigger.

  Heat seared her breast. Not painful, it was like slipping into a very hot bath. Her breast warmed and her nipple tingled, then the sensation disappeared.

  Glancing down at her breast, she saw that he had pierced her nipple with the curved metal. It was silver, shimmering against her dark areola. Zim performed the same task on her other nipple.

  Finally letting out the breath she'd been holding, she relaxed a bit. Not that she cared a whole lot for this way of branding females. At least it hadn't been a form of torture.

  She'd never been one for body adornment, but, admittedly, the dangling silver didn't look too bad.

  "The Dom who purchases you at auction tonight will affix the jewels of his choosing to your nipples. And to your sex," he added, right before pressing the barrel to her clit and firing.

  Marina stiffened as the heat washed over her, then calmed when it
quickly dissipated. She assumed the same type of silver jewelry now adorned her clit.

  "You will find these quite enjoyable, especially as a reward," Zim said, leaning over and caressing her cheek. She shuddered, revolted by his touch and the way he leered at her. "You need only act the obedient submissive and you will find many pleasures here in Xarta."

  Uh-huh. Nothing appealing at all about becoming some man's slave, even if that man was Kaden. Reminding herself that she was here for a valid reason, she didn't respond to the slave master.

  She'd save her act for the auction tonight, where she'd let them all know she wasn't about to become some man's play toy.

  When Zim moved away, she caught sight of Kaden again. He stood in front of the glass wall with his arms crossed over his chest and a wicked smirk on his face. Her gaze traveled over his body and focused on the sizeable erection pressing against his pants. Her pussy flared and moistened, her mind awash with images of his long cock plunging inside her cunt.

  He arched a brow and offered her a half smile. Hell, he knew what she was thinking, knew he affected her physically.

  If he thought she'd be embarrassed by all this, he was wrong. She was doing her job and she always succeeded in her assignments. She would not take this personally, she would not get involved, and she would not continue to think the hot thoughts she'd been thinking about Kaden.

  By the time this farce had reached its conclusion, she'd most likely feel nothing but loathing for him. He was, after all, an inherent Dom.

  And she sure as hell was no man's submissive.


  Kaden was mesmerized by the sight of Marina's pussy glistening in the harsh light of the viewing room. Beads of moisture glistened on the bronzed lips of her newly pierced cunt.

  He remembered the sweet taste of her and his cock tightened against his pants.

  Soon, very soon she'd be his to command. The thought enticed him, had been on his mind in the days since he'd last seen her.

  His arrival on Xarta had been mixed with the welcome feeling of home and an alien-like experience. This place wasn't at all like he remembered, which shouldn't surprise him. One of the reasons he'd left the planet was the sweeping change in the way domination and submission was handled.

  He'd never condoned slavery. There were too many women willing to become submissives for Xartanians to have to resort to kidnap and slavery. He'd thought it was an anomaly, something that wouldn't be tolerated on his home planet.